The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2011 |
speaks at Hoon Dok Hae, April 10, 2011 (Not at Chung Pyung)
Dear brothers and sisters
Below are my notes from Chung Pyung. It is a brief overview of various lectures and speeches. I will share my personal experience at a later date, hoping this can be of help. Hope you are all doing well
It is the providence of the substantial Holy Spirit, where mankind can gain spiritual and physical salvation.
It is the symbolic womb of True Mother giving rebirth to all people.
Its purpose is to initiate the fulfillment of the three blessings, achieving the perfection of our character, establishing a true family, and take loving dominion over the spiritual and physical worlds.
It teaches us how to live a life in attendance to God and True Parents as citizen of the kingdom of heaven.
The Water of Life -- Healing of spiritual and physical mind and body.
The Five Trees -- Heart, Loyalty, All things, Blessing and Love.
Restoring all that was lost at the fall.
The Chun Shin Won prayer hall -- Have your prayers received directly by Heavenly Father.
The Three Great Works -- Spring, Summer and Autumn festivals, to accelerate the process of change.
The Wish Papers -- To target wishes.
To educate us on how to practice a life of attendance, when we return home.
The Food: Healing of spiritual and physical body, remove fallen nature, remove evil spirits.
The Hospital: Restoration of spiritual and physical mind and body.
The Becoming of Age Ceremony: For young people -- To grant forgiveness, make a new start, and to prepare the future leaders of Cheon Il Guk.
To understand the heart of God and True Parents.
To understand the Divine Principle deeply and practice it in daily life.
Build a True family by practicing true love
Understand the spiritual world clearly
Find our true self
Get rid of fallen nature by removing evil spirits, and through a life of service.
Grow to become a main figure of God's Providence
Become true children who can inherit heavenly fortune.
Gain rebirth as citizens of the Cheon Il Guk nation.
Wake up 4.30 AM
Hoon Dok
Cleaning / Holy Ground
Chan Yan Yuksa
Dok Hae-Divine Principle - Special Lecture
Chan Yan Yuksa
Hoon Dok Hae
Sim Won Prayer
Rest 10.30 PM
Only one year and six months until foundation day. It is the day when the Cheon Il Guk root will start, a day to celebrate.
144,000 people will be standing with the lamb, with the name of God on their foreheads, pure people, those who have completed their missions on that day (Rev 14-20). On that day God will lead the 144,000 people to start the millennium kingdom of Cheon Il Guk. We must become members who will have the sign of True Parents on our foreheads.
The offering ceremony and celebration on that day will take place at the Chung Shim Peace Center. Election for Cheon Il Guk leaders will be held by lottery.
What qualifications do we need to attend?
1. Completion of ancestor liberation and blessing up to 210 generations.
2. Witnessing one person per month.
3. Distribution of 430 True Father autobiographies.
4. Completion of registration blessing.
5. Tradition of daily Hoon Dok Hae.
The names of those who could not fulfill will be given to True Parents. It is suggested that True Parents will need to make extra conditions to cover, as they must offer complete and total victory.
True Parents have emphasized many, many times, that we must complete 210 generations.
Why is it so important?
It is to restore God's lineage lost at the fall.
It will clear the sins of our ancestors.
It will clear out personal, hereditary and collective sins.
It will restore our original nature.
It is so that evil spirits won't have a base within us, and have no reason to be in us anymore.
It is directly connected to physical and spiritual salvation and the restoration of our ancestors.
It is so that the spiritual world and physical world can be united and become one.
We can inherit the absolute lineage of God and stand before God and True Parents as sons and daughters.
It allows us to complete our lineage that has a standard of absolute sexual ethics.
It is equivalent to restoring 6000 years of history.
I checked how many members are doing ancestor liberation and blessing, and the number is below 144,000. Let us be determined to complete this and clear our sins and fallen nature.
a. Our preparation to return to the original land -- the spirit world.
b. The place to take out and liberate the evil spirits in our bodies. When Dae Mo Nim started we did not believe there were evil spirits in us. We are living in disaster.
c. It is the work to create true families by getting rid of problems on the fundamental level.
In the spiritual world God's house is the original palace (Chung Gong Goon Museum); surrounding the original palace are the homes for absolute good spirits, they are huge palaces. Our absolute good ancestors are living near God's house.
1. The Chung Pyung anniversary special great works (January 15).
2. The Azalea Festival Special great works in spring.
3. The parents and child special great works in summer.
4. The autumn special great works..
In the beginning I said to Heung Jin Nim, I will not hit members.
Heung Jin Nim explained that he loved Africa so he went there after his ascension. When he left our brother, other spirits possessed him. Our brother could not recognize that the spirit inside him was not Heung Jin Nim. Heung Jin Nim did not hit members.
Spirits give dreams to make us worry -- we cannot go by dreams or what fortune tellers say. We should not go to spiritualists to check, you can get the wrong information. We must truly love, we cannot call our spouse Satan. Satan put so many evil spirits in us, yet God still loved this Satan (Lucifer).
We all have cancer cells in our bodies, through Chan Yang this can be removed.
Show your children the basics, bow, pledge and prayers.
We repeat often in Chung Pyung because it should become a habit, and we should keep doing it when we get home.
You cannot change your bad habits or fallen nature unless you take out the evil spirits within you. Greed, short temper, emotional surge, are all influenced by evil spirits. There are many evil lustful spirits; even if you don't realize it they are controlling you. You should come here and remove them. Some second generation did not know what "eating the fruit" means. If you eat, your descendants will have original sin and go to hell.
Dae Mo Nim made it very clear that evil spirits are dominating us, our thoughts and actions. Some second generation have more evil spirits inside them than their parents. We will not progress unless we remove them.
The more we take out evil spirits the more we will change, and become more beautiful.
There is a prophecy that the local people of Chung Pyung area know well. A past king wanted to build his palace on the area of the original palace and training center, he was advised by a top Buddhist monk that he cannot build there, for in the future a king far greater than he will build his palace there.
The significance of 40 days
1. To inherit heavenly fortune for your family, church, area.
Heavenly Fortune is:
a. To testify proudly about True Parents
b. To read True Parents words, listen and practice
c. To create absolute good spirits, and remove evil spirits.
All Three must be practiced to get heavenly fortune.
2. The Grace of Spiritual rebirth. Separation of evil spirits, ancestor liberation and blessing, remove fallen nature and sin, and overcome spiritual ignorance.
3. The Grace of Physical Rebirth. Treating all major diseases, protection from coming diseases.
4. The Grace of Spiritual growth. To attend 40 days' workshop 3 times before blessing. In June 2009 True Father said all members should attend 12 times.
5. The Grace of training for a Heavenly life, know and understand the spirit world clearly. Living a life of attending God and True Parents based on daily Hoon Dok Hae.
Ancestors Liberation is to change our lineage to God's lineage, this is an amazing thing. It doesn't matter how much we live according to principle, these evil spirits will cause problems. As we liberate and take out spirits all problems will be solved. It is like inheriting 6000 years of dirty clothing from our ancestors. The important thing you need for witnessing is the support of angels and Absolute Good Spirits. We are responsible to increase the numbers of Absolute Good Spirits, so that our lives can be easier.
Adam, Eve, Lucifer and 2/3rd of the angelic world fell and became Satan's. They know about God's creation. Making these into angels was not easy, they were together with God when Adam and Eve where created.
They put all fallen nature into human beings. They put evil spirits in the body of second and third generation.
If a member was cremated send information to Dae Mo Nim, I will send them to waiting room.
Your life is recorded, like on a videos tape, you can see everything.
We need to think what kind of life we are recording. You decide where you are going to live in the spirit world, this is based on the life you have lived. We must think we have to go heaven.
God's sons and daughters are those who can witness.
The sizes of the evil spirits are like the smallest of ant eggs, they are put in orderly rows. Each evil spirit has resentment, they try to get revenge. They change our character and life style. We are living controlled and dominated by them.
After the 1980's these spirits became stronger. In the future there will be more new diseases, Chung Pyung is working to stop these coming diseases. The evil spirits tortured the father who then pushed his son to commit suicide.
We have to witness to live. Dae Mo Nim shortened her life to save blessed families. True Mother appeared to Hoon Mo Nim in 1979, and instructed her about her work in Chung Pyung. True Mother explained all she had to do.
True Mother again appeared to Hoon Mo Nim in 1984 and emphasized her previous instruction. Hoon Mo Nim lived a life of dedication of tears in order that she understands the work of Chung Pyung.
In 1992 True Mother again came to Hoon Mo Nim and gave her a telescope which allowed her to see deeply and clearly the spirit world; she could see each person in detail. Dae Mo Nim knows what we feel and think, she pretends that she doesn't know. Hoon Mo Nim met God in the spirit world, He told her that she was born for this mission. He showed her the lifestyle of blessed families on earth, they cried. After that God said, "I waited 6000 years but this is how the blessed families are behaving, I wanted to be proud of my children."
When Hoon Mo Nim went to the bottom of hell she saw blessed families, she asked Heung Jin Nim, "Why are blessed families at the bottom of hell?" Heung Jin Nim said, it depends on the member's lifestyle while on earth. The members she saw tried to hide.
The first thing Dae Mo Nim had to do was to restore Lucifer. She had to find where he was. Dae Mo Nim and Hoon Mo Nim made a situation where he remembered the time when he received love from God.
One day Hoon Mo Nim said, let's go and meet God. Lucifer said, if I meet God and he has bad mood I will make evil multiply. The moment God met Lucifer He embraced him and cried and said welcome back. How can God comfort Lucifer? We must forgive and comfort others. God said I knew you would come back to me, I have kept your place. With such love Lucifer was moved, he said I was wrong, please forgive me. God said, there is no words of forgiveness between us, I never had vengeance towards you.
We must learn from Gods attitude and heart. Your spouse is not your enemy.
The Coming of Age Ceremony for young people
You can remove your fallen nature through the Chan Yang Yucksa session. Don't expose yourselves to the practice of the fallen world.
No smoking, No drinking, No drugs. Don't talk about each other. Do not touch and look in front of the opposite sex. Do not eat the fruit, your children will be born with original sin. If you make again original sin Satan will damage you. If you live your life based on the standards and ways of the outside world your children will not be free of troubles.
Living on earth is a very short time, don't make mistakes while on earth, it will affect your decedents, you will not be happy in the spirit world, you will feel like dying. Through this ceremony, and based on my conditions, you will be forgiven. For those who have fallen I will meet separately, your mistakes will be forgiven.
This is your new starting time. This is the first coming of age ceremony, I will make conditions for you to receive the blessing well.
What are the Special Great Works?
All our devotion is offered so that you can resolve your problems, so that you can live happily and be cleared completely. Through the light of the burning of prayer wish papers the most evil spirits can be removed.
God purifies the area and the bands that come to play. At the Autumn Festival the focus will be on financial blessing. All 422 billion absolute good spirits will be mobilized. The true children will instruct the Absolute Good Spirits what to do with each member personally. Absolute Good Spirits represent the light of heavenly fortune that will protect you 24/7.
True Parents are preparing for foundation day. They will fulfill their mission by gathering all the victories of the blessed families and offer all to God. It is the day of the revolution era, a glorious day.
How is it recorded in the Bible? True Parents are the second coming of the messiah. Rev 14 says "I stand with 144,000". Rev 20 Jesus came to give spiritual and physical salvation.
144,000 must be offered for True Parents to conclude their mission. They need people, nation and land; the base of that is the 144,000 people. The Location for this event is Chung Pyung, this is the place that is offering all True Parents' results to God. The registration workshop and blessed wives 21 days' workshop are preparing us as citizens of Cheon Il Guk. God and True Parents have become one, like Dae Mo Nim and Hoon Mo Nim, He is doing his work substantially through True Parents.
True Parents have set up the center and are counting down to foundation day. The completion of physical and spiritual salvation is connected to foundation day and restoring our ancestors. We can remove individual sins, collective sins and hereditary sins by liberating up to 210 generations. The spiritual world and physical world can be united and become one by fulfilling 210 generations. If we complete 210 generations we can inherit the absolute lineage of God, and lay the foundation for good spirits, then we can stand before God and True Parents as sons and daughters. When we fulfill it, it will be so wonderful for the whole world.
No sin and evil should be in the peace kingdom. The nation of unification is a nation composed of love. The citizen of Cheon Il Guk achieve the four position foundation. Is there anyone who has completed the four position foundation? There is no completed human being. Why are we unable to make the ideal family and become the children of God?
Also where is the original homeland? Before all this we need to remove all sins. We have fallen nature, by hating people can we go to heaven? We hate people naturally because of habit. Many of us cannot control our desire, we have become the slave of Satan. How can we get rid of all these sins and fallen nature.
I shared with Dae Mo Nim, evil spirits and ancestors needs to reconcile. There need to be harmony between the two sides. The more we liberate ancestors we can remove layers of sins from us and our ancestors.
Some members think Chung Pyung wants to make money. True Father was so disappointed so he emphasized 210 generations. How can we remove our ancestors sins without Chung Pyung? It's not possible. Satan invades when you have sin, this (sin) is the condition needed for his accusation. This blocks us always, no matter how hard we study Divine Principle. We cannot become the object partner to God with our sins. How do we remove all these sins? We come to Chung Pyung for that purpose.
That is why True Parents are asking us to do 210 generations. Can sinful people be registered? We have to remove all sins to be registered, we must invest in Chung Pyung. A perfected person can live under Gods dominion, they don't have sin or fallen nature. What kind of people are blessed families? We are in between God and Satan, in the middle, we go back and forth. Do you have a happy heart when someone succeeds? Can we control our greed? We must not lie and hate, this is all of Satan's world. Satan is a liar, lies are covering the whole world, even in our church.
You need to know where you are at, to become a better person. You need to know how to get rid of your fallen nature. We do up to 210 generations because it's around 6000 years, after 6000 years Heung Jin Nim and our ancestors will take responsibility.
Research and study why you are here, don't just come because you are told to, you must research and invest, then you can feel and have confidence. If the spirit world was covered by absolute good spirits what would happen? Focus on removing evil spirits and individual sins, this is the most basic and most important.
We did not educate our children well, they did not clearly understand the fall and its consequences. They need detailed education about the fall. Because of our habits we all have cancer cells, they can be removed through this Special Great Works Workshop. With spiritual power I will remove the key troublesome spirits from you.
The path of completion is spiritual and physical salvation. True Parents must complete salvation spiritually and physically. They have to accomplish what Jesus could not. Yesterday Rev Kim asked if we have sin. How is spiritual and physical salvation achieved? True Parents gave the blessing and holy wine to remove original sin. This is the grace given by True Parents.
We also have fallen nature, we must clear up this fallen nature, that is our responsibility. In the early days centering on Cain and Abel relationship we should have removed fallen nature. If we loved Abel and obeyed Abel we could restore fallen nature. If we remove our fallen nature our ancestors sins can be removed and our life would be better, our ancestors could be raised up as we fulfill and we would all be qualified to enter heaven. But this was not completed. Satan and evil spirits united and made God's providence more difficult for us.
To complete physical and spiritual salvation Heung Jin Nim and Dae Mo Nim went to spirit world to lay the foundation. The evil spirit world became bigger and bigger, there is no paradise in the spirit world now. Heung Jin Nim and Dae Mo Nim had to resolve the problem of evil spirits. Heung Jin Nim and Dae Mo Nim realized that spirits had to be transformed. They created in the spiritual and physical worlds Chung Pyung training center. Evil spirits go through a process of education to become Absolute Good Spirits. How can Absolute Good Spirits help descendants? They trained at the 40 days' workshop in the spirit world. They will help us like the angels should have helped Adam and Eve. This is an amazing spiritual world and physical world cooperation system that can transform the evil world into good. The original sin of our ancestors needs to be cleansed, we must complete up to 2010 generations.
The structure and system prepared by True Parents will allow us to cleanse our personal, collective and hereditary sins, such a grace is being given through Chung Pyung.
Individual sins were motivated by evil spirits. If we remove the spirits connected to these sins they can be cleared up.
Heung Jin Nim and Dae Mo Nim are our Abel figure to clear up our fallen nature. Dae Mo Nim Is Abel as we can unite with her to clear this up. If you feel jealous or hate towards someone it's a sign that you need to love them. We need to witness with the autobiography of True Parents, this will support the stimulation of removing fallen nature.
Even though we try to live a better life, we pray, repent and say "Aju", then later we say "I hate you", this is the evil within us.
Through this ancestor blessing we gain heavenly fortune. We must all do this for the providence of restoration. We have to liberate until we ourselves are liberated, that's why True Parents said we must do 210 generations.
We must do four lineages, 3,360 people will be liberated. We are creating a highway to God. Now heaven is expanding and hell is decreasing. God is here in this training center now with us.
Don't just wait for the day of January 13th, 2013. We must witness every day to prepare for this day.
Why do we come to Chung Pyung? To create ideal families. How can we do this? Many people have different ideas why they come. Various programs here help us solve our desires.
When we try to fulfill four position foundation, there is a power that tries to stop us. Through Chung Pyung we develop the power of absolute good spirits. Understand where you are at. Our ancestors sins are reasons for cancer happening. If there is something common in our family we have to understand the works of evil spirits. If I am able to liberate them, I can avert cancer. These spirits disturb our study and divert our focus and concentration. The root of our problem is the presence of evil spirits.
Through Chung Pyung we can liberate and separate. We need the sincere devotion of Heung Jin Nim, Dae Mo Nim and True Parents for us to be liberated.
The spirits are sent to Heung Jin Nim's workshop to clear up everything, they become absolute good spirits. In man's history this is the first time for this to happen. Now we have 420 absolute good spirits, we built this over 16 years. The three great blessings can be fulfilled, then we can live with the blessing of all things, the Absolute Good Spirits will support us to fulfill.
The purpose is the fulfillment of God's ideal of creation, this is the purpose of the workshop. Let's listen to Dae Mo Nim words, don't listen to the BBC. Let us realize that our problems are from evil spirits. Evil Spirits worked against all historical figures. We need to know how these spirits are working against us. They are inside our bodies, and will do everything to remain there.
Is it easy to remove them? When you sing loud it becomes a tranquilizer for these spirits, if not they will protest, "I'm not coming out". They huddled together like in a rugby scrum, when we hit our body we break up the scrum, the hard shell. Holes and cracks are formed to allow Absolute Good Spirits and angels to go in. When we liberate 210 generations they won't have any reason to be in us anymore.
This summer great works had over 12 thousand members. The grace doesn't disappear, it will continue for two weeks and during this workshop. 2013 is very important and is our providential responsibility.
Dae Mo Nim has repeatedly emphasized witnessing, everyone is responsible for witnessing. When we do this we will receive the protection of Absolute Good Spirits and live in heavenly fortune. If you do nothing Absolute Good Spirits will not help. We must be active in public life. Witnessing is the providence of restoration, when we fulfill a new era will begin.
40% -- Spiritual atmosphere
30% --
Words of Truth -- Practice = Witnessing
30% -- Action
The angels' miraculous atmosphere and the foundation of Absolute Good Spirits is needed, they will help you with witnessing. The more public life the more blessing you will receive. We just have to be active in witnessing. The standard for our spiritual children are;
Attend 3 days' Workshop.
Sunday Service.
Liberate 1-7 generations.
The Light of heavenly fortune will be working very hard to help you witnessing.
It was very difficult to prepare for the great works. God told me to be very clear with brothers and sisters. I had to make perfect conditions.
You also need to make sincere prayer conditions to gain the best from the great works. I know and I can see the spirits, and I know what the spirits are planning against you and your descendants, we don't know when they will work, we can remove them at the great works.
Based on my conditions you gain benefit. Everyone needs to follow schedule, by doing this spirits can be removed. We are covered by evil spirits, they were harmed by our ancestors, they bought more evil spirits with them and if we do not remove them we cannot resolve our problems. We are controlled by them. Even eating food, we eat the food that the spirits like, we use words and wear clothes that the central evil spirit likes. You follow what they like and what they want to do. If you mimic the way of life of these spirits it will cause troubles for us.
We have to think of our descendants, as first generation this is our mission. Satan comes if we don't live based on principle. We are all responsible to increase the number of Absolute Good Spirits. Before going to spirit world we need to clear up the background of our second generation. I am now preparing for the Autumn Special Great works (October 21-23). Become one with me. No one but you can remove and resolve your fundamental problems. You can make ideal families if you remove evil spirits.
Witnessing is the most important part of restoration. The providence belongs to us, it's our own, if you go now to spirit world what would you do?
I said that the world, nature, and the Unification Church will be very difficult this year. From today we need to witness one person per month. For the Autumn Festival I will do my best to help you.