The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2013 |
Mo Nim -- May 3, 2013
Good morning, everyone. Thank you very much. Are you happy? Aren't the flowers pretty? I attended True Mother and went to America. True Mother bought this dress for the Azalea Festival (a bright pink dress). This is the Azalea Festival. As I began, I really felt that all members could live with the azalea flowers. I planted one million of them. I prayed; what if the flowers bloom early? My prayer was strong, so not many flowers bloomed. Still, some did blossom. Azaleas Festival is a wonderful festival. As I conducted this Azalea Festival, I wanted to make the image of Heaven here in Chung Pyung. So, I put many kinds of flowers here. So, all members, even though you have a difficult situation, among the flowers, we can change to be like a flower, and live life well.
As ancestors receive blessing, I thought about how to make good content. Wish papers were offered. Inside the mind of our ancestors, all past mistakes could be expunged. Their spirit self is so beautiful, like a diamond. Though they are beautiful, as Absolute Good Spirits, when living on earth, wrong behaviors and memories still remain. I had to think about how to remove all those things. The image, and their memories of the past, how to remove and put all this in order? Through the purification burning ceremony, they are removed. Heavenly Parents and True parents gave words. The wish papers since the last Azalea Festival, and in the burning ceremony, those ancestors whose descendants wrote wish papers, their memories of past sins will be removed.
Also, the Evil Spirits in us, when the Absolute Good Spirits go inside, the Evil Spirits don't listen, but the Evil Spirits can see the past of Absolute Good Spirits ancestors, so they accuse them. If so, then it is not easy for Absolute Good Spirits to remove Evil Spirits from us. Therefore, those spirits must be cleansed. So, our life in Spirit World as Absolute Good Spirits, and helping us, there...accusations from anyone. They come to us so they can work through us, 100% without any accusation. Such Absolute Good Spirits will be made today (applause). You may think, they become Absolute Good Spirits, so that is the end. The spirits still know how they lived life. You also make more and more an environment of mistakes. Spirits can see your past. So, the life in the Physical World and in the Spirit World, must be without memory. If they lived not too badly, then they can improve. But if there is un-Principled content, it will be completely removed. During chan yang session, bigger works will be conducted. You in the Physical World don't know about the content in the Spirit World. You did not offer enough devotions. When you go to Spirit World, accusations are there. You may think, I would have cleaned them.
You have to be very appreciative of Heavenly Parents and True parents. Be a filial son/daughter of Heavenly Father. For ancestors that content will be cleaned. For us, after Foundation Day, we become absolute citizen of Cheon Il Guk together with True parents. But if you see our image. Do we become citizens of Cheon Il Guk? We do not become citizen of Cheon Il Guk. Ancestors of one thousand years ago gave us bad things. True parents said: do ancestor liberation before Foundation Day. If all is bad nature, we have to sever. The baby in the womb is connected by the umbilical cord. Like that we are connected with our ancestors. If Absolute Good Spirits, things (good and bad) are connected through lineage. Fallen nature, sins, etc., are rooted deeply in us. I, in 24 hours seeing you, can see what your ancestors were like. You have their habits, their life, etc. Their life is connected with us. The connection is severed through ancestor liberation and blessing, and then they will be reconnected with us, and they will become ancestors living in heaven. They will give us Heavenly fortune.
Before Foundation Day, we should liberate. After Foundation Day, we thought: a new heaven and earth will come. A new heaven and earth will come if we live life in a Principled manner. I don't scold you for not living life beautifully, because the evil spirits inside us are controlling us to live lives of evil. These have these evil contents. Therefore, a new heaven and new earth cannot come. If you live life centering on Principle, a new heaven and earth will come. Therefore, during the Azalea Festival time, all angels and Absolute Good Spirits will be mobilized to remove evil spirits from us, and suffering, fallen nature, etc. will be removed. Please believe this. As citizens of Cheon Il Guk, Heavenly fortune is going around. Ask: am I inside that territory, or not? We have jealousy, anger, hatred, complaint, etc. Am I in the realm of Cheon Il Guk? Or am I still in the old territory? If you live life with heavenly fortune and Principle, there is joy and happiness. If you live life immorally, and drink, smoke, sexual immorality, don't go to church, then there is no heavenly fortune for you. We must remove all these things. Even 10 days after Special Great Works of Azalea Festival, those things can be taken off. If you have jealousy, etc. you are not yet a citizen of Cheon Il Guk.
During this time period, such things will be cleaned. All the Special Great Works is being directed by True parents. As long as you are in Chung Pyung, True parents are walking here and there, and you can receive grace. As I walk around, some members are outside, listening to my words from outside. Japanese members are listening. Some Korean members are outside talking with their friends! This is not the way of devotion. During chan yang, hit from head to toe; don't think this chan yang is just removing evil spirits. Bones and muscles will be readjusted. All organs will become healthy. All this will be done during chan yang session. We must not just do during chan yang session. We have to do witnessing activities. Many people are still not doing witnessing activities. Hold up your hands, those who are doing. At the beginning of Chung Pyung, Heavenly Parents told me to build the Palace within 5 years. It sounded impossible. At the time of work also, it seemed impossible. Through practice, all can be done. 460 billion Absolute Good Spirits is a lot. It is not simple to make. The power and strength of spirits cannot be imagined. Then, how and why to make evil spirits into Absolute Good Spirits? Because I can see the Spirit World.
If not changed, in the future people will be under the dominion of pain, suffering, and evil. True parents see this, so they want to give heavenly fortune to us. Thus, True parents gave words to us early. When 460 billion Absolute Good Spirits, what did we do? We sprinkled holy wine on the water, etc. so the people could be considered cleansed. We did that. But, if we had done what True parents asked us to do, home church, tong ban kyok pah (local neighborhood activity), we could make. Now, the time is given us for witnessing activities. But, we don't know how many people we have to bring. We don't know about an individual goal. If we live in a village, "I have to restore the whole village." It is not right to think otherwise. True parents told us witnessing activities. True parents came and took pictures in Azalea Festival. True Father went to Spirit World, and was not at Foundation Day. Now, True Mother: do witnessing activities. Our mind must be: the people of the world have to live in happiness and joy. It seems impossible, but without bringing numbers of members, so the providence can go on even without True Mother. It seems difficult, but the goal is possible. Absolute Good Spirits will be together with us. If you go witnessing, the Absolute Good Spirits and even True Father will be with us (applause). If True Mother is not with us, we are like orphans. True Father is with us, but we can't see. What if True Mother is not here? True Mother has such anxiety. We need Absolute Good Spirits to be with us.
Our descendants live life centered on good or bad future? We have to make the culture and environment for blessed children to live life in. When you return home you have to do witnessing activities and change the environment. You have to think you have to offer tithing all 24 hours. You go do work, but you have to live life centering on the family with love and care. This extends to your tribe and your relatives. Give love and care. These people will join to you easily. Tong and pan is smallest area in Korea, like a neighborhood. As we live life...and become one in heart with True parents. Do Witnessing activity. By the end of 2005, we had the Palace. True parents told me only one time. This is the location, by 2005. Very gently, True parents told me only once. I went there, and the location was sloped. Now it is flat. I prayed: if you want, I will do it, but I am not confident in my ability. Heavenly Parents told me to do it with true, without falsehood, based on true love, persistence and sincerity (Dae Mo Nim's motto). Work 24 hours, etc. I will work, and Chung Pyung will not be built by you. I will make the Palace. I did according to what Heavenly Parents said. Then True parents lived there. True Father: this is original homeland, and original garden.
Therefore, we need to do witnessing activities to our families, tribes, and neighborhoods. These are the words of Heavenly Parents and True parents. As filial sons/daughters, we have to practice this. Will you do that, everybody? (Yes) This time, evil spirits and fallen nature will be removed, so that you can do witnessing activities. With such an understanding, I hope you can work hard. I am saying what Spirit World has to say. Dr. Yang (Chang Shik Yang) will give us the Physical World content. On the day of True Mother's ascension, we have to offer all. Please become such precious members. We are such fortunate people. We have Absolute Good Spirits and are attending True parents and Heavenly Parents. I gave you a lot of responsibility. Always have a smile on your face. Cancer patients become better if they smile. Smile brings life fortune. Your family should be filled with joy and happiness and laughter. We, from the Spirit World, will support you. I will conclude here. If you promise. Your prayer as a promise, can be accomplished. Offer sincere prayer in a loud voice after this. Thank you.
God bless, itn,
David Carlson