The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim -- Hoon Mo Nim)

How to End One Year and Begin the Next

Dae Mo Nim
December 30, 2007

Heung-jin nim and Dae-mo nim reside in the spirit world and guide the Chung Pyung providence through Hoon-mo nim (Mrs. Kim Hyo-nam). Following is a major portion of the speech that participants of the ancestor liberation workshop heard on December 30, 2007.

From Adam and Eve, central figures were established throughout history, moving down the line through Cain, Abel, Esau and Jacob, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and the returning Lord. Because Adam and Eve fell, God has lived for the sake of restoration.

Therefore, He hoped the central figures would understand His heart and circumstances and Satan's mindset and all there is to know about evil. He hoped they would thus never fall into temptation from Satan and evil but fulfill what God willed. However, this did not happen. When we listen to the Divine Principle and study the central figures in detail, we see that in the end, they were led into the temptation by Satan, by evil. Why was that? Do you know? Fallen nature! Satan and evil tested them by appealing to their jealousy, hot-headedness, hatred, falsity, greed, self-centeredness, arrogance, discontent and dissatisfaction, and the central figures fell into temptation. Thus, as history developed, the amount of evil increased.

On the other hand, who were the ones that worked and ran errands throughout the created world in accordance with what God asked? They were angels, whose central figure was Lucifer. The angels were thoroughly aware of all that God had created. However, when Adam and Eve fell, so did some of the angels.

We need to know that God did not create Satan. There was no such being as Satan. Who became Satan? It was an archangel. And two thirds of the angels fell with Lucifer, Adam and Eve. They became a part of it. We refer to those who have become part of the evil side as Satan.

They were aware of everything. They were strong and understood God's purpose for creating and His will. When they turned and worked against God, therefore, they demonstrated even greater power and caused humanity's situation to progressively worsen over the course of history. When a man who was evil while living on earth because of elements of evil and fallen nature within him passed into the spirit world, Satan and the evil spirits that preceded that man made him into a stronger, more evil spirit. Why would they do that? In order to overcome goodness. The entire spirit world was like the kingdom of heaven. The earthly world too. After Adam and Eve fell, evil developed and progressed over time. Then to what degree has it grown? As much as eighty percent.

True Parents' work of restoration

The True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, who came to earth as the Messiah, came to understand that historical reality and God's will and God Himself. They are aware that God desires to convert this world, which was degraded by Adam and Eve's fall, back into the world He had created, which was to be one of joy and happiness, and they are determined to do it.

If it can be done, whose hearts have to be moved through the power of goodness? It should be those of Satan and the forces of evil. So, as God and True Parents carried out the providence of restoration, they gave love to Satan and the evil forces, and set the conditions of indemnity they demanded. As they set these conditions, they moved the heart of and reformed each and every one of the fallen angels. Up until today they have been coming down and blessing us even though we had original sin, inherited sin, collective sin, individual sin and fallen nature.

As they blessed us, it was as if they were telling us, "We will take care of the most terrible and adamant sin, original sin; you should, of your own accord, rid yourselves of inherited sin, collective sin, individual sin and fallen nature through putting true love into practice centered on the Divine Principle." That we could indeed rid ourselves of those sins was possible. Here we could practice absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience toward God and True Parents.

Then what should we accomplish here little by little? The "firm establishment of noon12 Here in Chung Pyung, we should achieve the public focus of our heart, body and mindset. Today should be better than yesterday, tomorrow better than today, this year better than last year, next year better than this year. We should have come here and achieved the firm establishment of noon, but we have not yet done so. We should have gradually rid ourselves of all the elements of evil we lived with before we knew the Divine Principle and before we received the blessing. We should have gradually gotten rid of them and then come here, but we failed to do that.

Blessed families failed to fulfill their responsibility

And yet what do we tell ourselves? "We are a blessed family." You are wrong to think in this way. True Father rids us only of the original sin so that we in turn may rid ourselves of the inherited sin, collective sin, individual sin and fallen nature. Only the original sin. He says that we should rid ourselves of the other kinds of sin by practicing absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. "I will take care of the original sin alone. Since the original sin can only be dealt with by the Messiah, I will take care of it and leave the others for you to take care of." As I told you earlier, after establishing our center, we should have transformed ourselves in accordance with the Divine Principle and come here. We failed to do that.

In light of this, what are we doing now? We ourselves have created the good spirit world and are separating ourselves from evil spirits. In the past, we were meant to separate ourselves from them in our everyday lives, but now we can separate them by our own hands, with the support of the absolute, good spirits. This is not something that comes from the original Principle way; the responsibility for this does not lie with any one person but with all of us who know the Principle. No one should be blamed. "We're a blessed family; why can we only live at this level? Why do we have so many difficulties?" There is no need to blame anyone.

If we had come here of our own accord and achieved the firm establishment of noon, there would be no need for ancestral liberation. Our ancestors would have advanced with us, so by the time we became perfected individuals and reached the place where God is, our ancestors would also have arrived at absolute goodness. This was a blessing that God and True Parents wanted us to have, a blessing that you were to receive yourselves, centered on the word, on the Principle. They wished for us to attain it by ourselves centering on absolute faith and absolute love.

But what did we do? We looked back to our past lives before we knew the Divine Principle and before we received the blessing. When we looked back, who came to us? Satan and evil came upon us, even more strongly then before. What do we look like now? We are pillars of salt. Do you admit this? [Yes.] We have become pillars of salt, and once one becomes a pillar of salt, one is 100 percent bound to go toward evil rather than goodness. Then because Satan and evil cause disease, pain, and suffering, in the end we could not avoid living in sickness, pain and suffering. Such has been our history.

Loosed in the spirit world, loosed on earth

Then what have True Parents set up here for us? This is the spirit world, isn't it? The Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center is not the physical world. It is the spirit world! They have prepared what is necessary for us to rid our bodies of evil spirits and have our ancestors work with us. Those of our ancestors who are in the worst places can be liberated, so it is not a question of blithely telling them, "You can stay there," but making them into absolute, good spirits now, so that the providence of restoration need not be repeated.

There are some among our blessed family members, who do not come to Chung Pyung because they do not like it here. However, there is one thing they do not know. In the past, goodness could be achieved as time passed according to our way of life. This statement was once true: "Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Now, however, for all of us who have become pillars of salt, situations involving the spirit world and evil spirits, rather than earthly circumstances, need to be resolved.

So which is the subject world? Is it the physical world, or the spiritual world? According to the fifth verse of the Family Pledge, the spirit world is subject! Within the spirit world, there is much that needs to be resolved. Only when it becomes a good spirit world can goodness permeate the physical world. Now, we are in a position where we cannot move at all, so how could we possibly resolve everything here? How can we "loose" everything if we ourselves are shackled hand and foot? We cannot. That is why the circumstances in the spirit world need to be put right, so that everything can be stripped off us and we can become beings of perfected character and citizens of the kingdom of heaven and then go there. The work needed to bring this about is that which has an effect in the spirit world, the activities taking place here at Chung Pyung.

Church leaders must understand this issue clearly. If church members do not understand this, they will not come to Chung Pyung. It is wrong if they do not come. Nowadays, it is no longer a case of entanglements in the physical world resulting in entanglements in the spirit world but of entanglements in the spirit world resulting in entanglements in the physical world. No only when situations in the spiritual world are resolved can those in the physical world be rectified.

A blessed family's responsibility

Therefore, as I have mentioned, we should not just concern ourselves with our children's happiness, with eating well, with clothing ourselves well, and with living in a nice place; we need to become people who know how to change history. You don't realize how intense this time is. Our history is much longer than just six thousand years. Isn't that so? When I go to the spirit world, I see that things are not a result of merely six thousand years, but of a truly long history.

After passing through such a long history, we have learned about the Principle from the True Parents who have come as the Messiah. It is the task of those who know the Principle to put history in order.

At this time, when we delve deeply into the eras of the central figures of the past, it was not only the central figures who made mistakes. Those who lived in those eras, those who knew Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus could not fulfill their responsibilities. In this era, the Cheon Jeong Peace Palace has been built and the Entrance Ceremony and Coronation Ceremony carried out. It is in this era that our True Parents have been victorious. However, what if the central figures are victorious but we who live in this era are not? What will you do? This would be a condition to be accused by all of history.

While True Parents are still on earth, our number must grow from this year to next, and from next year to the year after, so that an increasing number of people learn the Divine Principle. Therefore, it is our responsibility to leave behind a history in which the firm establishment of noon emerged naturally while True Parents, our Messiah, were still on earth, by bringing everyone without exception to know the Divine Principle. Do you understand? [Yes!]

Our attitude for the new year

At the beginning of this year we made promises to God, "This year I will do such and such and do it well." Didn't we? We made promises. And God believed in us, thinking, "Yes, he is a blessed member; he has gone through the New Beginning Workshop and is an owner of Cheon II Guk. I trust him." What's today's date? It's the thirtieth. And on December 30, God says to Himself, "There's one day left. I will wait a day for you to see if you carry out what you prayed about at the beginning of this year." If you have made mistakes, you must report them to God, and if you have not carried out your promises, you need to tell Him.

Where is the spirit world closest to us? Where we can make the report? At Chung Pyung. Or at your church. Those members who could not come to Chung Pyung today must, without fail, go to church tomorrow, which is Sunday, and report to God, "Heavenly Father, on January 1, I made this promise, but I failed to fulfill it." You must tell Him why you could not do it, and ease His mind. He will embrace you with love in His heart as a parent. So that He can, we who offer our reports to God must develop such an outlook in our life of faith. Do you understand? [Yes!]

We pray casually; we report casually. We report nonchalantly about what we are unable to fulfill, without thinking. If we can't do it, we don't do it; if we can, we do-as a habit. We pray habitually when we are about to eat or sleep or on Sundays.

Ultimately, we need to know as fact that God believes in our prayers, in what we say when we pray. We also need to know that Satan also listens to what we say in prayer.

Satan tries to prevent us from fulfilling our prayers, and God watches over us with love and blessings, that we may fulfill our prayers. He hopes we will fulfill them.

The reason we cannot fulfill our prayers is that God cannot help us, because we are not one in heart, body and mindset with Him. Do you understand? Therefore, as we come to the end of 2007, we should reflect. "How much have my family and I been one in heart, body and mind-set with God?" We should think about this as we take part in this Holy Song Session today and as we go to Jeong Shim Won to pray.

We should reflect on this as we think ahead to 2008 and not simply discard what we failed to accomplish in 2007. Think about it and fulfill it if we can today or tomorrow. What you can't do by then, without fail you should do in 2008. In that way, you may become children God feels are worthy of His trust.

God asked me, "Can you carry out what Chung Pyung has to do?"

I said, "Yes!"

"Can you really do that?"


"Do you know what the greatest difficulty is in what you do?"

"No, I don't."

"Catching hold of the hearts of people, who are very fickle and make promises they never keep! This is important."

God told me that people cannot be trusted, and then He said, "You need to catch their hearts, the heart that is genuine; you must also be genuine and treat them with love. You should not hope to receive anything in return, just work with sacrifice and service and do everything truthfully and diligently. Then the work can be accomplished."

So as I carried out the Chung Pyung activities, and though of course offerings were made when we were constructing this building and the palace, I never told the members, "You should offer this or that amount." What I can truly be proud of is the fact that until now I have never received money from even one individual. Why is that so? It is because I wanted to work with a mindset of sacrifice and service, as God had told me to. So until now, not once have I ever told anyone, "Pay this much money and I will heal you," or "Pay this much money and I will make your business flourish."

Those activities, which members carried out with a mindset of sacrifice, service and love, have until today brought 320 billion absolute, good spirits into being, created what we call Chung Pyung and built the Cheon Jeong Peace Palace. Each and every aspect of the process of creating the Cheon Jeong Peace Palace was perilous and risky, as when someone is hanging in midair. Even until the day of the Palace Entrance Ceremony and the Coronation Ceremony, we were not sure if it could be done. Now we have no worries. All of heaven and earth is now fulfilled. Why? After the Fall, the house of God could not be established on earth in a thoroughly good world, and what makes these accomplishments truly great is the fact that now there is a house for all of the physical world and the spiritual world wherein God can dwell. This is truly a great undertaking.

New history beginning from March 2008

Therefore, from March 2008, our members, if you spend time here, will realize the firm establishment of noon and resolve everything. The circumstances that contributed to people being turned into pillars of salt will be resolved. Those who have become stronger pillars of salt may be restored later, but in the end everyone will be restored.

So we must all go forward in that direction, with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. From March 2008, an era will begin in which we can be proud in front of the world that we are blessed, because great changes will take place then. Henceforth, any improvements made through Chung Pyung activities and the Holy Song Sessions will be visible to the eye. The era wherein everything will be greatly improved begins in 2008.

You can see that we are liberating our ancestors from the 141st to the 147th generation, and from January they can be blessed. You need to understand that history will be transformed as those from the 141st generation to the 147th generation are blessed.

Preparing for the New Year

So, respected members, please resolve everything in your life from 2007! Through the Holy Song Session following my speech here today, you can completely remove everything and bury it here at Chung Pyung, liberate all that is within you. While looking over the lists of your ancestors, which I was doing until early in the morning, I thought, So many mistakes have been made. What should we do? Should we leave this in the people's hands as their responsibility? Or shall we help them?... Let's help them...

When members attend the Holy Song Sessions, it would be so good if they could see what is happening! I deeply regret that you cannot see. If you could see, you would feel so thankful and cry out in gratitude. In this hour-long session, please take out all the mistakes of 2007 and give hem to the absolute, good spirits. After you do so, with that great heavenly fortune, you must offer filial piety to God and True Parents and follow the dutiful way of divine sons and daughters.

I ask you to please welcome 2008 by embracing the hope that everything will go well. Please experience the joy of good health in your daily life. In so doing, please adopt the spiritual tradition of following the dutiful way of divine sons and daughters with a heart of filial piety in front of True Parents that can change the course of history. I wish you many blessings for the year to come and ask you to become proud members of our Unificationist community! 

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