The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2012 |
Good morning, everyone. It is very nice to meet all of you. There are many registration blessing participants here, and also 40-day workshop participants. We have for a while been doing these registration blessing workshops. Many have come to do this before the Foundation Day. Because the sound system in the main hall is undergoing repair, we are meeting here rather than in the main hall. Every week I give different words.
The main flow and the content are always similar, but there is something different in each workshop. As I look at the members in each workshop, and their spiritual conditions, I decide on some topic. Today, I will talk about our duration in the Spirit World. We may think that our earthly life is long, but it is really not that long. The period of time we live on earth is a very short time. During this short time, we may have a selfish mind and think excessively about making lots of money, or to go live in a big, nice house, or eat delicious food.
We have this kind of mind and such thoughts. And between Husband and Wife, the Husband thinks: how can I keep my pride before my spouse, so I can be in the Subject position? Or the Wife, as Object, wonders how can I live life in a more Subject position? As for the children, rather than respect their parents, they are thinking how I can live according to my own will or feelings? This is our earthly life, and it is very short. Our teen age years will pass quickly. Soon, age 20-30, you don't realize how fast time passes.
As you become 30 and 40, and 50 and 60 come quickly. Dae Mo Nim came here to Chung Pyung at age 42, at the beginning of. Now she is over 60 years of age! This year was her 60th Birthday. Looking back, in the 40s and 50s, and now 60s. Soon the 70s. Life is so short! As I do counseling for people, especially young people, there are lots of diseases that might come. If you can reach your 70s and 80s, there is not much problem. But in the 60s and 70s, there might be many diseases, such as cancer and dementia. When youth in are in their teens, and then early 20s and 30s, they try and find a job, they begin their family, and so on.
As you live, some families are established quickly, some seem to have difficulty. True Father said that after the blessing, the first 7 years course is so difficult. For a Husband and Wife to live a harmonious life is not easy. They might live 70, 80, even 100 years. The physical body becomes weak and diseases can come easily. As you live, from 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s, you can live life energetically and enthusiastically. But from the 60s, the body is weaker and many diseases come. The chanyang session at is such amazing work.
Specific diseases may be 80-90% caused by life habit and life culture. Such diseases result from bad posture, diet, living with Fallen Natures, etc. Such diseases will come to you. When you are young, the Physical Body is healthy, but after age 60, muscles, bones, blood vessels weaken, and diseases can come. Age 60 is the beginning of another life. Live well so that you can become healthy. Don't just sit down and keep still.
Exercise is very important. After age 60, disease can come easily to us. The body changes and becomes like that. We need to think: how many years can I work joyfully? About 30 years. You may think you have no hope, or you may decide to take it easy. If you are over 60, if you take care of your body well, you can "go back" to a youthful age. The physical life on earth is very short. That is what I want to say to you today.
When you go to Spirit World, it is based on your earthly life. Where you go is not decided by God, but by the quality of your earthly life. You go to a place where you will live life in the Spirit World. The spirit self you cannot usually see during earthly life, due to the fall of Adam and Eve. The spirit self, which does exist, separates and goes out, and then you can see your spirit self. If you have lived a good life, you will go to a good place in the Spirit World; if bad, to a bad place. You will go to an evil place in Spirit World according to the spirit's color and form. On earth there are many countries, etc. It is the same in the Spirit World. There is heaven and hell.
But, there is one place worse than hell. When I go to the Spirit World for ancestor liberation, I see there is a place worse than hell. I really don't want to go there. Today, I want to introduce about this place to you. This is a place of those people committing illicit sexual sin and suicide. When I go there, I always see members. If, during earthly life, they fell, or if they don't confess their sin to the BFD, hoping that (later, in Spirit World) no one will know about it later, it is a problem. But, the reality is, in Spirit World, everyone can see your spirit self clearly.
Nothing is hidden. If you committed Original sin, it can be seen clearly. You will go to a place even lower than hell. Your thinking there, those people who do lots of illicit thinking, see books, videos, etc. is the same. When I go to Spirit World, when I see such people in Spirit World, they continue to think illicitly about other people. In their mind they have this immoral thinking. Such thinking will be continued in the Spirit World. People of blessed families in workshop even, have this way of thinking. Why? Because we come from the fall of Adam and Eve. Illicit sexual relationships, adultery, etc.
We have this from Adam and Eve, so we have this kind of thinking. All of us have this kind of content. We all have sexual thinking, the fall, etc. In order not to make a mistake, we have to be very careful. All of us -- don't make immoral thinking, etc. One member watched a video, and then went to a bar. He saw immoral content, and then visited a prostitute. With the protection of God, the words he heard at he recalled, so he changed his mind, he put his clothes back on, and left. Please don't look, touch, eat, or think. There is the immoral lineage of the fall inside of us. Books, videos, etc. If you can be tempted by this, then don't be in that position.
In Spirit World, all your sins are evident. The spirits around you will know all about your life. They will see your spirit clearly. If you are like this on earth, you have to make conditions! In, in the registration blessing workshop, we are being cleansed. Afterwards, you should not commit such sins. Inside us, True Parents already removed Original sin. We need to separate ourselves from an illicit life. We must live centered on absolute love with True Parents.
Make conditions during earthly life to remove these sins. If not removed, you will go to the lowest place in Spirit World, which is even below hell. Some family members on earth do not come to, so some (family) members, who go to Spirit World, do not get liberated. Some of these spirits say to me: please, tell my blessed family member (on earth) to come to so they can liberate me!" So, I tell them (earthly member) about this. When I tell the earthly member about it, they become upset. They say: Since I didn't tell them before, and then the member went to Spirit World, that member who is now in Spirit World is making us become sinners!
So, just let them stay where they are in Spirit World! But, I hope you (Dae Mo Nim) can liberate that spirit anyway. In the waiting room, where the spirit is I feel very sorry for them, since they must return to a bad place. It is different for the spirit. The spirit tells me: did you tell them? I say I did tell them, but they became upset. When I do Ancestor Liberation ceremony I have to open that place. That spirit told me: would you liberate me? That made me so very painful. Liberation has to be done by the family member.
We took holy wine to remove the Original sin. If one didn't do so, even though the spirit is liberated, the family member cannot be liberated. If a mistake is made, the children, after the mistake, are not 2nd, 3rd generation. I cannot do ancestor liberation for someone. It is such a scary place; in comparison, hell is nothing. Unimagined difficulties we have, but such problems are nothing in comparison. This place is only 300 meters away from hell. It is horrible! If Hoon Mo Nim holds and touches a spirit, it is like touching the physical body. In Spirit World, the environment is same as you have in physical world. Living in hell is so difficult. 300 meters away it is not even living, it is "dying."
Spirits there even accuse each other. There are more and more accusations. It is 300 meters from hell. Beloved members, we understand True Parents, Divine Principle. To remove Original sin, True Parents made many conditions. We had Husband, Wife, Children, spiritual children, etc. Now, it is much easier for us. We don't know, we cannot imagine, how difficult it is to remove Original sin. It is so difficult we cannot imagine. For Works I see some members who didn't make so many conditions.
I have to make conditions. It is not easy to control these spirits. Due to your lacking of devotion and conditions, to take out spirits I have to make many conditions. I have to remove Evil Spirits on that foundation. True Parents made the foundation to remove Original sin. If we had to make the conditions needed for that, we would know how hard it is, and we would work very hard to keep the blessing, but we don't know its real value. 2nd gen do not know how precious their position is in reality. True Parents remove Original sin from us through their love. We need to understand this intellectually, but also on a much deeper, heartistic level. How one becomes a good or a bad person, etc. All these are taught in the Divine Principle.
We need to practice this in our daily lives. Also, (outside) people in the physical world must remove their 4 sins and Fallen Natures. Then, hell in Spirit World can become smaller and smaller. As we bind here, so we bind there; as we loose here, so we loose there. Noah, Abraham, Moses, etc. carried out conditions continuously. True Parents removed Original sin, and gave registration blessing, and made the environment needed in order to meet Foundation Day. One heart, one mind, one body, one mindset, we need to realize and do in our daily life. Live a Principled life. Many (outside) people say they have disease. It is caused by Spirit World. Let us help them.
This Witnessing Activity has to be done in our family, among our relatives, etc. When we look at outside people, they have difficult suffering. If you have a parental heart, we have to help them remove Original sin, etc. I am very confident; we are making Evil Spirits into Absolute Good Spirits. The outside world has bad fortune; we have good fortune. This can be achieved through Witnessing Activity. Don't just carry it all on your own, like fundraising, Witnessing Activity, etc. Bring more people to help you. True Father sent us as Tribal Messiahs so that we could have a better life, because we were working so hard. Let your spiritual children feel and support you. You can live well through Witnessing Activity.
True Parents words need to be practiced. I hope you can become filial children. In summary, what is the worst sin? Original sin. I have been removing greed, hatred, arrogance, etc. Each week I have been removing a different type of Evil Spirit. Today, those Evil Spirits causing illicit thoughts and immoral feelings will be removed. One member had cancer, but when I hit her, I hit her stomach. She asked me: why do you hit my stomach, and not the cancer? I told her I first remove the worst spirit, and then other problems will be solved. Today, Evil Spirits of illicit thoughts and immoral feelings. There are many Evil Spirits below the stomach area, and around the lower parts. These are causing immoral problems. So, central spirits are here. Hit from head to toe. If you committed sexual sins, work hard during this chanyang session.
In August, there will be the Special Great Works workshop. Please come at that time, so that you can receive much grace. Since in our church, we give many words to our 2nd gen: don't go there, don't do that, I am making Special Great Works exciting. In Korea, many famous people (singers, etc.), they will come and perform during Special Great Works at the World Peace Center. So please let many 2nd gen come. I continue to make conditions. I stayed up all night (with 7 candles) so I am (tired). Please be precious members. I will close here. Thank you very much.
God bless, itn, David Carlson