The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim -- Hoon Mo Nim) |
Special Workshop for the New Beginning of Cheon Il Guk Blessed Families - San Francisco
Dae Mo Nim
Feb. 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Unofficial notes: Heidi Iseda
Hello! How are you? Are you enjoying the workshop? I've been going around the world up to this time, and as you know this tour is giving us such big grace from our True Parents. This is such a precious time period. Working at the Chung Pyung Providence. I know about the spirit world very well, and I've been speaking since 1995 and shared about the spirit world as it is. I truthfully shared, and how I wish that we can change. In many ways, I have been educating members, but knowing the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and spirit world, we must be the people who could move heavenly fortune and we must not be dominated by Satan and evil spirits anymore. We must live happily without sin, sicknesses and misery and as the owner of Cheon Il Guk, be able to attend God and True Parents. If we just make one mind, one body, one ideal with them, we could live in the "Aju" era, which means happiness, freedom and joy, not the "Amen" era.
This amnesty must be done at least once. This is why I have been begging True Parents and they finally allowed us to do this. As I've been doing these workshops, I'm so grateful to our True Parents and in my heart, I'm so deeply again and again grateful. I will never forget and will commit myself to be a filial daughter to God and True Parents.
Dear members, we live on earth, and you may think it is a long time, but it is short. When you go to spirit world, you can look back at the time while you lived on earth. It is a very short time, but during this short time living on earth, with the result of how we lived on earth, we'll be there in spirit world living according to how we lived on earth. In the spirit world, it is not that anyone is going to judge us sending us to hell or to the kingdom of heaven, but just the result of how we lived on earth, we find ourselves there in spirit world. Everyday, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, while living our life on earth, we are creating our own spirit self. Ever since the fall of Adam and Eve, we have been ignorant. We couldn't see, we couldn't hear, we couldn't sense the spirit world. Honestly, we should know about the spirit world correctly and realistically. We should be able to see, hear, and feel so that we could really enter the kingdom of heaven. But we are blinded spiritually. We didn't even know whether Satan or evil spirits were inside of us. Satan works through evil spirits dominating us creating sicknesses, pain, and misery. Now, the earth is 100% dominated by evil spirits. Only the area where God is, is the Kingdom of Heaven. The rest of the spirit world is hell. Ever since the fall of Adam and Eve, evil has been prospering and dominating 80% of the spirit world. Are we resembling that 80% of the spirit world or not?
We should be thinking of our own self, and analyze carefully. Yes, we resemble hell especially centering on fallen nature, living everyday with fallen nature, and as a result, we are living in the midst of Satan and evil spirits. Living in spirit world like that will be too difficult and painful. True Parents gave us the Blessing although we have lived an evil life, not asking anything, without looking at the conditions. They cleared up the original sin, which is such a heavy sin. Originally, ancestors' sins, collective sins, personal sins, and fallen natures have to be cleared before the blessing and then receive the Blessing, and have the original sin cleared up by the True Parents, but we were not really prepared. Still, True Parents made indemnity conditions. We could never imagine what price was paid to give us the Blessing.
At this time, you get to have this grace. I did 10,000 bows in one day. It was very difficult, and painful, but imagine how we, the children of Satan, are being brought back to be the children of God. Imagine how much indemnity had to be paid. I thought of that, and realized how we should be filial sons and daughters to our True Parents. True Parents gave us the Blessing, but we did not live according to the Principle standards. We did not make one mind, one body, and one ideal way with our True Parents.
We should have been educating ourselves with that Principle and our family and should have been perfected. Our True Parents did not give us perfected blessing, but gave us the blessing to be able to reach perfection. We should have lived with absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience; then automatically our ancestors' sins, collective sin, personal sins and fallen natures could have cleared.
However, we have allowed evil spirits to enter and settle in us and give us pain and sicknesses. Up to this time, the way we lived allowed this. In other words, after being blessed, we did not build ideal families. Husband and wife did not make unity. Husband didn't absolutely love wife and wife did not absolutely love the husband. Parents did not love their children 100% giving true love, and children did not respect and attend their parents.
When we think of this, we must admit that as blessed families, we did not know the value of being a blessed family. We should have been resembling God and True Parents living with True Love, but instead, we lived with fallen nature, jealousy, anger, hate, dishonesty, arrogance and a complaining mind. God's will exists for us, but we complained. True Parents only came to this earth to save us and make us true children. They have gone through an incredible course to pay indemnity. Often, we complained to the Parents and Heaven and Earth. This is not right. We cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven this way. We are a blessed family. Truly, for a long, long time, after more than 6,000 years, at this time, God blessed us. After working so hard, we have not kept the standard. We should not have drunk, smoked, or taken drugs. Though not all of you, some of you did these things.
We know about the original sin, sexual sin, but we have been looking and touching and we even fell. We have not seriously repented, and did not report to the blessed family department, and even gave birth to children who were thought to be second generation but were not. Even second generation fell and received the blessing afterwards and had children. You may call them third generation, but I could see they're not. We have the Chung Pyung Hospital, and I gave names to many children who were born there. The second generation believes they are second gens and asked me for names believing the baby is third generation, but the child is sometimes not third generation. We get connected to each other's families through marriage, but at the end, we end up having children where Satan would dominate. When we enter the spirit world, what are we going to be?
Here, I got really serious, especially when the time comes for the Blessing. Some second generation or first generation, committed the fall, but without repenting or even telling anyone, later they got blessed to a non-fallen second generation. I was so shocked, I thought: "We once and for all should get this straightened out. In the past, we could do this because evil dominated the world. Evil settled in and through Adam and Eve's fall, and the blood lineage came down to us continuously. I could see how that would be possible, but now we have 300 billion absolute good spirits and many, many angels exist and an absolute good world is being created. Once, this time, I sincerely wished that True Parents would give this amnesty.
Up to what is forgiven? Among second generation who has fallen, they are now first generation. That first generation (fallen second generation) could be restored to second generation through this Holy Wine. This is an incredibly big grace. Some of us have misused public money. I asked God to what extent is public money? Up to 10% of our income is. In our daily life, some of us did not do this. We get to own things, but at the end, there is apportion we have to return to God, which is 10%. By not doing this is also committing the sin of misusing public money that would allow our descendants to not receive blessings. We have been hurting others, we have been talking wrongly and carelessly. Words are the seeds we sow, and if the seeds we sow are good words, happiness will start, but if we sow evil words, evil will sprout, and we will experience unhappiness and misery. We did not think of this. We complained too many times and talked about others carelessly. We did not talk with humble hearts, and we spoke evil things instead. We did not attend our Parents of Heaven and Earth sincerely. We don't know the value of True Parents that well during this lifetime on earth. After we enter into the spirit world, we'll know the True Parents' value, and how our True Parents lived throughout their lives.
Dear members, we must attend our True Parents during their lifetime on earth. We need to clear this up and be mature children. Otherwise, because we're blinded, we don't know what sin is, we don't know how to pay indemnity, and we don't know how to open up to the good spirit world. We must be living with one mind, one body, and one ideal way for prosperity; so we must attend our True Parents well. Up to this time, we could not do this very well. We must take church seriously. We need to go to church every Sunday. The first day of the year is God's Day, but spiritually Sunday is the day to attend God. It is God's day. All of our family members, hand in hand, should go to church and receive God's blessing.
We could not do this, so who came to us and enjoyed this? Satan came and Satan enjoyed this. Some of you just came for this workshop. From here on, you must go to church every Sunday, and from here on, we must unite. Satan does not like us to be united, but God wishes us to be united. Older families should love the younger families, and the younger families should attend the older families. Especially, I see many first generation families here, come together with one mind together and protect our second generations because this holy wine is restoring the fallen second generation to bring them back to life. Amazing work!
True Parents said, "This is the first and the last. After this, it cannot again be repeated." What if a second generation falls, that blood lineage is dead lineage. That's why we must commit ourselves to living with absolute faith, absolute love, absolute obedience through Hoon Dok Hae, and through teaching of Divine Principle, and educating our second generation well. This second generation education cannot be taken lightly. When they make mistakes, indemnity follows in a big way. We must understand this. I see many beloved second generations here. In your daily life, you must not follow the world's culture. We must live centered on God's culture. The world is following the way of Satan. From here on, obey your parents, live with one mind and one body with true love. In the past, ever since the fall of Adam and Eve, evil has prospered. From here on, together with absolute good spirits, who entered the Original Palace with our True Parents, and with the coronation of God's kingship having been accomplished, good is winning and prospering. Living in a good way is absolutely necessary. We cannot live with evil. We have to follow the Principle standard. In front of our True Parents, unite. Nothing is impossible if you do so.
You saw the Cheon Jeong Gung Original Palace project, and the miracle of having it built. It was done in seven years. We see that God is alive by seeing this. You see the power of the Parents of Heaven and Earth when you go with absolute faith. God is with us, and we saw the miracle that anything is possible. I'm sure you know this. Is it just allowed at Chung Pyung? No. You can do the same in your family. How? When you go with absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience, then in an absolute position, meaning in midday, stand where Parents of Heaven and Earth are.
Nothing is impossible. God promised me that by December 2005, this must be done: creating 300 billion absolute good spirits and building of Cheon Jeong Gung. God said to me, "In order to be victorious, in order to fulfill your responsibilities, go with absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience sincerely and honestly, and go with love. Never look at your own profit, go sacrificially and work hard. I am there working."
Dear members, first generation, and blessed families, this world is a world where Satan and evil spirits are working. In such a world, our beautiful second and third generations are living. After living in this evil world, can you enter the spirit world easily? No. You cannot even be happy in the spirit world knowing your children will suffer in the midst of the Satanic world. In order to create a beautiful, peaceful world, we have to enter the spirit world creating a better environment than this. When you go to the spirit world, God will ask us, "What did you do on earth?" He'll look at what we did and check whether we have true love or not. The merit is God's will and True Parents' will. True Parents wish to restore this world. God will check this.
When we enter the spirit world and go to God, and when we say that we lived only for our own sake and for our own family, how will God see us and deal with us? You know this world is completely dominated by Satan, so we must determine to change this to be God's world. We need to witness. Every one of you must really commit yourself to this. At this time, we will be doing the holy wine ceremony. Yesterday and today, you did the Holy Songs. At that time, we have been clearing up the chains, and all the things connected to Satan was cut off and cleared off. The way you look now is that you have come into the Cheon Il Guk era. In this Cheon Il Guk era, you must be the family who are able to move heavenly fortune.
You must absolutely not repeat the old ways. Don't look back. The bad habits have been cut off. A little later, we'll do the Holy Burning ceremony; we'll be burning it off. At the Holy Wine ceremony, we'll all be cleared up so we could start new life. As owners of CIG, from here on, we are able to live in such a precious hour, and this new beginning is the beginning for us as citizens of Cheon Il Guk, where we could live with God, and God can live with us. Together with God and Parents of Heaven and Earth, we'll enter the Kingdom of Heaven where all of our families live happily and joyfully, dancing and singing eternally. This is how we're starting with this Holy Wine. We must determine to do this. I believe in you. You know what God's will is, and you've worked hard while living in the midst of this terrible world. You came here today, believing in God and True Parents and absolute good spirit world.
Dear members, I thank you deeply, and I wish that all of you receive all the heavenly fortune that will live with you. Whenever you have difficulties, report in front of God and True Parents, then we can resolve it. According to where our mind and body is, we must go with True Parents, and live according to the standard of Cheon Il Guk. Nothing is impossible. There will be no more spiritual pain and diseases. Keep up with absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience.
Dear members, as I worked at Chung Pyung, I have loved the members. At this time, I will eternally love you. Whenever you have any difficulties, I will help you. You and I, let's work together, with one mind and one body and resolve the resentment of True Parents together.
Let's prepare the environment for our descendants, and help them so we need to go out and witness. Let's work together and work hard. We are all happy people. We must keep it that way forever. We are able to be loved by God and True Parents according to what we do everyday. From November on, I went around the world and this is the last of the tour. When you go to Chung Pyung, on February 23, 24, and 25 the last workshop for the Korean and Japanese members will be conducted. Last time I came, we started the workshops here then on to the East Coast. This time, this will be the last stop of the tour. I believe this is a new beginning.
Dear members, I'm so happy to have this new beginning together, so let's go on from here in prosperity. I sincerely want to ask you this. I will end my speech here.
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