The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2012 |
Mo Nim -- November 7, 2012
Dae Mo Nim spoke the following words during the 1134th Chung Pyung 2-day Special Workshop (Oct. 13, 2012). Among the members there were executives from Tongil Group. Dae Mo Nim emphasized a good lifestyle on earth and through victory of witnessing we must offer all our achievements on Foundation Day. (Edited: Department of Education and Planning, Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center)
Annyeonghaseyo. (Annyeonghaseyo!)
Today, we welcome the executives from Tongil Group. There are some people whom it's their first time here right? At the opening ceremony, Secretary General Mr. Song-pyo Hong gave a detailed introduction to Chung Pyung so I think you have a good understanding about this place.
I started Chung Pyung Works in 1995 and it has been 17 years and next year we will be celebrating the 18th anniversary. It doesn't really matter how much I try to explain about the spirit world because it's impossible to know all of it. You'd have to go there and see it yourself.
Through the faith of all the members who have been serving and following True Parents until now have also believed in Chung Pyung Works which results to today's great results.
Just because I received the mission of Chung Pyung Works didn't mean that I was able to live a lifestyle of absolute standard right away. That is why I tried to live according to True Parents' standard of high-noon settlement and never went back to my past bad habit and tried to become better each day. I centered myself on God and became better each day.
For example, we tend to say for a couple to live they should be 'one heart same body'. But can you unite with your spouse as soon as you get married? That's not the case right? We all do our best in our own realm to become united.
Before the couple ends their life they become united and one heart, one body and one mindset. If God had given the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience then it means that we have to try and become better today than yesterday and better tomorrow than today. If you partner with evil then heaven cannot intervene. According to the principle, good spirits influences and works through good people. And evil spirits work through evil people.
That is why we should try and become good people so that God could influence us. That is why we should try to follow God's words, 'Do it with truth, according to fact. With sacrifice and dedication. And with love' when I started the Chung Pyung Works. He also said, 'You must do your very best. Don't just do your best from 9 am to 6 pm but when you do it all day and all night then I will be there to support you.'
Right now we are living in an era when the absolute good spirit world works at its best. The evil world will give you sickness and pain but those who give joy and happiness to others are considered good people. It says in the Principle that good spirits work with good people. We must become good people to live a happy life.
The life that we live on earth is around 100 years at its most. But that's like a needle hole compared to the time in the spirit world. The spirit world is an eternal world but we will be going there with this needle hole like content.
Here at Chung Pyung Works we taught clearly of how to live one's life. Chung Pyung is a place where evil spirits are liberated from unfortunate people and changed them as absolute good spirits to help the families to have heavenly fortune.
Before the Foundation Day we must remove our fallen nature. At the Foundation Day, we have to offer our achievements; success as the New Tribal Messiah, faith, love, accomplishments and all the other contents of our lives in front of heaven. True Parents have emphasized 'To witness'. We all must run forward. We mustn't be walking slowly.
We should be witnessing with a heart of running and on the day of Foundation Day we must prepare ourselves so that we could receive the amazing heavenly fortune and blessing that True Parents have prepared for us. Do you believe this? ('Yes!') We must inherit heavenly fortune and become unification family members to be able to live in heaven. As unification family members we should become members who will not live in a world of sickness and pain and become better and create heavenly kingdom on earth and heavenly kingdom in heaven.
That is why it is important for us to check ourselves, internally and externally, at the end of each day. Don't just see yourself in the mirror but see if we are beautiful internally and have we been able to become sons and daughters of filial piety in front of True Parents. You should have a time to think about this every day.
We all must have the mindset to develop this church centering on the unification family. We then must become families that can move heavenly fortune and must follow the following two things to create heaven. The first, we must live our lives so that we can bestow blessing to our descendants than leaving them sickness and pain. The other, is that we must live a beautiful life on earth in order to prepare for the beautiful life in the spirit world. As you do so, I would also ask you to become members who could receive the heavenly fortune from True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.
From October 26 to 28 the '2012 Autumn Chung Pyung Special Great Works' will be held. Many miracles will happen. My wish is for us to go to heaven. We must become heavenly people before going to heaven and live happily with joy on earth. Right now, we cannot go there because of the evil spirits and evil contents that are in our body so please know that there will be great works to remove such problem.
To all the members attending the Tongil Group workshop, it must have been difficult since yesterday. Thank you for your hard work. Until the last minute of this workshop, please do your best and understand much more about True Parents' Will and providence and please create a family that can move heavenly fortune. I ask everyone to know that this is a world fulfilled only through living in heavenly fortune.
I would like to finish my speech wishing you with much joy and happiness in your families.