The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2012 |
of True Parents visiting spiritually
On October 27, from 9:30 pm, the Cheon Il Guk Anthem was sang strongly around the plaza of Water of Life and the Tree of All Things. The plaza was filled by members who gathered for the main program of '2012 Autumn Chung Pyung Special Great Works' the 'Prayer at the Tree of All Things'. Each member also had a holy candle in their hands to receive the blessing through this time. True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, was also present spiritually which added to the grace of this special prayer. The Prayer at the Tree of All Things is a time specially prepared by Heung Jin Nim and Dae Mo Nim with much sincere devotion so that members who are in need could receive the grace of the Blessing of All Things. Since the first Prayer which was held during the '2010 Autumn Chung Pyung Special Great Works' (solar: Oct. 22-24), it has been held successfully through last year and this year.
As True Father was present, all the members offered a standing bow to True Parents with a heart of gratitude and representing everyone, President Yeong-chun Kim, Gyeong-nam Parish, Korea, offered the representative prayer.
Then, Rev. Yeong-ho Ha, President of Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center, read True Father's words on 'Day of True Things' and prayed 'All Things in heaven and earth will harmonize and heaven will be filled with glory and joy will fill earth. My son's resentment will be liberated… To all the members who are attending this Prayer at the Tree of All Things, please bestow your blessing, upon blessing. Please forgive the blessing of all things of glory and victory to all people and let us connect with you.'
The lighting of the holy candle was first given to Korean, Japanese and then overseas pastors by Dae Mo Nim which was then passed to other pastors and members. As the holy song 'Song of Garden' was sung by all the members, the light was passed from a pastor to a member, member to a member, husband to a wife, wife to the children and so forth. During the prayer, there was a slight autumn rain which amplified the beauty of autumn scenery.
Then there was the time to offer a unison prayer. It was beautiful to see all races and ages of people praying sincerely to inherit heavenly fortune and heavenly blessings that was given by God and True Parents. The flame of the holy candle was passed to each person, eventually spread down to the plaza around the Tree of Love. Leafs of the trees shined beautifully under the light from the candle. The rain also cleared up towards the end of the Prayer at the Tree of All Things and the prayer ended with 3 great cheers of eok-mansei by Mr. Sang-il Ban, External Cooperation of Japan Headquarters.