The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2012 |
Mo Nim -- 2012
"Good morning, everyone. It is nice to meet you here. 2 weeks ago I explained about heaven and hell, and last week I talked about fallen nature, and the need we have to re-examine our life. This week I want to talk about the path of going to heaven.
When members ask me: how can we go to heaven? When you ask me about the path for going to heaven, I can say that when I first went to Spirit World, from Heung Jin Nim and from God I received the information that there are 21 questions to answer to go to heaven. You have to fulfill 21 questions or tasks. It is very difficult to fulfill these 21 things. If it (life) is not based on absolute faith, love, and obedience, it cannot be done by us, but by God and True Parents. They understand our reality very well. From the 21, there are several selected ones which we have to keep. Centering on those selected things, God and True Parents want you to become better day by day. On this or that given day, it is not so important. What is important is that you change your life.
The first of the 21 is to make a true family. Without making a true family you cannot go to heaven. The Original sin must be removed through the True Parents of heaven and earth. We didn't lay enough foundation for this. We were not supposed to be able to remove Original sin. But True Parents laid tremendous indemnity conditions and everything, so that they could remove it. We also have to remove fallen natures. Through the words of True Parents, we can move forward. Even though True Parents gave us words, we didn't live like that. After blessing, fallen nature, collective sin, inherited sin, etc. should be removed through a Principled life. Already the method of living to become a good person is in the Divine Principle book. It explains clearly the difference between good and evil. We should not commit the sins of our ancestors again. God and True Parents want us to live Principle lives. Even though we understood that, we couldn't keep to that. We have to live according to God's will.
Because of the fall of Adam and Eve, our ancestors long history, and all that mentioned in Christian history, it seems 6,000 years, and if we live correctly, we could easily be situated. But we are still doing Ancestor Liberation, and this means that there is a longer history, more than 6,000 years. And all the evil content has been passed on through lineage. All history after the human fall, all the evil were passed on to us, after the fall. This evil clings to us. So, even if we receive the blessing, it is not easy to live with absolute faith, love, and obedience. God knows this fact. So, after the blessing, and we understand Principle, God wants us to become better and better. Come a little bit closer and closer to Him.
When we received the blessing, our position was a conditional blessing. Why? Because we had not yet perfected ourselves. If we had been qualified for the blessing, maybe it was possible, but we were not qualified, so Satan could accuse. The Messiah came, the Original sin was removed; that is the perfected blessing. But we were not qualified. First, remove Original sin, but we are not perfected human beings. True Parents could not give the blessing to us in the position of completion. We received a conditional blessing, a position blessing. From there we can go. True Parents took us from Satan and lifted us up so that we could receive a position blessing. If we receive this, we still have to do our best, and try to get rid of fallen nature, and make our habits better and better. Then, we could have been living at the point of registration. We were supposed to be there. True Parents called us, but we couldn't come there.
True Parents gave the Holy Water ceremony so we could stand in that position of completion blessing. True Father said: please do not make collective sin. Become better and better in your daily life, so that you can come to the position of the blessing. But even after registration, our life was not like that. We should have lived our lives, even though we can't get rid of all of our fallen nature, we should have become closer and closer. But just the opposite, we went down further into collective sin, inherited sin, etc. As I look at our lives, I am confident that we can still go to the position of completion. If we remove evil spirits, little by little, we can come out of the position we are in and rise up. As I said last week, we need to check on myself. Where am I now?
From the position of registration, am I moving up, or going back? Before sleeping, and upon waking up, we need to take the time to see ourselves. You need to know your reality. If you don't take the time, that is not a good life. We don't have that time of reflecting and checking ourselves. We need that time. To become perfected more and more, center on the words of Divine Principle. Between husband and wife, center on absolute love and absolute beauty. The Subject gives absolute love and the Object returns absolute beauty. When you lead your life in the family, you may think: why doesn't my husband love me? What doesn't my wife love me? Then you may fight. The husband, without questioning, needs to give love, and the wife needs to return absolute beauty. Make an absolute family. Parents need to give love, and children should love and respect their parents. Family members, hand to hand, need to live Principled lives. This is a true family.
Even though you received the blessing, you still need to MAKE a true family. To make a true family you should not have fallen nature. Inside, you should not have fallen nature. To make a true family, there should be no complaint, no anger, no jealousy, etc. Because of the fall we have these things. We should not have had these. Did God create jealousy? No. It was because of Lucifer's excessive desire and greed. This is the cause of the making of present fallen nature. We can reduce it little by little, and be better today compared with yesterday, and better tomorrow. You may think: this is just the way I am, I cannot reduce the way I am. If you think that, you cannot make progress. When you want to hate someone, when you feel anger at someone, we have this situation. Instead, we should become people in heaven.
Please have the goal of going to heaven. You may think: it is because of the mistakes of others that I am like this. True Father says: life for the sake of others. Have the mind of absolute faith, love, and obedience. Then, fallen nature will decline. Parents: live for the sake of your family members. In the family, the parental heart is live for the sake of others. H/W, parent/child. In heaven, people live for the sake of others. Some people have anger and greed, and we need a parental heart, and little by little, we can become a person of heaven.
No smoking, drinking, or drugs. No cigarettes, no drinking. These will make fallen nature. This is a hindrance to the making of a true family. In Spirit World it smells so bad! The smell I smell from people who smoke. I can still feel the disgusting smell. The spirit self of a drinker smells so disgusting. I can smell from the spirit self in Spirit World. It will take a long time to go to heaven. In this world don't smoke or drink. It will take a long time to fix in the Spirit World.
Some members come to me for consultation. Their spouses didn't wash their clothes, or cook for them. We need to help them so they can improve little by little. If we are isolated, or feel bad, it makes it worse. Some people come and tell me: I really need to drink alcohol, so please understand. I ask them why? They answer: because of business, in the outside world. I told them: even though you drink, the business does not move forward. Now is not the time to do business. If you don't drink your business will progress. Even if you offer devotions and donations, if you then drink, that is not a good destiny. I said: for 3 months run your business without drinking. Then go 3 months with drinking, and then compare.
In the prayer room I asked God to show His presence as the Living God to this person. After 6 months he didn't come. I thought maybe he didn't do well, so he is not coming. Then he came; at the time he held wish papers in his hand. I thought his business had not gone well for 3 months so he didn't come. He had not come because he was so busy, because his business had experienced a lot of success! I told him, you need to go to church, and absolutely don't drink. Now he comes to workshop often, and attends church. So, absolutely don't smoke or drink!
To make a true family, we should not commit immoral sin. If not your spouse, don't look, don't touch, don't eat. Sometimes, people come to me for counseling, and ask: I did this/that: did I commit sin? Did I fall? Or not? To this extent, alcohol is so dangerous. Especially, 2nd gen members should not go to any outside marriage. 2nd gen members should be blessed in the Unification Church. Keep this. We can't be careless about educating 2nd gen members in a family. Absolutely, don't commit immoral sin! We think: if they are a graduate or university student they should know. But we still need to educate them! Absolutely don't commit this lecherous, immoral sin! There is a place even lower than hell for such people (suicide, fall, etc.). If you commit this sin, you have to pay indemnity conditions here on earth. We must not commit sins of sexual love.
Another point: don't misuse public money. Instead of buying a house… God told me: including tithes, this is public money. When I first began Chung Pyung works, I visited a house. One member had questions. If good money is mixed in, you may use the good money without thinking. So, you have to keep it separated. Separation is so important. Public money is so fearful. Those of you here in this room, please tithe. Once out of 7 days, go to church. This is the "tithe of your life." So we should go to church. Also in daily life, offer the time of offering and delivering God's message. 3 hours was given to us. But if we can't do 3 hours of witnessing in a day, then spend time with your family, giving words, and love and care. One day out of 7. Out of money, offer tithes.
Another thing: don't hurt the Shim Jung of others. If you don't know about another person, don't talk about them. If a person explains something about me, I don't know 30%, or 70%, or etc. Don't speak out about other people. I can see spiritually in counseling, what kind of life you have, but I don't say anything. I can see spiritually, but I am silent. Why? Because, if I speak without your permission, this is also the sin of hurting someone's heart. The important point is that I don't say what I know beforehand. After hearing what they say, then I speak. Heung Jin Nim is here now. He says: "if you ask me to judge others, I cannot do this work." This much the infringement on others. The heart is so fearful. If you feel upset and speak out, and hurt someone's heart, this is wrong! Always be smiling and happy.
When, at the airport, I meet people, I can tell members because they are so serious! Even outside people have lots of stress, but their faces are bright. We should be like that. God is with us and loves us. With this kind of thinking, be happy. The Unification families. The 36 couples are so precious. One lecturer, he asked about love. We need to love younger blessed couples. 2nd and 3rd generation, we need to love and encourage them. If they go on the wrong path, we have done wrong. We have to open the path for them to go. We need to embrace them. This is the path through which we can go to have lives centering on absolute faith, love, and obedience. This is the path to heaven. Please live such a life. If you do, you can go to heaven. Don't you think so? Please live a pleasant life, and smile and be happy.
If we become such a family, and if we become better and better, then outside people can come here. Before, there were hereditary problems, mentally challenged people, and others. When I spoke, because of immoral sins, the smell was so disgusting. Now, look around. The outside world is difficult. But our life is better. Have a mind of gratitude. Do witnessing activities. Work hard.
Last week I said please get rid of greed. With excessive greed, your family will not become better, and your money situation and your health may suffer. Get rid of greed. Work hard, and take time to remove evil spirits. We cannot remove them 100% but when you did chanyang I was happy. I asked God: do the same next week? God said He would remove the evil spirits of anger, and excessive greed. Evil spirits which make you upset will be removed. Evil spirits which cause anger will be removed. When you go home your family will be inspired since you are different.
Please do witnessing activities. I will close here. Thank you.