The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2012 |
"Good morning, everyone. Are you happy? (Yes) Just before, as you watched the video, you must have missed True Father. You miss True Father, right? It seems we miss True Father a lot. During the 40-day period, I could not quite realize True Father went to Spirit World. Because during those 40 days, of course True Father spent time in the spirit world, but True Mother offered food as meals to True Father, at 7 am, 12, and 6 pm. True Father came to the Cheon Cheong Gung, and enjoyed the food and spent a lot of time with True Mother. So, I could not quite realize that True Father went to spirit world. Then, at the end, yesterday evening, True Father went to the spirit world, and True Mother went to America, and True Father and True Mother together. True Parents were together at the airport. So, I didn't think True Father went to the spirit world. I lived together with them.
After the Seonghwa ceremony, they lived the same lifestyle. In 40 days I saw how True Parents lived their lives and could see that spirit world and Physical World are one. True Father's thinking is True Mother's thinking. True Father is in Spirit World; when he had time, he prepared in Spirit World.
[There was microphone trouble, and hard to hear; so the volume was raised]
All the providential central figures True Father already met. All the great religious leaders, True Father also met. And all the kings of the world, and the presidents he met. True Father received their reports. There will be a providence after the 40 day Seonghwa is completed. The completed 40 days after the Seonghwa is different for us. If a member dies, they take 40 days to find their home, and then go to the training center in the spirit world. But, True Father met all the central figures of history. What you did best for True Father, and what we did in Chung Pyung, all these central figures which True Father wanted to meet, they have all been liberated and blessed and are Absolute Good Spirits. When True Father asked for someone, I brought them, and they were an Absolute Good Spirits. So, I truly feel that, in Works, we liberated those central figures well.
I felt in works, all of you offered sincere filial heart. I could see all that was done during the days of the Seonghwa period. Cheon Cheong Gung, World Peace Center, you helped to finish. You fulfilled your responsibility as a son/daughter. One more thing I felt we did, our filial piety. At the start of Works it was so difficult; there were no Absolute Good Spirits. I had to do things with several angels, and with my own spiritual power. And, when I went to hell in spirit world, this world is so dark. After True Father ascended to Spirit World; how True Father lives life is... You did ancestor liberation through chanyang. You made 440 billion Absolute Good Spirits. So, True Father can deal with them. They can make a correlative standard and have give and take with True Father. They had a common base. When I saw Absolute Good Spirits doing such things before True Father, I felt we accomplished. If we had not liberated ancestors, or took part in chanyang, we could not have made Absolute Good Spirits, so we did well.
By separating Evil Spirits from our bodies, they became Absolute Good Spirits and could do give and take with True Father and after 40 days they can help True Father to move the providence forward. This really helps our church. On the 39th day from the Seonghwa, True Father said: from now on, all the providence, spiritual and physical now begins. works is just now beginning. True Father and True Mother are one mind, one body, one heart, and one mindset. They offered a lot of things. All the foundations opened by True Father on earth, all the providences, True Mother, one mind, body, heart, mindset with True Father, will do a lot of works. By saying that to all those central figures, True Father introduced to me the conversations he had with central figures. In the evening he ate dinner, and talked about God's providence to come.
On Foundation Day, True Father and True Mother become one. On Foundation Day, the works of True Father will be constituted (constructed?) even greater. All the people in the Physical World and in the spirit world can live happily. All the people living here on earth, and in the spirit world, can remove their fallen nature. Centering on true love, happiness, joy, we can live our lives. True Father said this, and it is also True Mother's words. True Father and True Mother are one in mind, body, heart, and mindset. They will give only love and happiness. Then, what do we have to do? We have to take out our fallen nature.
True Father met all the Biblical central figures and they all had one common point. They all failed because of fallen nature. They could not fulfill their portion of responsibility because of their fallen nature. We know from Divine Principle the difference between good and evil; we have to make good families centered on God and True Parents, and move heavenly fortune. We should not have fallen nature (jealousy, anger, complaint, hatred, etc.) All the Biblical central figures said to True Father: the reason they failed was because of fallen nature.
We have fallen nature. What percentage? We have 100%. We have all inside, and must solve it. What is the best way to remove fallen nature? There is one way. Evil Spirits, if separated, then we can remove our fallen nature. Also, in our daily life, when we live life, we need to resolve fallen nature so our life habit can be connected to true love. The important thing is: we have to accept and acknowledge that in my mind and body I have fallen nature. If we accept that we have fallen nature... Adam and Eve motivation; immorality, but the motive was from fallen nature, excessive desire and lack of love. As in Adam and Eve, we have to live life without fallen nature, centering on Principle. For Foundation Day, during this Special Great Works workshop, looking at your fallen natures, I have already told Absolute Good Spirits about all your fallen natures, and how to remove them.
This education was given to all the Absolute Good Spirits, angels, etc. already. So, please don't be late for chanyang session. Even now, some people are sleeping on B1, or etc. What is the purpose of chanyang? To remove Evil Spirits. We need to try and offer prayer in the Cheongshim Won. We have to remove fallen nature. Due to life centering on fallen nature our muscle structure, our skin, our blood are not healthy. We all have cancerous cells; as we do chanyang, these cancer cells; if we move our body centering on fallen nature, it hurts, and we become ill and die. But, in chanyang session all those cancerous characters and cancer cells can be removed. If we remove them before they can settle down, it can be dealt with. If you remove fallen nature, then the cancer cells and disease can be helped.
2013 is coming. The words given by God and True Parents regarding life and accomplishment; all this has to be offered on Foundation Day. Some of us have a lot to offer, some of us have little. If there is a difference it is not good. We have to do Witnessing Activity. Restoration is Witnessing Activity. Without doing Witnessing Activity, we cannot be restored. If human beings are not restored, the providence cannot be finished. We must strive to do our best by Foundation Day, so many can attend the Blessing. On that foundation we can receive True Parents' blessing again. On the last day of the 40 days, True Father gave holy wine to each continent (continental director). 2013.1.13 holy wine will be given. Let each conduct Holy Wine...At that time, True Father/True Mother want to give heavenly fortune...in this workshop. Will you do Witnessing Activity? (Yes) True Father went to spirit world. We are sad. Outside people are worried about us. I don't think that way. We will become victorious. Because of us, Absolute Good Spirits could be made, and the Cheon Cheong Gung, and the World Peace Center.
Because of us. True Father said: as time passes, our church will be developed. Who needs to practice? We ourselves. If we stand still, True Father/True Mother cannot work through us. Some people say the Unification Church will have difficulty; on the internet, people are saying that our church will perish!
Is that true? No. Not staying, but moving forward, and developing. For that to happen, our mind and body, should be united through Witnessing Activity. We must develop the providence. This providence of restoration belongs to me, not to True Father/True Mother. It is mine. Your descendants and ancestors can live well eternally, by fulfilling their Portion of Responsibility. As you walked slowly before, now run. True Father/True Mother: within 3 generations let's stabilize our church. Let's all take part, and through our practice stabilize. To stabilize and get accomplishments, True Father/True Mother will be working. Absolute Good Spirits are so happy. We must have a happy mind and work harder. During this time of Special Great Works, for you to experience a lot, I made many conditions. The Special Great Works is taking place right after the 40-day period.
True Mother is in America. True Father told me: I will see everything (in the Special Great Works) with care and concern. By looking at how I do, True Father wants to express his opinion. In the Cheongshim won, True Father will be there. True Father will come during chanyang sessions, and watch you. Tonight, at the Tree of All Things, True Father will be there. He will give you lots of blessing. He already pioneered. I hope a lot of you can come to the Tree of All Things. If you are pregnant or old, the Tree of Blessing is ok too. This is the first time True Father is looking at us and at me. There have been many Special Great Works, but this is the first time True Father is here. I will do my best; I hope you do your best. I will soon do a Japanese tour. I am preparing. Before God and True Parents I hope you can become filial sons/daughters. This time, actually, I planned to speak in the evening. Many of you came, so I appreciate. You said that you trust works, so I will do my best, so you will not be disappointed. We must remember that we are God's and offer sincere devotion to do for God's providence. I will finish here. Thank you very much."
[That evening, at the Tree of All Things, to inherit the holy candle, Dae Mo Nim mentioned before the prayer that True Father was there also, standing just to her right side.]
God bless,
David Carlson