The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2013 |
Mo Nim - May 3, 2013
Good evening, everyone. As I am looking for your ancestors, and coming back from spirit world, speaking to members is not easy. I am speaking to you now. I would usually speak tomorrow, but I have a public program. To all of you who came, I am deeply appreciative. Also, many of the Sowon construction company staff is here, and it is not easy to take time off from work, so I thank you. Next week is the Azalea Festival, so I know it is not easy for many of you to come now, this week. So, I thank you. The week before a second generation workshop there are not usually so many members. But, many have come this week, so I thank you.
Originally second generation workshop is in Jan and May, but I have been doing second generation workshop during the summer when students have vacation. So, second generation workshop for second generation and third generation began and the second generation workshop was held. The parents asked if they could also attend, so I said ok. The reason we have the second generation workshop in autumn. In the past we had some difficult situation here, so we had to postpone second generation workshop. Then, others contacted me about a second generation workshop in autumn? So, I did that. It was very good, but it was also very difficult. I only had 3 days' rest after one second generation workshop, before I had to begin to prepare for another second generation workshop. Doing second generation workshop 4 times a year is very difficult. One day, True Father said to me (as if he were reading my mind): it is nice to do the second generation workshop 4 times. Staying uncomfortable is not good (members with suffering, etc.). So I do the second generation workshop 4 times each year.
Second generation workshop is very special, because we remove evil spirits and they can become absolutely good spirits. I always illustrate this with this glass of water. The color of spirits in spirit world is nearly black. An absolutely good spirits is much brighter and cleaner. An absolutely good spirits is stronger than the light of a diamond. The spirit self is shining and beautiful. But, the past of the spirit's mistakes still remain. The spirit body (?) of the spirit self becomes an absolutely good spirits, but other spirits can see the past life of the spirit if they want to. So, we conduct the burning purification ceremony. I had to think how I could clear up even memories. Absolutely good spirits go inside your body. Looking at their light, evil spirits are so surprised. Evil spirits don't want to come out, and so they say bad things. Since absolutely good spirits become absolutely good spirits it is so good. But the evil spirits in the body confirmed how those absolutely good spirits lived in their past life, and evil spirits can see what their life was like. I had to think how to block that. As we do the burning ceremony and the fire rises. It is so powerful, so I saw this could clean up the past contents.
I asked Heavenly Parents and True Parents, if I do like this, how can it be? They said it was good. During the Azalea Festival, do wish papers and participate in the burning ceremony. When we do the burning ceremony, absolutely good spirits have all their life before becoming absolutely good spirits removed. When we go to spirit world, if we want to see, we can't see, so that is how well they are removed. If there is too much bad, we can see totally. If you come and write wish papers, after doing so, absolutely good spirits ancestors will become clear and clean internally and externally. Therefore, during Azalea Festival, you need to come and take part. Those who came to the Azalea Festival last year, you have to totally clear up their memories. Even 0.1%, they won't have record. Such amazing works will be conducted. Azalea Festival is such amazing works. So, please come. Since you came this weekend, I feel so appreciative.
Many people don't think so much about the spirit world. After we go to the spirit world we will know. During life on earth, we don't think so much about the spirit world. If we live well, we can go to a good place, but if we are bad, we will go to a bad place. Now in spirit world, there is Heaven and Hell. Before there was a region called Paradise, between Heaven and Hell. Before, Paradise was closer to Heaven, not even in the middle between H and H. Now, there is no Paradise in spirit world because of the development of evil spirit world. Evil spirit world goes past Paradise. If we go to spirit world, even though hell is so big; where do we go? We go to hell. Why? Because heaven is for absolutely good, perfected persons in character. As we live life we are not perfected people. Why? Because of fallen nature (anger, jealousy, hatred, resentment, complaint, lust, arrogance, greed, etc.). Is there anyone who does not have these? We cannot bear to see other people come to a better situation. We have anger, greed, arrogance, etc. Therefore, people are not perfected beings. Inside we have a lot of immoral content. Someone may think: I don't have it. But all of us have it. AE did immoral sins, so everyone has such sin. So, 2 people should not stay together if they are not H/W. To look, to touch, to eat is immoral sin.
In outside world immorality, and misuse of money, etc. are big problems. If you look at these problems, they are caused by greed. Who is the one perfected man and woman? The one who lived life in true love and without fallen nature. If we look at the world, no one has become perfected. If you go to the spirit world today, if you are not perfected, then we inevitably go to hell. If I say such a thing, you may feel strange. But, it is the case. In the world, if we commit a crime, we must go to prison. Like that, with the life given by Heavenly Parents, if we don't live a Principled life, we must compensate for sin. So, you have to go to hell, and live there, and even be under the dominion of stronger evil spirits. About 90% we live with the result of our ancestors' past lives. We follow that exactly.
One member asked me: why can't I become better, even after one year? What about Chung Pyung? Because the life of our ancestors is different. As you live life, your beloved descendants and children will live by this foundation. We have to pay off, and live beautifully. Then, our descendants will live well. Seeds will be harvested. If we say good words, we are planting good seeds. If we speak evil, we are planting evil seeds, and our ancestors cannot become well. We have to make things become beautiful. This can be done during Azalea Festival. So, please come, and do...of ancestors. And have a mind of cleaning all the wrong things. This is the path for you to become a perfected person. The people of Suwon Construction Company don't know all this. You came by the direction of your director. But there is Heavenly fortune. Since you did chanyang sessions,, you will receive heavenly fortune. Those spirits, later, when they become absolutely good spirits, when they come to you, this is heavenly fortune. Now, there is bad fortune, and misfortune, etc. going to everyone. I will work together with Suwon construction, so I have worked hard to give heavenly fortune to you. So your company can develop. If you come, I cannot let you go with empty hands, so I am giving you heavenly fortune. Chairman Ha told me that Suwon construction company people came to Chung Pyung. They don't know Divine Principle but they came.
We were born after Adam and Eve, and we came with evil nature. That is why True Parents gave us blessing, to remove original sin. If we lived life well, then we would not have needed Chung Pyung. It was possible before, but no longer. Now, we have to come. Evil has settled inside us and has become rooted in us. When I go to the hospital, the patients have spiritually-caused diseases. Though you have disease, this is the result of our ancestors' past lives. If husband and wife fight, the spirits are fighting, as I looked at the situation, so husband and wife need to give absolute love, and give beauty. If so, then the spirits won't fight like that. But we have fallen nature, so we are under the control of Satan and evil spirits, from even the smallest things all the way to the biggest things. I looked at the hospital patient, there was one person in bed, and planning to have an operation. I said: this is caused by spirits, so don't do an operation. I wanted to remove that evil spirits. If the person did an operation, the person will die. I met this person, who was coming out, and I prayed so the evil spirits would come out.
All people are living because of this evil. Now, people will persecute you because you are a Unification Church member. But, you are blessed members, who can receive heavenly fortune. Dae Mo Nim heard many rumors, that she is living well because she steals from other people. But, you can do well if you live well. If you live well! If you live by Principle and heavenly Parents. But, if you don't live well, disease, suffering, bad fortune. Fortune and happiness come for those living life according to Principle (goodness). If you live life centering on goodness, then happiness and joy will come. If you live evil, then there is pain and suffering. To have such a mind, evil spirits are controlling us, and making us evil. Those evil spirits have to be removed. That is done here at Chung Pyung. second generation workshop and 40-day workshops are here for you to do that. Do you agree? If you look at your life, you can see this result. So, you need to live by goodness, LFSO, with true love.
We have to become the citizens of CIG. True Parents want us to make a peaceful world by 2020, so do Witnessing Activities. By 2020, all need to do Witnessing Activities. This is the word of True Parents. To do so, this place Chung Pyung, is helping you live well like that. Come and receive Heavenly fortune. Second generation workshop is here for that. When you sleep, I am making devotions and looking for your ancestors. 40-day members and 2-day members who didn't register. I look at that and make conditions for them. From midnight until 6 am you sleep well, while I am making devotions. If you make sincere devotions before coming to Chung Pyung, greater works will come to you. For tomorrow morning's chanyang sessions,, I will call many absolutely good spirits here for you. Don't forget we are the children of True Parents, and we must live by Principle. Fulfill the duty of filial sons and daughters of True Parents. Become healthy. I will close here. Thank you.
God bless, itn,
David Carlson