Truth Is My Sword Volume I - Collected Speeches in the Public Arena |
by Bo Hi Pak |
Background to Specific Speeches and Organizations
The speeches in this volume cover a broad period, basically from 1978 to 1999. They were generally written and delivered in a public setting. To help guide the reader, this section briefly introduces the various organizations that served as the forum for most of Dr. Pak's speeches in this volume.
American Leadership Conference
The American Leadership Conference was created as a forum for prominent national, state, and local leaders to address matters of fundamental concern to the United States of America-the birthplace of modern freedom, the leader of the free world, and a nation founded on immense sacrifice and faith which today faces serious moral and social obstacles. The American Leadership Conference has worked to prepare an informed, committed, and moral leadership to guide America into the 21st century. Over 10,000 prominent leaders, including more thousands of state legislators and other state and city officials, have attended the American Leadership Conference since its founding in 1986. American Leadership Conference speakers and participants since its founding include U.S. Senator Albert Gore, Senator Orrin Hatch, Senator Jesse Helms, the Honorable Geraldine Ferraro, and numerous other distinguished leaders and statesmen.
The American Leadership Conference has specialized in providing elected officials with a clear insight into international affairs and the moral underpinnings of the American experiment in governance. Conference presenters have compared competing political and moral views and explored the personalities and issues that determine world events.
The ALC program has stressed that value systems make a difference, pointing out that materialism, whether of the consumer or the dialectical strain, cannot respond to humanity's intrinsic needs. The ALC notes that the United States was founded on the basis of a consensus that self-evident truths exist and holds that principles, such as belief in a Creator and the notion of a transcendent meaning to human existence, continue to shape American law and conduct. The conference establishes the need for Americans to evaluate the relevance and continuing implications of our founding beliefs as we approach the 21st century.
Dr. Pak has played a central role in the creation and program development of the American Leadership Conference. For many years, he opened each of these conferences and was known as "Mr. Bubbling Enthusiasm" because of the hope and optimism which he shared with the always appreciative audiences.
Association for the Unity of Latin America
Under the motto, "In the unity of our nations rests the glorious future of our peoples" (Simon Bolivar, 1783-1830), the Association for the Unity of Latin America (AULA) was founded by Reverend Moon in January 1984. The primary purpose of AULA has been to promote activities that will facilitate a greater unity among Latin American countries. AULA takes its inspiration from the ideals of the liberator Simon Bolivar, as well as the thought and inspiration of other great Hispanic-American patriots who championed those same goals and objectives. AULA has sought to revive the rich heritage of the heroes and heroines of the independence movements.
The First General Programmatic Conference of AULA took place in Paris, France, during the week of May 20-27, 1984. Additional conferences were held in Rome, Montevideo, Cartagena, Madrid, Mexico City, Santo Domingo, and other locations. The Ninth International Conference of AULA was held in conjunction with the Eleventh World Media Conference and the Third Summit Council for World Peace in Moscow, USSR, on April 9-13, 1990, under the theme, "Perestroika and Glasnost: Implications for Regional Soviet-Latin American Relations." AULA stresses that freedom, stability, development, and prosperity will result from the unity of Latin American nations and peoples. AULA has worked to promote the community of Ibero-American states-Portugal, Spain, and all Latin American countries.
Eventually the community would be represented by a legislative body, a judicial court, and an economic market, as prescribed in a popularly ratified constitution. AULA strongly supports efforts at democratization, economic integration, and regional cooperation, as reflected in the Organization of American States' Santiago Commitment and in the creation of free trade zones and customs unions such as MERCOSUR and NAFTA. Under the leadership of Reverend and Mrs. Moon, Dr. Pak has worked with AULA since its creation. Dr. Pak has spoken on behalf of Reverend and Mrs. Moon at various AULA conferences, and the speeches included here express his appreciation for Simon Bolivar and his ideal of the unity of the Americas.
Communications Media
Reverend Moon has long championed a free and responsible media, and Dr. Bo Hi Pak has played a key role in the realization of that noble vision. Dr. Pak served as the first president and chairman of the board of the Washington Times Corporation, which publishes The Washington Times, the weekly magazine Insight, and the monthly academic journal The World & I. In addition, Dr. Pak served as president and chairman of the board of News World Communications, Inc. Besides being the founding company of The Washington Times, News World Communications publishes two other daily newspapers, the New York City Tribune as well as Noticias del Mundo, a Spanish-language newspaper which is nationally distributed. News World Communications also operates the Free Press International news service and publishes the weekly newspaper Middle East Times and Tempos del Mundo, the first hemispheric Latin American newspaper.
Reverend Moon created the World Media Association as an international consortium of individuals and organizations concerned with advancing a high standard of journalistic ethics and furthering awareness of the responsibility of media to fight vigorously for freedom of expression. Dr. Pak served as founding president of the association. The World Media Conference has met on a regular basis to examine the role and responsibility of media within the framework of current and historical issues and events. As many as ninety nations have been represented at a single conference. The World Media Conference has brought together major figures in electronic and print journalism with media scholars, government officials, social scientists, and statesmen. Under Dr. Pak's guidance, the World Media Conference has brought to its deliberations a clear premise: To uphold the value of free and responsible media as being indispensable to democracy and the survival of free societies, and to encourage the establishment of these freedoms in countries where they do not exist.
The association has sponsored fact-finding tours for media professionals and opinion leaders to crucially important areas around the world. Such tours have enabled participants to gather first-hand experience in vital areas, interact with leaders of nations, as well as leaders of the national media and opposition parties, and investigate topics of special interest to the individual participants.
CAUSA International
Included in this text also is the inspiring testimony of Dr. Bo Hi Pak which was shared at seminars and conferences of CAUSA International. It is well known that in the 1960s and 1970s the United States was fraught with moral and ideological confusion. American radicals and even the mainstream media became outspoken in their opposition to the American military presence in Vietnam, accusing the United States of imperialism and genocide. Paradoxically, after the communization of Indochina, the same individuals were silent while more than one million Cambodians died at the hands of one of the most barbaric regimes in history and while hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese died on the high seas in an effort to escape the draconian circumstances created by the communist takeover of the South. While various American groups did protest America's indifference to communism's advances throughout the world, there was little evidence that an organized, viable, grassroots response to communism was developing in America until Reverend Sun Myung Moon founded CAUSA International in 1980.
As a prisoner in communist North Korea during the Korean War, Reverend Moon engaged in conversation and debate about Marxism with prison guards, judges, and officials. He recognized that the key to responding to communism lay in developing an ideological critique of the elements of Marxism-Leninism. This led him to create the International Federation for Victory Over Communism (IFVOC) in the early 1960s. Rev. Moon commissioned Dr. Sang Hun Lee, a medical doctor and a former communist, to assist in interpreting his counterproposal to communism. Stemming from this effort, educational programs providing a critique and counterproposal to Marxism were developed first in Korea and later in Japan and the United States.
Prior to founding CAUSA International in 1980, Reverend Moon had already taken dramatic steps to awaken Americans to the need to reaffirm the democratic and religiously oriented principles of America's founding fathers. In 1973 and 1974 Reverend Moon sponsored and spoke at banquets for civic and religious leaders in all fifty states. At each banquet, he spoke of America's role as the heir to the world's democratic and theistic tradition. He also addressed this same issue in 1976, when he spoke at Yankee Stadium in New York and at the Washington Monument grounds in Washington, D.C.
When the Carter administration failed to apply balance in its application of human rights to foreign policy, Reverend Moon warned that to punish right-wing authoritarian dictatorship while cajoling Marxist totalitarian regimes would have serious consequences. Indeed, communists used the smokescreen of human rights to help to establish brutal dictatorships in places such as Ethiopia. In July 1979, the Carter presidency even welcomed the Sandinistas' initial rise to power in Nicaragua which resulted in the creation of a pro-communist state on the American continent. The United States also suffered profound humiliation when members of the American Embassy in Teheran became hostages of Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini for 444 days. It was precisely because of America's failure to provide moral leadership on such issues that Reverend Moon sent Dr. Bo Hi Pak to Latin America in 1980 to initiate the activities of CAUSA International. Educational programs were conducted for virtually every sector of leadership in almost all Latin America by the beginning of 1983.
In February 1983, CAUSA conducted its first seminar for North Americans. With the success of that inaugural program, CAUSA USA was established. More than 70,000 American clergymen, as well as numerous other civic and retired military leaders, studied the CAUSA USA educational program, and focus groups were created for Christian ministers, retired military, and legislators. Among the retired American military who attended were more than half of all retired full Generals and Admirals. In December 1985, CAUSA International and the National Center for Constitutional Studies organized the first joint program for state legislators. Over 200 legislators attended that initial program.
Following that conference, the American Leadership Conference (ALC) also began its activities. The ALC included a bipartisan invitational committee of legislators from every state. Thousands of state legislators and other political leaders from around the country participated directly in ongoing ALC conferences.
CAUSA as an organization made great progress during its history and indeed so has the world. The Berlin Wall has fallen. The Soviet Union has been replaced by fifteen democratic republics. All of Eastern Europe has repudiated Marxism. Nicaragua has returned to democracy, and democracy has also been established in Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, and Uruguay. Marxism is now essentially a shameful vestige of the past, similar to Naziism and the Inquisition.
Although various individuals have attempted to pride themselves on their contribution to the downfall of communism, the question still remains: Where would the world be if Sun Myung Moon had not created The Washington Times, CAUSA International, the International Security Council, and numerous other organizations during the height of the Cold War? Reverend Moon's initiatives reached the top leadership as well as the grassroots, helping to foster a fundamental attitudinal change toward Marxism. In his CAUSA speeches, Dr. Pak repeatedly emphasized that in the struggle against communism, the key issue was theism or atheism or as he expressed it "God or no God." Dr. Pak's comments reflect the upbeat, positive fashion in which CAUSA approached the problem of communism, one of the reasons which caused the movement to be sufficiently broad to reach across lines of race, creed, and class.
CAUSA International Military Association
The CAUSA International Military Association (CIMA) was founded in 1985 to reach particularly the retired military in the United States, share with them the CAUSA worldview, and elicit their expertise and experience in reaching out to the next generation of Americans to instill in them an appreciation of freedom and the price paid for it. Although CIMA reached various levels of retired military personnel, it is noteworthy that more than one-half of all retired four-star generals and full admirals attended CIMA conferences by the end of 1986, and CIMA played an important role in the founding of the American Leadership Conference. As a career military officer, Dr. Pak had a particular affection for these military officers, many of whom had served in the U.S. military during the Korean conflict, and his sharing with them was often personal, warm, humorous, and, on some occasions, tearful.
Reverend Moon's Imprisonment In Danbury
Attacks on the Unification Church, nevertheless, continued with an intense tax investigation and the bringing of charges against Reverend Moon. To prosecute Reverend Moon, the Internal Revenue Service had to violate its own guidelines, and Reverend Moon became the first immigrant in U.S. history to be subjected to imprisonment for the very first tax return which he had ever completed. In Senate subcommittee hearings, which took place in 1984, Sen. Orrin Hatch exposed the groundless nature of the charges. However, Reverend Moon was convicted and incarcerated in a federal prison. In speeches delivered during and after that period, Dr. Pak explained the nature of the case, the enormity of the injustice, and provided firsthand testimony of the life of Reverend Moon, including the very trying circumstances of this period and Reverend Moon's unswerving commitment to do God's will even in American prison, which he could have avoided had he chosen to remain in his homeland of Korea, which had no extradition agreement with the United States.
Family Federation for World Peace
The Family Federation for World Peace (FFWP) was founded by Reverend and Mrs. Moon as the culminating initiative of all of the organizational efforts of their entire ministry. This took place in Washington, D.C., in 1996. Reverend and Mrs. Moon since the beginnings of their ministry have taught that healthy, truly God-centered families are the foundation for healthy, well-adjusted nations. FFWP teaches that the values that promote peace in the world community are a direct extension of the values that promote peace within individual families.
The Family Federation maintains that the family is the school of love and that within it family members learn about the different faces of love, as a child, as a brother or sister, as a husband or wife, and as a parent. The Family Federation holds that each family is meant to establish a tradition of true love, that is, a love that is selfless and unchanging, and that through such love human beings can come to know the nature of God. Specifically, the FFWP promotes the responsibility of parents to care for and love their children; to guide them to the highest moral, physical, and intellectual standards; and to protect them from abuse and exploitation. FFWP emphasizes that the responsibility of husband and wife is to maintain purity in conjugal love, upholding the ideal of marital fidelity, while the responsibility of children is to love and respect their parents.
A society made up of families that follow this standard has the capacity to overcome even the deepest and most pervasive social problems. FFWP is strongly committed to promoting this vision. On the historical occasion of the founding of the Family Federation, Dr. Bo Hi Pak was chosen to introduce Reverend Moon. In his testimony Dr. Pak shared many of Reverend Moon's great accomplishments but stressed that for Reverend Moon, nothing is more important than addressing the most fundamental problems, which is to heal the many forms of suffering which still exist in the family. In 1998, Hyun Jin Moon, a graduate from Harvard Business School, was installed as Vice President of the organization.
Federation for World Peace
The Federation for World Peace (FWP) was founded in 1991, recognizing the important role played historically by the League of Nations and currently by the United Nations in promoting world peace but also calling for a pursuit of world peace and unity at a level which transcends politics and national interest. FWP is a confederation of organizations and individuals cooperating to establish the groundwork upon which lasting peace must be based.
The FWP is committed to provide education which will deepen our knowledge of the nature of God, the nature of man, and the character of their relationship, which will increase respect and esteem for human rights and values. It is also committed to gathering together individuals through forums and conferences in the common pursuit of solutions to world problems and to promoting the recognition of human rights throughout the world. Operationally the Federation functions as an instrument of cooperation between governments and peoples and is meant to unite scholars, entrepreneurs, and present and former government leaders in the pursuit of international peace. Dr. Bo Hi Pak was chosen by Reverend Moon to serve as the first President of the FWP; his speech of August 28, 1991, outlines the fundamental purpose and objectives of FWP
Federation of Island Nations for World Peace
The Federation of Island Nations for World Peace (FINWP) was founded by Reverend and Mrs. Moon in 1995. FINWP especially focuses on the unique problems and challenges of island nations, creating a forum where they can exchange their common concerns, establish consensus in addressing common problems, and seek a cooperative path in realizing sustainable development and ecological balance.
Like the Federation for World Peace, the Federation of Island Nations for World Peace recognizes that the solution to its unique challenges lies in more than politics or economics; it requires a commitment to God and absolute values. At the time of the founding of FINWP in 1996, Dr. Pak addressed the participants on behalf of Reverend and Mrs. Moon, providing insight into Reverend Moon's life and the motivations which led to the creation of FINWP
The Fine Arts
Creativity is a fundamental God-given legacy shared by all humanity and expressed in many diverse art forms. From making the traditional beauty of the Little Angels and the Universal Ballet Company available to audiences throughout the world, to the awarding of scholarships to promising artists, Reverend Moon and members of the Unification group have endeavored to assist people in their creative efforts. Among Unificationists,
Dr. Bo Hi Pak has been a pioneer in the realm of the fine arts. In 1965, Reverend Moon instructed Dr. Pak to initiate the Korean children's singing and dancing troupe known as the Little Angels of Korea. These graceful and charming young ladies have brought joy and entertainment to millions of people throughout the world. In sixteen world tours they have given more than 2,000 performances in forty countries, and have appeared in 200 special television performances.
Described by The New York Times as "a phenomenal company," the Little Angels, dedicated and spirited young ladies aged seven to fifteen, were specially selected and trained in Korean folk arts to perform around the world. They do so under the sponsorship of the Korean Cultural Foundation. The Little Angels have achieved the honor of representing their Korean elders in the presentation of a proud history and civilization. Every famous art group maintains its own home theater, and the Little Angels realized this dream when the Little Angels Performing Arts Center opened on November 13, 1981, in Seoul. In conjunction with the Little Angels Arts School, the center stands as a symbol of Korean peace, and provides a location for cultural exchanges between East and West.
Based in Seoul, the Universal Ballet Company was created in 1984 to combine the traditions of Western classical dance with the purity and simplicity inherent in Oriental culture, confirming the suggestion in the company's name that dance is a truly universal art form. In March 1989, the Universal Ballet Academy was dedicated in Washington, D.C.
Universal Artists Management was founded in 1981 and has broadened the purview of the Unification community's interest in the arts. UAM has brought renowned performing artists and ballet companies of the West to Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand and vice versa. An affiliate, Artists Association International (AAI), is committed to advancing idealism and beauty in the arts. The arts are a spiritual resource-precious, noble, godly, and fundamental to our well-being.
Recognizing the potential power of the arts as a constructive force, AAI encourages artists to use their unique talents to influence humankind in a positive way. AAI endeavors to illuminate the meaning and purpose of art as it relates to our values and ideals. Among AAI's activities are the International Conference of the Arts, held annually in one of the world's cultural capitals, the publication of a journal on the arts, the Young Artists Program, and the gala benefit for the Young Artists Program. Dr. Pak's remarks on the occasion of the third annual AAI Conference-which took place in London, England, in 1989-assess the impact of a growing secular culture upon arts and culture and establish the importance of the relationship between God and the artist's creativity.
International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences
The International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences (ICUS) was founded by Reverend Moon in 1972 in order to promote harmony among the various scientific disciplines as well as emphasize the guiding role which moral values are meant to play in scientific development. The Conferences, held on a regular basis throughout the world, have helped to foster communication and understanding and led to the creation of numerous other academic networks, which in turn have helped to promote cooperation among academics and academic institutions who share a common commitment to the ideal of World Peace. Reverend Moon has usually spoken at these Conferences, recommending a guiding theme for the Conference. Dr. Pak regularly assisted Reverend Moon at ICUS conferences and on numerous occasions was invited to serve as a plenary speaker. Dr. Pak's speeches at these programs helped to introduce and contextualize the work of Reverend Moon and his teachings.
International Security Council
The International Security Council (ISC) was founded in late 1984 and, throughout the closing chapter of the Cold War, served as a focal point for defining the most important political, economic, diplomatic, and military issues, regional and global, that derived from the Soviet totalitarian threat which affected the security and stability of the free world. The ISC was committed to educating responsible leaders and the general public in the formulation and implementation of a comprehensive strategy aimed at defeating Soviet aspirations and transforming the character of such societies by promoting democratic values. The ISC brought together in locations around the world appropriate to the theme of each conference statesmen, scholars, former senior military officers, diplomats, and government officials. Original papers were presented by authorities and strategists in international politics, economics, defense, intelligence, diplomacy, and law as the basis for intense discussion. These proceedings were published and disseminated widely before the bar of public opinion.
The ISC provided the public with a responsible and expert voice on international security affairs, unencumbered by political and diplomatic constraints. Through the aggregate knowledge and experience of its distinguished membership, the ISC served as an unparalleled resource for the critical examination of vital international security issues. The ISC also published Global Affairs, a quarterly journal, which provided a discriminating forum for statesmen and scholars to voice their views on the strategic, political, social, and economic aspects of global security. Representing Reverend and Mrs. Moon, Dr. Pak regularly attended ISC deliberations. Included in this volume are the insightful remarks which Dr. Pak offered at the opening of the ISC Conference on International Terrorism which took place in Tel Aviv, Israel, in 1986.
The Korea Hearings and Reverend Moon, Washington, D.C. (1977-78)
In 1977 and 1978, several congressional committees conducted a wideranging review of the crucial issues in Korean-American relations. These included assessing the need for a continuing presence of American troops in Korea. It also included an investigation into the alleged lobbying activities of Korean citizens in the United States. Hearings such as these, on the one hand, can bring to the fore those who are most high-minded and public-spirited in Congress, but too often they also become dominated by forces with a predetermined and often tangential political agenda. Such was clearly the case in the hearings of one of the subcommittees on KoreanAmerican relations.
The House Subcommittee on International Organizations was chaired by Donald M. Fraser (D-Minn.). Congressman Fraser's hearings, which began on February 3, 1977, were intended to investigate certain aspects of Korean-American relations. In the course of these hearings, hundreds of witnesses were interviewed and numerous headlines generated. Overall the hearings lacked balance and objectivity. Behind the smokescreen created by concurrent investigations of the House into alleged influence-buying improprieties, Congressman Fraser launched the equivalent of an inquisition targeting the beliefs and activities of innocent individuals and organizations as a way to discredit them and, ultimately, fulfill his long-standing desire to disrupt Korean-American relations. In the worst tradition of a few sordid congressional investigations that have tarnished the otherwise distinguished reputation of the Congress, Mr. Fraser abused the power of his subcommittee without regard to the protections guaranteed by the First Amendment, the procedures of the House, or even the rules of evidence.
One of the main targets of the Fraser investigation was Reverend Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church. In press releases, leaks, public documents, and statements, Congressman Fraser played on the sometimes controversial nature of Reverend Moon's church, alleging "operational" ties between the Unification Church and the government of South Korea. The leaks of the Fraser subcommittee led to patently false and damaging press accounts regarding Reverend Moon's goals and the nature of his work.
As a special assistant to Reverend Moon, a Korean, a member of the Unification Church, and the head of the anti-Communist Radio of Free Asia and the Korean Cultural and Freedom Foundation, Dr. Bo Hi Pak was singled out by Congressman Fraser for special attention. Dr. Pak was accused of being an agent of the KCIA and called before the subcommittee to answer questions. The statements which appear in this book are Dr. Pak's reply to the accusations which were indiscriminately leveled against him, his church, his religious leader Reverend Moon, and his homeland of Korea. Included here are his opening statements on the occasion of the four hearings which took place in the spring and early summer of 1978.
The reader will note that at the first hearing Dr. Pak refutes the subcommittee's allegations. At the second hearing he protests the illegal actions of the U.S. Congress and State Department in the investigation and pleads for restitution. In the third hearing he turns the tables on the subcommittee chairman and investigators, revealing their real motives in the investigation. Finally, in the fourth appearance before the subcommittee on June 22, 1978, Dr. Pak answers Congressman Fraser's public attack of June 6, 1978, on Reverend Moon. This last testimony sets out the full extent of Congressman Fraser's abuse of power; how he had continuously and consistently used his position to harass the Unification Church; how he had lied and tried to trick Reverend Moon and then manipulated the media to discredit him. On the day before Dr. Pak was to give this public testimony, Congressman Fraser moved the hearing into closed or secret session, effectively barring the press and the public. At a press conference the following day, Dr. Pak released the statement he had prepared for the subcommittee. At the same time he announced a $30-million lawsuit against Congressman Fraser and two of his aides for "conspiracy to violate" the constitutional rights of the Unification Church. We have included Dr. Pak's fourth statement in its entirety in this collection.
These statements are historical in that they clarify much that has not been revealed prior to this about the nature of the Korean-American investigation as well as the inquisitorial antics of the U.S. Congress and executive branch. They also provide insight into the beliefs and works of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon. These statements typify the sincerity of Dr. Pak's effort to cut through the expediencies of the Korea hearings and illuminate more fundamental truths about the heritage of his homeland of Korea, the mission of America in the world, and the ways in which God is striving even today to address the human condition and realize the bright future which He seeks for His children. It is worthy to note that Mr. Fraser failed in his bid to use the Unification Church as fodder in his campaign literature to rise to U.S. senator. Mr. Fraser was unexpectedly and dramatically upset in a primary and lost his congressional seat in Washington altogether.
Summit Council for World Peace
The Summit Council for World Peace was created by Reverend and Mrs. Moon to provide a forum for current and former heads of state and government and other world leaders, allowing them to harness their experience and statesmanship in the quest for peace. The Summit Council for World Peace holds that true peace can only be founded not on differences but on values which human societies share and uphold. The Summit Council maintains that a key uniting factor in advancing world peace will be the long-held spiritual laws and principles which are common to all great civilizations. These include faith in God, the central role which spiritual values are meant to play in determining human conduct, and the role of the family as the guiding paradigm for all other social relationships.
Founded in 1981 as a non-sectarian, non-political, and non-profit entity, the Summit Council describes itself as "a private, independent, goodwill organization whose purpose is the promotion of friendly relations among the peoples of the world." Through its numerous conferences which have attracted world leaders such as former U.S. Presidents George Bush and Gerald Ford, former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, and Nobel Peace Prize awardee Oscar Arias, former President of Costa Rica, the Summit Council has explored issues such as peace in the Mideast, the resolution of the division of Korea, and models for economic development and protection of our environment.
The Summit Council has committed itself to studying and seeking solutions to the problems which adversely affect those relations. It acts as a facilitator and advisor for the achievement of peace and development and provides a forum and an organization for world leaders where their wisdom and experience may be utilized, and their initiatives may be discussed and implemented in the service of world peace and the betterment of the human condition.
Dr. Pak served as President of the Summit Council for World Peace from its founding in 1981 until 1997. It should be noted here that the Summit Council played an important role in coordinating the visit of Reverend Moon to Moscow in 1990 and to Pyongyang in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in 1991.
Included in this collection on the Summit Council are a number of speeches delivered by Dr. Pak which specifically relate to the Summit Council's efforts to promote dialogue, peace, and understanding between the two Koreas.
The organizations listed above are only some of those in which Dr. Pak has played a central role in articulating the vision of Reverend Moon. Hopefully the speeches included in these volumes offer insight into that vision as well as a glimpse into the heart and personality of Bo Hi Pak, an extraordinary individual who has dedicated his life to God and to uplifting his fellow human beings in Korea, Japan, the United States, Latin America, and throughout the world. He has done so with the blessing of his wife, Ki Sook Pak, and their six children: Grace, Jonathan, James, Julia, Yun Sook, and Samuel; who are a real testimony to the power of Dr. Pak's words and to an exemplary and sacrificial lifestyle.
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