The Words of Dae Mo Nim |
Become 2nd Generations that God can Love
Dae Mo Nim
August 17, 2007
Chung Pyung, Korea
Note: August 17, 2007, Dae Mo Nim spoke at the '2007 Seounghwa Students Chung Pyung 14-Day Special Workshop Closing ceremony' to the Japanese and Korean members at the 2nd Floor of Chinhwa Educational Hall.
Dae Mo Nim said, only when you are in a decent posture will goodness be with you and she emphasized to live a life so that God is able to love you.
This summer there were 'Seounghwa Students Chung Pyung 14-Day Special Workshop -- Korea' (8/4 -- 17), 'Seounghwa Students Chung Pyung 14-Day Special Workshop -- Japan' (8/6 -- 19), and the '116th Chung Pyung 40-Day Special Workshop for International 2nd Generation' (7/4 -- 8/12), a total of around 1,000 2nd generation members came to Chung Pyung from around the world to receive much grace.
Decent Posture of Goodness
You must know well about good and evil. Centering on God is good and centering on Satan is evil. You are 2nd and 3rd generations centering on God and True Parents. Your everyday life must be similar to that of God and True Parents' everyday life of goodness.
An Absolute Good Spirit has a beautiful scent like a flower and on the other hand an evil spirit smells awful. The posture of an Absolute Good Spirit is also cleansed and beautiful. Are our postures clear and decent? When I look at you, I can see that there are some members who are not entirely beautiful. We all must be beautiful from the tip of our head to the end of our toe.
You are students, therefore, you should have a decent posture. If you don't have decency then Satan will be with you thinking that you are his. Satan will think, 'That child is mine', when students dye their hair, wear earrings, pierce their belly buttons and wear clothes that exposes too much. On the other hand, those students who take care of themselves properly, goodness will always be together with them.
You are the one you calls Satan and evil to yourself. Satan and evil can only attach themselves to you with some conditions. They come to you looking at your life style. If you sustain a posture of goodness, decency and clearness, Satan and evil cannot come near you. Satan and evil cannot relate to a person without any fallen nature.
A Life that God can Love
Until now, the power of evil was far greater than the power of Good. The history after the fall of Adam and Eve was the evil history; therefore, the power of evil was stronger. However, from 1999, 2001 being the peak, especially after the Opening Ceremony of the Cheon Jeong Gung Museum on June 13, 2006, the power of good has become stronger than evil. Centering on God, True Parents, and the Absolute Good Spirits the goodness is doing greater Works than the evil.
Until now, those relating to evil were wealthy. Those with greed, hot-bloodedness, and had grudges against other people were wealthy. However, it's different now. Now, those who give to anyone centering on true love becomes fortunate. The life of goodness is beginning to be established since June 13, 2006.
The thing that you must focus on from today is, either becoming a person that God loves or a person that Satan loves. Are you a person that God is able to love? Or a person that Satan will love?
You mustn't have fallen nature in your everyday life. You mustn't be hot-blooded towards your parents and siblings when you return home. You mustn't have hatred in your heart. You mustn't lie in front of your parents and siblings and be greedy.
Put your best in being a Student
You are all students. Do you have to study hard or not? ("We must study hard.") You must study hard. You must go to church when it is time to do so, do Hoondok when it's Hoon Dok Hae, bow when we have to bow and study for the rest of the time.
What is the hope of our future? It is the existence of 2nd and 3rd generations. Hope is there because it is a proof of God's lineage, continuing.
The 2nd generation in the world must study hard as they are students and dominate the world's important positions, thus, a world centered on God should be established.
I asked God, "Heavenly Father! How smart are our 2nd and 3rd generations?" God answered, "They have the ability to come within 5th in their school."
You probably don't know really well how Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center came to be. When I first came here, there were only tents. An era when there were no buildings.
The Cheon-won (Heavenly Garden) was created within 7 years (From 1999 to 2005). (Applause) Do you think I put in effort or not? I put in much effort. If I have thought that, 'Since God said it'll be done, it'll probably be done without much effort' and left it like that this place wouldn't have been established. Believing in God's words that it will be done, I put in effort day and night. I really did my best. Because I put in effort, this Heavenly Garden was created.
God created 2nd and 3rd generations' brain smart. Therefore, you must put in effort. If you put effort and with the help of God's Works, you can go to university and graduate schools as excellent students. Eventually, you will be appointed in important positions around the world and among huge corporations. Therefore, through you a peaceful world will be created.
Will you listen to your parents and do your best in your life of faith and studies once you return home after this workshop? ('Yes') You must be able to report to God, 'God I did my best through this year' when you come back to a 2nd generation workshop next summer. You will be unfortunate if you just have fun as it pleases you and relating to your friends will corrupt your everyday life. Please, don't forget that when you are a student that you have to put much effort in your studies.
Grow into a Pure Posture
If there is a 2nd generation with long nails that person must cut their nail today. Yesterday, I met with a 2nd generation at my prayer room and cut her nail short for her. I did this because if the nail was long Satan will like it. If Satan attaches itself to you, eventually, you will become lustful. You will also start drinking alcohol and smoke tobacco. You must always have a decent posture.
You might have times of having lewd thoughts. Whenever you want to watch pornographic videos you watch videos of the church. When you start having lewd thoughts, you start thinking about your parents. When you start wanting to read pornographic material, you read materials prepared for 2nd generation. Those are the ways to avoid lewd actions. Don't just think about, 'I shouldn't think, read, or watch pornographic material', but you must change the current existing environment around you. Do you understand? You have to change your lifestyle completely.
Girls mustn't wear clothes that show glimpses of your breasts. Sometime before, girls (Korean) would cover up their breasts with many clothing to hide it from men. Also, girls (Korean) wouldn't just wear underwear and a skirt, like today, but wear extra clothing before wearing a skirt or long pants. That is how they protected themselves. They would carry Eunjang-do (silver pocket knives) with the mindset of killing themselves if they ever got raped by other men.
You should all have this high standard of heartistic value and take good care of yourselves. When time comes, you should receive the Blessing and show your body to only your loving spouse whom will be your partner not only on earth but in the spirit world as well. You must become 2nd and 3rd generation who will take great care of your beautiful bodies and present it to your spouse and not other various men and women. Is that clear? ("Yes")
You must change. After attending this workshop you all must change. You must become members, who will realize that, 'Ah, my posture was wrong. It wasn't a posture that God was fond of. It was rather a posture that Satan liked.' Do you understand? ("Yes")
You must become role models for those other younger 2nd generations so that they can develop into beautiful postures. Is that clear? ("Yes") I believe that you can do this.
Habit that lasts until the Spirit World
In the Korean saying, to what age does a 3 year old habit lasts for? ("80 years old") However, the reality is that it's not 80 years old but is eternal even in the spirit world.
Those who were constantly hot-headed will go and live with spirits who are hot-headed in the spirit world. Likewise, those who were lustful on earth will go to a place in the spirit world where everyone is lustful. The habit on earth lasts forever in the spirit world. Knowing that our lifestyle on earth is eternal we all must be cautious about our daily lives, all the time. From now one, we mustn't become evil people that Satan and evil likes but become good people that God can be fond of.
Compared to last year's 2nd Generation Summer Workshop, I can say that this year's members are great. I have already started to prepare for a better workshop next summer. Therefore, when you return to school, please study hard for the rest of the year and 1st semester of next year and come back to Chung Pyung for another summer workshop.
Remove all wrong doings, spiritually, that you have committed at home, school, and in the society and receive new words and live through your daily lives. Is that clear? ("Yes")
I am really happy that all of you came to Chung Pyung this summer. I love you all. I am always praying for your well being. Please be healthy. I would like to finish my speech by wishing that you would become our precious 2nd and 3rd generations who will study hard, have a strong life of faith, listen to parents well and always receive God and True Parents love.