The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2011 |
Note: On October 2, 2011, Dae Mo Nim gave words during the 1077th Chung Pyung Special 2-day Workshop and said that we should live a life with gratitude and love and without fallen nature, and added with emphasis on the importance of ancestor liberation and witnessing which is our responsibility in preparation of the Foundation Day.
Annyeonghaseyo. ('Annyeonghaseyo!')
Right now, there are so many evil spirits in our body. Satan works our body through the evil spirits that have attached to our physical body. Also, there are many spirits that have resentment towards our ancestors in our body.
If we had followed True Parents' words and lived with True Love without fallen nature after receiving the blessing we would have had grown and perfected our individuality. However, this was not the case. It's not too much to say that we are living our lives centering more on fallen nature when we look at our daily life.
We mustn't have fallen nature like, suspicion, jealousy, rage, hatred, greed, self-centeredness, arrogance and complain and discontent. You must live only with love and live alongside the principle. But because we are unable to do this, Satan and evil are controlling us and strengthening their power.
If you look at sickness and pain today, most are caused spiritually. Not only sickness, but pains received at home are also mostly spiritually caused. This is because we are creating this condition for Satan to do bad things through the evil spirits in our bodies. Because we are unable to live with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience this kind of phenomenon is happening.
You cannot enter heaven without being a heavenly person. When you go to the spirit world only the body of perfected personality can enter heaven. Through True Parents' principle and words we received education but I feel that most of us are not practicing these teachings in our lives. You cannot be heavenly people if you still have fallen nature, inherited sins, collateral sins, and individual sins to live in heaven.
The reason why True Parents opened the ancestor liberation ceremony is because they know that without liberating this evil element that our ancestors created since the Fall of Adam and Eve we are unable to appear in good attires. In 1999, True Parents said, "Do ancestor liberation ceremony". After that, in groups of 7 generation, we held the ancestor liberation ceremony every 5 months. At the beginning, we were only doing the Father's side and Mother's side for the ancestor liberation but True Parents then said, "Only when you liberate 'Grandmother's Father's side and Grandmother's Mother's side' can you say you are doing ancestor liberation."
All the things that our ancestors have done until now are inherited to us through the blood lineage. Like the unborn baby connected to its mother through the umbilical cord we are connected to our ancestors through this lineage. If that lineage was a good lineage then there is no problem however there are situations where we are being influenced by evil blood lineage. Without severing that connection you are unable to be a perfected person.
If you are influenced by this element of evil lineage every day, then we are bound to live a life as an evil person. We have our ancestors' fallen nature. We must severe that through ancestor liberation. Severing the evil lineage is one of the most important purposes of ancestor liberation.
When you go to the spirit world most of it is hell and heaven is not much. But through True Parents' realm of victory heaven has been slowly developing. Heaven has started to grow through the number of increasing absolute good spirits.
As you live your life on earth, when you perfect yourself, your descendants too will perfect themselves and thus live a happy life. We who are living on earth now, are ancestors from our descendants' point of view. If we live an evil lifestyle centering on fallen nature then you have to understand that your descendants will experience pain and difficulty. We must do our best in our daily lives to live according to the principle so that our descendants would not experience pain through our lineage.
For this to happen you must first think 'gratitude' to all things. It doesn't matter what sort of trouble and pain you face you must think 'gratitude'. Even if it is someone else causing you this difficulty and pain you should think 'gratitude' and then when you have a give and take action with love with that person, you are able to perfect your individuality.
We should live according to the principle, live for the sake of others and create such culture. We must create heavenly kingdom on earth. True Parents' dream is to make world peace. But world peace cannot be achieved by only True Parents.
There are many people in the world but I believe that the time has come to start give words of blessing and heavenly fortune to those who are close to you, family, tribes and neighbors, rather than people far away from you. Towards the Foundation Day in 2013, we must be witnessing all day and even when we are sleeping.
When God gave me the responsibility to start Chung Pyung Works He said, 'When you follow what I say then I will fulfill my end. First, give love to all people. It doesn't matter how many times they have committed sins, embrace them with true love. Forgive them even if they have had committed so many sins.' Through the years of Chung Pyung Works I felt that 'these words are right'. It came to me as I look at members who have committed sins.
Then He continued saying, 'do everything with truth and fact without false. Do everything with the mindset of sacrifice and dedication. You must be diligent at all things at night and day.' 'Love it, with fact, and truth with the mind of sacrifice and dedication and diligence. If you follow these things then you are able to fulfill the responsibility of Chung Pyung Works'.
These words were not just given to me. It was also given to all of us. God said to us, 'With truth, fact and love there mustn't be fallen nature. Suspicion, jealousy, rage, hatred, false, greed, self-centeredness, arrogance, complain and discontent mustn't be there. Even if you face problems if you do it with 'gratitude' then you can fulfill the responsibility of Chung Pyung Works'.
With these words we must diligently do witnessing towards the Foundation Day on January 13, 2013. The history of the Providence for Restoration is not just True Parents' concern. You must start thinking, 'The History of the Providence for Restoration is mine'. Centering on True Parents and True Children, the History of the Providence for Restoration is ours. Please know that it is our History of the Providence for Restoration and that you must have the determination to create the good world that is the heavenly kingdom on earth. Do you understand? ('Yes!') Can you do this? ('Yes!')
I am so grateful to have you who are doing their best to perfect their personality through ancestor liberation ceremony, creating absolute good spirits and removing evil spirits from their body without forgetting about Chung Pyung Works.
When I started Chung Pyung Works I had various worries and difficulties. However, because you had endured and did your best, I am able to be here today. And through True Parents' special authority they had opened a path for us to liberate and bless spirits as we are on earth.
True Father says, "Try to look into the Divine Principle. Look into the Divine Principle and find about liberating and blessing ancestors while you are on earth. It's not there! But through offering indemnity conditions and on the foundation of victory, we are able to create absolute good spirits through our ancestors."
I ask you to become precious members who would walk towards January 13, 2013, the Foundation Day even if you face difficulties. Do you understand? ('Yes!')
You must do witnessing. It is much easier to witness people on earth than spiritual beings. You don't know how difficult it is to create absolute good spirits after doing ancestor liberation and blessing because you cannot see it with your own eyes.
We must do ancestor liberation and ancestor blessing and with our absolute good ancestors we have to witness our families, tribes and neighbors. Towards the Foundation Day on January 13, 2013, we must fulfill our responsibility. When we fulfill our responsibility with witnessing we are eligible to receive blessing that heaven is trying to give us.
At the beginning of this year, God said, 'Tell all the unification church members to witness one person per month'. 'If you do this by 2012 then amazing blessing awaits on January 13, 2013, the Foundation Day. You must fulfill your responsibility'.
As we entered this year I have repeatedly said to witness one person per month. Right now, it is much easier to witness compared to the past. Heavenly fortune is there and because the absolute good spiritual world works every difficult problem, it is liberated very easily. I can tell you this with confidence because I have experienced this as I have held this Chung Pyung Works until now.
It's not too late. It's already October but I ask you to be precious members who will do their best for the remaining 3 months from October to December and work hard on witnessing until January 13, 2013, the Foundation Day.
Do not forget that all times we must be filial sons and daughters in front of True Parents and I would like to ask you to be members who could receive the love and blessing of True Parents.