The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) |
Note: This is Dae Mo Nim's Words which was spoken on November 10, 2010 during the 'Closing Ceremony of the 148th Chung Pyung 40-day Workshop as well as the 64th Chung Pyung 40-day Workshop for Blessed Wives' at the Chinhwa Educational Hall. Dae Mo Nim emphasized that if you do your best in removing fallen nature without being lazy then God will bestow His blessing which enables members to live a happy life.
There is a place called Hoover Dam in Las Vegas where True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind (True Parents) are currently offering sincere devotion without a rest for the providence. He is also instructing researches to plant trees in the desert. He also said that he would be coming back to Korea after conducting conventions in New York and Washington.
Yesterday, I told him, 'I am returning back to Korea' then he told me, "You must stay a little bit longer. Return with me" but then I asked him, 'I must be there for the closing ceremony for 40-day workshop. I also have a tour in Japan.' Then True Parents said, "Then you must go". So I arrived here in Korea at 5:30 this morning and now I am here in front of you.
Whenever I attend this Closing Ceremony for this Chung Pyung 40-day Workshop I always have a strong heart of appreciation towards True Parents who found this Chung Pyung Works. And I am happy that you are here.
The Chung Pyung 40-day Workshop for Blessed Wives (Blessed Wives 40-day Workshop) is a workshop that must be attended by wives who received the blessing. At Chung Pyung, the Ancestor Liberation Ceremony, Ancestor Blessing Ceremony and the Chung Pyung Special 40-day Workshop (40-day Workshop) are very important programs. Also, the 'Blessed Wives Special Workshop for Registration' (21-day Registration Workshop) and the Blessed Wives 40-day Workshop are important. As I conduct the 21-day Registration Workshop, because I am spiritually open I know what 'Members are given this kind of grace and blessed like this', and I am grateful to True Parents and when True Father cries I too cry in gratitude.
I receive many letters from members. When I read these letters, many difficult contents are written. There are more difficult contents than good contents.
The Blessed Wives 40-day Workshop is a period of confessing one's life after receiving the blessing. It is a period where you report to God, 'Heavenly Father, I lived like this. My family is like this'. So when I read the letters and report to God, God already knew the contents of the letters of those blessed wives who have attended the Blessed Wives 40-day Workshop.
Before I ask for God's help saying, 'Please help this and do this', He answers 'I already know'. He says, 'I know. I am solving this kind of problem right now. But there are so many things that I have to go through'.
When I read the letter I always ask God, 'Have you heard about this content? Do you know who it is?' Then He would reply, 'I know'. God is someone who knows even deeper than me. As you attend the Blessed Wives 40-day Workshop you will be connected to God like that. That is the greatness of attending a Blessed Wives 40-day Workshop. The Blessed Wives 40-day Workshop is a workshop that True Father told to attend.
Why did I offer 60,000 bows before starting the Chung Pyung Works? It is because we were very far from God. There would be no reply even if we offered a prayer report and there were so many Satan and evil spirits around us that made me think, 'Is this prayer actually heard by God?' It was an environment where we were unable to have a One Heart, One Body and One Mindset relationship with God.
In such environment, looking at True Parents who gave the blessings to us and held various conventions I always have a heart of gratitude.
He said, 'Look for the Tree of Love. Look for the Tree of Heart. Look for the Tree of All Things. Look for the Tree of Loyalty, Tree of Blessing and the Water of Life.' But I didn't know where it was and what it was. So I had a feeling, 'If I offered 10,000 bows within a day God would surely tell me', so I started to offer this 10,000 bows. I started it with a heart, 'If I can offer 10,000 bows a day then Satan or any other kind of evil spirits cannot interfere and I will be able to receive directions from God without any problem'. This is how difficult it can be to receive an answer after praying to God.
True Parents found the Chung Pyung Holy Ground, opened the gates to the Spirit World and now we have more than 420 billion Absolute Good Spirits and the Jeongshim Won has been linked to God. To have a conversation with God through this, is such a great blessing for us. Before, when I offered a report prayer, I'd pray with tears for one person overnight, offer bows and offer a prayer and sometimes ask God with a loud voice, 'Can this happen?' It was a time where everything was done per person at a time.
However, now it is different. Now, a letter arrives and when I give it to God He often says, 'Okay. I know that member. I am actually trying to solve a certain problem for the member. It would be better if that person is living a life of principle but because of consumption of alcohol, smoking cigarettes or having problems with the other gender and fight with their spouses I can only help them 10 where I want to help them 100. I can only help them 5 where I can really help them 100.' He says, 'Because of that person's wrong doings I cannot fully help them and that breaks my heart.'
You mustn't let Satan and evil take away conditions. To prevent this you must practice the contents of 'Path that Goes to Heaven' which I taught you for your own life. That is, 'Complete a True Family. You mustn't see with lewd eyes, touch and eat another gender other than your spouse. Remove fallen nature. You mustn't trample over other people's heart. You mustn't personally use public money. You mustn't drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes and do drugs. You must attend True Parents. Attend your parents, elders and love your younger siblings. You mustn't fake. You must fulfill promises made with God.'
You cannot 100% perform everything in a day but you should change little by little every day.
Why do I say Ancestor Liberation Ceremony is good is because the lineage is changed from Satan's side to Heaven's side. Not only does it change your ancestors that are on Satan's side but we can sever the evil essence that are inherited from our ancestors which are in our body.
At first, I saw the part that is connected with our ancestors at the time when Ancestor Liberation Ceremony didn't exist. Not only on earth but even in the spirit world the evil essence was connected through the lineage like the baby in the mother's womb is connected with the mother through its biblical cord. We received the blessing and cleared our original sin but through the lineage we are continuously inheriting evil essence. This connection will be cut through this Ancestor Liberation Ceremony. Isn't that good?
However, originally, the Chung Pyung Works wasn't intended for Ancestor Liberation Ceremony. It started to separate evil spirits that were in our bodies, heal sickness and pain and remove fallen nature. However, on the victorious foundation of True Parents who offered indemnity conditions and under their special authority this Ancestor Liberation Ceremony started.
We have to clear the wrong contents of our ancestors that are in our body. To do this, we must do Ancestor Liberation Ceremony and become people and families who moves Heavenly Fortune to cleanse the sins of our ancestors. God cannot interfere with this. Incorporeal God and human beings on earth must do this together.
The 40-day Workshop members as yourselves, now deeply know about Chung Pyung Works, Principle and God's words, True Parents' life course and about the providence. We must understand this really well because we are human beings. We also must understand this not by our heads but with our hearts and must be able to practice it. It's wrong to know only by head.
It doesn't matter how much Heaven wants to give us blessings or wait for us in front of the gates with blessing, if we haven't prepared to receive this then it cannot be given to us, right?
If we think, 'At Chung Pyung Works I was told that Absolute Good Spirits will help me. My Absolute Good Ancestors are there to help me out', and do nothing but sit or lie down, do you think God would bestow His blessings? No, He wouldn't.
Sometimes members send me letters, 'My child is strange. My child doesn't listen to what I say. My child has a problem.' And when I talk to this member, as a mother this member doesn't have any interest in her child. The mother would buy instant noodles and tell the child to eat it by themselves and she would just lay around and watch television. She should be cooking delicious food for her beloved husband and child, clean the house and make it neat and make sure the family lives in an environment full of love but she doesn't. She lays there wishing that Heaven will do something for her.
We think that God never gives us blessing. Even if you are tired, have interest in your child, give love and align with your child's personality. The mother shouldn't tell the child, 'You must follow my personality'. The father mustn't say, 'You must follow my personality'.
In Korea, there is a saying, 'Husband and wife are one heart and same body'. It is said that once married a couple must be one heart and one body. But this doesn't happen from the beginning.
Wasn't the environment for husband and wife different when they grew up? So if it is different, what do you do? Each of you must put in effort and become one heart and one body. You mustn't say, 'Why haven't you become one heart and one body with me?' just because you got married. Each of you must put in effort because you were raised in different environment. After putting effort comes one heart and one body.
The husband must try to understand his wife's personality. He must understand what his wife desires. Don't we all have the Principle? To live for the sake of others, that is, practicing True Love. This also applies to the wife. You must understand your husband's personality and understand what your husband desires. But if the wife says, 'Come to where I am. Do as I desire. Follow my personality and my lifestyle,' and the husband also says, 'Follow whatever I do,' then one heart and one body will never happen. You cannot be united. As a result it will break.
We must clearly acknowledge that God is bestowing blessing at all times in our life. We must perfect our personalities to be able to receive it.
You must attend the 40-day Workshop for Blessed Wives. If there are members who haven't attended the 40-day Workshop for Blessed Wives or the General 40-day Workshop then please tell them to attend. If there are members who haven't done Ancestor Liberation Ceremony then please tell them to do so. Who will be happy if you attend the Ancestor Liberation Ceremony? It is for us.
After attending the 40-day Workshop we must be different from before the workshop. You must be in a position where you are going towards perfection. Follow the words, 'Path Goes to Heaven' and do your best in completing a True Family. Husband and wife should unite and parent and child should unite. You should live for the sake of each other, have interest and love each other. You mustn't have fallen nature; jealousy, rage, hatred, falseness, greed, thought of 'my self' and arrogance.
We often make rumors even if we don't know about it. Why is this? Because we have the fallen nature of suspicion and jealousy.
For us to become people who can protect others and forgive we mustn't have fallen nature; suspicious, jealousy, rage, hatred, falseness, greed, thought of 'my self', and arrogance. And you mustn't also drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes and do drugs. You mustn't drink alcohol. Alcohol is a bad thing. Drugs are bad. You mustn't see men other than your husband lewdly, touch or take and eat. We shouldn't commit the sin of adultery, trample over other's feelings and create rumors of other people. You mustn't make rumors.
We must go to church on Sundays. We also must offer one tenths tithing. It is a basis of our life of faith.
After attending the 40-day Workshop we should be living a happy life so that when others see would say that you have definitely have changed. Can you live a happy life? You must live a happy life. You mustn't commit sins. We must have the heart of living for the sake of others with True Love.
We must live beautifully on earth. Do not forget that only when we live beautifully on earth can we live a happy life in the spirit world. From now, please have the heart that you were born today and start a new life. Do you understand?
Please do your best so that this 40-day which you did your best doesn't goes to waste. I am actually surprised to see many International members attending this workshop. Most of the times, international members would be coming during their summer or winter holidays but many have come for this workshop. I am deeply grateful for all those who have come here for this 40-day workshop.
Chung Pyung Works is held with a Parental Heart. Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center will do its best to help members who are always facing difficulty so that they can live a happy and healthy life.
If you face difficulty after you return home, please come back to Chung Pyung to remove it and pray at the Jeongshim Won.
Please become members who can live a happy life while True Parents are on earth and also become members who can fulfill their responsibility while True Parents are on this earth.
I always have a heart like a mother who watches her children play near the shore at every 40-day workshop closing ceremony. It is because I have a worry of, 'How are they going to live in a world full of Satan and Evil? They have to be living a happy life..'
We must know that God is always there, attend True Parents really well and become precious members who live their lives the best.
You have done well over the 40-day period. I would like to end my speech by offering my gratitude for those who have done their best.