Thomas More's Utopia
The first person to write a
classic statement for an ideal society in the last 400 years was Thomas More who wrote Utopia
in 1516. He even invented the name. We learn in the Divine Principle that there
was a 400 year period of preparation for the Messiah beginning in 1517. More's book fits
into this preparation period by being one of many angles that God was using to prepare
mankind for the Messiah who would be born in 400 years and bring the message that God
indeed wants an ideal world and He has a plan that will bring it about.
More realized that a way of life was passing and that a new, uncertain one was being forged. He wrote 'Utopia' as a protest against the
breakdown of the old order. To make his protest effective he described an ideal
commonwealth in which people have to work only six hours a day, leaving plenty of time for
leisure. Everyone lives in a pleasant home surrounded by a garden. Communities have good
schools and hospitals. Education is compulsory, and every student learns at least one
trade. Food is given out at public markets and community dining halls. Children, after
their earliest years, leave home and are brought up by public authorities. The rulers are
selected by secret ballot from among the best-educated citizens. Lawyers are unnecessary
because there are so few laws.
More's book shares two primary characteristics of all utopian literature. It criticizes the present as an unhappy time, and it proposes an alternative society in which the state is exalted over the individual.