The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2012 |
Mo Nim February 26, 2012
First of all, we must make our lifestyles beautiful and witness our own family with the principle. As tribal messiahs we should witness our tribe and then our neighbors and society. Then finally have a strong mindset of a national messiah as if you are going to witness your nation.
As True Parents departed for America he would often say, "How are you going to welcome Foundation Day? You have to open the gates to the revolutionary era but those gates are extremely heavy. The keys are locked solid. We must do witnessing and many people must open those locks and open the gates so God could go back and forward freely. But are you really doing witnessing?" What is the History of the Providence for Restoration? The History of the Providence for Restoration is to find all people after the Fall of Adam and Eve. If we cannot restore even one person the providence will keep on going until that person is restored. He says, "If you cannot open the gates to the revolutionary era while True Parents are on earth then how are you going to live the rest of your lives?" We are at a very serious situation. We don't have time to listen to other things. We don't have enough time. We have to run towards the Foundation Day.
God has already given the solution, 'You only have to do 'Witnessing one person per month'. If the husband and wife at the family do 'Witnessing one person per month' then that is not 12 but 24 people. Then you can open the gates to the revolutionary era. The path for a happy life is witnessing and the path to welcome Foundation Day is also 'Witnessing one person per month'. When you do this you are able to live a happy life.' I'm not saying to go outside with a bag and prepare for witnessing but as you live your daily life have interest and love towards your relatives and neighbors and have a lifestyle where they can believe you 100%. You mustn't be absent from calling your relatives for over a year and not say hello to your neighbors when you pass them by. You must establish a relationship where you can have interest and love and be accepted. It's not too late. Please understand that 2012 only happens once and do your best as we go towards the Foundation Day. Please become members who will do their best and don't think that it's too late.
This year also, Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center will help members with truth, fact, love, sacrifice, mindset of dedication and with diligence, and promise to do our best to support the establishment of God and True Parents' Will. We hope that you will be sons and daughters with filial piety in front of God and True Parents and become precious members where senior families could love their younger families and younger families could serve their senior families. Gamsahamnida.