The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2012 |
The commemorative ceremony, 2nd part of the CheongShim Peace World Center dedication ceremony was held from 1:00 pm on Cheon-gi 3rd year, March 1 by the Heavenly Calendar (solar: March 22, 2012).
The event started with Rev. Jun-ho Seok, President of UPF-Korea opening address, 'Today is the historical day of dedicating the CheongShim Peace World Center in front of God and True Parents which was constructed under the will of True Parents 'We must build the Holy Capital of Cheon Il Guk in Chung Pyung Holy Ground''.
In a very serious atmosphere, the Cheon Il Guk national anthem was sang. Then, President Rev. Jeon-ok Yu sincerely prayed praising the amazing victorious realm of True Parents who worked vigorously in the background of its construction and offered sincere gratitude to Heung Jin Nim, commander-in-chief of the spirit world, Dae Mo Nim, Chun Mo Nim and to all the blessed families around the world.
After receiving the commemorative flowers from Mr. Hag-un Im, General Manager of CheongShim Peace World Center, True Parents cut the commemorative cake.
As True Parents came to the podium to bestow his words, the whole stadium roared with cheers and applause by all the attending members from around the world. True Parents started his words wishing for the unlimited development of Cheon Il Guk;
"Today's words will not be spoken by my wife and I. The heaven and earth will complete God's sovereign nation from past, present and future. On the base of individual perfection and after the perfection of a couple, man and woman, it creates a family. In this family, through the fate of the blessing the sperm and ovum which are the seed of child centering on God emerges for the first time from the father, a body of sperm and mother, a body of ovum. As water boils with fire it bursts and sperm and ovum which are poured in there becomes one.
Parents of children should do their best and as a father and a mother, you must devote all your energy and make life and death decisions. To give birth to children is about devoting all your energy and making life and death decisions. After devoting all energy for 10 months you must give birth to a child. A child is born on earth with a promise of 100 years. The 100 years will be lived with love and create nations on earth and after living 100 years of fulfilling a lifestyle on earth for a nation then they go to the next world, era of heaven, eternal world, thousands and tens of thousands of years and go to this world that we all wish to go."
In between his words, True Mother came to the stage to read the 'Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Word by God's Substantial Self'. True Father read the last half of the words and bestowed many words in between the material. Members who received much blessings and joy after True Parents' words for around 2 hours determined to expand this holy capital built here in Chung Pyung Holy Ground to the world.
All members clapped really hard for True Parents as they left the stage after Rev. Yeong-seop Song, General President of UPF-Japan offered the 3 cheers of eog-manse.