The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim -- Hoon Mo Nim) from 2011 |
Note: These words were spoken on February 26 during the 1045th Chung Pyung 2-day Special Workshop by Dae Mo Nim to members at the Chinhwa Educational Building. Dae Mo Nim emphasized that to understand True Parents' Heart, we must live a life centering on the Principle and Heavenly Fortune.
I'm glad to see you. Recently, I have been touring all around Japan and what I try to say during this tour is, 'Let's understand True Parents' Shim Jung (Heart).'
The reason why we have to understand True Parents' heart is because we are unaware of True Parents' heart. Then, what do we have to do to understand True Parents' heart? We must understand the Principle deeply. If you do not understand the Principle really well then when you face trials and fall into difficult environments your mind goes unstable.
True Parents came to this earth to straighten all the wrong-doings after the Fall of Adam and Eve. God created humanity with a wish that they would live with joy and happiness but due to the fall humanity have been living in sickness and pain. God is struggling to restore that.
God lead the Providence of Restoration through central figures however, after the repeated failure of these central figures Satan and evil gradually developed and created a society full of suspicion, jealousy, rage, hatred, falseness, greed, thought of 'my self', arrogance, discontent, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and lewdness.
That is why we must read the Principle and understand it. If you find something that relates to you then you must highlight it and practice it in your life. You must make it part of your everyday life. Once you know the Principle, your heart becomes One Heart and One Body with True Parents.
At the first week of 2011, I said, '2011 will be a very troubled year. It will become very difficult because of demonstrations happening all around.'
At the same time we will also face difficulty through various problems. There will be shifts and changes with the great nature. At these difficult times we mustn't see bad things, listen to bad voices, speak bad things and go to bad places. But you should be witnessing diligently. Are you witnessing one person per month? This 'witnessing a person per month' is God's words.
Members send me letters, 'Help me. I have a difficult problem.' But the method to solve this and live a good life is to understand the Principle and witness well.
If you do your best during the Chanyang Yeoksa (Holy Song Session), pray well at the Jeongshim Won and the Tree of Blessing and witness as you live a Principled life then your financial problems, health issues and family problems will gradually be solved.
If you understand the Principle and live for the sake of others with joy and convey True Love then nothing is impossible. If we witness with the Principle then our health will naturally recover.
For example, once a patient is diagnosed with cancer then that patients' life completely changes. Prior to the notification, the patient ate well and lived a good life but after receiving the diagnosis the patient sleeps in because the patient is worried if he would die or not. This in fact worsens the cancer. If you stop moving with despair then cancer will grow larger.
If we are active then cancer will never grow. Do you understand this? I always say 'Eat more and exercise more' to all the cancer patients whom I have a consultation with. Those who eat and exercise well will be better without any spread of cancer but if you stay at home worrying, 'What should I do if I die?' and not doing any exercise then it makes it worse. Have an uplifting heart and if you live your life really well with a mindset, 'I must do the things that I couldn't do for my children, relatives and neighbors until now. 24 hours per day is too short,' then you will become better.
To live a happy life without sickness and pain you must center your self on the Principle and Heavenly Fortune. That is the path to understand True Parents' Heart.
For this Japan tour, the True Children in the Spirit World are with me. During the tour, they never return to the spirit world and are removing evil spirits at all times with the Absolute Good Spirits. Starting with Heung Jin Nim, Hyo Jin Nim, Yeon Jin Nim, Hui Jin Nim, Hae Jin Nim and Shin Gil Nim are there to do the works together.
They are there to remove evil spirits even while you are writing the Fulfillment of Wishes Papers and offering a prayer. The True Children in the Spirit World said, 'We will not return to the Spirit World during this time. We will remove evil spirits from the members during the Holy Song Session.' I am thinking to give the same grace for the coming '2011 Purification Azalea Festival for the Inheritance of Heavenly Fortune' (May 6-8).
Hyo Jin Nim, the one that we all yearn for, is now here taking hands with Shin Gil Nim. Also, Yeon Jin Nim, Hui Jin Nim, and Hae Jin Nim are here and ready to do the Holy Song Session with the Absolute Good Spirits.
Please attend the Holy Song Session with a sincere heart of 'Help Me'. Members who don't have children should have a heart, 'Let us receive a child', and members who are sick, 'Let me recover' and do your best. Looking at this Japan Tour the True Children in the Spirit World are really kind to the members like they are their older brothers and sisters.
Today, they said that they will be here together during the Holy Song Session so I ask you to do your best. Do you understand? ('Yes!') Understand that we are really happy people, have confidence with a joyful heart and live your life with a bright face.
Please understand True Parents' Heart, and return beauty to True Parents and become filial sons and daughters in front of them.