The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2012 |
Mo Nim - May 6, 2012
Good morning, everyone. It is very nice to see all of you. As we gather for this workshop I really hope that you can think deeply about yourself and check your life. I really hope you can check yourself, what kind of person I really am. Why do I say such words to you? If you go to Spirit World, there is heaven and there is hell.
According to True Parents words there is heaven and there is hell. As you go there you will see.
Since I began leading this Chung Pyung works I have had a desire to go to heaven. You don't know how precious Chung Pyung is. When I went to Spirit World and saw hell, I was shocked. It is a fearful place. Heaven is a very happy place, where we live for the sake of others. Hell is very different. In hell, strong spirits dominate weak spirits. These strong spirits were once weak spirits, but after some time in the Spirit World, they became very strong evil spirits. I had to analyze why they were controlling weak spirits. I realized that is an expression of their pain. When people are upset, they give a hard time to other people. evil spirits feel great pain, and the pain weak spirits receive from strong evil spirits is so terrible and horrible.
On television, we see violence, for example, by gangsters, but the violence strong evil spirits give to weak spirits is far worse. Also, the smell of sins, such as smoking, drinking, and drugs is so unbearable. The smell of hell, like the smell of a rotting physical body. And the smell stays so long. In the lecture room of the Spirit World training center, the smell is different, because the atmosphere is different. When I return to the Physical World and remember the smell of the Spirit World it is not easy to live my life.
Our blessed families need to live Principled lives. I don't want them to see this hell. I let spirits go to their "homes" according to the level of their spiritual maturity. I ask them: do you want to live here, or do you want to live in heaven? They always say: heaven. If I show them hell, they don't want to see it anymore. As time passes, their sin will become reduced. In this process, in the Spirit World training center, they said to me: you don't need to show hell anymore. They don't want to go back there.
At first, in the Spirit World, they see hell because that is where they are, but through their education in the Spirit World training center, that becomes less and less, and they seek to go to heaven. They see hell over and over again. So, in the Spirit World training center they are working so hard, so very hard, even if no one asks them to. I sometimes ask God if a person in the Physical World training center can see heaven. If you saw heaven, you would not want to go back to your home, because in your home it is a fearful situation. When I see heaven in Spirit World, there is a very good system in place, and you will go to the Spirit World training center.
In the process of creating humanity, God felt great joy. With the creation of Adam and Eve, God felt joy and happiness. At the fall, God cried. During restoration, and in the process of sending the Messiah/True Parents, and restoring people, all these things you can see over there in the Spirit World training center. You can see these things and you can feel why God created human beings. When Adam and Eve fell, you can see it. Your mind will be: I think I should have understood and practiced this Principle better when I was living on earth. We may think that we are putting the Principle into practice in our lives, but you are not. When you go to Spirit World and see heaven and hell, you will realize that you did not live by Principle.
When people go to Spirit World they cry and wonder why they lived their life like that. True Parents gave Principle so that we could go to heaven, but we didn't live by the Principle. In Spirit World we will feel great regret. If we live like this, we will feel great regret. As you learn in Divine Principle, can you change your life in one day? It is difficult. How long have we been living life based on fallen nature? From our ancestors we received a lot of fallen nature. We cannot erase it in one day. You need to underline as you read Divine Principle. You must think: I would like to remove this or that fallen nature at the Chung Pyung training center. Then life can be different.
When you go to the Spirit World, Satan and evil spirits are there. When you see heaven, all the people are living with Absolute Faith, Love and Obedience, and True Love. Fallen nature is due to excessive desire and lack of love. Arrogance makes sin. In daily life, take care of your fallen nature! Do we have fallen nature? Yes!!! You sometimes say: I don't know if I have fallen nature. That is wrong! That is a most fearful answer! All of you have fallen nature. Believe this 100%! During our life, we need to change our fallen nature, separate from Fallen Nature. You need to have that kind of mind. You need the mind of removing some Fallen Nature today. You are not doing this enough.
Heaven is a place where you live together with beautiful memories of your life on earth. Even though you become absolute good spirits, when you think about your earthly life, you should not have any bad memories. You should not be a person whom Satan can accuse because of your earthly life. Those seeds of fallen nature will be passed down to our descendants. All life is inherited from our ancestors, and will bequeathed to our descendants. The evil spirits in us are making fallen nature and giving it to us. When I see you doing chanyang, I think: this person's character will change from this to this. I see the change will be this much. If fallen nature is separated it will be reduced. This fallen nature is part of our life habit. At first it came from an evil spirits, but now it has become our life habit. By removing evil spirits, we can improve. But we have to change our nature. If you reduced fallen nature, greed, anger, and so on, life will be easier. Life and society can become better.
Fighting is caused by fallen nature, and by greed. Greed causes anger and we fight. You need to check yourself. Don't think: it is all because of him or her! Check yourself. Because of our excessive desire, anger will easily come out. Give up greed. Then, no arrogance, etc. Have good desire, and discard self- centered greed and desire. If you know this, and go home, things will improve. If you discard greed, you will receive help. If you think: "I want to live well alone" God cannot help you. Because of our greed, we cannot dominate the world. Throw away greed. Give up greed in your family. Then you can achieve. Can you give up greed? As you give to a small child, some candy. Does it taste good? But when I ask you this, I see your faces are all so stiff.
Today, I gave only these short words. Because your ancestors had greed, and hurt others, etc. Today I would like to remove those spirits. As I look at the participants list, that greed will be removed from you today. I will finish very quickly, so you can have an extra chanyang. This chanyang session please work hard.
For 2013 I hope you work hard and fulfill your Portion of Responsibility. Be healthy and be happy. I will close here. Thank you."