The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2013 |
Good morning, everyone. Do you feel cold? Today's weather seems very cold. In 1991, about the beginning of December, I came to this holy ground to begin the Chung Pyung works. The winter weather was much like this. The lake was ice. It was such a cold day when I came. It was snowy, and rainy and windy. I had to offer prayer with a candle, but it was not possible to even light a candle. I came at midnight. At that time, heavenly parents explained many things to me about Chung Pyung works. I thought "what shall I do?"
About the Palace; it was a cold, dark night and I could not see well, but the location was designated. The hospital, youth center, silver town, etc. Originally, the place for the Peace World Center was where we now have the expressway. God told me about the Palace. More than any other place, the Palace now seems important because True Parents had to do coronation ceremony there.
After hearing about the place, I had to build the palace. I told True Father: it is too much to see, so could you show me exactly? God and Heung Jin Nim: let's go together and see. At that time, the road was not very good. There were a lot of stones. I could not even go by car. But I had to get there by midnight. At the time, it was on a hill, and it was very slippery. I slipped down, sliding a little bit. It was not easy to climb up. There was an icy, frozen stone. I could hold the stone, and made it up to a pine tree. There were a lot of trees, but it was night, so only with a flashlight. God said from "here to here" I will build the Palace. But I could not easily see. I broke some wood. True Father has planted many pine nut trees there. I put a mark here and there. Building A and B, etc. The Il Jung Sung pine tree, markings and design. You have to put this as it is. It was not easy to get permission to build everything. In any case, we finally got permission. Looking at the location of the Cheon Cheong Gung, I was a little afraid. I wondered what kind of house do we have to build? It was 2005, we had no money, and God told me I needed to build it by 2009. We only had the original sanctuary and some tents. God told me "you have to make money to do it." I was told that the people of the world will come to this place. So, we built the main hall and a place for 50,000 people. Preparation period and prayer.
In 1991-1994, for 3 years. I had to make all the Jung Sung conditions. It was difficult; it took sincere devotion. In early 1992 the weather was so cold. 1993-95 also was cold weather. There is a difference between now and then. Now, we have warm clothes, a car, etc. Then, it was so cold and there were many difficult moments. To make Chung Pyung the restored, perfected, Garden of Eden, I had to do so many things. Inside the body of our members, I saw Evil Spirits. I was so surprised! I thought blessed family members can go to heaven, but I was surprised. The amount of fallen nature was so great. In Spirit World, hell was larger than heaven. The words God gave to me at the time: you must make Evil Spirits into Absolute Good Spirits. You must make Satan into an angel. That is a huge responsibility. I really wondered how I could do it. Inside your body, there were piles of Evil Spirits like ant eggs. I wondered what I should do. When I went to the tree of blessing I felt burdened by the need to build buildings, and the need to change Evil Spirits into Absolute Good Spirits, etc. Was there any larger responsibility than this? If it was to be done by my own power, I would give up. But God told me: it is not you who will do this; I will do it through you. My mind felt burdened by the need to change Evil Spirits into Absolute Good Spirits. I was so sincere. God told me: "I will do the works. You just do what I ask you to do." He said, in areas be sincere, be on God's side without fallen nature, do all without hatred, with absolute love, do with sacrifice and devotion. And work diligently, etc. Day and night work diligently. If you do this way, all will be accomplished. If I work based on humility, devotion, etc. then all will be done.
But, on the same day, I was told to stay up all night. Midnight-to-midnight. If I doze off it is invalid. We know torture is given to people. But the torture given to me; don't sleep is a lot of torture. Dae Mo Nim is spiritual. Stay up all night and in daytime. Go here and there, and see larger spirits. One time she rather lost her mind. She got off the subway and didn't know where she was. To stay awake for 40 days was so very difficult. She really lost her mind. To stay awake for 40 days was so fearful. That was God's test. If I overcome, then "you will be able to practice the Words, because of your endurance. Satan was looking at me. Now, of course, Lucifer is completely on our side. But, at that time, Satan tested me. I had to bring an ice tub, and I had to put water in it, and it froze. I still have this scar. I cut the ice with a hammer and chisel. If I knew I had to go inside I would have cut more ice. At one point, my blood came so I stopped. Satan said: now sit there in the ice. For a normal human being, this would be impossible. But Dae Mo Nim sat together with me, and many hours later the ice melted. It was so painful, like a razor blade cutting my skin. I had to close my mouth because my teeth ached. I saw Evil Spirits in people, so if I come out, and fail, Chung Pyung will fail. Even now, because of the skin that was touching the ice, it makes me have a strange feeling in winter. I have "wrinkles," and members think it is because of my age, but they are not wrinkles. My skin color changed from red to gray. The skin peeled off when I touched it. A "wrinkle" was left wherever my skin peeled off. I stayed in the ice a long time. Is that normal? Is that normal for the body?
Afterwards I was told to find the 5 trees and the water of life. I thought I could not do that, so I offered full bows. At first, I offered 4,000 full bows. At first, I didn't use a cushion. I didn't prepare. I just offered 4,000 bows, and my whole body stung. After 10,000 bows, I could not move my hands or walk. I didn't know what to do with my hands, so I bit the sleeve with my teeth and moved it. I did 10,000 bows for each tree.
I visited Christian and Buddhist prayer centers. I questioned: How did God exist? How big and what kind of spirits were there in winter? etc. I went to higher mountains, seas, many places where shamans do exorcisms, etc. I think my life was more difficult than that. A lot of rain, water flowing, if I take a wrong step, I might float away in the water. I did such things. Then, I wanted to convey my message that there were Evil Spirits in your body. Jung Sung is not enough. Members think: "I am blessed and I am going to heaven." If I told members about the ice and other things, I might hurt your pride, so I couldn't do that at first. In 1993 I opened with 3 members. The number grew. Big spiritual problems were resolved. Members had spiritual experiences, they became one heart, one mind. Centering on hospital, youth center, silver town, more buildings. Eventually, the Palace, Peace World Center, due to heavenly parents, and to our Parents we need to feel deep appreciation. The True Parents are the filial son and daughter of all filial sons and daughters. The hospital was built for one moment. Because of maintenance fee I worried about the Peace World Center. I had to build it quickly, and make the Peace World Center. Then, True Father conducted the Abel Women's UN, the blessing, etc. and also initiated the meetings for the OSDP. Also, there was a general gathering of members. Finally, even True Father's Seunghwa ceremony was conducted.
The Peace World Center cannot be built in a short time, but we felt that it had to be done quickly. According to words given to us, we did it. But, some members feel that Chung Pyung is only a spiritual group. Therefore, people don't come for ancestor liberation, etc. and therefore I am a little worried. Chung Pyung is based on fact and sincerity. Please come and do ancestor liberation, removal of Evil Spirits, and ancestor blessing, etc. Some members still think Chung Pyung is a spiritual group, and so they don't come. Heavenly Parents told me: "I am the one working; you are not the one working. Very soon we will meet Foundation Day. We need to live with the standard of Absolute Faith Love and Obedience. If asked to die, go to the place of death, and God will be waiting. If I say "I cannot do" when I was faced with the ice, if I say this way, then Chung Pyung could not exist. If there is no Chung Pyung, then no Absolute Good Spirits, and no 460 billion Absolute Good Spirits. If no process of making Satan back to an angel, then we would have to live life centering on pain and suffering. By removing Evil Spirits we could make new life. There are people compared with blessed family members, living life with pain, suffering, etc. and Original sin is inside. Centering on the True Parents of Heaven Earth and Humankind, if not living with this (pain, etc.) how will our descendants live later?
God has worked more than 6,000 years, to this moment now. The True Parents of Heaven Earth and Humankind have made conditions in the providence of restoration. We have to be responsible. The providence of restoration belongs to "me." In our mind, we have the mind of offering tithes. Witnessing Activity, in your family and relatives. Among church members even, some go to church, and some do not. We have to do Witnessing Activity to our tribe. Be a tribal Messiah. Tribal messiahs live for the sake of others, and treat people with true love. If you hate your mother-in-law, this is not right. Treat people with true love. Give them our care, and give the mind of being a spiritual parent for the person. Give them blessing. Go to the neighborhood, bring people, remove Original sin, make a peaceful world. On earth and when you go to the Spirit World, let your descendants live in happiness. Before Foundation Day we should do that way. After Foundation Day? Your thinking is that the Kingdom of Heaven will begin. That is not right. You should live life based on Absolute Faith, Love and Obedience, and become one with family members. If you live that way, peace and happiness will come to you. Live a Principled life and Heavenly fortune will come. If you don't live a Principled life, there will be no heavenly fortune, but only indemnity. If you become an adulteress, i.e., much indemnity will come. True Parents centering on Principle let us know this. But, to this time, some people still doubt. But, absolutely don't drink, smoke, etc.
Inside alcohol, there are little black things like bugs. But these are actually Evil Spirits. Those Evil Spirits go inside your body. If you drink and smoke, you are eating Evil Spirits! There is a decaying smell. The behavior is the behavior of evil works. Absolutely, don't do it! Don't do adulterous behavior! After Foundation Day, we have to make a true family, and be afraid of public money. Tithing is also public money. In the Cheongshim church, I checked the number who don't offer tithes. Almost all do. So, please offer. To the extent that you don't offer, to that extent you will have difficulty. Go to church; Sunday is God's day. You report your life for that week, and remember, so that God can help us. Serve elder members, and love younger members. After Foundation Day, if you live beautifully, you can live with blessing, but if you live un-Principled, to that extent, it will be shown to us. I hope you can become such members who live beautifully. I went to the place of death, and made Chung Pyung works. This can be applied to all of us. Don't worry about going to the place of death. Just do according to God's will. Tomorrow is God's Day. As we meet 2013, become a person of God's will. There are many Absolute Good Spirits here. Bathe, wear new clothes, and be clean. Compared with other 2-day workshops, many Absolute Good Spirits will come here. So do chanyang sessions well. Let's attend the True Parents of Heaven Earth and Humankind. Please be healthy, and live well. I will close here. Thank you very much.
God bless, itn,
David Carlson