The Tradition, Book One |
by Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak |
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Chapter 15
Shimjung Candles
Shimjung Candles1 have the ability to diminish Satan's power. As they burn, the spiritual atmosphere changes, becoming more pure and holy.
When we use them, we comfort God's heart. He recognizes that we are striving to become His true sons and daughters and to help Him ultimately to fulfill His original will.
On January 5, 1966, True Father gathered the president and nine regional leaders. of the Korean church and, after explaining their significance, bequeathed one candle and one box of matches to each. Father referred to these as Shimjung Candles.
Format Used by True Father To Bequeath Shimjung Candles and Matches
Materials and Preparation
Ten new candles and ten boxes of matches were purchased and sanctified with Holy Salt in preparation for endowment to the ten leaders. In addition, one candle holder was used.
Sanctifying the Candles True Father divided the ten new candles into three piles and placed them (horizontally) in the formation of the three positions shown in diagram 15.2, and prayed.
His Shimjung Candle was set in the candle holder, placed in God's position, and lit with a Shimjung Match. After praying he took this candle (while it was still burning) and held it for a few moments above
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the piles of candles which occupied each of the other three positions according to the following format: Adam, Eve, Child. He replaced his Shimjung Candle in God's position again and prayed.
Bequeathing the Candles. Father distributed one of the sanctified candles to each leader and prayed. All leaders stood side by side in a line directly in front of True Father and each held the candle in his two hands (diagram 15.1). Father lit his own candle with one of the Shimjung Matches.
He prayed as follows, although these are not his exact words:
After Adam fell, he lost the source of his real life and love (Shimjung). Man has continued to fail You in heart. Because of this failure, You have had to engage in restoring fallen people. Keeping in mind Your suffering heart, each of us desire to occupy the position of restored Adam. Please feel our determination to restore all things. Whenever these Shimjung Candles are burned, may the flame they produce comfort Your heart, and remind You of our dedication to accomplish Your will. Whenever we burn them and pray, may we further strengthen our determination to restore ourselves.
True Father then asked each to extinguish his candle (for the traditional method, refer to this chapter: Extinguishing Candles), and also extinguished his own.
Sanctifying the Matches In order to prepare to bequeath the Shimjung Matches, Father also divided the new boxes of matches into three groups and placed them in each of the positions shown in diagram 15.2. His box of Shimjung Matches occupied God's position.
In much the same way as the new candles were sanctified, Father took his box of Shimjung Matches and briefly touched it on the boxes in each of the positions. He prayed that the new matches would become Shimjung Matches.
Bequeathing the Matches. Father placed one match from his box of Shimjung Matches into each of the boxes before handing out the boxes. Each leader accepted his box of Shimjung Matches with two hands (refer to chapter 1, Attendance Etiquette: Accepting Gifts and Money for the traditional method of receiving gifts).
Bequeathing Shimjung Candles and Matches
NOTE: This section explains the preparation and procedure to follow in bequeathing a "seed" Shimjung Candle and Shimjung Matches to another person.
If a member has already received a "seed" Shimjung Candle and Shimjung Matches and needs instructions on preparing them for use, refer to Multiplying Shimjung Candles and Matches, in this chapter.
Who May Bequeath Shimjung Candles and Matches
A leader who has previously received a Shimjung Candle and Shimjung Matches from an elder member in the church may bestow both candles and matches, following the above pattern established by Father.
Major leaders and IWs, as well as national and missionary leaders, may conduct such ceremonies on an individual, departmental, national, or regional level. The director of a national Blessed Family Department or the director of the International Blessed Family Department may also hold ceremonies to bequeath candles.
Who May Inherit a Shimjung Candle and Matches
Basically, leaders should not bequeath Shimjung Candles and Matches until members have displayed a level of spiritual maturity and responsibility. Although it is not necessary for a member to be blessed to receive a Shimjung Candle and Matches, it is suggested that in most cases, leaders bequeath the candle and matches after a member has participated in an engagement or Blessing.
When to Hold the Ceremony
Although the time to hold such a ceremony is left to the discretion of the leader, two possible opportunities would be directly after a Blessing ceremony, or at a special meeting (e.g., internal guidance workshop).
Necessary Materials
Holy Salt all materials before use.
Candles. Either purchase one candle and a box or book of matches for each person who will inherit the Shimjung Candle and Matches, or have each person bring his/her own candle and matches to the ceremony.
Candles must be new; the shape does not matter, but for convenience sake they should be five to six inches in length or longer. Although Father never mentioned the color, white or light yellow are the suggested colors.
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Either books or boxes of matches may be purchased.
Sanctification Procedure NOTE: The following describes how a leader should sanctify the candles before he or she bequeaths them to members. This portion of the ceremony can be done either in front of the members or, if the candles and matches were prepared by the leader (and the members were not asked to bring a candle and box or book of matches), it can be fulfilled before the members gather to inherit their Shimjung Candles and Matches.
Shimjung Candles and Matches should be sanctified according to the section on Sanctifying the Candles, which describes the method True Father used. Several differences are noted below.
Preparing to Bequeath Less than Four Candles. In bequeathing between one and three candles, a leader should use either four candle holders or dishes.
If candle holders are used, place the "seed" Shimjung Candle in God's position and the three new candles in the positions of Adam, Eve, and Child according to diagram 15.2.
After the "seed" Shimjung Candle is lit with a "seed" Shimjung Match (diagram 15.3) the candle should be used to light the new candles in the other positions according to this order: Adam, Eve, Child (diagram 15.4).
Extra candles. If not all candles were bequeathed after sanctification, the leader should keep and use them for this purpose in the future, if possible. However, it is not absolutely necessary to do this; the leader may select to use such candles for his or her own purpose.
Preparing to Bequeath Four or More Candles. There are several basic ways of preparing to bequeath four or more candles. One. Sanctify the new candles with Holy Salt. Make groups of equal numbers of candles and place them (horizontally) in the three positions of Adam, Eve, and Child. The "seed" Shimjung Candle should be placed in a candle holder in God's position.
ONLY the "seed" Shimjung Candle should be lit (use a Shimjung Match). The other candles will symbolically be "lit" when the burning "seed" Shimjung Candle is placed above the candles in each position for a few moments. Two. Sanctify the new candles with Holy Salt. The leader may sanctify them simply by praying over all candles.
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Three. Holy Salt should be used to sanctify all candles. If hundreds of people attend the ceremony, instead of collecting all candles for sanctification, the leader may simply offer a prayer as all members stand in the rows holding their candles in preparation to inherit the light from the leader's "seed" Shimjung Candle.
Prayer. No matter which of the above categories pertains, the leader should pray based on the contents of the following:
In the name of the Holy Father, Holy Son and Holy Spirit and True Parents, I want to bless these candles with the power and significance of the Shimjung Candle initially made by True Father passed through my Shimjung Candle. I pray that this be done through Your Will.
Bequeathing Ceremony
Candles. Members should line up side by side in rows. Unless sanctification was done according to number three (in the above section), the leader should pass out one candle to each member in attendance. Each member should hold his/her candle between two hands (indicated in diagram 15.1).
Figure 15-1
15.1. Hold a candle between two hands
Walking down the row(s), the leader should light all candles from his or her Shimjung, Candle.
Prayer. When the Shimjung Candles are burning, the leader should return to his/her place, face the members and pray, as follows:
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In the name of the Holy Father, Holy Son and Holy Spirit and True Parents, I want to bless these candles with the power and significance of the Shimjung Candle initially made by True Father passed through my Shimjung Candle. l pray that this be done through Your Will.
In the name of the Holy Father, Holy Son and Holy Spirit and True Parents, I pray that You bequeath the power of the Shimjung Candle to each member here according to Heavenly Father's and True Parents' victorious foundation.
Matches. Shimjung Matches are bestowed in the same fashion Father used. Each member in attendance may receive one box or book of matches.
They may be sanctified in one of the three ways outlined above. (Refer to the section on "Preparing to Bequeath Four or More Candles.") Father put one of his Shimjung Matches in each of the boxes during the original ceremony he held. If it is possible, leaders should follow this same pattern, placing Shimjung Matches from boxes of multiplied matches in each of the boxes to be distributed, but not from their box of "seed" Shimjung Matches.
The leader should bequeath Shimjung Matches by handing one book or box to each member.
Inheriting Shimjung Candles and Matches
How to Inherit a Shimjung Candle and Matches
Members may inherit Shimjung Candles and Matches from leaders or spiritual parents who have previously received a Shimjung Candle and Shimjung Matches from an elder church member.
Candles. Members must inherit their Shimjung Candle and Matches from a "seed" Shimjung Candle and Matches in person. The leader must (according to the description in the above section) bequeath Shimjung Candles and Matches by lighting the candle of each participant in the ceremony with his/her "seed" Shimjung Candle, and through the flame, pass on the significance of the Shimjung Candle tradition.
Matches. As the leader bequeaths a box of Shimjung matches, it should be received with two hands (refer to chapter 1, Attendance: Accepting Gifts and Money, for the traditional method of receiving gifts.)
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Multiplying Shimjung Candles and Matches
NOTE: This section does not explain how a member obtains his or her own "seed" Shimjung Candle and Matches.
If a member has received them, this section will explain how to make more.
Necessary Materials and Preparation.
Candles and matches. In order to multiply a Shimjung Candle and Matches, three new candles are purchased (white or light yellow are the suggested colors), at least five or six inches in length (for convenience), as well as three new boxes or books of matches.
Sanctify them with Holy Salt.
Candle holders. Candle holders are also needed to perform this ceremony. They need not be new.
If possible, at least one candle holder should be obtained (in which the "seed" Shimjung Candle will be placed). If candle holders are unavailable or too expensive, it is possible to use dishes and a separate candle (color is optional) and matches to make a wax base which will allow the candle to be upright during this procedure. (None of these items need to be new.)
If dishes are used, take the separate candle and matches (not the new candles and matches to be multiplied), light it, and drip some hot wax on one dish. Before the wax completely hardens, place the "seed" Shimjung Candle in it, making sure the candle will stand securely. This procedure is then repeated with the candles to be multiplied, always using the separate candle and matches to produce the wax base.
It is also possible to use small bowls filled with rice or beans to support the candles.
Candles. Shimjung Candles are multiplied three at a time. First a four position foundation is formed by placing the three new candles and the "seed" Shimjung Candle according to diagram 15.2.
Then a prayer is offered, beginning with the following words, "In the name of the Holy Father, Holy Son and Holy Spirit, and True Parents, I want to multiply my Shimjung Candle . . ."
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Figure 15-2
15.2. Positions for multiplying the Shimjung Candle
Figure 15-3
15.3. Light the "seed" Shimjung Candle with a Shimjung Match
15.4. "Seed" Shimjung Candle is taken from God's position to light the new candles in the positions of Adam, Eve and Child Light the "seed" Shimjung candle with a Shimjung Match (diagram 15.3) and use the Shimjung Candle to light the other candles (diagram 15.4) in the following manner: Adam, Eve, Child. Afterwards, place the Shimjung Candle in its original position (God's position) (diagram 15.5).
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Figure 15-5
15.5. Replace "seed" Shimjung Candle in God's position
While the candles are burning, pray according to the following content:
I would like to make these new candles become Shimjung Candles in the name of God, True Parents, and my name. Heavenly Father, I ask that You be here. Let the heart of True Parents who made Shimjung Candles and endowed them to their disciples be here now. Whenever these Shimjung Candles are lit, let the foundation of God's victory expand and chase the power of Satan away. Spread a heavenly atmosphere whenever they are lit.
Matches Boxes or books of matches are also multiplied three at a time. According to diagram 15.2, the three new boxes/books of matches are to be placed in the different positions and the "seed" Shimjung, Matches placed in God's position.
Offer a prayer beginning with, "In the name of Holy Father, Holy Son and Holy Spirit and True Parents, I want to multiply my Shimjung Matches . . ."
Take the box of "seed" Shimjung Matches from God's position and briefly place it on top of each of the other boxes in the following manner: Adam, Eve, Child (indicated in diagram 15.4). Afterwards, place the box of "seed" Shimjung Matches in God's position once again (diagram 15.5).
Offer a simple prayer if desired.
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If the "Seed" Shimjung Candle Becomes Too Short
In the event that the "seed" Shimjung Candle becomes too short and is no longer able to be used to multiply more candles, keep it as a remembrance and simply use a previously multiplied Shimjung Candle to multiply more candles as needed.
Extinguishing Candles
Each candle should be extinguished in the same order it was lit (i.e., Adam, Eve, Child). End by extinguishing the "seed" Shimjung Candle .
Father has taught us to extinguish candles between our two fingers (diagram 15.6). Use that method whenever possible. On some occasions, however, it is more appropriate to blow out candles (e.g., candles on a birthday cake).
Figure 15-6
15.6. Traditional way of extinguishing the flame
Using Shimjung Candles and Matches
Shimjung Candles should always be lit with Shimjung Matches
Uses for Shimjung Candles
Father explained that Shimjung Candles can be burned during prayer at a ceremony or whenever an individual offers a special prayer
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condition. Blessed families and church centers may use them during national or international prayer conditions.
In addition, when offering God special gratitude for certain blessings, it is also appropriate to burn the Shimjung Candle during prayer.
Shimjung Candles may be lit during evening prayer services in either a family or center situation.
Father has taught that these candles can be used at Pledge services, during the ceremony to begin married life, at birthday celebrations, and (as one of the options) during the Eight Day Dedication Ceremony.
Suggestions for Use During Three Day Ceremony.
Candles If a blessed couple decides to use Shimjung Candles during the Three Day Ceremony, following the description of the multiplication procedure given in this chapter, three new candles may be multiplied and a new one used during each of the three days.
Another possibility is to use only one (newly multiplied) Shimjung, Candle during the ceremonies all three days.
Matches. Shimjung Matches may be newly multiplied for this ceremony, although it is not necessary. It is suggested that only one box be used (as opposed to multiplying three and using a new one each of the three days).
Storing Shimjung Candles and Matches
"Seed" Shimjung Candles and Matches
IMPORTANT: These candles and matches should be clearly marked as Shimjung Candles and Matches and kept separate from all other candles. Shimjung, Birth, and Ae Chun Candles (and Matches) are extremely different in purpose and use and must not be mixed up.
It is suggested that the "seed" Shimjung, Candle and Matches bequeathed to a couple never be burned completely. It should be labeled as the "seed" Shimjung Candle and Matches and be stored away.
When it becomes necessary to make more Shimjung Candles and Matches, the "seed" candle and matches should always be used and placed in God's position during the multiplication ceremony. (Refer to the appropriate sections in this chapter for detailed instructions.)
If the "seed" candle is no longer usable, one may wish to simply use one of the previously multiplied Shimjung Candles to make more; place this candle in God's position when multiplying more
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Newly Multiplied Candles
Use one or more of the three newly multiplied candles as needed. The additional one or two candles and boxes of matches should be clearly marked as Shimjung Candles and Shimjung Matches and placed in safekeeping until needed.
As with the Birth and Ae Chun Candles, small pieces of the candles may eventually be discarded after they are too small to use.
Candles and Matches Used for Three Day Ceremony
After completion of the entire ceremony, the Shimjung Candle(s) and box of matches should be marked, stored away, and not used for any other purpose.
For definitions of the terms "seed", bequeath, inherit, and multiply please refer to the appendix
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The proper name for these candles is "Shimjung" although they have often been referred to as "Heart of God" (or "Heartle") candles in the past.Download entire book in ZIP format
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