The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) |
For 3 days from January 15 to 17, the 'Commemorative Special Great Works for the 15th Anniversary of Chung Pyung Works' was held magnificently in Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center. Despite the cold and icy weather many members came to Chung Pyung to receive the Heavenly Fortune that God and True Parents had prepared for such a long time. In total, around 20,000 people came to attend this Special Great Workshop.
Members who came to this workshop were able to receive the blessing of; participating in 3 Holy Song Sessions per day, attending 3 Prayers at Jeongshim Won for the Fulfillment of Wishes Papers, 4 great lectures by the lecturers of Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center, Prayer at Dae Mo Nim's Prayer Room, attending the 'Worldwide Members' Witnessing Competition for Commemorating the 15th Anniversary of Chung Pyung Works', the sudden 'Prayer-Wish Purification Ceremony for Restoration' (Burning Ceremony), grace of the Fulfillment of Wishes Papers, mobilization of 400 billion Absolute Good Spirits, medical angels and the mobilization of the Absolute Good Spirits with medical skills, 'Additional' Ancestor Liberation Ceremony, Ancestor Blessing Ceremony and the 'Lottery of True Parents' Holy Things and Grains'.
All around Chung Pyung, members participated really hard to receive the Heavenly Fortune that God had prepared. Dae Mo Nim thanked the members who had participated and had wished them that they would come back to Chung Pyung more often. She also said that she has started to offer sincere devotion to prepare for the 2010 Purification Azalea Festival as well as the Special Great Works to commemorate the 1000th 2-day Workshop.
We truly thank all members who had come and believed in Chung Pyung Works for the past 15 years, we truly wish to serve you even more. Please have faith in us and receive grace and blessings from God and True Parents.