The Tradition, Book One |
by Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak |
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Chapter 16
Birth Candles
According to the Principle, blessed children should be born in a godly environment; during this period of restoration they are still born in impure, ungodly environments. The use of these candles makes a condition for a holy environment to be created during the birth of the blessed child.
The Birth Candle tradition originated at the time of Ye Jin Nim's birth. After the 36 Couples started married life, True Father bequeathed one Birth Candle and one box or book of Birth Matches to each couple. Since that time, they have traditionally endowed Birth Candles to other couples.
Format Used by True Father to Bequeath Birth Candles and Matches
The format used by True Father to bequeath Birth Candles and Matches follows the basic one outlined in chapter 15, Shimjung Candles.
Bequeathing Birth Candles and Matches
NOTE: The following information explains the preparation and procedures a person must know to bequeath a "seed" Birth Candle and Birth Matches to another blessed member.
If a member has already received a "seed" Birth Candle and Birth Matches, and needs instructions on preparing it for use, refer to the section on "Multiplying Birth Candles and Matches" in this chapter,
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Who May Bequeath Birth Candles and Matches
A leader who has previously received a Birth Candle and Matches from an elder church member may bestow both candles and matches. Spiritual parents who have previously received a Birth Candle and Matches from an elder church member may also bequeath a Birth Candle and Matches to a spiritual child.
Major leaders and IWs, as well as country and missionary leaders, may conduct such ceremonies on an individual, departmental, regional, or national level. The director of a national Blessed Family Department or the director of the International Blessed Family Department may also hold ceremonies to bequeath these candles.
Who May Inherit Birth Candles and Matches
Each blessed couple will receive only one Birth Candle and box or book of Birth Matches (not one per blessed member). Husband and wife may attend the inheritance ceremony together or either one may represent the couple and inherit the candle and matches. However, Birth Candles and Matches should be bequeathed only to blessed couples. Matched and engaged couples should wait until they have gone through the Blessing ceremony before inheriting a Birth Candle and Matches.
A blessed couple expecting a child but who has not yet inherited a Birth Candle should contact their major or national leader or IW, their National Blessed Family Department, or the International Blessed Family Department, to discover when the next bequeathing ceremony is scheduled, or to arrange to inherit a Birth Candle from an elder couple.
When to Hold the Ceremony
Birth Candles and Matches may be inherited any time after a member has been blessed. Leaders (or National or International Blessed Family Departments) may schedule a bequeathing ceremony directly after the Blessing, at periodic blessed couple meetings, internal workshops, regional conferences, etc.
If a couple is expecting a child and cannot wait for such a meeting, a leader (or spiritual parent) should bequeath a Birth Candle and Matches at an individual ceremony.
Necessary Materials
Sanctify all materials with Holy Salt before use.
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Candles Candle holders, and Matches. Either purchase one candle and box or book of matches for each couple who will inherit the Birth Candle and Matches or have each couple bring their own candle and box or book of matches to the ceremony.
Refer to chapter 15, Shimjung Candles: Necessary Materials, for specific details on necessary materials.
Sanctification Procedure
When passing on this tradition, a church elder would follow the same basic ceremony to sanctify the Birth Candles (before distributing and bequeathing them) as Shimjung Candles (see chapter 15, Shimjung Candles: Sanctifying the Candles.)
It is suggested that in sanctifying the candles before they are bequeathed, the leaders' prayer might follow along these lines:
In the name of the Holy Father, Holy Son and Holy Spirit and True Parents, I want to bless these candles with the power and significance of the Birth Candle initially made by True Father passed through my Birth Candle. I pray that this be done through Your will. Bequeathing Ceremony
The church elder should then prepare to pass on this tradition to each couple in very much the same manner as the ceremony described for bequeathing the Shimjung Candles. For convenience, the content is repeated below.
Candles. Blessed members should line up side by side in rows The leader should then pass one candle to each couple in attendance. If both husband and wife attend this ceremony, either should stand in this line. The other spouse should stand as designated and participate in the ceremony by praying.
Each blessed member in the line should hold the candle between two hands (refer to diagram 16.1).
Walking down the row(s), the leader should light all candles from his/ her "seed" Birth Candle. Prayer. When all candles are burning, the leader should return to his/her place in the front of the room, face the members and pray:
I want to serve these couples by bestowing the traditional Birth Candle, which was made originally by the True Parents And initially given to the 36 Couples. I use mine now as the symbol of those original blessed Birth Candles, that it may have the same significance for these couples.
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Figure 16-1
16.1. Hold the candle between two hands
I pray that in Your name and by Your glory, through lighting these candles, the environment during the births of their children can be made holy and that Satan will not be allowed to touch their children.
Matches. Birth Matches are bestowed in the same manner Father used. Each couple in attendance may receive one box or book. (Refer to chapter 15, Shimjung Candles, Bequeathing, Shimjung Matches.)
Father put one of his Birth Matches in each of the boxes during the original ceremony he held. If it is possible, leaders should follow this same pattern using matches from boxes of multiplied matches, not one's "seed" Birth Matches.
On the way out of the ceremony, the leader should bequeath a box of Birth Matches by handing one to each couple.
Inheriting Birth Candles and Matches
How to Inherit Birth Candles and Matches
Candles. Blessed members must receive their Birth Candles and Matches in person. The leader must (according to the description in
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the above section) bequeath Birth Candles and Matches by lighting the candle of each participant in the ceremony with his/her "seed" Birth Candle, and through the flame, pass on the significance of the Birth Candle tradition.
Matches. As the leader bequeaths a box of Birth Matches, it should be received with two hands (refer to chapter 1, Attendance Etiquette: Accepting Gifts and Money, for the traditional method of receiving gifts.)
Multiplying Birth Candles and Matches
NOTE: This section does not explain how a blessed member obtains his or her "seed" Birth Candle and Birth Matches. If a couple has received them, this section will explain how to make more for use at the time of birth.
These candles may be multiplied by each couple in the same manner as the Shimjung Candles. For the sake of convenience, the information is repeated below with a few noted differences.
Sanctify all materials with Holy Salt before use.
Necessary Materials and Preparation.
Candles and matches. Before a member is able to multiply a Birth Candle and Matches, he or she should purchase six new candles (white or light yellow are the suggested colors), which for convenience sake should be at least five to six inches in length. No new boxes or books of matches need to be purchased.
Candle holders. Prepare four candle holders or, if candle holders are unavailable, four dishes or bowls. These materials do not need to be new. (Refer to the subheading "Candle holders" in the section on Bequeathing, chapter 15, Shimjung Candles, for further details.)
Appropriate Times. The Birth Candles are generally multiplied directly before the birth of the child or after inheriting the "seed" Birth Candle.
Candles. Birth Candles are multiplied three at a time. A total of seven candles are needed for the Birth Ceremony. Therefore, follow the multiplication process twice and use the Birth Candle which was bequeathed as the "seed" candle (placed in God's position when multiplying) both times.
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Refer to diagram 16.2. The four position foundation is formed with three of the new candles and the "seed" Birth Candle.
Offer a prayer beginning with the following words: "In the name of Holy Father, Holy Son and Holy Spirit, and True Parents, I want to multiply our Birth Candle."
Next, place the "seed" Birth Candle in the position of God and the candles to be multiplied in the positions of Adam, Eve, and Child in candle holders or dishes (diagram 16.2).
Light the "seed" Birth candle with a Birth Match (diagram 16.3) and use the Birth Candle to light the other candles in the following manner: Adam, Eve, Child (diagram 16.4). Afterwards, replace the "seed" Birth Candle in its original place (God's position) (diagram 16.5).
Prayer. While the candles are burning, pray according to the following:
I pray that these new candles will become Birth Candles in the name of God, True Parents and my name. Heavenly Father, I ask that You attend this ceremony. Let the heart of True Parents, who made Birth Candles and endowed them to the 36 Couples, fill this room.
Whenever these Birth Candles are lit, let the foundation of God's victory expand and chase the power of Satan away. Spread a heavenly atmosphere whenever they are lit.
Figure 16-2
16.2. Positions for multiplying the Birth Candle 16.3. Light the "seed" Birth Candle with a Birth Match
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Matches. The Birth Matches originally bequeathed should be used for each birth. There is no need to multiply additional boxes or books.
It is suggested that leaders, wishing to place a Birth Match in the boxes of matches they bequeath, multiply Birth Matches (refer to chapter 15, Shimjung Candles: Multiplying Shimjung Candles and Matches -- "Procedure. . . Matches," for directions) and use the Birth Matches from the newly multiplied boxes. Save the "seed" Birth Matches for actual use with the Birth Candle.
Extinguishing Candles
Each candle should be extinguished in the same order it was lit (i.e., Adam, Eve, Child). End by extinguishing the "seed" Birth Candle (the one in God's position).
Father has taught us to extinguish candles between our two fingers (diagram 16.6). Use that method whenever possible. On some occasions, however, it is more appropriate to blow out the candles (e.g., candles on a birthday cake).
Figure 16-4
16.4. "Seed" Birth Candle is taken from God's position to light the new candles in the positions of Adam, Eve and Child
16.5. Replace the "seed" Birth Candle in God's position
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Figure 16-6
16.6. Traditional way of extinguishing the flame
Using Birth Candles
The chapter entitled Births, Birth Ceremony gives information on the prayer ceremony during birth.
Either a seven-place candle holder (candelabra) or seven individual candle holders should be purchased. Sanctify with Holy Salt before use.
The "seed" Birth Candle should be placed in the central position of the candelabra or the seven individual candle holders (diagram 16.7). All other multiplied candles should be placed in the other holders.
Light the "seed" Birth Candle with a Birth Match (diagram 16.8). However, DO NOT light the other candles with a Birth Match. The "seed" Birth Candle should be taken out of its position and used to light the other candles in any order (diagram 16.9). Replace the "seed" Birth Candle (diagram 16.10).
Use at Subsequent Births
On the occasion of the birth of other children this same set of seven Birth Candles may be used. (These should last at least through five or six births.)
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The other option is to store the six candles away (see this chapter, Storing Birth Candles and Matches section) marked with the name of the child and date of birth. On the occasion of the birth of other children, the entire multiplication procedure should then be repeated. If this option is chosen, be sure that the "seed" Birth Candle is not mixed with the other candles. It will be needed to multiply more candles for other births.
If the "Seed" Birth Candle Becomes Too Short
In the event that the "seed" Birth Candle becomes too short and is no longer able to be used to multiply more candles, keep it as a remembrance and simply use a previously multiplied Birth Candle to multiply more candles as needed, using it in the "seed" candle position during the Birth Ceremony.
Multiple Births
Only one set of seven candles is needed in the event of a multiple birth (whether twins, triplets, etc.)
Figure 16-7
16.7. "Seed" Birth Candle should occupy the central position 16.8. Light "seed-' Birth Candle with Birth Match 16.9. Use "seed ' Birth Candle to light all other candles
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Uses for Birth Candles
Birth Ceremony
The only official occasion to use all seven Birth Candles is during the prayer ceremony held on the day of the birth of your child.
Eight Day Dedication Ceremony
Either Birth Candles or Shimjung Candles can be used at the Eight Day Dedication Ceremony.
It is not mandatory that all seven Birth Candles be used. However, either one Birth Candle or one Shimjung Candle should be used.
40-Day, 100-Day Celebrations
Birth Candles are not appropriate to use during a 40 or 100-day celebration.
Child's Birthday Ceremony
One or two Shimjung Candle(s) should be used on the altar for a child's birthday, not a Birth Candle.
Storing Birth Candles and Matches
"Seed" Birth Candle and Matches
The "seed" Birth Candle should be clearly marked as such. It has a different purpose from Shimjung or Ae Chun Candles and should be marked and kept separately from all other candles. It will be used to multiply more Birth Candles as needed and during the Birth Ceremony.
If the "seed" candle is no longer usable, one may wish to simply use one of the previously multiplied Birth Candles to make more; place this candle in God's position when multiplying more. Keep the "seed" Birth Candle inherited as a remembrance.
As with Shimjung and Ae Chun Candles, small pieces of the candles may eventually be discarded after they are too small to use.
"Seed" Birth Matches are usually not multiplied (for an exception refer to the section on Multiplying Birth Candles and Matches -- "Procedure. . . Matches," in this chapter). However, their purpose is different from Shimjung and Ae Chun Matches and they should not
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be mixed together. They should be clearly marked and stored with the "seed" Birth Candle.
Original Set of Birth Candles
As described above, the original set of Birth Candles (including the "seed" Birth Candle) can be used during the birth of each child. If so, mark them accordingly.
Birth Candle Sets for Each Child
If the second option was chosen and new sets of six candles are multiplied for each birth, each set of Birth Candles may then be stored away with the name and the date of birth of each child.
For definitions of the terms "seed", bequeath, inherit, and multiply please refer to the appendix
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