The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2011 |
Good morning, everyone. Are you happy? What makes you happy? When we have 2-days workshop, if I ask you, you tell me, but I don't know what makes you happy. Now, we are liberating ancestor gen 211-217. After finishing 210, how wonderful it was! From 211-217 we are now doing ancestor lib. For those who did 210, Chung Pyung will do the gens 211 and on. After 210, it is not easy, but for those who have done 210, the situation will be so good.
I felt this morning that closed doors are open. So, I thought: the most happy person is the blessed family members of the Unification Church. I feel a lot of appreciation. God is our God, True Parents are our True Parents. Even if we cannot see spiritually, the doors are open. Was it easy or difficult? To you it was difficult. You came a long way, spent much money, etc. It was a difficult job you did, but little by little, stage by stage, it made me happy. Some of you came for the first time, and listened to the words, and did chanyang. Your heart may have been: what am I doing here? They couldn't understand. Those who came for the first 7 gens, are blessed nevertheless. Be patient, and study about the church. You can feel that this is such a blessed place.
After the 210 blessing, I feel so much appreciation, and feel that nothing is impossible. Inside the Unification Church it is difficult, and it is a hard way to walk, but 210 makes things so much easier. As I lead the 211-217 liberation, I think about what will happen. One person was in such a difficult situation. I hope they can go home quickly. I did ansoo, but even though they did 210 gens, there are problems in the gens above 210.
There are problems above the 217 gen. Human history is like that so I felt pain. But they did 210 gens, so after 5 months I have hope, and we will see. Each stage will open. True Parents previously abolished all the borders. These days, True Parents talk about human nature. True Father: we need to become a person of character. Those who do Hoon Dok Hae lots (at the Palace), know that True Father talks about his past life a lot. People may wonder, why is he talking so much about the past? But these stories, about beautiful people with beautiful minds, True Parents want us to be like that. Up to 210, Absolute Good Spirits can become one with God/True Parents. 1 heart, 1 mind, 1 mindset, so we need to become people of character.
But the history after Adam and Eve is so long. True Father said 120 gens, then he said 210 gens, recently he said about 420 gens. After 120 I thought, it will be so nice. Then I thought (about 420), what is the point? Where is the place in Spirit World? If we do 210 gens, the gens after will be corrected. Even if you don't come for ancestor lib, you still must come for ancestor bless. Even if you don't offer donations, 211 and on will be done. But, for the ancestor blessing you must still come. It is 30,000 years or so (?). It is such a long time period. Not such good spirits. All the earthly mistakes, are smaller than the mistakes in the Spirit World. When I see those Earthly Spirits giving problems to people. The place they are living is very uncomfortable. They can't stay there, they want to get away, so they give pain to weaker spirits.
Before 1980s, we could do okay (in the era of Mrs. Lee Byung Kyun?). Then, why do we have to do again? We saved those spirits, but we could not make them into Absolute Good Spirits. People on earth, if they had lived with Absolute Faith, Absolute Love, and Absolute Obedience, then those liberated ancestors could have gone the proper way with us. But, after 1980, we lived un-Principled lives. We got blessed so that we could become people of character. But fallen nature, and sins had to be removed first. So, that was a conditional blessing. We needed, after that, to walk together with our ancestors, with Absolute Love, and Absolute Obedience. But, we lived lives mixed with fallen nature, and even committing the fall, doing illicit sexual relationships, and so on. No one should do this, but even inside the Unification Church, people did this, and looked, touched, and ate. This collective sin is all entangled now.
So, True Parents made the registration blessing and forgiveness workshop, and proclaimed the substantial Word, so that we could become one with True Parents. Here, if we stood well (lived well) we should have to move towards becoming a being of character. True Father: absolutely, all the words and traditions given by True Parents, you should not change them. In, we understand Spirit World. But, we could not, I could not say more. Without any change, we should follow what True Father said. Principle should never change. All things that True Parents gave us should not change. But, this center was not kept. This center should not go here and there. We should not change anything. We should understand the providence. Will God's will be accomplished while we are living on the earth? Spirit World is 80% hell, and inside our body there are lots of Earthly Spirits, many more than there are good spirits. 1999, ancestor lib began, but now, while on earth, we could not make it possible.
There is a place where the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th gen members can come. You think: I am blessed, so God's will can be accomplished. The population of the world is so much greater. Can the whole population of the world be witnessed? The tradition of God/True Parents, the 1st gen is walking, but we have to go to a certain place and bequeath to the 2nd gen. Do we have to change? We have to pass everything on to the 2nd gen, and the 2nd gen have to walk centering on True Parents and the Principle, Living for the sake of others. By doing so, but while the 1st gen is on the earth, what we have to do is make it so that God's providence can spin around (like a top; top, strong, strong pull, etc.). Until then we have to hit (spin) the top well. So, God's providence can move automatically. Then, it will go naturally to the 2nd and 3rd gen and 4th gen.
But we should not change this tradition according to a leader here and there. Centering on True Parents tradition, we need to follow the culture of the Unification Church. To do so, I must become a person of character. I need to remove fallen nature, and sins, greed, hatred, jealous, arrogance, etc. You may think: I am centered okay. But that is not true! You need to change! If you can only see others' mistakes, it is not right. We must LSO (live for sake of others) centering on God's true love. Do you understand? If true, then do you think True Parents want to meet Foundation Day with the number of members we have now? No! True Parents have given the blessing to 400 million couples. But some of those couples betrayed, some went the opposite way, etc. We need to move forward. Centering on God and True Parents, with the Principle, we should move forward and not go back. Eventually, when you go to Spirit World, if you go without True Parents, you can't go to your home. Because Original Sin must be removed. All religions, they cannot remove Original Sin. I asked the 4 great saints about their admiration for True Parents. Those saints said they did not know Original Sin, but True Parents did, and True Parents found true love, and true lineage. And true life. True Parents know about all those things, so they acknowledge True Parents. The 4 great saints spoke like this.
Through the ancestor bless Original Sin can be removed! Even if you go to some religious group, still after death, you have to remove Original Sin through True Parents. Earthly Spirits are in us. We cannot just separate those Earthly Spirits. True Father: after 1980s and 1995, we have to go to where the ancestor are and lib them and remove Original Sin. This possibility is due to the victorious foundation of True Parents. True Father: In the Principle it does not say like this. It is because of the victory of True Parents that this era comes.
You have to witness, and go to Sunday service. You may feel that the church does not give grace, but this is a wrong attitude. You need preparation so that you can receive grace. It is hard for leaders to speak from the podium. Once a week, but the church leader feels that this time comes so often and so quickly. We must prepare in order to receive grace from the church leader. If you think: shall I go to church or not? This is not right. Hold hands with each other and with children in the family and go. Your relatives, more and more people, the neighborhood. While True Parents are on earth, remove Original Sin from even one more person, so that person can live well.
Witnessing needs to become part of our daily lives. God: the providence is witnessing. The Providence of Restoration = witnessing. Those without the mind of witnessing; this is not right. 2011 God said one person per month. We pray to God and beg Him: please bless me! Even so, do we have the mind of giving? Giving to God? Practical work. God wants to revive peoples' spirit by witnessing. But we don't do it.
Now Cheongshim World Peace Center has been done. It is very nice! Now guiding the outside. Next year, if we wait till next year, it is better, because nicer. But we need a ground-breaking ceremony. Even making one house takes a lot of energy. What about making all people into God's sons and daughters? God wants us to do witnessing. You might say: I have no time. That is not right. Witness in your family, your tribe, in your neighborhood. The culture of witnessing needs to be settled. You say: the church situation is not easy. This is wrong. Go to the members, if they misunderstand, we have to make them think properly. The culture of witnessing is not working well. We need to fulfill many things on earth. We have only one month left (till 2012). Please do witnessing, if you haven't done so yet. If you live with one heart, one mind, and one mindset, God will work through you.
In January, the Second Generation Workshop is coming. Wednesday, and yesterday I gathered the pregnant sisters. I felt the greatness of the special great works workshop. Pregnant women come for the sake of their fetus. There are many pregnant women with problem babies. Once I remove the Earthly Spirits from the baby, they become better. A Down syndrome baby became better. The situation is now much better. Usually I say to stay 2- 3 months or more. But through Second Generation Workshop it becomes much faster. Attend Foundation Day with all of your Absolute Good Spirits ancestors. The weather is now much colder. Try not to catch cold. Day and night we have to attend God and True Parents. We have to practice, not just have a good heart and Shim Jung. Even faced with a difficult situation, we can work with God/True Parents. Second Generation Workshop preparation by God and True Parents. I will do my very best. Training center never forgets your love and care. I will close here. Thank you.