The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) |
Note: The following words were spoken by Dae Mo Nim on the 2nd day of the '2010 Autumn Chung Pyung Special Great Works' (10/23) at the Cheonseong Wanglim Palace (Heavenly Palace) to members from 61 nations. Dae Mo Nim declared the birth of 420 billion Absolute Good Spirits and explained the grace of the Autumn Chung Pyung Special Great Works in details.
Annyeonghashmnika? (applause) Gamsahamnida.
All the preparation and tiredness from offering sincere devotion for this 'Autumn Chung Pyung Special Great Works' disappeared with your applause just now. (applause) Gamsahamnida.
The birth of 420 billion Absolute Good Spirits and the Autumn Chung Pyung Special Great Works
I am so grateful to all members who were always there and believed in the Works of Chung Pyung. The Autumn Chung Pyung Special Great Works started from last year. I really had the strong feeling, 'The maple trees are soon going to turn into beautiful red so I really want to show it to members', however, I feel very sorry that I couldn't prepare as many maple trees for you this year.
Like the members had loved Chung Pyung, had interest and had much faith in this place the 400 billion Absolute Good Spirits also have had supported you until today. From now on, 420 billion Absolute Good Spirits will be supporting you. (applause)
Until now you have been liberating many evil spirits in Chung Pyung so that is why the number increased from 400 to 420 billion in such short period.
The great grace of the 'Chung Pyung Special Great Works' is that you are able to receive the grace of all Works held in Chung Pyung until now.
For the '2010 Summer Parent and Child Chung Pyung Special Spirituality Great Works' (8/6-8) there was healing for sickness related to bronchi and lung and the results were truly a blessing. Of course there were other amazing grace however, looking at the healing of members with bad lung and bronchi by the works of the medical angels and Absolute Good Spirits I offered a prayer of gratitude.
You might think, 'Chung Pyung Works has developed so much that now everything must be done easily' but that is not true. On top of the foundation of much sincere devotion it is done for the first time within the conversation with God. God said, 'This time I will focus especially on sickness related to obstetrics and gynecology for women and urology for men. I will also work on other things as well.'
During this Chanyang Session (Holy Song Session) I looked into detail thinking, 'How do the Absolute Good Spirits work to heal the sickness related to obstetrics and gynecology and urology'. The number 420 billion is far greater than the number of people who are here today. That is why they were able to work really hard on each person than usual. Looking at the healing of sickness related to obstetrics and gynecology I felt that they were much better surgeons than any other in the universe.
Also looking at the healing of sickness related to urology for men I felt 'It has become our world.' Looking at the works of the medical angels and the 420 billion Absolute Good Spirits, 'From now on it is our world'.
You don't realize the sort of sickness that has come to you right? If I look at it spiritually, there are various sizes of symptoms like a bunch of grapes in your body. The medical angels worked really well in healing these inflammation and other symptoms. Even for symptoms related to urology for men I wondered, 'How can they be so good?' moving their hands really fast and working hard so that they can remove everything for the time given and looking at this, I felt, 'It is our world from now. It is a world centered on True Parents. It will be a world centered on Blessed Families'.
After my words you will be attending the Prayer at the Tree of All Things.
During the time from 1992 to 1994 as I prepared the Chung Pyung Works to look for the Tree of Love, Tree of Heart, Tree of All Things, Tree of Loyalty and the Tree of Blessing I offered 10,000 bows for each tree. I felt 'everything will be achieved' as I offered this bowing condition. 'All the fallen nature that we have will disappear and True Love will be created. The fallen nature within us will go away and we can receive Shim Jeong (heart), loyalty and blessing and our body will be healthy and even the 3 great blessings we can have complete ownership over all things and become the proud sons and daughters of the unification church,' was the vision that I already had in 1992. I saw this when I did the bowing conditions of 10,000 bows for each 5 trees and the Water of Life.
Then after the number of Absolute Good Spirits reached a certain point I changed so members only have to pray at the Tree of Blessing. But it doesn't mean that the grace of praying at the Tree of Love, Tree of Heart, Tree of All Things, Tree of Loyalty and the Water of Life has disappeared.
Right now, I receive several letters from members every day. Most of them are concerns about financial related problems.
Looking at the problems that emerge due to their financial situations, I prayed, 'God! Please fulfill your promise of giving all things to members when I prayed to find the 5 trees for this Special Great Works!' and offered much sincere devotion at the Tree of All Things.
When I found the 5 trees and the Water of Life God gave the words, 'From now on, centering on this Location of Heavenly Garden that starts with the Cheon Jeong Gung Museum, Korea will become a nation of great economic power. When it becomes such nation you won't have to worry for your descendants because they will be wealthy.'
However, at that time I felt that I couldn't wait until that day. As I offered sincere devotion for this Great Works I felt, 'I can't wait until that time. I will offer more sincere devotion and it would be better if God could give it now'. As I offered sincere devotion starting with the bowing conditions, with the heart, 'Please come to the Tree of All Things and centering from there God please fulfill your promise that you gave last time for this Great Works', and offered sincere devotion until God had no other choice but doing so.
Why was I so concerned? Because there were members saying, 'I want to end my life because this financial problem is so great.' There were members who confessed that they had to divorce because of their financial problem. There were members who said, that they want to runaway because of their financial situation. It's not right to die, divorce nor to runaway from the world of God's Providence right?
God is not a being whom doesn't see your situation. So I offered much sincere devotion with the heart, 'God, it's not as if you don't know these situations so if we are ready to receive all things until that time please give it to us!'
Be hard-working with the mindset of 'If you do it, it will become'
After a long time of offering sincere devotion God replied to me. He said, 'Okay I shall do this'.
However, He is not just going to give it to us but during the Holy Song Session when we liberate the evil spirits we must have a preparation in our heart a mindset of 'If I do it, it will become'. And when He has given it to you, you also must have the mindset that you will return it back to heaven.
Today we are unable to see this All Things in front of us however, I have confidence. It is absolute. Ladies and gentlemen, please remember today's date. Someday you will go to the spirit world and you will see that today was the day that we received so much that we were unable to carry everything.
But you must properly use what you received. What we are going to receive is Heavenly Fortune. We who received this Heavenly Fortune must become hard working people to live our lives in happiness. You mustn't think, 'Because I received Heavenly Fortune today, everything that I do will be accomplished without any effort.' You must do your best.
However, from now on, everything will be accomplished through a small effort. Because you have power. Of course, we have to do our best. We must work diligently. If we do so then various problems that we couldn't even imagine about will be solved and heaven's blessing will be connected to each individual, family and church. Do you believe in these works? (applause) Do you believe that it is true? ('Yes!') It is a fact. (applause) It is true.
I told God. 'Heavenly Father! Please come and see the Tree of All Things with True Parents today' and made a promise.
After listening to His words, 'Okay let's make that happen' and on that morning as I offered sincere devotion and came out of the prayer room (Dae Mo Nim's) suddenly True Parents arrived by car. After looking at the Cheongshim Peace World Center and going to the entrance of the Cheongshim International Youth Center he went to the Water of Life through the back gate of the Cheongshim International Medical Center.
Then after walking to the pond that is located between the Tree of Loyalty and Tree of All Things he drank the Water of Life. This happened a few days ago. It was the next day (10/16) of watching the first steel frame truss raised at the Cheongshim Peace World Center (10/15). After drinking the Water of Life he went around the Cheongshim Tower and drove in front of the Cheonseong Wanglim Palace and went to the Central Training Center. Then he went to his relative's house and then to the Cheon Buk Palace and then on October 17 at 1:30 pm he visited Chung Pyung again.
God and True Parents visited the Tree of All Things. At that time I once again felt 'Ah, God is alive'. After offering sincere devotion over night God said, 'Okay! I will go there with True Parents' the next morning after coming out of the Prayer Room True Parents was there at the Tree of All Things. (applause)
There I said to True Parents, 'Heavenly Father I am so grateful. Thank you very much. We will do our best'. 'Thank you for coming to this place. I will do my best and I will tell the members. I will create an environment so that the members could do their best'.
Then True Father said, "That is right, tell them that I want them to do their best. Tell them that I want them to do their best towards 2013."
He said, "do your best" with so much emotion that he was unable to pronounce it properly. He was full of emotion when he said, "Tell them to do their best. Tell the Japanese members to fulfill their responsibilities".
Those strong words created the oneness between True Parents and us who are his children and the wish of True Parents and our answers. So I said, 'I will do so. I will tell the members that you said to do their best.' Do you understand members? ('Yes!') You must understand True Parents' heart.
God and True Parents understood the heart of the children so they came to the Tree of All Things and drank the Water of Life. He drank it from the cup that you use in the morning to drink the Water of Life. Then he gave the following words of blessing, "Amazing blessing from heaven will be bestowed during this Great Works." I was grateful and thought, 'All members who come to this place are able to receive many blessings. I think that we must do our best.
What True Parents truly desires is witnessing.
Today, I went to attend the Peace Queen Cup held in Suwon World Cup Stadium and felt that 'If there were more people to attend this event where True Parents the Messiah is attending it would have been much better'.
There True Parents said to me, "Today there are many members who came from Chung Pyung so today we will win". As the second half of the game started True Mother squeezed my hand and said, 'We need one more point'. She said that if the Absolute Good Spirits and starting with Heung Jin Nim and the members of the True Children from the spirit world were to be there then victory would come. Why she said this because Absolute Good Spirits were there from Chung Pyung. It meant that it will be done because their beloved sons and daughters are here from the spirit world.
So I felt that it would be nice if the Absolute Good Spirits would be here and not just in Chung Pyung and help out with the soccer game to keep my reputation. (applause)
Also Ambassadors of Peace came to me and shook my hand saying, 'It wasn't fun at all during the opening game because no goals were scored but because people came from Chung Pyung players started to score goals and the game became far more interesting'. Ambassadors for Peace who don't know about the spirit world spoke these words.
The number of Absolute Good Spirits is now 420 billion. If we do as we wish and do our best everything will be achieved. There is nothing that cannot be done. Please become sons and daughters of the Unification Family who will achieve everything with the foundation of doing their best.
What do you have to do? It is witnessing. Members who witness their best will be sent with Absolute Good Spirits who do witnessing really well. Do you believe me? (applause) Members who are not good talkers, I will send Absolute Good Spirits who can talk really well, members who don't really understand the Principle well, I will send Absolute Good Spirits who can talk the Principle really well and also those members who have bad relationship between relatives I will send Absolute Good Spirits who can improve that relationship and make witnessing possible.
In 2013, True Parents will connect the fruition that he came for this earth, and offer everything back to God, and we blessed families should also offer everything back as well. At that time, I wish you to become sons and daughters of the Unification Family who can be proud and say, 'We have fulfilled our responsibilities'. Do you understand? (applause)
I renewed the Cheonseong Wanglim Palace beautiful like this for this Great Works. To make the deadline many workers worked hard day and night to make these interiors. Don't you think its beautiful? ('Yes!') We also planted many maple trees. You might not recognize this but we really did our best in planting. Next year, it would be much better autumn scenery.
By the way, there were many pine trees that grew around the Cheongshim Peace World Center. But last time a typhoon came along and blew all the pine trees down. All fell down. Didn't you see this when you visited the Cheongshim Peace World Center today? Right now we are tidying it up. Later on we are going to plant many maple trees and when members come to next year's Autumn Chung Pyung Special Great Works you will probably feel, 'Ah, this is heaven. The autumn scenery is much more beautiful than the scenery at Mt. Seorak.'
Ladies and gentlemen, right now the angels and Absolute Good Spirits are telling me to go to the Tree of All Things so I would like to end my speech.
I am very grateful for those who have come to this Great Works. Please do your best until tomorrow night's Holy Song Session. I will be there for the last Holy Song Session with the 420 billion Absolute Good Spirits and the True Children in the spirit world. I will instruct the Absolute Good Spirits, 'Liberate this spirit who is there and do it like this', and remove evil spirits from each member so I hope that members truly do their best until tomorrow night's Holy Song Session.
Please be healthy. I will promise to give many blessings to you during the Prayer at the Tree of All Things so that you can achieve your responsibility in this remaining time this year.