The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2012 |
The CheongShim Peace World Center Pilgrimage for the 'Special Great Works to Commemorate the 17th Anniversary of Chung Pyung Works' was held for 3 days. This pilgrimage was prepared after a special instruction by Dae Mo Nim so that all members who attend the Special Great Works could visit the CheongShim Peace World Center before its completion.
The CheongShim Peace World Center has 3 floors below ground level and 4 floors above and is the biggest indoor gymnasium in Korea that could hold up to 25,000 people. After its completion, it will be used as a multi-cultural center and it will work as the lead facility of presenting True Parents' ideal and culture to the world. At the Groundbreaking Ceremony on October 28, 2008, True Parents said, "Please take the responsibility of completing the CheongShim Peace World Center! Please build a center for your descendants. Please plant your dreams in this land which is located below the Cheon Jeong Gung Museum and where it looks over into the Cheon Shim Lake."
Members from around the world lined up behind the bus which was departing from True Parents' Calligraphy Writing Stone.
After arriving at the CheongShim Peace World Center, members would first walk around the inner corridor towards the seats and after watching a video presentation they went outside and drank warm Korean tea. After drinking the tea, members viewed Panels that were exhibited which showed information about the CheongShim Peace World Center's background and value. They also went outside to see their names which were engraved on the wall. All members who attended the tour received a commemorative badge and also stamped a commemorative stamp behind their guidebooks.
The CheongShim Peace World Center will be used for True Parents for the Foundation Day, Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony, World VIP Rallies, Education for the Ambassadors for Peace, and used for educational halls by True Parents. Not only that but it will also be used for concerts, musicals, festivals and other purposes.