40 Years in America |
Musical Chairs
Kathryn Coman and Dan Fefferman
Kathryn Coman
I was on Regis Hanna’s OWC team in the Northwest region in Jan.-Nov. 1973. When we got to Seattle, Washington, Helen Chin (I think) was state leader. Susan Miller was her assistant.
I went to Belvedere for training in Nov. 1973. Within a week of my arrival, Father sent us to Washington to visit Congressmen. It was the first work done by the National Prayer and Fast Committee (at least I think it was a committee). I was asked to do the office work for the committee. Our office was in FLF’s office. I remember working side by side with Sydelle Enyeart. I have fond memories of typing these metal things for use by the Addressograph machine, for future mailings. After I’d been there about a week, Gary Jarmin (then head of FLF) went to Chicago for a leaders’ conference. He returned from the conference, breezed through the office, and then disappeared.
By the time I left Seattle in November 1973, Dan Holdgreiwe was our State Rep. I don’t remember exactly how long Susan stayed in Seattle after the team arrived.
Dan Fefferman
Let’s see then... Gary goes to a conference in Chicago, where I had just been sent to fill in for Jack Korthius, who had left without notice for Vegas. Sue Miller goes to Seattle, where Dan Holgreiwe is. Kathryn leaves FLF for Seattle. I take Gary’s place at FLF. Dan leaves Seattle for FLF...
What is this, musical chairs?
Kathryn Coman
It sure felt like it. From 1972 until 1977, I had 15 mission changes. Everywhere I went, these musical people kept turning up.
Gil Roshuni and Terry McGuire (that name bring back any memories?) were in Seattle when I was. I remember Denise Schneps during my brief trip to DC prior to Seattle. Of course, in Belvedere, music was the thing constantly. Then there was my stint in Barrytown.
My workroom adjoined Sunburst and thus I became acquainted with Larry Moffit and Frank Grow, among others. Of course, every time there was any type of rally, Dan Fefferman would pop up with guitar in hand. I even gave it a shot myself. Anyone remember a sister with long blond hair playing the guitar and singing at the celebration at the end of our 7-day fast for the Japanese wives in front of the UN? That was me! I have no idea how or where I got the guts for that. Must of been the fast. Well, I could go on and on, but musical chairs certainly describes my life then.
Dan Fefferman
No, no. no. no. no!!! One thing is wrong. Dan Holdgreiwe came from Seattle to FLF in early ’74, after you went to Seattle from FLF. If Susan (Miller) came to FLF from Seattle, she didn’t stay there long because she and Gary were both gone when I got to FLF in late ’73.
Actually, I had been at FLF in early ’73. Then went to HSA Publications to edit the first edition of Divine Principle. Then to Belvedere training. (Hey, Dan Holdgreiwe was there too...what’s going on here?) Then to Idaho as State leader and future Senator. Then to Chicago. Then (I think?) back to Belvedere to edit the 2nd edition of Divine Principle and prepare to lead the 12-person mission to Israel that never happened. And then back to FLF, to become the director of the Prayer and Fast for the Watergate Crisis.
(I get tired just thinking about it.)
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