The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2012 |
Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han March 24, 2012
Good morning, everyone. Not only here on the 2nd floor, but also in the 1st basement, many people have come to Chung Pyung.
Today is the registration blessing, along with the 2-day workshop. Thank you very much for coming.
Today I will talk about the Registration Blessing. After the Registration Blessing we need to change our lifestyle.
Who am I? If we know, our faith course of Absolute Love, Faith and Obedience will be easier. As we live, we need to know what kind of blessing we received.
We thought, with some arrogance, that we are blessed families. So, we can go to heaven. We are people of heaven, etc.
I would like to explain about this. I also thought that same way. But, when I went to the Spirit World I saw that it was not like that.
Paradise "was" in the middle level. But there is no Paradise anymore. As I saw Spirit World I realized that "this" was paradise.
What is the relationship between Spirit World and Physical World? The Physical World is totally hell. Satan and evil governed us. Our life was hell.
My will and my thinking. How many people can live life based on their own thinking and will?
No one can lead such a life, based on their own freedom and will. Spirit World and Physical World are like that. What is hell?
It is the hell of life and the hell of the mind. Life with fallen nature is hell. Spirit World is 80% hell and 20% heaven.
When God created the world He did not create hell. Adam and Eve fell, and went away. Adam and Eve, and 2/3 of the angelic world followed Lucifer.
Who became Satan? The angels became Satan. 2/3 of the angles became Satan. Adam and Eve ran away to a place that was the most far-away place. Adam and Eve, Lucifer, 2/3 of the angels ran away. Only True Parents know this. Adam and Eve went far away and this is hell.
This is hell and evil. After the fall of Adam and Eve, God called, when we go to Spirit World, we can see how God called Adam and Eve. No matter how strong (the spirit) is, they will cry when they see God. God is crying, no matter how bad the sin, I will forgive you; please come (back). But Adam and Eve did not come.
Without restoring themselves, they gave birth to sons and daughters. God tried to restore centering on Cain and Able, but it was not possible.
Who made the mistake? Cain or Abel? You may think that Cain made the mistake, but actually Abel made a mistake. Cain killed Abel.
The Able-person needs to give love, to understand Cain. But Abel could not understand Cain. Abel's mind made Cain commit sin.
Abel: "you did not get accepted because you made a mistake." This is not loving, this is fallen nature expressed.
Both Cain and Able had responsibility, but they failed. Also, at the time of Abraham, and the time of Jacob, and the time of Jesus, God worked with central figures. If they had had a pious faith, then okay. God taught everything to them, but they saw things centering on fallen nature.
The person next to you might make a mistake, might make you upset. But we should not get angry. But with fallen nature, we make even bigger anger. At the time of Cain, of Abel, of Abraham, of Jacob, even in Jesus' time, anger. For Spirit World not to become 80% hell, to not live in sin and evil, we have our lineage, but it is not God's lineage (of love, peace, joy, etc.). It is Satan's lineage, a life of pain, of suffering, of disease.
We are doing liberation up to 224 now (about 7,000 years). Through (400,000?!?-translation?) generations, evil has been controlling us.
If restoration would be possible (before evil had settled so much), but people (central figures?) in history did not have such a mind.
But these central figures became arrogant (fallen nature, and therefore, failed). Jesus said that he would come back.
People today need to have the mind to welcome the 2nd messiah, based on true love, etc. The Original Sin is removed only by the messiah.
The other sins (inherited, collective, etc.) became settled in us. They did not get removed. If we remove those Evil Spirits in us, if we can remove them, then I (True Father) can forgive Original Sin. Is it that way? Originally, we had to remove all these sins, and then receive the blessing.
But, True Parents: I've so much trouble with you, so only a conditional blessing. It is not possible to remove all of the sins and then give the blessing. So, True Father set many conditions (fasting, etc.). True Father: if you do conditions, I will make the condition so that Satan cannot accuse (to us, or, especially to True Parents). If Satan is here, but he cannot accuse. So, True Father made amazing conditions. Original Sin was removed from us.
Without removing Original Sin, the other sins (collective, inherited, etc.) cannot be removed. Original Sin is very deeply rooted, and the other sins are not easy either. So, True Parents removed Original Sin (the original root of all sins). Then, True Parents thought that the other sins could be removed easily.
Even without having the correct position (as we should have had) True Parents still put us in the position of children, and gave us the blessing.
If we know this, then we have to lead lives of Absolute Love, Faith and Obedience. Even 6,000 years plus, more than 10,000 years passed. We received a position blessing.
We thought it was a completion blessing, but no. We thought just like the Christians! "I have the blessing and I can go to heaven!"
This is spiritual arrogance. We received position blessing, and we should be grateful. We should become a person of character.
Put the Principle into practice in my life. Did we live that way? The Original Sin is so fearful! In Japan, it is difficult. There are comfort women.
There is collective sin. Many soldiers came. Those spirits came inside of the descendants bodies. If someone is drinking (alcohol), this is connected to ME through collective sin. We thought it was their problem, but that collective sin is coming to ME. Drinking and smoking are so fearful! We have to come to the position to receive completion blessing. We even fell down to the position where we were even before the blessing, due to collective sin! We all fell down! Members should not do the Original Sin! But members who do it go to outside marriage, we fell off a cliff due to collective sin. To go to heaven is possible like that? True Parents called me: I cannot give this (?) blessing, so you have to give this blessing. They looked at children who left or fell, etc. True Parents made conditions of forgiveness once.
Since I know about Spirit World, and I know the sin, I can explain. We received the registration blessing, and we need to complete ourselves.
If God is here, it is easier to care for us. We need to make a true family. Husband and Wife must love and respect each other. Parents and children should love and care for each other. Children should love and respect parents. We need this lifestyle. We should not have fallen nature.
Anger, jealousy, hatred, resentment, etc. We all have fallen nature! This is not our true nature. It is a nature made by evil. From now on, absolutely do not smoke or drink. Smoking and drinking make problems and make the fall. One person told me: I have many debts, and have to make money, so I have to do business drinking at meetings. I told this person, if you drink, then later many money problems, and your debt will increase. Let's see who is right. In 2 years, the debt became even larger! This person told me: since you knew this point that this would happen, can you give me money to pay off my debts? Original Sin is illicit sexual relationship. The same to us. If the atmosphere is such, we can commit Original Sin. If we do Original Sin again, Original sin will be made again. Eventually very, very bad. Through Chung Pyung works, this was erased. From now on, no Original sin, no illicit sexual sin. Go and give education to people. Due to collective sin, we will be influenced!
When I began Chung Pyung, God told me: don't misuse public money. If you succeed I will give you a house. A family will live in a house.
Are you tithing? Tithing is public money. Between elder and younger members, we need to love each other. If so, then we can become perfected people of character. Don't think someone else's life is someone else's! Collective sin. Their life affects me!
Let's be happy and joyful. True Parents: 2013.1.13 we should do witnessing (witnessing). Life and mind are settled now in evil. To remove this we need to do witnessing. Foundation Day is the day to give offering. There is deeply rooted sin and evil. We need to unlock and open the door, so that we can live with blessing. We need to do witnessing. witnessing is the secret method to live well. Witness one person each month.
Be totally immersed in witnessing. Just as we breathe in and out, this is witnessing. If no witnessing, we will die. Can we live or die? On Foundation Day. True Parents were very happy about the recent blessing. True Parents wished we could have more and more this year. This picture of True Parents (the picture on the wall in the room) is several years old now. True Parents are already a grandparent. We need to do witnessing. True Parents remove sin by making conditions.
Sickness, and a steep cliff (?) -- remove through witnessing. There are members who did not do 210 generations yet. True Parents: you must do this; if nothing else, you must do that. When ancestors do the blessing they are so bright [Dae Mo Nim held up a glass of clear water and removed the black lid]. Ancestors had memories of their time on earth, but when active....If spirits see the life you have, they see. Those who attended the Azalea Festival, those ancestors thinking about their past sins, this thinking is erased. You need to come (to Azalea Festival).
Those blessed after the last Azalea Festival, cannot even remember what they did. You need to give your ancestors a sense of happiness.
Your ancestors can give you a sense of happiness. Stay well. If you get sick, it can accumulate. Have positive and bright thinking, and let's become members who can relieve True Parents sadness. Please become members who can be people of happiness and joy. I will close here.
Thank you very much.