The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) |
Note: Dae Mo Nim spoke the following words on January 3, 2010 during the 978th Chung Pyung 2-day Special Workshop to the members at the Chinhwa Educational Building. Like the calligraphy writing 'Cheongshim-Il Manseung-Il' (Oneness with True Parents' pure heart and with all their victories) that True Parents gave at the Midnight Prayer Gathering on January 1, 2010, Dae Mo Nim said that if we had pure hearts we would be able to achieve everything that lies in our path.
Happy New Years! True Parents wrote the following Calligraphy writing 'Manse for the oneness with True Parents' pure heart and with all their victories in the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath centered on True Love'.
When I went to Jardim, Brazil in 1996, True Parents gave many words about the vision of Chung Pyung Works. At that time, True Parents gave me words that were same words that God had given me when I first started the Chung Pyung Works.
Those words were; "Chung Pyung is the Restored and Perfected Garden of Eden. That Restored and Perfected Garden of Eden should become a model for all people on how they should live their lives".
On that day (Dec. 12, 1996), as I was asked by God, True Parents also said, "I have faith. I will believe you and believe in Chung Pyung," and then told me to bring a paper and pen. Then, True Parents gave the calligraphy writing, 'Cheongshim-Il Manseung-il' (Oneness with True Parents' pure heart and with all their victories: same Chinese characters used in the 2010 Motto).
As he wrote the calligraphy he said, "Right now, when we look at our and spiritual environment, it is essential for us to unite with Chung Pyung in order to have a pure heart. If our hearts are pure everything can be achieved." Then he gave this calligraphy writing that says 'Cheongshim-Il Manseung-Il' that means 'Oneness with True Parents' pure heart and with all their victories' and told me to live my life and embrace this in my heart.
I enlarged the calligraphy writing and framed it and now you can see it as you enter the main entrance of the Cheonseong Wanglim Palace (Heavenly Palace). True Parents always sees this when he comes to Chung Pyung.
At the Hoon Dok Hae, he'd explain about the 'Cheongshim-Il Manseung-Il' to me.
So I thought to my self, 'It would be great if he could write 'Cheongshim Il Manseung-Il' in this year's Motto.' When True Parents prayed 'Cheongshim-Il Manseung-Il' in his prayers at the Midnight Prayer Gathering I thought that he would be writing this in his New Years Motto. And then True Parents wrote 'Oneness with True Parents' pure heart and with all their victories' (Cheongshim-Il Manseung-I) after writing the 'In the realm of the Cosmic Sabbath centered on True Love' (English is opposite from Korean due to Grammars), and I was really happy.
When I started the Chung Pyung Works, God said, "There is a method for all members to believe in you and a way for me to directory work', and said the following words;
"You mustn't lie. You must do it unconditionally, and with Absolute fact. Do it with truth.
Achieve it only with love. Do it with True Love that can forgive the sins of members' of whatever sins that they have committed.
You mustn't seek something in return. Don't expect something in return but do it with sacrifice and devotion.
Must be diligent. Just because it is night don't rest, and just because it's noon don't rest but be diligent and be in a position where you don't know from night or noon.
When you do this, I will be there to work and members will believe you and follow you."
Then God showed me the situation where members are in a long line, lining from far away to the Holy Ground (the Tree of Blessing) and said, 'There will be a time where people from around the world would gather like this'.
Yesterday, I went to the Tree of Blessing with leaders and offered a prayer together, God said, 'If you start the 2nd Stage of Chung Pyung Works with the heart that you started for the 1st Stage, you would be able to make even more miracles'.
With the calligraphy writing that True Parents gave me, 'Cheongshim-Il Manseung-Il' (Oneness with True Parents' pure heart and with all their victories), the 400 Billion Absolute Good Spirits, and the faith of the blessed families, I believe that anything can be achieved for the 2nd Stage of Chung Pyung Works.
From now on, Chung Pyung and members from around the world must have One Heart and One Will. Even in Chung Pyung Works, the most important thing is to achieve One Body and One Mindset in front of True Parents.
As I prepared for the Chung Pyung Works I stayed up for 40 days in a row. Not only in the night but 24 hours a day without closing my eyes, I did this for 40 days. I was successful because 2 people became 1. The 10,000 bows condition was achieved because 2 people were able to do One Heart and One Body. Because we were able to unite as one, we were successful. This is very important for the Chung Pyung Works. Chung Pyung Works developed because we united under the attitude of One Body and One Mindset.
What do we have to do as we enter the year 2010. True Parents gave the calligraphy writing 'Cheongshim-Il Manseung-Il' that means, if our hearts unite as one and become pure people we will establish the realm of Sabbath and become victorious over all things.
We are in a parent-child relationship with True Parents. True Parents are thinking very seriously for year 2013.
We mustn't be in a situation where we didn't do anything until the end of 2012 and pass the day of January 13, 2013, without any result.
The providence is always moving. We mustn't become a sight-seer in front of this providence. We must achieve the providence that True Parents are trying to achieve and enter the year 2013. You must have the thought, 'I must become a person who witnesses everyday all year around and inherit Heavenly Fortune and Great Fortune.'
Right now, God has created an environment where anything can be achieved. If we put some effort with the thought, 'I must do witnessing. I must witness one person every month', then God will be there to support us. Our Absolute Good Ancestors will also think, 'My descendants are doing their best to do witnessing!' and will be delighted to help you out.
This year as we enter the 15th Anniversary of Chung Pyung Works, I have prepared prizes for Witnessing. Last year I sent an Official Notice to the world. During the 'Commemorative Special Great Works for the 15th Anniversary of Chung Pyung Works' (January 15 to 17, 2010), great prizes are to be awarded to winners of the 'Worldwide Members' Witnessing Competition'. It's hard for members to grasp the enormous blessings that God will give to us.
The method for blessed families to live a happy life is witnessing. If the spiritual parent and spiritual children have One Heart and One Will then anything can be established. We must make ourselves stand in front of the line of witnessing from tomorrow.
You yourself must become members who could live their lives really well with the heart of, 'I can do this. I can. I am really a happy person' and I pray that happiness would fill your families. Please be healthy. Always fulfill the way of filial piety in front of True Parents and I will finish my speech wishing you to become members that can be truly loved by True Parents.