Dr. Sang Hun Lee's Teachings from Spirit World |
Received through Mrs. Y. S. Kim, National Messiah |
Section 2a
Earthly Life and Life in the Spiritual World
1. Meeting at the Seung Hwa Ceremony of Sang Heun Lee (March 24, 1997)
1) My name is Sang Heun Lee. Please don't try to test who I am. I feel bad for that. I had wanted to meet you more often during my earthly life. However, it was not easy to meet each other so often.
Dear Mrs. Kim! Through you, I am going to complete what I did not complete during my earthly life. Please don't say that you have no any qualification for doing that.
2) Unification Thought is the fundamental thought which True Father gave to us, but many people try to understand it just intellectually. Therefore, throughout my whole life time in the physical world, I was trying to write many books to make people understand Unification Thought more easily. However, I could not fulfill that completely. Therefore, from the spiritual world, I am going to send you what I did not complete in the physical world, so that you should give it to all people.
Mrs. Kim! From my earthly life, I have known that you worked very hard. Therefore, from now on, I am going to help you centering on Rev. Ho Woong Chung's family in the spiritual world. Please, wait for this. Even though God said that I don't need to stay on earth for 40 days, I will go around the earth as well as the spiritual world as far as I can, so that I will systematize my thought and send that to you. My wife also have many things to talk to you.
Mrs. Kim! Even though for a while you may feel trouble because of me, please forgive me. After putting in order my thought for 40 days, I will come back again. Although you go to Australia, I can go there. Then, I will visit you again. Thank you.
3) Also, I would like to appreciate very much because everybody overpraised my life in the Seung Hwa ceremony.
2. Memorial service at his home with his family members (March 28, 1997)
1) To Kyum Hwan, Jang Hwan, and Jin Won.
I want to talk with all of you for long time, but because of limited time, I am going to give my regard through this letter.
Kyum Hwan! Jang Hwan! Jin Won! The spiritual world which you cannot see can be described shortly like this:
"What a useless life the physical world was!
It was nothing.
It was nothing.
Oh! God! Oh! God!"
I don't know well how I can describe this infinite spiritual world. God is invisible. Even though I am in the Kingdom of Heaven, I cannot see God. However, there is brilliant and fascinate light, which cannot explained by human's brain, intellect, and reason.
Before such bright light, all contents of our lives are disclosed completely. In this brilliant light, we can have the same feeling of relief, safety, and happiness as what a baby feel when it is feeding mother's milk. In this light, everything seems to be melted like a blast furnace. We can call it the blast furnace of love.
Oh! God!
How such a wonderful world it may be ahead! Sweet scent, beautiful melody, which we haven't met before .
My Children!
Even though your father tries to write down all night about the spiritual world, it would not be able to express completely. Let me ask a question. How longer are you going to live on earth? What is your purpose of your lives? As your parents, I want to ask you to read thoroughly Unification Thought which I wrote and Divine Principle which True Father wrote. After reading that, you should decide your way. If there is greater teaching than those books, you may follow that. However, if you think that there is no such thought, you should work with your whole energy and life for the sake of God's will. You should not listen in local news such as various bad rumors and negative things about Unification Church, but must listen in the central news.
At the day of Seung Hwa Ceremony, many people over praised me. I want you as my children to receive those expression humbly. In the near future, I will explain about this huge spiritual world through Mrs. Kim after putting in order my thinking systematically and logically. I will also speak to the group of professors about the spiritual world. You also have to help Mrs. Kim. You should study how to live. Please keep in mind that the physical world which you are living is valueless one and momentary world.
1997 From your father. March 28,
2) To my beloved sons (a letter from mother)
Kyum Hwan!, Jang Hwan!, Jin Won!
Please listen 100 % carefully what your father talked. As your mother, what I want to ask to you is that you would have close relationship one another and help others. Please always look around if there is anything which you can help. How are you going to manage the problem of inheritance? After discussing about that between you, please talk to Mrs. Kim. Your father said that he would make conclusion about that. I also ask that you should study True Parents. How happy you are because you can listen this precious news from the spiritual world! As your mother, I appreciate very much for that.
From your mother.
3) After examining my life, please study Unification Thought. Please, follow me. (Father's advice to his sons)
4) Question of family members and Answer (dying wish)
(1) Q: What do you think of impiety
A: Since I did not fulfill filial piety to God completely, how can I desire for the filial piety from my sons? If you want to do filial piety, please follow True Parents when you come to think that your father's life was very valuable.
(2) Q: Why did you go outside window?
A: Nobody would go through window if one knows that it is window. But I went through the window because it looked like a way. Please, don't ask any more about that. I have no any regret about my past life. I do not even repent. If there is something which I need to repent, it is that I had not much more intellectuals enlightened.
(3) Q: How shall we do with your belongings?
A: Please donate important thing to Sun Moon University and burn away others.
(4) Instruction to his sons:
You should live for the sake of God's will. If you think that Unification Thought and Divine Principle are truth, you should follow that with all your mind, heart, and life. What will you have to do? Be practice after judging what is helpful to God's will! In the spiritual world, I will make educational materials which can be vital elements to people in the physical world.
(5) Instruction to staffs of Unification Thought Institute:
Please develop Unification Thought Institute. I will help you.
*God's word
(1) Sang Heun Lee! Congratulations your coming into God's bosom!
(2) God called me "Heavenly Man."
(3) God said that Sang Heun is trying to go around no matter where it is spiritual world or physical world. He is working very hard.
*Private conversation (March 29, 1997)
Mrs. Kim! I wish that you come here after your living on earth for the same age as mine. It is because through you, I want to disclose everything about the spiritual world as far as I can. We are now in new marriage. (Mrs. Kim saw the vision which family members are gathering around dinning table of the house filled with brilliant and fascinate light.)
*To Churl Ha Hwang and Jong Sam Lee.
"Thank you for attending today's meeting. Please publish this letter as well-refined book to deliver to the intellectual groups."( 10 PM, July 21, 1997)
3. Spiritual World and its Life (May 23, 1997)
Mrs. Kim! My name is Sang Heun Lee. When you test me if I am a Satan, my pride is broken very much. I would appreciate very much if you believe me when God concedes me.
1) Spiritual World
Even though the spiritual world seems to be the same as the visible phenomenal world, the scale of the spiritual world cannot be compared with the one of the physical world. For instance, in the phenomenal world, a car is limited in the space, but in spiritual world, a car can be changed to various types. Its direction is also free. It can pass through the mountain at a moment and can move as a driver's thinking. It can move freely like doing in fantasy movies or mysterious Universe travel, which children like very much. When reporter asked if there is car accident, he said "Even though they look like disorder, because they are keeping the law thoroughly, there are no car accidents at all."
2) Life in the spiritual world
Like that earthly people wake up in the morning and sleep at night, spiritual people are also doing in the same way. However, in the spiritual world, morning and night are not in the same order. According to one's thinking, morning and night can be changed. I don't know who distinguished the spiritual world as the Hell, Paradise, and the Kingdom of Heaven respectively, but it is very proper expression. They have big gaps in their level of life. For example, the Hell is the world which we can never see in the physical world.
One woman is standing as a nude without wearing pants, and beside her, a man touches her lower part of the body, and beside them, the other woman fights with arguing that the man's lower part is her own. However, they do not feel shameful.
When a Japanese woman runs wearing wooden shoes and fall down, other woman comes and hides the shoes like her own. The woman who lost her shoes tries to find her shoes, but the woman who hid the shoes says that she don't know. At that time, people, who saw that, shout out that that woman is bad one, thief, and come to her, striking and kicking her. Those things happen very often.
When an old man cannot eat food because his finger was hurt, an young man comes, taking that food, and eating all with his mouth. Such kind of things are always happening in the hell.
Woman, who was forced to get her hair cut fully, feels ashamed of that, and hides her head by towel. But every people, who are passing by her, takes that towel and cleans their hands and faces. When the owner of the towel takes it again from the people and covers it on her head, people take it again forcibly, cutting it off as a half by scissors and returning the other half to her. So, because she cannot hide her shameful part, she tries to go to the dark place.
4. Original heaven and hell in the Spirit World. June 1, 1997
(Today's words spoken not with excitement but with quiet and calm.)
1) Heaven is the place where thought and action become one. What kind of name is heaven? I don't know but these sentences are written either in heaven or Eden. Either way it is the place where words and deeds are one. As an example if I think, "Today what kind of meat will I eat, what do I want to eat?", with that thought simultaneously a huge feast will appear before me. Also if I think, "Today where do I want to go, who do I want to see?", I'm already there.
Even if I think, "How about if that person isn't dressed when I arrive there?", and he happens to be stark naked, then we will have a good laugh. I thought, "When both blind (while they were on earth), and people with good eyesight come to heaven, what will be the difference between them?". A grandfather, and a midget were standing in front of me. The midget was blind but grandfather had good eyesight, so I asked, "In heaven are there blind people?" Their answer was, "We came because you asked a question. When on earth I was blind but here in heaven there is not even the expression of blindness, there is no blindness. I can see everything." I asked, "Grandfather, you can see so why did you come?" He said, "You didn't ask about the point of difference of seeing or not." "You just asked what's the difference." "You can see both with your eyes and with your mind." "With eyes you can visibly see an object but the thing you can see with your mind you can see better than with your eyes."
Heaven is the place where you are surrounded by many bright jewels, because of such great brightness and luster you cannot hide any difficulties between each other. Everything is seen and known with eyes and mind. If I express with light, golden hair which dazzles, it is golden light which is filled with ecstasy of luster and radiant light. This is the place where your mind is always filled with peace and serenity, where there is no difficulty, no discomfort, and no hunger. This heaven is a place where you will have no difficulty to express or explain anything.
2) Hell is the place where you cannot imagine in heaven
In hell you are hungry and suffering, and there is too much jealousy and discomfort. Due to such suffering there cannot but be much fighting. Everyone is uncomfortable. In heaven you have freedom to follow your mind, but in hell you can't do even one thing according to your own will. There you take others' things by force and eat by stealth. People on earth cannot imagine how bad hell really is.
3) Sang-Hun-ah! It's love.
On earth, if Father introduces a story of love, He always speaks in reference to convex, and concave. If you come to the point of love you think about convex and concave but this kind of word, you realize, is too magnanimous. Calling out, "Sang-Hun-ah," that sound has such a feeling of love that it is like melting down everything. Having such sensitivity that must forgive even a brutal crime, being comfortable when near a person who stinks bad with the smell of fish, the thing which feels the passive feeling of ease and comfort. Calling it just using the word "love" is not adequate. It's just a little better, it's having a feeling without another envious word. When you take a step, or speak a word, or when you wear clothes, using just the word of "love" is unsatisfactory. God's word is that there is no phrase beautiful or deep enough which can express, or encompass, the thought of love. God calls out, "Sang-Hun-ah! That's love!" If you flawlessly embrace the will of love there will be no fighting or suffering on earth. There is no adequate way to elucidate perfectly the word ‚love'. This is love.
4) The concept of heaven and hell.
In heaven there is no way to worry or have any anxiety at all. Because you are living and going as one lump mass of love perfectly fitted. Hell is the place where you spin around on the edge of discomfort, worry, anxiety, and conflict, because you live in a world where you cannot know anything about love. In summation, hell is the place alienated from love, and heaven is the holy perfect sincerity of love. Simply speaking heaven is the place where there is nothing that doesn't have love, and hell is the place where there is not one iota of love. So it is possible for the fruit of love to bud and sprout and bring about the liberation of hell.
5. The middle realms of Spirit World. (June 1 =AD July 28, 1997)
1) What is the middle realm of Spirit World?
On the earth what we thought was the middle realm of Spirit World is actually somewhat different. Amidst the many communities of the world, people worked to establish nations which are far away from service to God. People work to elevate themselves without concern to religion, they gather in places without a relationship of faith.
In this place it is difficult to see something which resembles heaven, or hell. There are many similarities to the earth. As an example, during meal time in the kitchen someone is working, someone is cleaning dishes, preparing food, serving food, everyone working together. If we look at the people on this realm, in heaven people are very bright, and in hell people are always uneasy and restless, but here people are always very busy and working hard, never resting. At some special event people are alive with energy and live well, but there is no concern whatsoever of God or religion. In this place people hear Unification Thought lecture but some people ask foolish questions, like isn't there a world where only people alike live together? And such questions that make no sense, or are extremely simplistic. There you feel that witnessing will take a very long time.
The middle realm of Spirit World is not heaven and not hell, but has many different levels. It's a place where it is very difficult to get across to people any idea of God or Principle or UT The middle realms are massive. So it is difficult to explain. In this realm the common people are very distinguishable from Unification members. Unification members are full of life. You can't observe any difficulty among them. Also they are filled with peace and living enthusiastically. If they have some workshop there is a lot of fun and games and laughter and enjoyment.
Compared to our members others appear very different. They have no pulse, no life. Their activities are very passive and lazy. They carry weary and tired faces. Why do the common people, as opposed to Unification Church members, have such a sad demeanor? It's because they have no hope and no desire. But Unification Church members in the middle realms have hope and desire because they expect and wait for God's special privilege to come to them, and they know God's basic will. Common people don't know God's will. They are not in a place of hope.
The common people and Unification Church members stay in different regions. However, sadly there are many members who cannot stay in the Unification realm of Spirit World There are many reasons for this. 1st: Even though they received the blessing, one person deviated from the path and they could not accomplish making a family. 2nd: They received blessing, but lived without care of the will. 3rd: They received the blessing but their life went out of orbit from center, of which there are many cases.
They have the form and name of member, they are called members and so they came to the middle region of Spirit World What do they do in this place? This group of members is always in the place where they can receive God's, Heung Jin Nim's, and True Parents special blessings, and favor. How can they know this? They can enjoy time together and hear DP lecture and receive faith guidance. Therefore they all have hope. Also this area receives a lot of attention from God and Heung Jin Nim.
People of the world can enter this middle region of Spirit World but only Unification Church members can enter the special classroom to receive the education regarding the direction of righteousness and justice. This is really amazing. You don't really understand the meaning of the blessing while on earth. Because you can't see it. But from heaven there is an exorbitant condition which can be received. Now the question of receiving the blessing, in other words True Parents are giving the blessing without price.
The reason is because of Parents. This is the time while True Parents are living on the earth they are giving great blessing to you. So we must go out to give the blessing to many people in our area. That is the way of giving blessing to others.
2) Paradise?
Paradise on earth was thought to be somewhere between heaven and hell, but that is not accurate. In paradise people form groups within which they naturally belong. For example Koreans go to Korea town, Chinese go to Chinatown, and Japanese go to Japan town.
6. Life on earth viewed from Spirit World (June 9, 1997).
1) How are works done by people on earth recorded in Spirit World?
How people live life on earth determines what is recorded in Spirit World For example: how a president of a country lived his life is recorded in Spirit World Whether or not he lived his life for himself or for the sake of his country is what is officially recorded. If your life was just spent on petty things or irrationally materialistic, or if you were simply an evil person, not a true person, it is all recorded. Just like if you write your own autobiography. As you arrange the final moments of your life you consider how you established your life's path.
God appears unconditionally, how wonderful if in your life you worked hard. Even the president of a country comes to Spirit World without a guard. The foundation of your life will appear in front of you. You become a complete spirit person 40 days after your life ends. During this 40 days you travel back and forth between physical and spirit world, and your place of residence is prepared. During this time God does not intervene. Although your ancestors will cooperate with you they cannot help you 100%. Just as if the wind blows it doesn't care which direction it blows, so you have to work yourself to establish your residence.
No one judges you. Each person's seat of judgement is different. After you go to your home, if you get set up in the place where you desire as far as geography and topography are concerned, no one will force something upon you. The guide of yourself will appear and guide you naturally. According to the way of Spirit World the atmosphere of guidance or judgement is different.
You may receive some benefit as a result of having spent time as president of a country, although there were conditions which allowed you to be a large contributor to a nation. There is no room for not keeping a position of goodness, if you don't keep your existence of value then you'll receive punishment up to and not more than your just desert. This is the spirit world. In this country of Spirit World whether you are called the president or you are at the opposite end of the social stratum, there is no sway that class distinction holds over the spiritual foundation.
From a moral basis we estimate the value of a person and ask to what extent did he live a righteous life? "In spirit world," a reporter asked, "isn't there some inferiority awareness among the lowest level worker compared to those with much scholarly achievement? In physical world there is a distinction between the learned and the unlearned." The answer, "In spirit world the field of your work is different from your scholarly major that you had on earth.
But your greatest embarrassment is not that but rather if you made some mistake in your life and you were ignorant of the value of your life. How the distinction of academic achievement appears in Spirit World is very different compared with the earth.
2) The difference between religious and non-religious people.
The difference between a person of faith and a person of no faith is enormous. This also has a considerable class structure, or several levels. While living a life of faith, a sincere person is really able to get close to God's favor but even if you live according to faith, if you have no conscientiousness, whether or not you have faith doesn't matter. >From a position of ignorance of God a person who is alive in a common position comes to reside in a place where God has nothing to do with them. Regarding both religious and non-religious people, God's grace comes later to the non- religious. Even in heaven when a favor is bestowed there are apprehensions. God gives His blessing to humankind through the Holy Spirit, and as loving humankind, heaven also receives benefit. The time will come when you will move to a place that you desire, and whatever class position you are in your body will achieve freedom. (There is caring when people on earth pray together.) At that time, based on God's command, there will be movement.
3) What is the difference between Unification Members position and other religions' members.
It is a huge difference. I can explain this in a word. Spirit world regions are different. Here according to the form of life of each member, each one is a little different from another but, all realms in Spirit World are different. Here the thing which, as I've said is hugely different, is the position of God. There are limits to which people of other religions can hear or feel, or talk to God. But Unification Church members by all means are in a position to be able to breathe the same with God.
Here also there are several layers amidst a group. There are distinguishable revered positions. I'm sorry but, it is for the sake of our members that Sang-Hun Lee is speaking so as to enable and help us to not only adjust our lives here on earth but also to help for when we go to Spirit World This is because of thinking about going the way of True Parents. The 36 couples position is intense.
Regarding the class of families this is the highest, but from this highest position I truly cannot express the difficulty and hardship connected with it, and to have all of our own mistakes disclosed. As an example: when on earth, the problem of women, the problem of public money and all the other problems which higher families get caught in is not hell, but you go to live in God's house where everything of yourself is exposed.
You experience the high level without being able to speak a word. For example: We see at all times sex with a different woman. Also using public money for yourself and going to the bar and falling with a woman, we see everything. That place is even scarier than even one word of hell. Whether of a low level family or any other type of family. There are many levels according to the nature of the crime/sin committed. However we are mostly in the realm of Spirit World closest to God.
There is also a prison where such people of grave sins are kept. How wonderful if you can go the way of indemnifying your sin gathering in such a place among those criminals. There is no place here where you can indemnify and solve your sin by yourself.
*God's grace
Spirit people through prayer, tithing, service, and other such public efforts made for the sake of descendants on earth, the door to the prison will be opened and they'll be able to leave. If such a one comes out they will receive guidance according to their position. After paying all your indemnity at what point will you be able to live peacefully? Until your descendants indemnify your sin. So if your descendants pray for you and offer their whole heart, the spirits who benefit from that will escape their misery. But your position is to escape only to come back again. If earth people pray and invest their heart for you it inevitably shortens your indemnity period. They mostly don't however know your situation. So you must undergo such a course of mental suffering for quite a long time. If your path of hardship is long in Spirit World then whether your descendants on earth know or not you are incessantly hindered. If ancestors are miserable, then descendants are also in an uncomfortable position. More simply put, when ancestors commit crime, descendants will receive the punishment. There is no way but to remember the way of heaven. You must go the way of righteousness.
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