The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2012 |
Jin Moon -- September 6, 2012
Good morning, everyone. It is a nice season. The hot weather is gone. It is very refreshing weather now. Presently, True Father in Spirit World, during this 40 day time period, all the central figures introduced in the Bible, Cain, Abel, Moses, Jesus, etc., True Father is meeting these people and receiving their reports. Now, True Father also met an elderly member who went to Spirit World. True Father does not speak so much, but receives reports.
True Mother prepares every breakfast, lunch, and dinner for True Father. True Father is in the "pon hyang gwan" (meaning is connected to ancestral seat); True Mother goes and prays and receives reports from True Father. She is spending time in that way.
I met True Father. From beginning to end, he lived his life for the whole world. He lived his life for all humanity. True Mother is the same. Since True Father's passing, True Mother has been worried about our members' faith and life and also about the future of our church. Also, she really wants to accomplish all the things done by True Father. As I witness how she lives her life every day, I see that True Parents really live for us.
I hope all of you can work more than before; live centering on God's will. Oct 26-28 is the Second Generation Workshop, this time period. During that time, True Father will have interest and come and teach many things. Also, Chung Pyung will give great grace and blessing. This is my thinking. At the time of the ancestor liberation and blessing, True Father came to the training center and taught how to more quickly accomplish the Ancestors Liberation and Blessing. True Father said: do it "this way."
Blessed families, and human beings, every day we must be changing to become a perfect man and woman. Change your daily faith. True Father speaks to me a lot. So, I think True Father will come during the Second Generation Workshop and give even more grace and blessing. I hope all of you can come. Such members I hope you can be. Second Generation Workshop, in the beginning, I began in commemoration of the opening date of Chung Pyung Works, for the fulfillment of our wishes, and the burning ceremony. There are autumn and summer Second Generation Workshop, we have twice in Jan and Feb, and 2 more in summer and autumn.
Preparing is not easy, but the grace and removal of Evil Spirits, it is....I wish I could do even more. True Parents came to Chung Pyung training center and told me to make more Second Generation Workshop. In summer, the 2nd and 3rd generation come from throughout the world and for them I want to hold Second Generation Workshop so we can remove even more Evil Spirits and give even more grace and blessing. All the parents of the children told us: do for the parents as well as for the children. Second Generation Workshop will be held for the parents. More parents came. That is the beginning of the Second Generation Workshop in summer. Parents told me: would you have an autumn Second Generation Workshop, as well as a summer Second Generation Workshop?
So, that was the beginning. We began summer Second Generation Workshop. I offered a report to True Father. True Father: even if it is hard to prepare, it is nice to have Second Generation Workshop 4 times each year. So, we do that now. This time period comes often it seems. In preparation, I have to make lots of continuous devotions. I need resting begins the next day. When I am walking, I don't even recognize that I am walking. It seems like I am walking on air. My ears hear randomly. It is not easy.
We live with the memory of our earthly life, so we have the same mind in the Spirit World. So, those in Spirit World, they wish us to have a happy life. But we live life centered on fallen nature (jealousy, anger, complaint, etc.), rather than having faith. Evil Spirits are working inside of us. So, we live centering on Evil Spirits and therefore have pain, suffering, and disease. True Father/True Mother know this, so we have the Second Generation Workshop which remove Evil Spirits and bad habits.
Centering on true love, we can have g-t action with a good mind. This is a happy life. Blessed families lives, if we look at them, our life or nature, the problem is not caused by nature, but by the work of Evil Spirits. Centering on fallen nature, pain, disease, etc. comes from Evil Spirits. Before the fall of Adam and Eve there was no pain, suffering, disease. After the fall they came. These are from Original sin. These are coming from things centering on fallen nature.
Where is the Principle? 2 things: do we live life centered on good or evil? We need to live life centering on Divine Principle, centering on living for sake of others. If so, then we truly lead lives centering on Principle. If we lived lives for the sake of others, then Evil Spirits could not have influenced us. But the fallen nature given to us (jealousy, conflict, etc.) shows they are there. We have to control these. If we were living with true love, even if bad habits were given to us, we should have rejected it. We should not have had g-t with it. Evil spirits are continuously giving such a bad mind to us. We have strong Principle and true love; so, even if we want to be jealous, don't be. Then the Evil Spirits giving jealousy will leave and be gone.
I, spiritually, see human beings under the control of Evil Spirits. These Evil Spirits are controlling on their own; I saw this. God showed me our lives. Evil Spirits come inside us and control our mind and body. Our minds, instead of having principled life, many members lived an un-principled life. Even if we didn't live an un-Principle life, we have the collective sin of doing so. In a world of absolute goodness, if at least one member really wishes you to come to Chung Pyung (3 x 40-days) before going to Spirit World, we can't even.....like that.
So, with 4 Second Generation Workshop, if we at least come to those, we can get the grace of all the rest. All Absolutely Good Spirits will be mobilized. These Absolutely Good Spirits, your ancestors, will be coming to Chung Pyung. As I consult with members, there are many problems. Though there are different kinds of difficulties, there are some similar characteristics. There are some specialized ones also. Come to Chung Pyung and let them become better, so they can do better for members. Let them come.
Still the Spirit World system is faster than the earthly one. For example, Hyung Jin Nim is in America, and coming to Korea, by getting on a car, a plane, etc. When Heung Jin Nim comes, even before the end of my sentence, he came. This is the difference between the Spirit World and Physical World. All Absolutely Good Spirits are ready now. They know you are coming for Second Generation Workshop. Though you may think "I won't come" but then you decide to come. They (Absolutely Good Spirits) solve problems, and are being taught how to solve various problems. Second Generation Workshop are so wonderful.
I look at you who come to Chung Pyung, and you are doing well. There is a long history after Adam and Eve. A long history has been continued. Simply, it is not easy to bring up all things, since we have so many things inside of us. So, the Absolutely Good Spirits need to know in advance what to do. So, you need to come to Chung Pyung various times.
When you go to the bath house, it is not easy to scrub your skin clean. But, if you sit in the water awhile, then it is easy to scrub; same with Chung Pyung. There are several layers of Evil Spirits in us. They have become hardened. When we clap in chang yang session, we open up cracks. You need to open doors, and during Second Generation Workshop you can receive enormous grace. Come 10-15 days prior, if you have problems, and you can receive much grace. Grace will be given to you, and your problems can be solved. During the time of Second Generation Workshop, Absolutely Good Spirits will come, and also angels. Before, on first day of Second Generation Workshop, we have a prayer meeting, and God and True Parents will open the Second Generation Workshop. On the last day, prayer is offered to God/True Parents. Now, at 6:30 am on the first day, at the Holy Ground, we offer a bow to God/True Parents and report the Second Generation Workshop, even though they know, from that time to the end and at the end a special prayer for Second Generation Workshop.
I went to Spirit World, and True Father said to me: don't think you did this alone. All was done by God/True Parents. In the beginning, some do all according to the teaching of G. At the end, rather than having prayer of gratitude, a self-centered individual might think "I did it all." If you think you did by yourself, you will end feeling bad, but if you feel it was all done by God/True Parents, you will have a good feeling.
As we live life, we need to think that all is done by God/True Parents. If we have this attitude, Foundation Day will become bigger. Some think: True Father is not here; will we have FD? Yes!!! We will have an even larger FD! With even greater hope! Please do witnessing activities.
After Jan 13, 2013 HC (February 22, 2013), we need to feel no regret about our past life, and have no fallen nature in our life (jealousy, complaint, anger, etc.). We need to live life centering on God/True Parents/True Family. Make unity with church leaders, and work harder. I hope you can become such members. Work even harder, so True Parents don't worry about us. We need healthy minds, and the conviction that everything will be done. Please become members who can receive love and blessing. I will close here. Thank you very much.
God bless,
David Carlson