The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim -- Hoon Mo Nim) |
At 8 am, of November 17, ‘50th True Children’s Day’ commemorative service was held at the Cheon Jeong Gung Museum with True Parents and the members of the True Children, including Hyung Jin Nim and In Jin Nim. And around 1,800 members attended this commemorative service.
The MC for this service was President Joon-ho Seok, FFWPU-Korea. After the explanation of the True Children’s Day by the MC, the ceremony progressed in the following order; singing of the Cheon Il Guk Anthem, bowing by the True Children, representative couples, reciting of the Family Pledge, Report prayer by Hyung Jin Nim, International President of FFWPU, cutting of the commemorative cake, partaking of the Holy Food, Hoon Dok Hae, and True Parents’ words.
The Congratulatory song was sung by the World Head Quarters Choir with Lovin’ Life Ministries Band played the ‘Bridge Over Troubled Waters’.
Before the Hoon Dok Hae, True Parents said, “How many have we celebrated so far? There is a meaning in the number 50. How many owners can move the 5,000 years through raising sons and daughters for 50 years? Is Korean history a few years? Is Christianity a few years? The Korean tribe is the tribe that lived for 5,000 years with God. You cannot explain them without God. How many do we have among us who can educate like this? A person who has such meaning can become the True Teacher and the Owner”, and emphasized the meaning of the True Children’s Day.
After True Parents’ words, there were songs sang where all got up to their feet and danced along with True Father. After singing the ‘Peace like the river’ President Yung-san Kim, Jardim Training Center, testified about the Brazilian Providence.
After a good time of singing and testimonies True Father felt really good and told President Chang-shik Yang to read True Parents’ words ‘Center of the Universe’ (Words from the 10.14 True Parents’ Cosmic Blessing Ceremony) that was illustrated on the November issue of Unification World and the ‘Owner of the Lineage of Owner of Peace’. Before the reading, True Parents told the members that it is very important content and told members to listen carefully.
The ceremony finished with 3 cheers of Eok-manse by Rev. Sung-jo Hwang and the 50th True Children’s Day finished in glory at the Cheon Jeong Gung Museum.