The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim -- Hoon Mo Nim) from 2011 |
On January 21, 2011, the 'Special Great Works to Commemorate the 16th Anniversary of Chung Pyung Works' (Special Great Works) officially started at 7:00 pm. On the first day a total of around 6,000 people came to Chung Pyung and filled the Main Hall and the Small Hall of Cheonseong Wanglim Palace (Heavenly Palace).
Before the orientation of the Special Great Works, already three programs were undertaken. The Chanyang Session where 420 billion Absolute Good Spirits and Angels work hard to remove evil spirits, Dae Mo Nim's Prayer Room Prayer where members can sincerely pray for their specific problems and receive great grace from the angels located in the room and the Fulfillment of Wishes Papers Prayer.
The orientation was held by Rev. Dong-bae Kim, Team leader for Progress Department, who welcomed all the members coming to the Special Great Works. He gave guidelines of the Special Great Works and shared the secret of a successful Chanyang with much removing of evil spirits. After the video presentation of 'Cheongshim Today', Rev. Kim welcomed the President of Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center, Rev. Yeong-ho Ha, to the stage for the Opening Ceremony.
For over an hour, Rev. Ha spoke about the Grace of the Special Great Works and explained the unspeakable conditions that God and True Parents, Heung Jin Nim and Dae Mo Nim had to offer for this Special Great Works to bestow great blessings and grace to all the coming members. He had also asked the members to put much effort in removing evil spirits during the Chanyang Session due to the abundant grace that can be received.
The first night finished with a night time prayer. The night time prayer was originally intended to be held in the Jeongshim Won, however, due to the many people, the place was moved to the Main Hall.