True Family Values |
Joong Hyun Pak and Andrew Wilson |
Chapter 7 - The Culture Of Heart In The New Millennium [Part 2]
The Original Lineage
Biological life has the ability to reproduce itself. Animals and plants grow to maturity and produce their seed, bequeathing their genetic essence to subsequent generations. Individual organisms die, but their seed continues. According to the Bible, when God created plants and animals, He gave them each a unique seed through which to multiply and maintain their species. (Gen. 1:11, 21, 24-25) In that seed is the design which immutably determines what kind of creature it will become. Biologists can trace the DNA of our genes back through billions of years to the first living things. Life continues in an unbroken lineage. Living things will not hesitate to sacrifice even their lives to continue the lineage. For example, the male praying mantis allows the female to eat it when it mates. Salmon, after growing fat in the ocean over several years, swim up river to spawn and give up their last ounce of life as they mate and deposit millions of eggs. Regardless of the fate of an individual, as long as the seed is produced to propagate the next generation, the chain of life remains intact and the species survives.
Among all creation, humankind is endowed by God with a special seed that is spiritual as well as physical. This seed contains the design for us to grow into the image of God (Gen. 1:27) and endows us with spirit. As it is written, "The Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life" (Gen. 2:7), our nature is both physical and spiritual. Our seed is likewise both physical, containing the human genetic blueprint, and spiritual, containing the seed of our eternal divinity. The propagation of this seed is the most crucial matter for human existence. Therefore, the Bible tells us that when God created human beings, the first words He uttered in commandment were to "be fruitful and multiply." (Gen. 1:28) God gave Eve to Adam as a companion and helpmate, and endowed human beings with the blessing of sexual love. (Gen. 2:20-24) Conjugal love entails a spiritual as well as physical union, joining soul to soul as well as body to body, because its purpose is to propagate a seed which is spiritual as well as physical. Thus, God created human beings to enjoy sexual intercourse face to face and in all seasons. Most animals mate quickly, mounting from the rear, and only during a brief mating season for the purpose of physical reproduction. Human love alone is intimate and continual, sustaining an enduring spiritual relationship between a husband and wife which is multiplied as a spiritual essence in the children.
"Blood is thicker than water." More than language, culture or geography, the fundamental connection among humankind is that of lineage. The Bible is permeated with concern for lineage. God set the Israelites apart from the surrounding nations by their special lineage through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The priesthood of Israel was restricted to a single lineage, established by the faithfulness of Aaron and Phineas. Matthew lists Jesus' ancestry through 42 generations. (Matt. l:1-17) In the Orient, families still prize their family tree and keep careful records extending back many generations. Traditional Korean parents carefully investigate a prospective spouses' lineage before approving a marriage. The quality of one's lineage is a source of great pride.
Human history at the deepest level concerns the flow of lineage. God created humanity's lineage, particularly its spiritual aspect, to endow us with eternal life and true love. This precious endowment was precisely what Satan attacked and defiled at the human Fall. When Lucifer seduced Eve and she in turn seduced Adam, they joined in a perverted kinship of blood which yoked the human race to the lineage of Satan. Sin disrupted the parent-child relationship between God and humankind. Humankind became alienated from God. (Rom. 5:6-10) Instead of being God's children, Adam and Eve's descendants became offspring of Satan, as Jesus said, "You are of your father the devil and your will is to do your father's desire." (John 8:44) Rather than bearing the image of God, we came to resemble animals, or worse. (Jer. 17:9, Rom. 1:23) Our fallen nature, our evil actions and our bad hearts all derive from the fall of Adam and Eve, when we lost our divine inheritance and patrimony. The bloodline from parents to children is the conduit for the hereditary transmission of characteristics and proclivities. Clearly, the effect of sin is passed on, generation to generation. (Exod. 20:5; Ps. 51:5)
God in His love has been working throughout history to prepare a new seed of His original lineage. God chose Abraham, a man of faith, and from his seed He established a special people, Israel: "Because he loved thy fathers, therefore he chose their seed after them." (Dent. 4:37)' Although Israel traversed a stormy and difficult course, with many occasions of faithlessness, God always preserved a remnant of Israel as the "holy seed." (Isa. 6:13) The history of God's people in the Old Testament is central to human history because it is the trunk line of God's work to restore His original lineage. This history would be consummated with the appearance of Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son (Matt. 3:17), who bore the fullness of God's lineage and came to restore all humankind to God's lineage as His true children.
Thus, Jesus related to God as his Father, and taught us to do the same. (Matt. 6:9,15,18; 7:11; 10:32; 11:27; 12:50) Through receiving Jesus, every person can receive rebirth as a child of God, "For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith" (Gal. 3:26), and be transformed inwardly through the forgiveness of sin, "No one born of God commits sin; for God's nature abides in him." (John 3:9) Jesus said, "You must be born again." (John 3:3) The most essential requirement for salvation is that we separate from Satan's stained lineage and be born into the pure and original lineage of God. To be born requires parents; Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the True Parents who give spiritual rebirth to humankind.
Within the chosen people, God prepared a unique godly seed, which would one day bear fruit in Jesus Christ. When Matthew listed the genealogy of Jesus from Abraham through King David to Joseph and Mary, he recognized the importance of lineage in understanding the identity of Jesus. In addition to tracing Jesus' lineage to Abraham, the father of faith, and to King David, from whose line the Messiah must descend, the genealogy of Jesus includes five notable women. This hints at God's long struggle to purify the lineage of Jesus through the heroic and often misunderstood actions of the faithful mothers of Israel. The story of Tamar in particular reveals a woman who risked her life to maintain the chosen lineage. To accomplish the will of God-her son Perez would become David's ancestor-she was placed in a situation where she had to defy convention and conceive in an unusual way. Her faith restored the mistake of Eve and purified the womb of a future mother who would bear the child Jesus. Mary, too, had to defy convention and risk being exposed to charges of sexual immorality, punishable by stoning to death, in order to guard the precious life of Jesus in her womb.
Jesus appeared as God's only begotten Son. Besides Jesus, no human being since the Fall of Adam and Eve had carried the seed of God's original lineage. Yet, he died on the cross without ever marrying and having a family of his own. Was this outcome the intended will of God? Jesus called himself the Bridegroom and spoke in a parable about a wedding feast to which the invited guests did not come. (Matt. 22:1-10) In veiled language he was describing his difficult situation: lacking the support of his family or the people of Israel, he had no foundation to be properly married. Rumors swirled about that Jesus was an illegitimate child; what self-respecting woman would wish to marry him? At the marriage at Cana, when Mary asked Jesus to turn the water into wine and satisfy the wedding guests, Jesus indignantly replied to his mother, "Oh woman, what have you to do with me?" (John 2:4) Though Mary helped in the weddings of others, she neglected to help Jesus receive his bride. In fact, Jesus knew whom God had selected to be his bride and asked his mother on several occasions to arrange the marriage, but she did not. Jesus had no choice but to leave home in search of disciples and set up a new foundation for his work of salvation. Faced with this miserable situation, without a family or a household, Jesus lamented, "Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head." (Matt. 8:20) In the end, as the people disbelieved and the disciples lost faith, even this foundation crumbled. Instead of receiving his bride, Jesus went the way of the cross. Instead of establishing the original lineage through which he could build the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, Jesus died to offer spiritual salvation and promised one day to return.
Both a father and a mother are needed to propagate a lineage. Had Jesus married, he and his Bride would have become the physical True Parents of humankind. They would have established God's original lineage for all subsequent generations. As noted above, the seed of humanity has both spiritual and physical elements. The spiritual rebirth offered by the resurrected Jesus and the Holy Spirit cannot restore our lineage in its complete sense, which is physical as well as spiritual. As Christian parents, we know that our children must themselves receive Jesus Christ at baptism and be reborn; this means they were not of God's lineage at their physical birth. Furthermore, spiritual salvation through Jesus Christ has not restored the original unity of spirit and flesh. Divine love and human love remain severed, and we have relegated them to separate spheres of life. Thus, despite the coming of Jesus, the human condition remains incomplete and estranged from its original state.
Today, with the appearance of Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon as the True Parents, the seed of God's original lineage is once again present among humankind. Going beyond the cross, they have established a family through three generations and are actively working to engraft all humanity to God's original lineage. Rev. Moon proclaimed:
Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great privilege to announce to you the establishment of the first true family. My wife and I, together with our thirteen children and twenty-four grandchildren, are absolutely dedicated to serving God and humanity. With three generations in one family, we have achieved, on the family level, the central root, the central trunk and the central bud of the Tree of Life mentioned in the Bible. It is our sincere hope that you will symbolically graft into this lineage by joining us in our efforts to create an ideal nation and world.
The Tree of Life which Adam could not attain in the Garden of Eden symbolizes the hope of human beings to attain the perfection of God's love, life and lineage. In the Book of Revelation, the Tree of Life once again becomes available to humankind, who are invited to partake of its fruit and "leaves of the tree... for the healing of the nations." (Rev. 22:2) This is the family tree of God's lineage, extending from the True Parents to all humankind as they engraft into it. As discussed previously, the ceremony for engrafting into God's lineage is the Blessing.
The Original Lineage and the Culture of Heart
The family is the starting-point for society. Where the family is disordered, society will show that same disorder writ large. Humankind's start involved a mistake involving love in just one family, yet look at what evil has resulted! Confucius once said, "There is never a case where the root is in disorder and yet the branches are in order" (The Great Learning), and the Preacher taught, "What is crooked cannot be made straight." (Eccl. 1:15) Wild olive trees cannot of themselves produce the seed of cultivated trees.
For families without a root in God's lineage, love is treacherous, changeable and fading. No matter how great the parents' wealth, power, honor or knowledge, succeeding generations will inevitably stray far from their parents' standards and traditions. The family's happiness and prosperity will vanish like morning dew. Likewise, no matter how exceptional a civilization's achievements in the arts, sciences or political culture, with the passage of time it will turn to dust. The Preacher understood this truth:
I hated all my toil in which I had toiled under the sun, seeing that I must leave it to the man who will come after me; and who knows whether he will be a wise man or a fool? Yet he will be the master of all for which I toiled and used my wisdom under the sun. This also is vanity. -Eccl.2:18-19
On the other hand, God's lineage is eternal: "whatever God does endures for ever." (Eccl. 3:14) Rooted in the eternal God, it will endure as long as humanity endures. Starting from the True Parents, who established the first family realizing God's true love, true life and true lineage, the tree of God's original lineage has branches extending in all directions to families who bear the fruits of freedom, peace, unity and happiness. Families connected to God's original lineage are the foundation for the culture of heart infused with the life and love of God. Their achievements are lasting because they originate in the absolute, true love of God. As was noted in connection with the sixth pledge, the good accomplishments of blessed families accumulate merit for their descendants, making their lives even more blessed and prosperous.
God created lineage to propagate for ever; consequently, when Satan invaded humanity's lineage at the Fall, it became incredibly difficult to dislodge him. It took many millennia of sacrifice and perseverance for God to separate humanity from Satan and, by raising up first Jesus Christ and then the True Parents, finally establish His pure lineage. Now that God has established the foundation of His lineage on earth, Satan's days are numbered. God is absolute and His love is absolute, embracing all things. It far surpasses Satan's limited and self-centered love. Therefore, while Satan had the power to invade immature Adam and Eve, his love can never corrupt the strong bonds of true love uniting families living in God's lineage. God created humanity to he of His lineage; our original nature takes after His divine nature. Therefore, given the choice, people will naturally gravitate towards God and spurn the ways of Satan. Within God's lineage we can finally attain our original birthright: to grow to perfection, become God's beloved object partners, join in true families, and bear children of true love.
God's lineage is one. Externally, the Blessing unites husbands and wives as one great family. Internally, God's one love moves in the love of every couple. Rev. Moon teaches that the love of God and the love of man are one, not two. Human love, in particular the love which produces children and propagates lineage, is meant to be united with God's love. Here is the deep significance of the teaching that God's love and human love unite in the sexual organs. In the fallen world, sex and procreation have little to do with religion and God; this is a clear sign that fallen people are not of God's lineage. In God's design, on the other hand, the moment of sexual intercourse and the conception of new life is the occasion of a sacred union with God. Therefore, all the myriad husbands and wives in God's lineage naturally unite as one in the love of God, producing children who perpetuate God's lineage.
Being a member of God's lineage is of inestimable value. Compared with God's lineage, even the most distinguished human lineage pales. Anyone with the fortune to be born a Kennedy, a Rockefeller, or a member of the British royal family is proud of his family tree and takes pride in keeping his family's traditions. Should we not value God's lineage and its traditions more than they? As a member of God's lineage, we have as our sire the Lord of the universe! We are God's children. In our veins is God's blood. We should be the proud keepers of God's lineage and its traditions. Moreover, we should raise our children to value their lineage as much as we do.
In God's lineage, Jesus Christ is a distinguished ancestor. Suppose Jesus had begotten children, and they had propagated his lineage on the earth, free from sin, while keeping his tradition of love and sacrifice. Imagine meeting one of Jesus' descendants. He would no doubt be a spiritual giant. Like Jesus, he might heal the sick and live quietly among the poor. He might be a wise teacher of spiritual truth, elevating everyone around him. He might stand up like a prophet and call rulers to account. Today, those of us who are connected to God's lineage through the Blessing can be such people.
Our lineage is a precious treasure. It should be guarded and kept at all cost. By strictly keeping our sexual purity, we can maintain our connection to the original lineage. Husband and wife must remain faithful to one another and never transgress by having an extramarital affair or indulging in sex with a prostitute. As Paul wrote:
Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I therefore take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? Never! Do you not know that he who joins himself to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For, it is written, "The two shall become one flesh." But he who is united to the Lord becomes one spirit with him. Shun immorality. -1 Cor. 6: IS-18
Likewise, our children must keep their virginity. Premarital sex profanes the seed of the original lineage which they carry to the next generation. Moreover, we should make every effort to purify ourselves of all remnants of our fallen nature that we may become deeply one with God's lineage and manifest its glory.
The culture of heart will protect and celebrate sexual purity, for that is the foundation of its existence. It will reaffirm those traditional religious and moral teachings the world over which restrict the expression of sexual love to marriage. Isn't it ironic that the sexual revolution with its call for free sex has actually coarsened and corrupted love? Paradoxically, reaffirming sexual purity-the strict practice of virginity before marriage and chastity within marriage will lead to a culture in which love reigns over all aspects of our social life. True love expressed through absolute sex, not the uncertain and destructive pleasures of free sex, will be the inspiration behind cultural activities in the culture of heart.
The Unity of a Culture of Heart
The world based on the culture of heart is a unity. Love's infinite expressions have a single Source and a single purpose. Although God's love and human love have long been relegated to separate spheres, they are one in families who are connected to the original lineage. God, the Source of love, lies at the heart of every family, binding all into a global family of true love. In true love, all people resonate with God and experience God's heart as their own. Hence, they naturally help each other and act for the benefit of the whole.
Our present world lacks true love. In their self-centered desire, people everywhere erect borders distinguishing "us" from "them." My family stands against other families; my community against other communities; my nation against foreign nations; my race against other races; and humankind against the world of nature. These walls manifest our fears and insecurities. We bond with people who share the same self-interests and self-loves, while projecting our fears and hatreds upon the others on the outside. Only true love can penetrate these walls and tear them down. True love recognizes no one as the enemy. God, who is Love, regards all human beings as His children, and values all other creatures as well.
When true love is felt and experienced, the ideal of one global family can become a reality. Love embraces diversity while seeking the welfare of all. As our love expands to embrace the Earth and all its peoples, we want to travel, communicate with and understand all the varieties of the world's cultures. Externally, advances in communication and transportation, as well as a growing sense of holistic unity, facilitate this knitting together of the world's cultures into a global village. Internally, the love resonating in people's hearts spans cultural divides-a love pioneered by the international and interracial blessed couples. The world based on the culture of heart will be characterized by interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values (Parallels 7.2.7), as discussed above when considering the fourth pledge.
One of the greatest sources of division in our world is the babble of different languages. Language barriers prevent free and heartfelt communication between the world's peoples and perpetuate cultural misunderstandings. Eventually, as the people of the world grow closer in heart, they will desire to speak one language. The world has seen a succession of dominant lingua francae, including Greek, Latin and now English. Today, English is the international language for commerce and science. Since it grew to dominance for the purpose of trade, not for the sake of true love, it may not be the most suitable language for the culture of heart. Unificationists believe that the most suitable language is the True Parents' language, which happens to be Korean.
The world based on the culture of heart will thus function as a single organism. Everyone will live in harmony, resonating in true love. God, who abides in the center of every family, will become the mind of the world. People can simply follow their conscience, which is a second God, to live together in harmony and oneness. Life in this world will be naturally free, peaceful, harmonious and joyful.
Cultural Activities in the Culture of Heart
The family is the basic carrier of culture. The traditions and ways of family life mold the attitudes and values which we take to the wider world, influencing everything from tastes in movies, art and literature to choice of political leaders. Therefore, our family's practice and good example are the starting points for disseminating godly values to the culture. It is for our families to create the new culture out of the depths of their own experiences of true love.
Rock and roll, cinema and television have been the shock troops of the sexual revolution. They have been far more effective in communicating the values of the sexual revolution throughout the world than were books and newspapers for spreading Marxist politics. These cultural activities appeal directly to the emotions and stimulate the desire for sexual love. They convey the message that free love triumphs over conventional morality. They also teach that the gleaming promise of the modern world is material wealth coupled with the opportunity for success in love. Therefore, in establishing the culture of heart, we should pursue cultural activities in all these fields to challenge and overthrow the culture of the sexual revolution. Such is our True Father's commandment for culture. This is why he founded an art school, supports several ballet academies and other cultural resources, and why his son Hyo Jin Nim immersed himself in creating music, television and film. What should these cultural activities strive for?
Heart, being the core of the human personality, is expressed through the mind's faculties of emotion, intellect and will. When the heart is corrupt these faculties pursue what is equally corrupt; when the heart is pure these mental faculties seek after what is pure. Therefore, people with pure hearts pursue and seek to realize the highest ideals: The emotions seek beauty, the intellect prizes truth, and the will pursues goodness. The products of culture arise through the achievements of talented individuals who pursue these ends: the pursuit of beauty leads to works of art and poetry; the pursuit of truth leads to the achievements of philosophy, science and religion; and the pursuit of goodness leads to great theater and literature and to proper action in business, education and politics (Figure 12).
Figure 12: Heart Manifest In Culture
A survey of the arts in the twentieth century often reveals a bleak landscape with little beauty. The visual arts have largely abandoned the beauty of the human figure for intellectually arid abstraction. Instead of seeking beauty, modern art has progressed through relentless criticism of tradition (much as the Left has criticized religion and the traditional state). Cubists abandoned the human figure, and abstract expressionists abandoned form. Instead of conveying beauty, modern art has been reduced to conveying a message. Today it is time to develop art from a radically new center. To express true beauty, art should evoke the transcendent reality of Spirit in images of the everyday.
Of all the arts, music appeals most directly to the emotions. Yet "serious" music as it developed in the twentieth century after Stravinksy has been a wasteland devoid of emotional appeal. Melody, tonality and rhythm were abandoned for an intellectuality that appealed to only a small elite. Meanwhile, the center of musical creativity shifted to jazz and Blues, the folk music of American Blacks. Visceral rhythms and syncopation hinted at unconventional living and throwing off restraints. This music was taken up by the majority culture in a protest against the "square" culture of White people's Christianity. Out of this milieu evolved rock-and-roll. Not much of rock music can be called beautiful; its vitality comes through resonance with the lower emotions of the body. Yet on occasion a popular song can reach the heights of beauty and spirituality. Much depends on who makes the music. If it is composed and played by musicians with pure hearts, popular music can express the spirit of action, commitment, and pure love.
The performing arts appeal to the moral sense as well as to our sense of beauty. They tell a story, usually with a moral. They let us use our imagination to identify with the characters and place ourselves in situations which we might never encounter in normal life. Through this medium, we can better understand who we are and what we can be. Today we lament the excesses of sex and violence on television and the movies because we know that they tacitly give sanction to this deviant behavior. The greatest plays and films display the best in us, as characters are tried by their circumstances and prevail. We like to see characters who exemplify the filial son, the faithful wife, and the patriot who gives his life for his nation. We root for them to prevail through the crucible of war and surmount the temptations of false love, that in the end they might find richly deserved happiness. As the culture of heart dawns, people will be repelled by sleaze and wanton violence and will flock to films and plays showing a higher standard of goodness. For example, in a highly-rated television show, the main characters are angels who bring people to recognize God's love for them. No censor is needed to enforce morality in the arts. As people's consciences grow more acute, they will no longer patronize pornographic and immoral productions, which will die from lack of market interest.
Science, philosophy and religion should be about the search for truth. Nevertheless, philosophy in our time makes more effort to criticize received truths than to seek for truth itself. Ever since Kant, philosophers have doubted whether human beings can ever know absolute truth. We are either misled by our senses, biased by our class or cultural conditions, or misled by the hopes and dreams of our subjective psyche. Truth-in-itself eludes the philosopher because he no longer accepts the reality of God, the ground of all truth. He is left analyzing the human condition while viewing man as an orphan, alone in the cosmos. For this reason, most contemporary philosophy is destructive of moral values and ethical ideals. Without a theory of God, it can have little connection to the culture of heart. This is why Unification Thought begins with a theory of God as its starting point.
Religion is a bit better off. Despite centuries of partisanship and strife, today the world's religions are coming together in interfaith dialogue and cooperation. There is growing recognition that religious conflict is a pernicious evil and a particular affront to God.8 This is because with the dawning of the culture of heart, spiritually attuned people have come to recognize the love of the one God coursing through the hearts of believers of every faith. They are led by their conscience and by the Spirit to go beyond received dogmas and ancient hatreds and to find universal values in all religions.
Science looks for truth from an external standpoint. It has a methodological bias against admitting God into its explanations of reality. Many scientists routinely attack religious or spiritual explanations and brand them superstitions. Arrogantly thinking that existing science alone suffices to explain the universe, they have been unwilling to entertain the possibility that there exists a spirit world. In fact, this indicates that science is only in its infancy. In the future, when science adopts a holistic view of truth, there will he many undreamed-of discoveries which will lead to new technology for the betterment of humankind. Since the spirit world and physical world mingle most intimately in human beings, medicine in particular will benefit from taking a holistic standpoint. Programs promoting the unity of science and religion, such as the International Conferences on the Unity of the Sciences [ICUS], are fostering this trend.
Politics in the culture of heart should be about establishing a good society. Today we have a political system that thrives on partisanship, often at the expense of the nation as a whole. In a partisan atmosphere we tend to brand people of the other party as misguided, benighted or even sinister. Yet in reality, all sincere public servants want the best for their country. In the culture of heart where fraternal love reigns universally under the same parents, politics will be characterized by bipartisan cooperation for shared goals. The key to tempering political conflicts is to find our common parents. In the love of God and the True Parents we are all brothers and sisters, even when we might disagree.
Rev. Moon promotes "Headwing" thought to embrace both the right wing and the left wing in a transcendent unification. The division of political culture into right wing and left wing has roots in the distant past: the right-hand and left-hand thieves at Jesus' cross. Western society internally divided into two broad viewpoints. The left-hand thief who denied Christ represents all people who hold a secular political ideology. The Enlightenment, the French Revolution, European socialism and the politics of the liberal Left are among his legacy. The right-hand thief who received Christ represents all who hold a Christian political ideology. His legacy includes the Puritans, the American Revolution and the contemporary Christian Right. Headwing thought means to recognize the value of both these political traditions and bring them into harmony. Only the power of true love can harmonize these contending viewpoints.
Business activities in the culture of heart should follow the universal principle that places the welfare of the whole first. A company is a type of family. Within the constraints of a competitive marketplace, it should look after the welfare of all its employees. As many Japanese and American corporations have discovered, cooperative and collaborative relations between workers and management can actually improve productivity and give a company a competitive advantage over those plagued by adversarial labor-management relations. Relations between management and employees should be characterized by loyalty and mutual respect. A company president or CEO should not create resentment among the workers by taking an exorbitant salary. At the same time, workers should not greedily insist on excessive wages that would damage the company's competitive position in the market.
In the abundance of the Kingdom of God, people will no longer be bound to the drudgery of laborious and unpleasant work. Computers and technology will replace these jobs, leaving people to be creative and inventive. Careers in the arts, music, science, education and human services will be far more plentiful than today. People will follow their hobbies and avocations and do the kinds of work they enjoy most. For instance, people who enjoy the beauty of nature can earn income at the same time by guiding others on tours and fishing or hunting trips. Rev. Moon has called the culture of heart a "hobby culture." As the distinction between work and hobbies dissolves, the world of work will be filled with joy and enthusiasm.
Education should also foster goodness. Unification Thought distinguishes two types of education: universal education and individual education. Universal education is meant for everyone. It is education of heart and morality to foster good character and good citizenship. Individual education is particularized according to the talents of the student. It includes academics, physical education, technical and vocational education, and classes in art, music and other creative subjects. These develop personal creativity and the seeds of genius implanted in each person. A balanced education includes both universal and individual aspects. Unfortunately, today's schools concentrate only on academic and technical subjects proper to individual education while ignoring the education of heart and morality. As a result, students lack a foundation of character and ethics. The family has the primary responsibility for teaching about love and morality, but when it is not continued in the schools, young people easily lose their way. In the culture of heart, schools will see themselves as extensions of the family. Teachers will have a large-hearted love for their pupils as though they were their own children. Because there will be agreement on universally shared values, parents and teachers will readily cooperate to make the school experience supportive of the norms taught in the home.
To conclude: in the arts, philosophy, science, religion, politics, business, education and many other fields, culture should manifest the goodness and love of a true family. Since families only thrive to realize true love if they guard sexual purity, culture should encourage such a healthy lifestyle. This is a call for creative people to fashion artistic works and social policies which will foster a culture of heart. The world based on the culture of heart will exalt the values of truth, beauty and goodness. In every way it will contribute to human flourishing and world peace.
1. Sang Hun Lee, Fundamentals of Unification Thought, p. 32.
2. Sun Myung Moon, "The True Family and I," September-October, 1995.
3. Ibid.
4. See Ken Sudo, "Godism and Headwing Thought," lecture, February 5, 1996.
5. KJv
6. Sun Myung Moon, "View of the Principle of the Providential History of Salvation," Washington, April 16, 1996.
7. Sun Myung Moon, "True Parents and the Completed Testament Age," MayJune 1993.
8. See, for example, Hans Kung, Global Responsibility (New York: Crossroad, 1991 >.
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