The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2012 |
Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han March 24, 2012
Good morning, everyone.
The season, even though it is April, when compared with other seasons, seems a little cold. Always, at this time of the year, with the Azalea Festival coming up soon, I worry about whether or not the flowers (Azaleas) will bloom or not. But, today I decided to stop worrying because we have many other flowers, different kinds of flowers. Let us all make our mind peaceful and relieved. In this Chung Pyung Garden of Eden, I have planted more than one million azaleas. This is because when I went to the Spirit World and saw heaven, I saw many flowers. The azaleas have many different colors, and they are so beautiful and with a fragrance like lilacs.
The time of the beginning of Chung Pyung works. Chung Pyung is the restored/perfected God of Earth. I felt I had to plant many Azalea flowers. More than one million. As I see them, I feel that I need to be beautiful like those flowers. We will all go to Spirit world (Spirit World) someday. This Spirit World, what does it look like? Where is "my house" in the Spirit World? In which town will my house be? You often just think: I will go to Spirit World, and I will live there. But, I think differently. Spirit World is eternal, and if something is "tied" in the Physical World, it will be "tied" in the Spirit World. If something is "untied" in the Physical World, it will be "untied" in the Spirit World. We are not making everything in the Spirit World, we are making everything in the Physical World. So, our physical body can grow through sustenance. Our spiritual body is really growing up through our own lives. It becomes good if we live good, but it becomes evil if we do our lives in a bad way. In Spirit World your town, and your home will be done according to the quality of your spiritual life. The "color" will be decided by you. You will be going through, and with what?
Look at your spiritual self. You may think there are "judges" in the Spirit World, but there are no judges. There are accusing spirits. How did you live your life in the Physical World? You might answer, but then these accusing spirits will accuse you. These are the judges. The Spirit self and the Physical Self stay together. If Adam and Eve had not fallen, the Physical Self and the Spiritual Self, we could see both. The Spiritual Self is carried by the Physical Self and could be seen. But due to the fall, we can't. On the day of your Seunghwa is the day when the Spiritual Self and the Physical Self are separated, and we can see the Spirit self. As for the shape of the Spirit self, you go to the Spirit World. If the color is blue, you go to blue. If the color is white, you go to white. If red, you go to red. According to the color and shape of your "self" you go to your house.
3 days and the Seunghwa ceremony, and go to your house in the Spirit World. Spirit self, if it goes directly to your house, it is like flying, it would be so nice. If there is no accusation, and if you can go to heaven, it is very nice. But, when I looked during a Seunghwa ceremony, and looked for the spirit, I checked to see if the spirit was there or not. There was no ascended spirit. Because this spirit was taken by those Evil Spirits who come out of the Physical body, and they brought that spirit to another place. Do you understand? If we feel this, we can change our lives. We may think that as an elder member, as a blessed family, as a Unification Church member, we can go to heaven. But, that is not the case. The other people at a Seunghwa might think that the person (spirit) is ok, and is there. They don't think that the spirit is in a different situation. They sing and pray so that the spirit can go to a good place, thinking that the spirit can go to a good place. If the spirit is not hindered, it can, but if it is hindered, it cannot go to a good place.
If you come here to Chung Pyung only after a long time, it is too late. We have 3-day, 40-day time periods. Each has some important meaning. Until the Seunghwa 3-day, you stay in the Physical World before you enter the door to the Spirit World. In that time, you have to sort things out (i.e. blessed family member fee, if there is resentment anywhere, a church fee, etc.). This 3-day time period is when you need to work all of this out. We feel, we spend 3-days to receive visitors, etc. After 3 days, around 11 o'clock, one day guests come, etc. This 3-days is a correct period, to sort things out before going to Spirit World. After passing the door, 40-days to go and look for our house. If there had not been a fall, 40 days would not have been needed. But, we have 40 days to prepare. The outside world also has 40 days, 49 days, etc. We have 40 days because of the Spirit World. It is easy to go after 40 days.
At the entrance to the Spirit World it is not easy to find a house. Even after 40 days the spirit cannot go because many spirits are hindering it. If we live life well, we can go straight to our house. But if we do not live life well, it is difficult, One day is like 1,000 years. There are difficult situations which make it hard to find our house. If we can find it within 40 days, how great that is. But, if we cannot go to our house, then we will end up wandering like a "ghost." And some spirits are taken by other spirits.
If we become a wandering spirit, our descendants' lives cannot be lived well, our descendants cannot settle down well. They feel busy, it is not easy to settle, there are problems, etc. As I see these families, their ancestors are floating and hanging out here and there, not able to enter Spirit World. I was so surprised!
Your children may be like "this" or like "that." We parents might feel very painful to see them like this. Our ancestors, if they don't enter in a house in Spirit World, their descendants' lives will not be happy. A spirit must often live a life under the dominion of other spirits.
Spirits who didn't have the Ancestor Liberation have pain. One ancestor told me: let my descendant see how heavy a rock is, so they can feel how heavy I am. Let the descendants know about how I feel. Ancestors who are not liberated have this huge burden.
People of hell? People who live centered on fallen nature go to a place of hatred, anger, jealousy, etc. Spirit World is 80% hell; heaven only 20%. Now, goodness is developing. Heaven's size is expanding. Hell became more than 80% because of our lives. If we see ourselves we are people of hell. We have fallen nature. Where do you think our house will be made in Spirit World? In hell! Do you think there is freedom? There is no freedom! Sins in Spirit World are bigger than on earth. Japanese members need to do Ancestor Liberation quickly. Spirit World is eternal and we are doing Ancestor Liberation up to 224 now. Sins of... are more than 1st gen.
We need to think: while we are in the Physical World, we need to become people of heaven. Now, when we go to Spirit World, we will become worse people and do bad to our descendants. At time passes we will become the worst person. But True Parents made it possible to do the Ancestor Liberation ceremony. In the womb, through umbilical cord, the baby is receiving nourishment from the mother. This is blood lineage. People who have completed 210 generations, the evil lineage has been severed. Can connect with God's lineage. When I first went to heaven in the Spirit World, I saw no Absolute Good Spirits in heaven. It was a beautiful world, but no Absolute Good Spirits. It was only a beautiful world. But now, what? There are Absolute Good Spirits in heaven (because you did Ancestor Liberation).
Now, there is God's house, Absolute Good Spirits' houses, and the homes where our ancestors can live. Centering on the house for Absolute Good Spirits, the house in Spirit World is made (during the 40 days), and our house here will be the same as our house in heaven.
The training center is closer to the border with hell and the Cheongshim complex, and the size of heaven is advancing. The training center is nearer the side of hell even more. The number of Absolute Good Spirits in the Spirit World is a small number. 440 billion is still small (!).The training center has been moved closer to hell. This means the size of heaven became bigger and developed. Understand? When you answer, your sound is less. Heaven became bigger. We can go to heaven if we remove Evil Spirits from our body and remove fallen nature and sins. After Ancestor Liberation, we can go to the training center in Spirit World and become Absolute Good Spirits and go to heaven.
One person asked me: is it okay to live my life on earth on my own according to good and evil desires? Then I can be liberated when I die. Is that okay? That is not right. In Spirit World you will still have memories of your life on earth. Buildings here, like the World Peace Center, etc. are open now, so we can go there and have good feelings, similar to those we would have in heaven.
There are many flowers, trees, and rocks which you will remember in your minds when you go to Spirit World. But, if you never had such experiences, then in Spirit World you cannot have those memories of flowers, and trees. In the movie, What Dreams May Come, the artist sketches beautiful things because of the experience. But those who don't have such an experience, they could not do such a thing. If you drink Kona coffee while on earth, you may be able to smell it in the Spirit World and have an even bigger experience in the Spirit World. If you have a favorite flower, you can see it when you go to heaven. In a big field, if you want to play soccer, you can. If you had experiences while in the Physical body, you can do much more substantially in the Spirit World. If you live an evil life in the Physical World, you will have no good memories in the Spirit World.
Live life beautifully in the Physical World so that you can experience Spirit World better. If you experience smiling in the Physical World, you can smile in the Spirit World. If you have mind body unity in the Physical World, you can have the same in Spirit World. If you have a heaven of no smiling, there will be no smiling in the Spirit World. Reduce your fallen nature! Try and learn many beautiful things in the Physical World. Learn the Korean language! Because about all cultural things, Korean words help you understand things much more easily. Understand Korean culture and language before you go to the Spirit World. A full bow is the culture of heaven. When we meet True Parents, we do a full bow, When we go Spirit World, we will meet God, etc. do a full bow. Postures of people sitting before God, is like the culture of Korea. There are cultural manners in heaven. The culture and manners of Korea, we need to learn. Then we can live life in heaven easier. Clothes can mean Korean clothes. If can wear Korean clothes, then can wear any country's clothes. Don't learn the culture of hell! Experience many interesting things in the Physical World.
January 13, 2013, Foundation Day, our world and culture will change. Some Evil Spirits are removed in chanyang session. More and more will be removed. As we come to 2013, lots of Evil Spirits will be removed from our body. The Seunghwa ceremony, a spiritual background can be made. When we remove fallen nature, after Foundation Day, sin and Evil Spirits removed, we need to be able to open the door of happiness and joy. We need to open it. But the amount of Jung Sung and the number of blessed families is not enough.
So witness. In chanyang we can remove Evil Spirit and become people of heaven. Do you witness or not? Yes? Lots of Witnessing, and chanyang, this is what can open the gates widely. Settle in a culture of love.
Please do Witnessing.
This year True Parents told us to do Ancestor Liberation. He said it strongly to Japanese members. Be sure to do it! Ancestor Liberation, Witnessing, in May the Azalea Festival. Those ancestors blessed after the last Azalea Festival, their memories of past...will be totally removed. They will become wonderful spirits. Please come to the Azalea Festival. Much work will be done. Evil Spirit from the body, ancestors with bad memories, all will be cleansed. So, this place is different from the outside world. We can remove Evil Spirit, we can restore ancestors, so that all can go to heaven. Have confidence, feel happy, have a mind of conviction. Become filial sons/daughters of God/True Parents. Be such members. The season is now changing, and the weather is changing. Take care of your Physical body. I would like to close here.