True Family Values |
Joong Hyun Pak and Andrew Wilson |
Chapter 5 - Reaching To The Spirit World [Part 1]
5. Our family pledges to strive every day to advance the unification of the spirit world and the physical world as subject and object partners, by centering on true love.
The relationship between the spirit world and the physical world is like that between a person's mind and body. God created the incorporeal, spirit world alongside the material, physical world according to the pattern of God's dual characteristics of internal nature and external form. God created human beings according to this same pattern, as beings with duality of mind and body. Just as mind is the subject partner to the body, the spirit world is the subject partner to the physical world. Just as a person acts according to plans first formulated in his mind, events in the physical world are to a large extent the results of processes begun in the spirit world.
The fifth pledge discusses the role of the spirit world in human life. Having been given dominion over the creation, human beings are the lords of both the spiritual and physical worlds. The human mind connects with the spirit world and the human body interacts with the physical world. In a real sense, our mind and body is the microcosm which controls the macrocosm -- the spirit world and physical world-through its resonance with them. The key, therefore, lies within ourselves. When we align ourselves properly, we can tap into the inexhaustible power of the spirit world to bring us prosperity and victory. Furthermore, since our ultimate destiny is to live eternally in the spirit world, we should use our time on earth to prepare for life in that world.
The Three Stages of Life
Our period of life on earth is nothing compared with eternity. The physical universe is fifteen billion years old; in comparison a human life passes like the morning dew. God and the spirit world are eternal. Time in the spirit world bears little relation to ordinary time. There is no dying, no pain of loss. Jesus gave us assurance of eternal life, saying, "He who believes in me, though he die, yet he shall live, and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die." (John 11:25-26) One way of understanding human life in the context of eternity is by considering it as having three stages: life in the womb, life on earth, and life in the spirit world.
In the womb, the fetus lives in a warm, dark, watery world with little room to move. Yet it has a dependable source of nourishment in the placenta, which links it with its mother. At the moment of birth, the fetus finds it quite a shock to leave the comfortable dark and watery environment of the womb for the lights and sounds of the delivery room. The umbilical cord is cut, and the placenta, that reliable source of life-giving nutrition, is cast aside. From the point of view of the fetus, this birth may seem like "death," but in fact it is a transition to the next stage of life.
On earth we live in the world of air, light and sound. We have much greater freedom of movement in this world. The physical body provides the spirit with a dependable home. It takes its sustenance from the earth, and its deeds nourish the growing spirit. At the time of death, a person is beset by fear and anxiety. The soul is about to leave the world of air and light and sound, composed of gross matter, for an unfamiliar realm whose atmosphere is love. The body, its familiar home, is cast off. The umbilical cord which connects the astral body to the physical body (the "silver cord" in Eccl. 12:6) is severed. This thing we call death is in fact "the birthday of your eternity" (Seneca), the transition to a new stage of life. The newly-born spirit finds himself in a realm of light and love, with unlimited freedom of movement. He would no more want to return to the restrictions of earthly life in a body than an infant would wish to return to the womb. Benjamin Franklin once said:
This life is rather an embryo state; a preparation for living. A man is not completely born until he dies. Why, then, should we grieve that a new child is born among the immortals-a new member added to their happy society. We are all spirits. That bodies should be lent to us while they can afford us pleasure, assisting us in acquiring knowledge, or in doing good for our fellow creatures, is a kind of benevolent act of God. When the body becomes unfit for these purposes and affords us pain instead of pleasure, and instead of an aid becomes an encumbrance, and answers none of the intentions for which it was given, it is equally kind and benevolent that a way is provided by which we get rid of it. Death is that way.1
While on earth, our spirit feeds on nutrients from both the physical world and the spirit world. We receive life elements of God's love and truth from the spirit world and vitality elements through the deeds of our body in the physical world. Both types of nutrients are necessary for the growth of our spirit. Some spiritually-oriented people make the mistake of thinking that spiritual growth only requires becoming attuned with the spirit world. If they neglect loving and serving others with earthly concerns, however, they miss the most important matter in spiritual growth. The Great Commandment, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind" (Matt. 22:37), when practiced, connects us with the spirit world which nurtures us with life elements. "You shall love your neighbor as yourself" (Matt. 22:39) describes the way to receive good vitality elements by doing deeds of kindness and love in the physical world.
In the womb we originate from love and from God: The love of our parents and the love of God meet at conception to produce new life. On earth we embody love and embody God: We grow through the school of the family to maturity of love, to realize our divine nature. In the spirit world we go back to love and to God: The spirit world is ruled by love, and God is its center. The psalmist said, "I lift up my eyes to the hills. From whence does my help come?" (Ps. 121:1) We should look to the eternal spirit world to find God and the purpose of our life. If people truly understood the nature of the spirit world, they would live their earthly lives with their eternal destiny foremost in mind. If people understood that every action on the earth is recorded in the spirit, and that in the spirit world there will be a complete accounting, who would dare commit crime? If people understood that the spirit world is the world of mental and spiritual reality, who would bother spending so much effort to acquire and hoard material things?
A Tour of the Spirit World
The cosmos is vast beyond imagining. With the Hubble telescope scientists have estimated that the physical universe contains over fifty billion galaxies. Each of those galaxies contains millions of stars like our sun. How many of them have planets teeming with life? What manner of life-forms live there? Our knowledge of the physical universe is like a grain of sand on the seashore. Even scientists should be humble before the Creator of the universe. The spirit world, the other half of the cosmos, extends even further and is almost uncharted. Were our vision clear, we would see countless planets and realms. Yet, just as our pollution has obscured our vision of the night sky, our own materialism has obstructed our connection with the spirit world.
Mediums and spiritualists have described some of its realms. Yet because they hold diverse teachings, their spirituality being at various levels, they may see different regions of this vast spirit world and produce descriptions at variance with each other. Other researchers into the spirit world have developed reliable information, among them the Swedish scientist Emanuel Swedenborg. We can find broad agreement on a general outline of the spirit world and its geography. In this regard, we offer the following description of the spirit world taken from an account published by Dr. Sang Hun Lee. z
Dr. Lee begins by describing God's original design for the spirit world, the damage done to it by the human Fall, and its process of restoration. God created the spirit world as the world where human beings attend God and live a life of eternal happiness after completing their life on earth. Happiness in the spirit world flows from a life of loving. Love is perfected during earthly life by attending God and Christ and by graduating the Four Realms of Heart in a family centered on true love. The family centered on true love, having realized the Four Position Foundation, continues forever in the spirit world. We will enjoy eternal happiness in the spirit world, living in God-centered, eternal conjugal love, God-centered fraternal love which extends to all humankind, and God-centered love of nature. Living itself will be total ecstasy. A life of love involves no weariness; it is always refreshed by the life force.
Originally, the spirit world was to be a unitary realm, full of love's ecstasy. Due to the human Fall, however, people on earth never formed true families, and thus could have little experience of true love. Worse, many were so degraded that they lived a wholly self-centered existence. Just as humanity on earth fractured into warring tribes and nations, barriers were erected to divide the spirit world into various realms, distinguished by the character and beliefs of their inhabitants. We call this the non-Principled spirit world.
God's providence to restore the Kingdom of God on earth will transform the non-Principled spirit world to its original joyful unity, called the Principled spirit world. Its appearance is a new phenomenon in our own time. The changes and commotion accompanying its appearance have barely begun to be noted in the channeling of contemporary psychics. This new realm grows as people who pioneer the path of forming families of true love pass over to the other side.
A. The Non-Principled Spirit World
Our tour begins with the non-Principled spirit world, populated by the vast majority of people who have not established true families. People on earth vary widely according to the degree of their love and to what extent they lived a life of goodness. Though they co-mingle during earthly life, in the spirit world they separate. According to the various qualities of earthly people's inner, spiritual lives, they come to reside in one of the three major levels of the non-Principled spirit world: hell, the lower heaven, and paradise. In addition, there is an intermediate realm, the transitional spirit world, which serves as a way-station on the person's journey to his final abode.
1. The Transitional Spirit World
The transitional spirit world is the realm closest to the earth where spirit persons stay temporarily when they first enter the spirit world. After a stay lasting from a few days to a few years, spirits journey either downward to hell or upward to one of the heavenly realms according to their own will.
Figure 8: The Structure Of the Spirit World
People journey to this realm immediately upon death, guided by angels and spirits of the departed. The trip is like being lifted in an elevator, or like passing through a gate. On arrival, the newcomers may experience the warm and comforting embrace of a transcendental being gleaming with rays of white light. Some of their relatives, intimates, and acquaintances welcome them with joy and remain with them for a time before returning to their own places.
When a spirit arrives at the transitional spirit world, his speech and actions become totally unconstrained. He can express in words whatever he thinks and do whatever he wants to do. Having shed his physical body, he suddenly realizes that he has profound wisdom, as if his intellect had grown fifty-fold. Although the newcomer may cling to his old habits for a while, before long he will accustom himself to the laws of spirit world. Earthly honor, knowledge, position, property and wealth are of no use. Earthly desires have no meaning. The only treasure which he brings with him from his earthly life is the quality of his life on earth evaluated from the perspective of truth, beauty and goodness.
Before long, there occurs the so-called "mirror of judgment." All the events in the newcomer's earthly life replay before his eyes. All his deeds are displayed in images like a movie to the surrounding spirit people. Hidden good deeds and secret sins are exposed for all to see. This occurs not for meting out reward or punishment, but for determining the spirit's level. Those who welcomed him and then witnessed the mirroring ceremony will befriend the newcomer and lead him to his proper dwelling place-either paradise, the lower heaven, or hell-according to the law of affinity to one's own kind. There is no coercion involved. Once the spirit has formed a bond with a guide of his own level, he willingly follows him to the appropriate destination.
Often among the first to welcome the newly-arrived spirit is his spouse, if she had passed over before him. Should their personalities clash after spending time together in the transitional spirit world, they will go their separate ways forever. If they were an exceptionally close and loving couple on earth they will want to remain together, and provided they are fit for heaven, they will. It is an error to think that couples on earth inevitably separate in heaven; Jesus' counsel that there is no marriage after the resurrection (Matt. 22:30) was specifically in response to a question about a man who had married seven times. Swedenborg reported that conjugal love in heaven is exceptionally joyful. It is infused with divine life, founded upon the spiritual marriage of Christ and the Church. (Eph. 5:23-33) Like married couples on earth, couples in the spirit world will have the opportunity to receive the Blessing and enter the Kingdom of God.
Spirits normally stay in the transitional spirit world from three to fifty days before leaving with their guides. Some spirits remain, however, wandering about the earth, possessing earthly people or appearing as ghosts. This happens because they do not realize that they have died. When eventually the earthly objects of their affections pass away, these spirits come to their senses and move on.
Newcomers express surprise at the beauty of the transitional spirit world, which is filled with flowers and singing birds. The environment of the entire spirit world, except for hell, is very beautiful. The higher the level, the more beautiful it is.
2. Hell
Hell is populated by people who lived predominantly self-centered lives while on earth. On earth they pursued only their own interests while committing falsehoods, deceptions, injustice, robbery, murder and rape. Even if outwardly they led respectable lives, their hearts festered with jealousy, hatred, avarice, lust, anger and complaint. After they pass over into the transitional spirit world, fellow spirits of hell who witness the newcomer's past in the mirror of judgment lead him to hell. Hell is subdivided into three levels. All of them are dark, stinking, clammy and dismal. They are distinguished according to the severity and persistence of the evil committed by their denizens.
The first level, immediately below the transitional spirit world, is a dim and fetid station. There self-seekers of all kinds-thieves, swindlers, fornicators, adulterers, deceivers, betrayers, drunkards, gluttons, hypocrites, the arrogant, miserly and self-righteous-endlessly fight each other with faces filled with hatred and rage. Some spirits have the faces of goblins, with half the face cut off, missing an eye or a nose, or with stretched, pointed ears. Others look like satyrs, having the upper body of a human and the lower body of an animal.
Rare spirits in this realm repent of their sins and convert to the path of goodness, helped by the prayers and efforts of their descendants. They must go through many difficulties to find an exit, a stairway leading upwards. Outside the exit in the upper world, waiting angels and good spirits welcome and guide them to a brighter existence in the lower heaven.
The second level of hell, beneath the first level, is much darker and gloomier. The inmates there have their legs stuck in the earth like the roots of trees. These wretches are destined to live immobilized for hundreds or thousands of years. Many committed suicide. Though suicide may not be considered a crime in this world, in the spirit world it is a felony. Others committed cruel murders.
The third level of hell appears even more gloomy and dismal. Imagine the oily, befouled coast of Alaska after the Exxon Valdez oil spill, reeking with an atmosphere of thick black smoke. Spirits are submerged in a black oily bog, from which they emerge only long enough to draw a deep breath before slipping back under the surface. They continue this existence for thousands of years. Other wretches stand upright like stone poles, sometimes heaving a deep, deep sigh. The inmates of this hell include tyrants and mass-murderers.
Nevertheless, hell will not remain forever. The light of salvation will shine even on spirits imprisoned in the darkest hell. In the course of establishing the Kingdom of God on the earth, a way of liberation will also open for the spirits in hell. Since hell in the spirit world was created due to hell on earth, once the latter disappears, the former will also disappear. The Divine Principle states, "God intends to abolish hell completely after the passage of time necessary for each individual to make restitution for his sin." (Resurrection 3.3)
3. The Lower Heaven
Conscientious people, the charitable, patriots, educators, the virtuous, truth-seekers, etc. who made efforts to do right while on earth, dwell in the lower heaven. Whether or not they believed in religion, they sought to live a life of goodness according to their conscience. Their goodness was sincere and not for show or self-promotion. From the standpoint of the Divine Principle, the inhabitants of the lower heaven are form spirits, having grown to the formation stage in their spiritual life. Their inner goodness and level of heart is comparable to that of the good people of the Old Testament Age, the age of justification by deeds. Spirit people who lived in the Old Testament Age dwell in this heaven, now joined by countless others of every culture and faith.
The spirit people living here and in higher levels have minds like glass boxes. They know each other's thoughts and live with others of the same mind. Countless villages inhabited by people of every variety of culture and creed are spread throughout this world. The occupants of these villages greet a newcomer by silence. But once the villagers get a sense of his mind, they welcome the stranger with great hospitality. He soon becomes their close companion as they communicate heart-to-heart.
This world is bright and filled with warm sunlight-in fact, the light of love. It is incomparably more beautiful than earth. Its mountains, fields and rivers, with meadows full of flowers and birds singing in the trees, enthrall the mind and heart. Spirits at this level wear pure white clothes and can fly in space. Since time and space do not exist in their earthly meaning, spirits can travel wherever they wish and meet the people of the past. In the spirit world, a sense of the continuance of a certain state is "time," the scope of the mind's interest is "space."
In this realm are many inventors, scientists, artists, and musicians who work cooperatively for the benefit of the earth. They design and create things out of spiritual substance which will one day become the inspiration for inventors, scientists and artists in the physical world. Earthly people invariably conceive new creations and inventions which have already been made in the spirit world.
Many spirits in this level come down to the earth to assist earthly people and guide them to pursue a life of goodness and love. By so doing, they participate in the process of returning resurrection, and they gradually ascend to higher levels. (Resurrection 2.3.3) Others serve their fellow spirits, staffing schools for teaching unbelievers the truth about God and kindergartens for children who passed over in infancy.
4. Paradise
Paradise (Luke 23:43, 2 Cor. 12:3) is situated above the lower heaven. It is far brighter and more splendid, with magnificent mountains, azure rivers, fields of flowers with sweet fragrance, and lovely music rejoicing the mind and heart. In its upper levels people live in a state of ecstasy, totally immersed in all the beauty that surrounds them. Paradise has three levels.
Those who dedicated themselves to a life of goodness while on earth dwell in the lowest level of paradise. Many good Christians reside here, as well as many non-Christians of comparable goodness, truthfulness and compassion. From the perspective of the Divine Principle, these are the good people of the New Testament Age, the age of justification by faith, joined by countless others who have attained a similar spiritual level. Just as the devout Christian lives by faith in Jesus Christ, there are believers of every religion who devote themselves to God with comparable sincerity, though they call Him by other names, including Allah, Krishna, Buddha, the Essential Self or the Unmanifest Source. Seekers and righteous non-believers also, who place dedication to the truth and right above worldly affairs, can attain this high level of spirituality and merit paradise. The inhabitants of paradise are all life spirits. They wear pure white clothes which sometimes emit light.
People of advanced spirituality and love dwell in the middle level of paradise. They lived for the sake of humanity and practiced sacrificial love, even forgiving their enemies. The Buddha, Confucius, Mohammed, and all the founders of religions except for Jesus Christ dwell in this realm. Each taught in his own way about the same divine Source of love and manifested Him in his person. The saints who took up their missions and imitated their examples also dwell in this realm. Light shines from their pure white clothes, and around their heads shines a golden-edged halo.
The love these saints expressed on earth, though mature, did not reach beyond the fraternal realm of heart. Love of neighbor, love of humanity and loving one's enemy are all extensions of brotherly love. Even Confucius, though he taught the ethics of the family, gave excessive emphasis to the duty children owe their parents and did not clearly explain about the downward love of parents for children. None practiced or taught the perfection of love in the family, which requires completing the Four Great Realms of Heart. From the perspective of the Divine Principle, their love does not surpass the level of Adam and Eve prior to the Fall, while they were still growing towards maturity, marriage and becoming true parents. Therefore, the people in this realm dwell at the level of the highest angels, below the top of the growth stage.
Jesus alone dwells in the upper level of paradise, ruling the entire spirit world with the love of God. (Now, Jesus assists Heung Jin Nim as the spirit world's new sovereign.) The beauty of this realm is incomparable, like love itself. As the unique Son of God, Jesus stands in a class by himself, even though while on earth he taught a level of brotherly love no different from the founders of other religions. Nevertheless, because he did not establish a family Four Position Foundation, Jesus does not dwell in the Kingdom of God, which is reserved for true families only.
B. The Principled Spirit World
God's original intention for the spirit world was that it consist of only one realm, the Kingdom of God in heaven. Spirit persons who have perfected the Four Position Foundation on earth pass over into this realm. Today, with the appearance of people who have received the Blessing and established true families, this realm has been newly opened. It is called the Principled spirit world.
Although a single realm, the Principled spirit world nevertheless divides into regions according to the love attained by the families who dwell there. Spirit persons who could cultivate only a relatively small love dwell in the lower regions; those whose love is greater dwell in higher regions; and those whose love is greatest dwell in the highest region. Furthermore, even within the same region there exists a distinction between center and periphery. Families who took on central responsibility for the providence on earth are placed in more central positions, and families who took on lesser missions on earth dwell in relatively outer positions.
Although by this time hundreds of blessed family members have entered the spirit world, only a small number of them, such as Heung Jin Nim, Dae Mo Nim (Exalted Grandmother) Hong 3 and Hyo Won Eu, are qualified to live in the Kingdom of God proper. Most dwell in a newly-opened realm between the Kingdom of God and paradise called the threshold level. The threshold level is the temporary dwelling-place of people who passed on while still in the process of completing the Four Position Foundation. Although all blessed families will one day abide in the Kingdom of God, they remain in the threshold level during the course of restoring the non-Principled world to the Principled world. They are the ones who share in the first resurrection. (Rev. 20:6) The threshold level is above even the highest level of paradise, and is incredibly beautiful.
Because people who have received the Blessing belong to the Principled world, they enter the Kingdom of God or the threshold level directly without having to pass through the transitional spirit world. In fact, some people in the threshold level, had they not received the Blessing, would not be qualified to enter even the lower heaven. This alone shows how great is the value of the Blessing.
Even though more and more people are becoming qualified to enter the Kingdom of God, in actuality this realm is empty. No one lives in its dazzling, radiant palace surrounded by twelve citadels inset with pearly gates. No pedestrians walk upon its streets paved with gold and silver or listen to the heavenly music of its birds singing in chorus. Why? The True Parents, the Lords of the Kingdom of God, still live on the earth. Likewise, even its small number of heavenly citizens have descended to the earth and to the lower realms to assist in the work of restoration.
The Subjective Role of the Spirit World
Dr. Lee mentioned that spirits from the higher realms have come down to earth and are working here for our benefit. Indeed, a veritable army of spirits have descended to give invisible influence to our world. One reason to learn about the spirit world is to better understand the reality of life here on earth. Spiritual influences are many and various. They give some people luck and cause others misfortune. An amazing stroke of fortune or a crushing blow can occur seemingly without reason, but the cause can in fact be clearly known if one has access to the spirit world.
Human beings are the lords of creation, endowed with dominion over both the physical and spiritual worlds. We have used science and technology to harness the physical world for human benefit; technology enhances our ability to create, to communicate and travel all over the globe. Likewise, we should understand how to harness the spirit world to enhance our power for the spiritual work we do. When our True Father sets out to accomplish seemingly impossible goals, he goes forward with full confidence because he harnesses the power of the spirit world. We need to learn his secret wisdom and do the same in order to he successful in our life's work.
The Family Pledge describes the relationship between the spirit world and physical world as subject and object partners. It does not say that the spirit world is the subject partner to ourselves. God created human beings with mind and body to rule over the spirit world and the physical world. With the mind we can govern the spirit world, and with the body we can govern the physical world. At the same time, the relationship between mind and body should be as subject partner and object partner. Proper governance of the cosmos begins when we establish the correct subject-object relationship between our mind and body. Thus, Rev. Moon's maxim: "Before you dominate the world, first dominate yourself."4
When you establish in yourself the proper relationship between your mind as subject partner and your body as its object partner, you become the microcosm that resonates with the macrocosm, the spirit world and the physical world. You stand as the mediator and center of harmony between the two worlds because you have set up that harmony within yourself. For its part, the spirit world rejoices to find in you a channel to work its will on the physical world. Although countless spirits long to do good works on earth, they require a responsive mediator through whom to act. By establishing yourself in the proper position, you can meet the needs of the spirit world and become the focus of its attention.
Spiritual Inspiration and Our Response
Let us take some examples. It is well known that the abilities of psychics vary according to their emotional state and the spiritual environment. In the presence of skeptics they are often disarmed and unable to show their powers. Healers testify that their healing works best when the patient is open and welcomes the work. Even Jesus, that greatest of healers, said to the ones who were healed, "your faith has made you well" (Mark j:34), and could not do many healings in the face of pervasive unbelief. (Mark 6:5-6) This illustrates the principle that the subject-object relationship between the spirit world and the physical world is mediated through human beings. Doubt and skepticism block the relationship, and hence block the spiritual work. Faith opens the door for receiving spiritual help.
Spiritual inspiration lies behind the creative work of all great inventors, scientists and artists. In Dr. Lee's tour of the spirit world he saw spirits working in laboratories creating the stuff of invention that would be communicated to earthly scientists years later. Why is it that so many inventions and scientific discoveries are made almost simultaneously by several researchers in different parts of the world working in isolation from each other? When the time arrives for a new invention to be bequeathed to the earth, the spirit world will work through several channels at once.
Numerous accounts abound of scientists receiving the key to new discoveries in dreams or in flashes of unearthly insight. One celebrated example is the elucidation of the structure of benzene by the German chemist Friedrich August Kekule. He had puzzled for years over how its six carbon atoms and six hydrogen atoms link together. (Ordinary hydrocarbons are built of straight chains of carbon atoms, but a chain of six carbon atoms with the stability of benzene would require fourteen hydrogen atoms). One night Kekule fell asleep in his chair, and in a dream he saw snakes biting their tails and whirling around like hoops. He awoke and immediately realized that the six carbon atoms of benzene link together in a ring. With that discovery, all the facts of organic chemistry known up to that time fell into place.
Artists, poets and musicians since antiquity have acknowledged the Muse as the source of their creative genius. The words or music just comes to them, as if from a higher source. Take, for instance, this self-description by Mozart:
When I feel well and in a good humor, or when I am taking a drive or walking after a good meal, or in the night when I cannot sleep, thoughts crowd into my mind as easily as you could wish. Whence and how do they come? I do not know and I have nothing to do with it. Those which please me I keep in my head and hum them; at least others have told me that I do so. Once I have my theme, another melody comes, linking itself with the first one, in accordance with the needs of the composition as a whole: the counterpoint, the part of each instrument and all the melodic fragments at last produce the complete work. Then my soul is on fire with inspiration. The work grows; I keep expanding it, conceiving it more and more clearly until I have the entire composition finished in my head though it may be long.5
Mozart was graced with the inspiration of music. He received his melodies from the spirit world. Furthermore, he knew what to do with them. He knew what to keep and what to discard, and how to develop them into a composition in accordance with the best of his art. By the time his "soul is on fire with inspiration" he would already be in the midst of co-creating a work of art whose initial seed had come to him as a gift from heaven.
Spiritual guidance from heaven often arrives cryptic and vague. Even True Father's directions, which we believe to be accurate in every respect, often are stated in only a few cryptic phrases. How much more uncertain is the guidance through a spiritualist, medium, palm reader or thrower of Tarot cards, who has to hazard an interpretation of words and symbols! The fact is, spiritual guidance must be couched in this way, with meanings hidden in obscure and ambiguous speech. According to the Divine Principle, people must exercise their portion of responsibility to understand the inspiration given from God and the spirit world. We are not meant to be led around by angels-all spiritual guidance is by nature angelic-but to exercise dominion over the angels as responsible agents through our own wisdom. Otherwise, if spiritual messages were explicit, we would be little more than servants of those angelic beings, only doing their bidding. To give us the dignity of co-creators, God gave us responsibility to chart our own course with limited information, for example:
God could not instruct Cain and Abel on how to properly make their sacrifices because it was their portion of responsibility that Cain make his sacrifice with Abel's help. -Foundation 1.4
God had directly revealed to John [the Baptist] that Jesus was the Messiah, and... he said, "I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, "Make straight the way of the Lord," and declared that he was the one who had been sent before the Christ. Therefore, John should have realized through his own wisdom that he was the returning Elijah. Even if he not did not realize this fact, since God had revealed to him that Jesus was the Messiah, he should have accepted the testimony of Jesus and, in obedience, proclaimed himself to be Elijah. -Messiah 2.3
Our responsibility begins with effort to understand heaven's guidance with a public mind. Any selfishness or conceit may blind us to the will of heaven. Therefore, when Rev. Moon says not to interpret his directions, he means we should not wriggle out of the path of sacrifice by cleverly reducing Heaven's request into something comfortable. We must anyway interpret what we receive in a cryptic and vague form, but we should do so with a public mind, following the Principle, ready and willing to take on whatever burden may be required. Then we will not go wrong. Our responsibility ends with action. In attempting to carry out a spiritual direction according to the best of our understanding, the direction will often become crystal clear.
All spiritual inspiration goes for naught without the training and motivation of the earthly people to make use of it. Everyone has an occasional flash of inspiration, perhaps the theme for a new song or the idea for a new invention. Usually we don't know what to do with them, so they slip in and out of our heads while we carry on with our ordinary lives. On the other hand, those scientists and artists who received the most exceptional gifts of inspiration invariably knew what to do with them. Because they had trained themselves for many years and had mastered the tools of their field, or because they were at such a high level as to be working on the cutting edge of knowledge, their minds could be responsive to the movement of spirit. When the inspiration came, they understood its meaning and acted upon it. They had the resources and the motivation to work at turning that inspiration into a physical reality. It is said that invention is five percent inspiration and ninety-five percent perspiration. The spirit world looks for such prepared people to entrust with their most precious knowledge. They want to cooperate with earthly people who will strive every day to bring their spiritual design to fruition in the physical world. Such people will complete the link between the spirit world and the physical world as subject and object partners.
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