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Commemorating the Inauguration of "Abel" Peace UN - Special Seminar at Cheon Jeong Gung Museum for Ambassadors for Peace
Dae Mo Nim
October 9, 2007
True Parents speaking at the Ambassadors for Peace during the 'Special Seminar for Ambassadors for Peace to Commemorate the Inauguration of the "Abel" Peace UN' held at Cheon Jeong Gung Museum, October 9, 2007.
From October 6-12 at Cheon Jeong Gung Museum, around 2,000 Ambassadors for Peace from surrounding areas attended the 'Special Seminar for Ambassadors for Peace to Commemorate the Inauguration of the "Abel" Peace UN' with True Parents. This special seminar was given to the Ambassadors for Peace in commemoration of the inauguration of "Abel" Peace UN (Sept. 23).
At 10 am, Rev. Jeong-ro Yu, Universal Peace Federation President of Korea, started the program, which was followed by opening declaration, welcoming address (Min-ha Kim, chairman of Ambassadors for Peace Associations), video presentation, True Parents' Speech ('A Providential View of the Pacific Rim Era in Light of God's Will'), Flower Presentation, and ended with 4 cheers of Eok Manse lead by Rev. Sun-jo Hwang, President of FFWPU Korea.
In their speech, True Parents emphasized the importance of the Ambassadors for Peace in their role to establish world peace with "Abel" Peace UN. "The goal of "Abel" Peace UN is to overcome the limits of the existing UN, establish substantial world peace, solving conflicts of every levels, elimination of poverty and illness, through the safety of earth's environment, and to embody the universal value of humanity".
True Parents emphasized, "Ambassadors for Peace must be the vanguard of "Abel" UN". Also, "you must spread 'Heavenly Fathers' Principle' through out the world, that is, spreading True Love and True Family", "Please achieve the banner 'One Family Under God'".