Dr. Sang Hun Lee's Teachings from Spirit World |
Received through Mrs. Y. S. Kim, National Messiah |
Section 3
Life of the Spirit World Viewed from the Principle
1. Subject and Object (Law of the Spirit World) July 21, 1997
1) Subject: (The time is short, but I have a lot to say)
Force or energy is generated when a subject and an object interacts with each other with a desire to give love and receive beauty during the earthly life of human beings. This is called universal prime force in the Divine Principle. The Force that is reciprocated between a subject and an object is called universal prime force and God is the subject of the origin of the universal prime force. The force endowed by God operates as the fundamental force that is used for a subject to give force to its object or for an object to return force to its subject. Further, it does not work alone, but is originated from God, by which we sustain our life and continue to exist.
Therefore, all of the fundamental force of the world exists with the force of action that forms a reciprocal relationship between a subject and an object. There is nothing that can independently exist by itself. Existence itself can be possible only through the force generated from give and take actions between a subject and an object. Therefore, whether in the spirit world or on earth, the force of all existing beings is manifested in the process of reciprocal relationship between a subject and an object.
At this point, I would like to write down the actions of a subject and an object that I witnessed in the spirit world; In the spirit world, when God who is in the position of subject force, gives us, spirit selves (bodies: literal human beings), in the position of an object, His force/energy is immediately reflected in all of us, spirit selves (bodies literal), becoming one like a shadow.
For example, if God calls my name, "Sang Hun!" in a non verbal way, I, His object, with an original mind, am automatically drawn to His order. I would not question Him or express my own views such as: God, what is it? I do not know. I do not understand, etc., but I would be automatically drawn to Him. This can be compared to a northern magnetic force that is drawn to a southern magnetic force.
Therefore, in front of God, human beings or spirits (knowledge) are attracted to God like a shadow in the relationship of a subject or an object. This is (from) the original reciprocal principle, that is the fundamental force.
Which is stronger between the force that a subject gives to an object and the force that an object returns to a subject is not a question. The important question is how they can have give and take at the same level of force between each other. If Human beings are given the universal prime force by God, we are to live according to the original will of God at the time of His creation. Therefor, the fundamental force of the universal prime force can have smooth give and take actions only when a subject and an object establishes a reciprocal base (standard: literal).
For example, when a couple (a subject and an object), an animal (male and female), and a plant (stamen and pistil), etc. form a reciprocal base (standard: literal), the force of multiplication comes into being, but if there is a conflict or a friction at this point, an action of force does not take place. Therefore, since God is the original subject (standard: literal) of the fundamental force that is required for us, human beings to exist, if we have an attitude through which we live, attending God in our mind, we can immediately receive the force of the subject and reflect the same force as an object.
2) Object
The force of an object should take place like a beam generator, immediately returning force at the same time of receiving the fundamental force. This means that when a subject appears as the subject of fundamental force that is received from God, its object can also receive the same force. Therefore, a subject and an object should not be in the position of relating to each other independently, in the rule in which someone must give first and the other next in an orderly manner, but should have a reciprocal relationship on the same level. Its reciprocal standard cannot dispute over whose position or level is high or low.
For instance, a conflict that arises out of disunity of a husband and a wife who cannot become one as a subject and an object is not a fundamental force originated from God. Since this is from the fallen nature, it can be compared to a case in which both a subject and an object derailed from the (right) track, losing the original force from God, and deviating from the realm of God's dominion. Accordingly, since an object is reflected by the action of its subject's original/fundamental force, it should not deviate from the original force that strives to respond/return to its subject in the position of an object. If an object deviates from receiving force from its subject, an object should strive to have the force of an object establish a reciprocal circuit.
Let me give you another example: In terms of relationship between a husband and a wife, a husband is in the position of a subject. Yet if something goes wrong with the husband, the wife comes in the position of a subject, in which case since the original position is reversed, until the husband returns to his original position, it takes time. However, only when an object does not deviate from her position, both the subject and the object will stand in a right position.
3) Main Topic
When a subject and an object have a good reciprocal relationship, the force of original value can be manifested. However, if something goes wrong with one party, and thus their position is reversed, until the one party returns to the original state, the other remaining party should keep his or her position. Otherwise, the fundamental force given by God will leave them or be lost.
Therefore, in order for a subject and an object to have proper give and take actions, they should serve and attend God, the original source of the force. Since all beings sustain their lives by the force generated between a subject and an object, unless they become one, both of them will walk a path of destruction and death.
Both subject and object must make effort to become one. Always examining themselves as to whether they may love the original force or be accustomed to the fallen nature, as if they are crossing a bridge made out of stone, they should take each step with care toward the world of eternity. Then they will be able to lead a life of wisdom.
4) There Are No Exceptions to Spiritual Laws.
Many people understand that the fundamental force of God is from the universal prime force. Yet people do not think about how they can possess the force themselves. During their earthly life, they should realize the value of the original force. The rays of the original force can be reflected only when it is on the original rail, not off the rail. And even when you are on the rail, you should watch not to be derailed. In the spirit world, no exceptions nor forgiveness are applied.
On earth, we can be forgiven based on the circumstances or heartistic relations, but in spirit world, even in case of parent child relationship, it is not acceptable. It is not so because the spiritual laws are fussy, but everything is done in accordance with the principle. You might wonder why God of love cannot be more understanding, but because He is the subject of the original love, if He allows exceptions, the fundamental order will be destroyed. In other words, He cannot accept them in order to keep a right order in the world of eternity. In other words, because He loves us, He cannot forgive us. Therefore, we should live each moment fully for the life of eternity. The reason why I (Sang Hun Lee) am saying this is to fulfill my obligation of helping True Parents as Their son when They would reorganize the spirit world. If we are truly Their children, should we not live a life of filial piety, helping our Parents when They are in difficulties?
* Since what is seen in the spirit world is so clear, Dr. Sang Hun Lee seems to be emphasizing his views, after analyzing his observations and experiences. (Reporter: Y. S. Kim)
2. Three-Object-Purpose
(Completion Of Conjugal Relationship) July 28, 1997
1) Three-Object-Purpose
The three object purpose is God's precious blessing and gift to humans that is given to them at the time of His creation of them. This principle came into being as a condition for humans to come before God. However, due to the fall, the principle of love and beauty that should have been reciprocated between humans and a husband and a wife was invaded. In order to restore this to the original state centered on God, the three-object-purpose that wrong from the time of Adam and Eve should be corrected.
Especially, centered on God, Adam and Eve should have had a reciprocal relationship of love and beauty, but because their relationship was centered on Satan, the circuit of the original reciprocal relationship was destroyed. Therefore, God desires to build the ideal of the Kingdom of Heaven based on love, by restoring humans to the original standard of three-object-purpose value.
2) The Completion Of A Couple
One of God's blessings to us humans is a multiplication of children. This is Agape-type love that gives and give without any conditions attached to it. Such type of love is not often experienced in our life. However, like a spring water that never dries, the love of God who desires to infinitely give as the king of love never dries.
Likewise, as a husband and a wife, we should also resemble God's love and become one with His love that constantly desires to give and give, when love and beauty will be returned to God as a precious offering. How many couples exist on earth today, actually practicing and living God's love according to His desire?
The Kingdom of Heaven in spirit world is a beautiful place where a couple lives, returning love and beauty to God, reaching the standard of the three-object-purpose. Therefore, there can be no deceptions or falsities in such couple's love. Since the conjugal love is given and returned centered on God, it should have the standard of supreme value. Further, during the earthly life, a couple should live a life that is totally united with God's true love which fulfills the three-object-purpose. Otherwise, even if we go to spirit world, we cannot possess love of the Kingdom of Heaven.
3. Fallen Nature (Rebirth) July 28, 1997
1) Fallen Nature Is...
Fallen nature refers to a mentality that is derailed from the original track of the principle that God originally desired. Then, how can humans return to the original track of the principle, overcoming (removing: literal) the fallen nature? The reason why God loves us without any reasons or conditions is simply because we are His children. Humans who are derailed from the original track should return to the original position, God's children. However, in order to do this, it is impossible without making a proper condition. Then, what is that condition? When humans created as the children of God fell, by being derailed from the original track, they came to serve another master, resulting themselves to attend two masters. However, they should clearly realize that God is the true master. That is, only when they return to God after cleaning up their position of dealing with two masters, they can be fully/completely restored.
2) Rebirth
A complete restoration is easy. In humans who deviated from the original track of the principle, leaving their original position of being children to God, fallen blood is flowing. Therefore, fallen activities should be stopped. However, in order to be reborn, they should understand the process of rebirth. If explaining this more in detail, our defiled lineage should be completely sanctified, and we should inherit the love of God, which is called rebirth. In order to be reborn, our body needs to go back to the womb from which we came.
This may sound like a fantasy, but the principle teaches us that we can go back to God (which is a rebirth), by making an indemnity condition of small value. However, for this, we need a mediator. The mediator is True Parents. Humans cannot go to God without True Parents since the original since (fallen nature: literal) can be removed only through True Parents, and only through Them, fallen humans can come forward to God as His original children with God like value.
Therefore, since we inherited (the original sin with) fallen nature from Satan, we should be separated from it. It is wrong to think that we can do it on our own. Separation from the original sin (of fallen nature: literal) is possible when we realize the value of the blessing given by True Parents. From this perspective, we can learn that the blessing contains many meanings. Further, after coming to spirit world, I realized the amazing value and greatness of our True Parents even more deeply
4. The Four Position Foundation (True Parents) -1997. 7. 31
1) What Is The Four Position Foundation?
The Four Position Foundation means a foundation where a subject and an object are united and multiply their children centering on God. Human beings who are created as children of God based upon His purpose of creation and who are supposed to follow His ideal of 'subject and object' should grow up within the sphere of God's love and fulfill the ideal of creation God originally intended.
However, Satan became the dominator of this world. So, the ideal world can be built when the world under the Satan's dominion is restored and completely turns into under the dominion of God. God has been looking for the human beings to build Heaven on earth through His providence of restoration. Therefore, when the people on earth come back to God's bosom, the eternal 'Kingdom of Heaven' in spiritual world centering on God will be built.
2) True Parents of Heaven and Earth
The ideal world God wanted to build became evil world due to the human fall, and the process of 'history of restoration' got entangled. The history of restoration is supposed to untie knots of resentments and sorrows in history one by one, and by doing so, the world should be under the dominion of God. A master who should end this providence of restoration should come to this world, and from then, it can be started to build Heaven. The one is True Parent.
The 'History of Salvation' for humankind initiated by True Parents has greatly contributed to the development of human history. Through this fundamental providence, a eternal ideal world can be settled down here (spiritual world). Since True Parents who are now in physical world are True Parents not only for physical world but also for spiritual world, they are the masters of eternal Sabbath of spiritual world and they are the masters of the ideal Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, spirit men in all different levels have lived with the hope of the day when True Parents come to the spiritual world and build the ideal world. The spirit men in high level know the coming world of hope, but spirit men in low level don't know how such a scary world of punishment will change. For them, there is no hope and no waiting. There is only continuous pain and suffering.
Therefore, if there are many earthly men going to hell, the spiritual world will be complicate, and the True Parents have to put more efforts and their suffering will be longer after they come to spiritual world. Even if the external blessing looks like given freely, the destiny of earthly men bounded to go to hell will change. So, let's become a pioneer who build the eternal world. That's the way to fulfill our filial piety. Therefore, completion of the 'Four Position Foundation' is the completion of the Kingdom of Heaven. The completion of the ideal Kingdom of Heaven is to show our filial devotion to True Parents.
5. The Ideal of Heaven (The Gateway of Heaven) - 1997. 8. 7
1) Heaven
Heaven is the place where people who received recognition as God's children gather. They are the owners of Heaven. Ideal Heaven is realized by those who live for the sake of others, not thinking or behaving for themselves. What is the proper behavior in Heaven? In Heaven, people's behavior is motivated by their humble attitude not by someone else.
Is there a fence in Heaven? It is not a place where someone asks you to come or go out. It is not the place where someone makes an order. Rather, it is the place where people act by knowing and feeling God's breathing. There is no class in Heaven. There is no such level that someone is higher or lower than others. This place doesn't care about people's social position. The one at the highest position and the one at the lowest position are united into one with their loving each other. In Heaven, there is no such a gruesome scene of earth where the lower washes his hands in invisible soap in front of the higher. Therefore, the one who accomplishes the ideal of Kingdom of Heaven is the one who knows God's ideal and the one realizes God's fundamental will and lives following it. Also, the laws of spiritual world is very strict. Examination is strict like computer. The earthly men should try to live looking forward to living in the ideal of Kingdom of Heaven.
2) The Principle of Relativity and Ideal Kingdom of Heaven.
The principle of relativity can be explained through the principle of 'give and take action'. The meaning of the 'give and take action' is not only to give and take well. They also should know whom the action is centered on. A subject and an object shouldn't pursue their own ideals centering on themselves. They should realize that it is the right guide to ideal of heaven toward God when they live in the direction of which a owner of the such a fundamental power pursues through the circuit of 'give and take action'.
The subjective force in the principle of relativity is generated when it is for the sake of its object, and the objective power is generated when it is for the sake of its subject. These forces are the fundamental forces of the principle of relativity, which direct the forces to be forwarded to God. I'd like to say realization of heaven is the main issue of the 'principle of relativity'.
3) Gateways to Heaven
There are many gateways until you enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Heaven is the garage where you collect all your fruits of your life. Here, they measure the weight of your bundle and see how much award you can get. In other words, they compare the weights of the Good and Evil.
What was your earthly life? 1) Was it for God? 2) Was it for yourself? 3) What were your view of world and view of country? What did you leave on earth? These things are taken into consideration. Other than the fact that there are so many such examinations, they examine your life in full detail. It is like a water finally coming to your dinner table after sterilizing and filtering so many times since it is collected from a river.
It is not done in the way that a guard asks you and takes you to a certain gates. I myself, go to this gateway and that gateway like being attracted by a magnet, and pass each of the them. The pain when you get to a certain gateway and you are rejected because of your sins is beyond description. It is so shameful and fearful.
There are so many levels at each gateway. There are much more places than heaven, paradise and hell as discussed on earth. Then how could we go to heaven safely passing all gateways? If there are some gateways you cannot pass due to your sins, you will spend a certain time of indemnity (based on the condition of God's special blessing, achievements of your descendants, prayer, offering, service, and so on.) Spirit men are waiting for True Parents to come to spiritual world and to build new standard of passing of each gateway. I am really worried that there will be more work for True Parents.
6. Formation of Four Position Foundation and Dual Characteristics (Ideal of Unity in Love)
1) Formation of Four Position Foundation and Dual Characteristics
Four Position Foundation is the core of the divine principle, which says a couple should be united centering on their love and multiply their children. However, the formation of Four Position Foundation reviewed in spiritual world is much more exciting and mysterious. Four Position Foundation means a husband and a wife are united and multiply their children centering on God, but when they are in love and united with each other, there is no distinction between a subject and an object. They completely become one body. More than that, God's love covers their love, so the only visible thing to us is resplendent light. The beauty itself is the only thing that can be seen.
2) Ideal of Unity in Love
Then how does the children's love look like? The children's love become a unity just like a couple' love does so. Being differently explained, it is the time when parents and children are united into one with their love. In other easy words, they are distinct three people, father, mother and a child, but they don't look separately when they are united in love. The unity could be seen as father's figure, mother's figure, or children's figure. However once they start to talk to each other, they look different three people, again.
The formation of 'Four Position Foundation' means that if we are united centering on God, we will be one body with God. If so, it doesn't look like there are four status of existence (including God) as it is seen on earth. Therefore, a couple united with God live just like they are forming one body even though they are two different people. This is how the spirit men at top level look like. However, a subject and an object who are not united with each other don't look embodied into one. God's resplendent light cannot be seen, either. The only people who pass the all gateways to Heaven can achieve such unity. Therefore, the basis of the Four Position of Foundation is that a dual characteristics called a couple is embodied with their love for God. That is, the Four Position Foundation is God's fundamental purpose, and it is the foundation of fundamental power (love) for God where He can exist and operate the world with the power (love).
7. Universal Prime Energy, Give and Take Action, and Principle of Relativity Reviewed by Principle of Dual Characteristics. (Oh! My Dear God) August 4, 1997
Dual Characteristics' means the figure of created world that resemble God's characteristics. These characteristics are given by God. The fundamental force of it is 'Universal Prime Energy' and 'Give and Take Action' is the action between these two forces. Then what is the 'Principle of Relativity'? When a subject and an object do 'give and take action', the force of 'Give and Take Action' (Universal Prime Energy) makes them give and take with each other. In other words, this force is like the one attracted by a magnet. Divine Principle describes this the utmost fundamental energy as 'a subject consisting of the dual characteristics, or universal prime energy or give and take action. However, the origin is same. It can be simply said and understood if we say 'God's fundamental energy'.
The fundamental force of seasons' change (spring, summer, fall and winter) is not formed by human beings. Like this, the original force of all energy used by the created world and human beings stems from only one force given by Him. We cannot explain the fundamental force that is described in many ways in Divine Principle. That is the energy of existence of the eternal God. That is the energy of God, my Father, who is sole creator of humankind. God is the master of the spiritual world, which is unlimitedly wide, which our reason cannot understand, which we cannot see all with our visual sense, and which you cannot grasp or explain. You cannot describe God no matter how you study Him. He is the One who cannot be described nor explained with our senses or emotions.
I, Sang-Hun Lee like logical reasoning and analysis, but God is the master of the eternal light that cannot be divided nor analyzed. God is the One who runs the providence and leads people profoundly with His resplendent light.
2) Oh! My God
I thought I could analyze God if I came to spiritual world. However after I came to spiritual world, I am just full of admiration for its huge scale, and my expectation to analyze the spiritual world sounds stupid. 'My God, pleas forgive this son. You are the One cannot be compared with anything else in anywhere. The value and existence of You is the one and only, Heavenly Father. There is no other way to express my feeling other than 'Oh! My God, Oh! My God, Oh! My God, Please forgive me'.
Therefore, one who tries to analyze and study God is the most stupid person. The wisest man only says 'My Heavenly Father' and thinks the fundamental source of all energy is the expression of the Heavenly Father's prime energy, which is explained in Divine Principle.
8. Human Structure Based on Subject and Object Relationship (Life for the Spouse) August 4, 1997
1) Human Structure
In light of human structure, a man isn't supposed to live individually. He/she is supposed to live for the subjective/objective existence. When a subject and object perform give and take actions well and become one, God can work on the foundation and they become the ultimate object of joy of God. Most of people are living with thinking that they simply live for themselves. However, living individually does not agree with the original Will of God. For that reason, a person pursue a single life is not filial child of God and is one of the people who are ashamed in the spiritual world. If the human structure was to live single, God's creation with highest intelligence would be called failure.
2) Life for the Spouse
If a man is the God's ultimate creation, the man should possess an element which God desires. It is the heart with which a man can't help care for the spouse. Therefore:
a) Double structure of external appearance (needs the object)
b) Internal character is formed with the heart of caring the object
Fore example, it can be examined by the shapes of sexual organs (reproductive organs). A man is supposed to live according to the direction (to live for others) given by God. If a man goes against the direction, it will be a crime in front of God and he will have no home in the spiritual world as a man is not supposed to live on earth forever. He will be lost there. For that reason, a man should appreciate the value of life given by God and live a life to serve God and others.
9. Medium of Love (Human Perfection) August, 4 1997
1) Man is the Center of Love
As a man has double structure, he should be the center of love to be completed in front of God. In other words, a man was created by God with highest intelligence not like other creation. For that reason, a man should become more valuable existence than other creation. Because of the fall, a man could not do that and he must fulfill his responsibility as a true son with following the direction to go back to the original position. What does it mean? The creation is simply made by God. It's value is merely to offer its beauty and growth to God.
2) Man is Medium of Love
God has provided a value of love to a man, which other creation doesn't possess. The love can't be generated by single existence. It's value can emerge when a subject and object are united and become one. A man, which is a medium of love, becomes the center of love and he leads God to the ultimate joy being qualified to be a true son. For that reason, a man should be the medium of love to offer the ultimate love to God and leads God to His joy. A man should reach the standard of value that God provided. A man should do his best to live his life in order to make God joyful. For that, a man should love with his object. They should become one to be His children returning glory to God. It is the perfection of a man.
10. True Love (Luminous Body) August 7, 1997
1) True Love
True love is the original love which was lost in the garden of Eden and which we try to find in order to live with God. It can be call true love only when it's standard of value is centered on God. There is no true love without God. Because Adam and Eve didn't offer the first fruit of love to God, God and men have lived in sadness as parents and children. Because the first fruit of love is taken away by Satan, God had to work in order to take back the first one again. However, since countless seeds of sin are planted on the earth already, God is working to collect the pure grain from the separation of empty heads of grain after the harvest of fruit of sin.
In here, God needs the strategy of bringing back the first fruit that was taken away by Satan. This is the indemnity condition. Since True Parents came to the earth, this formula has finally been solving. This is because the ultimate purpose of God restoring the providence is to seek the lost children. Humankind must realize the origin of True Love and return the True Love back to God. Only those who have been selected through True Parents' standard of rebirth (Blessing) can appear as True Children of God. For this reason, those who had not passed the procedure of Blessing are not qualified to be the first fruit.
In order to be guided to God by the original True Love, the couple who received the Blessing from True Parents (in other words, the Blessed couple) must love each other, multiply children and establish four position foundation. True Love is the sight of a couple becoming one, the parents and children becoming through loving each other centering on God.
2) The appearance of the True Love is a luminary of the light
In the spirit world, the appearance of the True Love radiates as a perfected appearance (it is an incredible bright luster). The light of a luster at this time can be seen as an appearance of children and can be seen as an appearance of parents. The original luminary of the light is the true incarnation of True Love, and the True Love that God has given to us. If a husband and a wife cannot become one, and children cannot become one, the light of True Love cannot be radiated completely. In general, we image the True Love as a love of agape that we give and receive eternally. However, True Love is that established the four position foundation of complete oneness centering on God.
Therefore, those who have not reborn (who have not received the Blessing) cannot join the line of True Love. Also, they are those who do not have ticket to come to the Kingdom of Heaven (spirit world). Everyone must do ones best to participate in the line of the Blessing.
11. Original Love (Original appearance of a husband and a wife) Aug. 7, 1998
1) Original Love
God said it is beautiful when watching Adam and Eve loving (including lovemaking) each other. God was rejoiced even to the degree of feeling rapture. However, because of the fall of mankind, God had lost such entire love. For this reason, mankind has responsibility to console God's Han and return His rejoice. 'Original love' was discuss in the section of 'True Love.' Therefore, I will categorize the appearance of the Original Love. Those are:
a) Love of a husband and a wife centering on God
b) Love of children centering on God
c) True Love centered on God is indeed the Original Love.
2) Appearance of original couple standing in front of God
In what appearance does a person who has established the original love meets God when he/she comes to Kingdom of Heaven? He/she comes to this world (spirit world) just as a bridegroom and a bride enter the wedding hall in beautiful dress on earth. For the bridegroom and the bride whom God receives are extremely beautiful, the scene makes us to fall into the image that an angel from Heaven has descended to the earth. A good man and a good woman go forward to God and offer a Kyung Bae while receiving resplendent light within beautiful melody.
Within the bright radiant of light, a couple loves (including lovemaking) each other. The appearance of a couple loving is just as the world of light becoming one and is very bright. Within the light, God embraces and rejoices by radiating the love in a stem of light. How can that be possible since the couple did not come to the spirit world together? When a wife who came to the spirit world before her bridegroom goes forward to God when she receives him. This is a description of the time when Sang Heon Lee was going forward to God. This made me to think that this was the original love of God that God wanted to establish at the Garden of Eden.
12. Principle of Relativity in the view of Original Love (Life of Original Couple) Aug. 8, 1997
1) Foundation of Principle of Relativity
Original Love is the love that God wanted to seek in the Garden of Eden. Then, in what relationship does it have with the Principle of Relativity? The foundation of principle of relativity is the giving and receiving for the sake of other (object). What I want to say about the 'Principle of Relativity in the view of Original Love' is the appearance of a good man and a good woman forwarding the Ideal of Kingdom of Heaven.
2) Life of Original Couple in the view of Principle of Relativity
What is the life of original couple in the view of principle of relativity? For example, let's say there is a couple eating together on a meal table. If there is a specific food that a wife want to offer her husband, at the same time with her thought, the food is put in front of her husband (this is just as a wife prepares a meal table for her husband). When the subject (husband) express gratitude to the object (wife), in the same moment the object recognizes the thought of the subject and smiles.
However, when I see the scene of people eating in Hell, they do not recognize each other's thought. The scene is just as we can see easily in a physical labor area and/or in a prison that they fight for more food because of their hunger.
In the Kingdom of Heaven, couples do know each other's thought, word, and action by simply looking at each other's eyes. Since they always know each other's heart of wanting to give and the heart of willing to give (no one has such thought of selfishness centering on 'I'), it looks exactly same as a magnet always follows the compass.
Therefore, they are always very humble to each other, they always express respect to each other, and they live always showing warm and peaceful smile. The world of original love is the world where couples live with the heart of willing to give and receive centering on God and dance around within the rapturing light of God just as the warm sun light in spring. Within the life of Couple's Love which you are dreaming the ideal of the original love on earth, I want you to live the life that you can be accepted by God.
13. Dominion of Universe and the Value of Mankind (Harmony of Cosmos) Aug. 8, 1998
1) Mankind is the main role of entire world of creation
God, who has created the creation of heaven and earth, has created the mankind as the main role of the entire world of creation. However, because of the fall of mankind, it seems that the value of all things and the mankind has reversed. For this reason, mankind has lost the value of existence as the children of God. How painful God feels that the world of creation that God built for the sake of His children (mankind) grows and multiplies on its own, but the main role of the creation of heaven and earth is not appearing? Mankind's task is that he must correct the fallen position and go to God in his original track.
However, the only way for mankind to appear as the owner in front of all things is by standing on the standard of the value of Blessing (rebirth) through True Parents. God originally blessed mankind to do everything that he desires in the Garden of Eden was because God allowed the qualification of the manager for entire world of creation. Through the rebirth, mankind will restore everything as the main role of the Garden, and will receive the standard of value of the manager of the universe.
Then, up to where, does the standard of value of mankind reach? That is to obtain the qualification as the children of God, and to obtain the qualification of the owner of the entire world of creation. God created all things for the sake of mankind. Therefore, God will rejoice only when mankind rejoices together with God looking at the all things.
2) Appearance of harmonizing mankind and all things
Don't you think that the reciprocal relationship must be established between mankind and all things since the object of joy of mankind is all things? Then, let's give an example of an appearance of harmonizing between all things and mankind who is the main role of the universe. When a couple become one and love (including lovemaking), grass, flowers, and birds surrounded all harmonize.
Grass radiates its beautiful colors. It swings light with an excitement.
Birds get all gathered and sing with their own beautiful songs.
Passing by breeze harmonizes with the silky soft touch.
All these various scenery radiates in beautiful appearance. When a couple loves (including lovemaking) within such atmosphere, God answers with a stem of bright ray. Sometimes we see a scene in a movie that a queen of a castle wearing soft and beautiful clothes makes love and a beautiful music of harp is heard throughout the scene. However, this cannot be compared with that.
Mankind received abundant of treasure from God as a manager of all things. However, because of the fall, he cannot feel or see them. Yet, if we reach the standard of the value of a perfected man, we will restore every relationship. Therefore, mankind must again realize the value as the original owner of entire universe and return gratitude and glory to God.
14. Dominion of Universe and God's True Love (God's Rejoice) Aug. 8, 1997
1) Mankind is God's children
God created mankind as His children. However, God could not abandon the painful Shim Jung toward the children when they do not return to God's bosom and wander around in a distance. For this reason, there are times when God reverses the management indirectly. By doing so, God has been consoled and patient through watching all things. However, God feels joy when His children appear in front of all things as the very main role. This is because all things desire mankind to have dominion on them.
2) God's joy and love
God wants to bless a beautiful good man and a woman by saying that the world of creation is all theirs when God sees the appearance of entire surrounding all things harmonize while the couple appear in front of God and return joy and glory to God. One stem of a brilliant light harmonizes with all things and reconfirms that the main role of such beautiful world is the mankind. Then, God blesses mankind that he can bring as much as he wants.
When a good man and a good woman received such Blessing walk by, entire grass dances with joy. Mankind feels God's love within the beautiful enraptured atmosphere where birds rejoice with their own chirping sound, melody coming from the breeze, and indescribable fragrance. Therefore, since the world of creation is the description of God's devoting love that is given to us, we must joyfully return our love toward God as a main role of the world of creation.
15. Perfected Man holds the value of God (One lives with God) Aug. 8, 1997
1) Perfected man is the God's successor
When mankind grows in right way and completely accepted by God as His children, he becomes perfected children to God and is bequeathed everything. Thus, mankind who is admitted as the manager of the world of creation can stand as the object of eternal joy. Such mankind will have standard of Shim Jung that can recognize God's thought through living and rejoicing with God, and he will have the standard of the value of God.
2) One who lives with God
For this reason, indeed, mankind is to go to the position of standard of value of God, and this God's last desire toward mankind. God wants mankind to be in the perfected position where God can bless mankind with the word, 'These are all yours. You have done everything.' Therefore, such position is the position where we always live with God within God's radiation.
16. Cain and Abel in the view of Principle of Reciprocity (Relationship between Cain and Abel) Aug. 9, 1997
1) Relationship between Cain and Abel
Already, the origin of the principle of reciprocity was mentioned several times above. In here, I will appeal how the relationship between Cain and Abel in the view of principle of reciprocity is systemized in the spirit world. God was going to give the exact same love toward Abel to Cain when Cain and Abel match the reciprocal standard to each other by Cain appearing as a respecting person in front of Abel and love Abel. However, rather than loving Abel, Cain was arrogant by showing off of his qualification as an Elder Son. This made Abel's heart in pain, and became the motivation to hate Cain. By doing so, Cain result a sorrowful history within God's providence. God had to re-indemnify pieces of history that left mistakes. In order to do so, God pulled mankind by making mankind to set another condition that he can receive the messiah in the position where God can say that mankind has no sin.
For this reason, just as the principle of reciprocity mentions that the subject and object become one with the love caused by the heart wanting to give to each other, the original relationship of Cain and Abel will be the same if man did not fall. Cain would not had the emotion that he hated Abel to the extreme that he wanted to kill him. On the other hand, the power of respecting and helping each other (wanting to sacrifice oneself for the sake of each other) must have functioned stronger.
2) Cain and Abel Relationship in Heaven
There clearly exist the Cain and Abel relationship in Heaven also. There are various people in Cain and Abel relationship, such as elder person, younger person, upper level person, lower level person, one who receives more love nearby God, one who receives less love of God, etc.
For example, between the elder person and younger person, rather than the elder person ignores and orders by screaming, he will ask 'what are you doing now?' with such a warm heart. Then, the younger person will smile and respond 'what shall I help you?' In such atmosphere, each other's heart come and go.
Also, when a younger person has a question to ask to the elder person, he will ask 'I am very curious about such context, could you help me to understand?' Then, the elder person does not answer with such an attitude of authority and reputation, but with the love of true elder brother, he answers.
If I add more, God did not apply the principle of reciprocity between subject and object of mankind, but to every creation, God gave the heart of love that wants to give for the sake of each other. Since such relationship has broken, the Cain and Abel relationship became in distanced. Because of the earth situation became complicated, the situation of spirit world became more complicated.
The ideal of Kingdom of Heaven must first established on earth, and on such foundation, the spirit world becomes organized. I want you to live the life on earth through reorganizing, rethinking, and reestablishing the origin of the principle of reciprocity (living for the sake of object).
17. Kingdom of Heaven Aug. 9, 1997 (For the sake of Eternity, do not live every moment foolishly)
1) What is Kingdom of Heaven?
In simple word, the Kingdom of Heaven is the place where the gather of people with no individualism or self-centered thought live. In other words, it can be summarized as the world of 'living together,' 'glorifying together,' 'together' where overwhelms the heart of willing to live for the sake of object, willing to give endless.
2) What is Hell?
Hell is the place where the gather of people with attachment of 'I' individual, my situation, and my possession. Hell is the world where mankind with such thought goes.
3) World of Eternity
In general, most of people living on earth pursue the physical joy as their ideal of life. This is the reason that the life of physical world who do not know God can easily become the practice center for the Hell. World of eternity is an unavoidable way for everyone. For this reason, comparing to the eternal world, we must close our short life of physical world with daily examination. The law of eternal world accepts no excuses just as the physical world. There is no personal reason. This is the context that Lee Sang Heon truly wants to tell and help the people in physical world, and this may be the best gift. All I want to mention and mention again is 'for the eternity, do not live the moment foolish.' This is the way of filial piety to True Parents. (This is because, organizing in the spirit world is very complicate.)
18. Established Place of Kingdom of Heaven (Place of Eternal Happiness) Aug. 9, 1997
The Kingdom of Heaven is the fence that we all become one with each other's love centering on God. In this world, every respect each other's personality, always be humble, always be warm, always gives smile and live. Your height being tall or short, your look being handsome or ugly, your position being president or security, you being rich or poor, you being highly educated or never does not matter at all. In this world, there is no difficulty, no envy, but exists only eternal happiness.
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