The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2012 |
Dae Mo Nim spoke to the second and third generation BCs who are in the workshops this summer. Due to another lecture, I arrived after she had begun, but the content is very important for all who have BCs.
...with love, we can forgive again. Now, you are very young, in your teens, 20s, maybe 30s. If you don't set up a goal, you don't know how to live well. Have a goal: what kind of person I want to be, what kind of family I want to have. Leading your life, centering on your plan and goal, then you can have a sense of happiness. Don't live like outside people. There is a difference between us and outside people. The root of Original sin. We have to live a different life. Don't follow the outside, secular life.
Let people look at our happy lives, and want to follow us. Make the goal of your life. Your studying, there is a proper timing of your studying. Your goals, your faith, and your life all need to go together. With the blessing, if you lead life by the Principle, it is good. When you have children, give good education to your children. Educate them through the Principle.
Live life centering on Principle. To be such a family, you need to set up a goal well. Lead a life centering on God and True Parents, based on Principle. If not, if you live from your teens and 20s, if you waste time, in your 30s, if you want to begin life, it is so late. 30s is not early, it is late. This is the critically important time period of your whole life. Make a firm foundation.
All of you need a strong and firm foundation. During workshop time, pray in the Cheongshim Won prayer hall, and at the Tree of Blessing, think about this point: How do I live my life? What are my goals? If you just "follow" the schedule, and go through the things, it is not right. If you are in the prayer room, do full bows. Second gen offering full bows, not out of duty but sincerely. Seeing 2nd gen, I even had to reflect on my own life. Though you can't offer a long prayer, you are sincere in reflecting on your life.
God will listen, angels and Absolute Good Spirits will help you out. Such 2nd and 3rd gen I hope you can become. True Parents came at 11:30. Tonight they will give a speech to everyone. True Parents are at the Palace. You can offer prayers and full bows to them. Reflect on your past life, and on your mistakes. Have a mind to break your bad habits, and be reborn. In chanyang session, evil spirits will come out of your body. You will have change in your life. Then, go on to have a family, etc.
Later, you will go to Spirit World as a good spirit, and you can live a happy life without Original sin. For God to remove Original sin, He worked thousands of years. God is leading the providence: Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, God has worked so hard so we can be perfected men and women. If Original sin is removed, when your parents joined, you are born without Original sin. You should not commit the Original sin again. These days, some people go to an outside marriage. This is making Original sin again.
If so, your life will be filled with misfortune. To be a good person, to live your life with happiness, don't do Original sin. If you go to an outside marriage, you again do Original sin, and you are saying that you want to live an unhappy life. God's providence has been more than 6,000 years. If we are without Original sin and live life well, we can find happiness. It is not easy to remove Original sin. True Parents removed this Original sin.
Without Original sin, there can be joy and happiness. With Original sin there can be no happiness and joy. True Parents removed it! Those who are without Original sin, don't do it again!!! 2nd gen going to marry an outside person, they will be very unhappy. Original sin is that Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This means illicit sexual intercourse. Even if you are lacking many points in your life of faith, you should not open or take off your clothes in front of anyone!
Don't look, don't touch, don't do sexual intercourse. This is absolutely not allowed before the Blessing! If a 2nd gen goes to an outside marriage, and then sometimes they meet with me. Sometimes they are driven to suicide. One girl became pregnant through an outside man, thinking to be happy, but afterwards, their outside marriage, maybe commit many sins with her mind, then in her mind: I already am a sinner.
My body is also a sinner. She went to the hospital and got an abortion. She did this three times. Later, she became mentally ill. Then she came to me. She said: I am going crazy! What should I do? She attended 40-day workshop three times and was re-blessed with a 2nd gen in a similar situation. Now they are living well and happy. Don't commit Original sin again! That is the way for suffering and misery to come!
From your head to your toes, make your physical body attractive. Don't follow outside people. Outside people seem almost to be wearing no clothes. Men like this. People can easily go in the wrong direction.
Externally, have neat clothes. Whether standing or walking, live life based on Principle. If something is not going well, ask God and True Parents directly. Ask in prayer, so you can live life based on Principle. Such a life you have to have. You must think: "I am 2nd gen." Even if someone offers you a cup of alcohol, you should say No! This alcohol can make you commit Original sin, and you can have fallen nature. Don't smoke, or drink, or take drugs! Never do these things!!!
Many of you came here to Chung Pyung by your own will. So, I feel we have hope in the Unification Church. Once you remove Evil Spirits, and plant points of Principle, once you go to the outside world, you won't commit Original sin anymore. Please work hard in chanyang session. Pray deeply and go to the Tree of Blessing. Set up your life goals.
How will I be in life? What can I do? Live a life of devotion. I hope to see you are loving 2nd and 3rd gen. Even when we go to Spirit World, we can talk with pride and happiness. In Spirit World there are many spirits; you can say "I am 2nd gen" with pride. I hope you can say that in front of those spirits. You came to Chung Pyung; I hope you can solve your problems. Write me a letter. There are many of you, so don't write too much. Write the essence of your agony, and I can answer.
I thank you for coming to the 40-day workshop during the summer. At the beginning of Aug there will be another Special Great Works workshop. I am preparing special things. The K-wave [Hallyu-or popularity of Korean culture, etc.], is attractive even to the outside world, now. Famous pop-stars who are leading the K-wave are coming to the Cheongshim Peace World Center. Please become precious 2nd and 3rd gen members. I will close here. Thank you very much.