The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) |
Unofficial notes from a translation, from Korean to Japanese to English. Notes taken via video.
When Adam and Eve fell there were no absolutely good ancestors. After the holy burning ceremony, the absolutely good ancestors came into existence.
They attended today's holy burning ceremony.
Only True Parents can do this so we should be thankful to True Parents. So far our ancestors were connected to satanic lineage but now they could connect to God's lineage.
We inherited Satan's lineage but through the Blessing, we could connect to God's lineage.
No other religion can do this. This is the best of the best.
For religion to make absolute goodness -- no one can do this.
This kind of work only True Parents have authority to do.
Even if we have so many difficulties and indemnity course, we shouldn't leave our church.
We have to follow, obey True Parents. Japan has responsibility. You worked hard. Whenever I meet Japanese members, I feel grateful...
At the end of the speech, Yoshiura san -- the translator -- said, "according to the speech, on Jan. 13, 2013, True Parents will report everything to God -- the things he had done."
Father is asking us to do our best.
Before 2010 passes, we have to do what we have to do this year.
We have to take responsibility for our family, tribe and nation. To make absolute good spirits, we have to do witnessing.
You have to really pray deeply. You wrote in the kigansho (wish papers). Good spirits know everything you wrote down.
You leave bad fortune behind and only receive good fortune.