The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2013 |
Good morning, everyone. It is very nice to meet you. The weather is very hot, isn't it? If we humankind had become beings of love, the natural world would not have this kind of weather. If we loved with true love, the weather would be much milder. After the ancestor liberation ceremony, I have more time. After looking around the Spirit World, I also looked into hell. As we live our lives on earth, do we know that there is a heaven? The first time I asked those spirits in Spirit World if they knew while on earth, more people did not know than did. True Father came (to Spirit World), and True Father said (to such spirits): you can see why you came to hell, if you want; would you like to see why you came to hell? I thought those spirits would say yes, we want to see. But, not so many spirits said yes. They did not know why they came here. They say about others. They blame others. They say: rather than because of my sins, I am here; they blame others. They have lots of sin and resentment inside. You have to understand your own mistakes. Then you can go back to the world (returning resurrection). True Father spoke to them that way. Then the spirits said: then show us why we had to come here.
True Father is the Messiah. Nothing is impossible. All things were shown accurately by True Father. (When they saw why) those spirits were so surprised. "I lived life centering on fallen nature, not true love." By seeing this, all the mistakes they had made. True Father said: All spirits here need to repent, and have a mind "I made mistakes." To go to (the good world) we must make efforts. 460 billion Absolute Good Spirits were let in to hell. Like you, they were in hell, but due to their descendants, they became Absolute Good Spirits. This is what True Father said. True Father showed the Absolute Good Spirits to the spirits in hell. He asked: are you more beautiful than they? Some Evil Spirits said "we are more beautiful." But that was because of their pride and arrogance. An Absolute Good Spirit has a shining white color, so everyone can recognize, but they have pride and arrogance. "I don't know." True Father told them "you must become Absolute Good Spirits so that you can go to heaven. To become Absolute Good Spirits you must know Principle words. We should not be self-centered. We must live for the sake of others. If you live for the sake of others, then I will come and teach Principle words and then you can live in heaven.
When I returned from hell, I asked True Father: If you liberate all Evil Spirits and make them into Absolute Good Spirits; is it possible? True Father said: we must make conditions. The Evil Spirits all stay together with fallen nature. If they change 95%, if they change 5%, then True Father wants to do amazing works. But in the mind of Satan or evil, it is very difficult to change even 5%. True Father must make a method so they can change 5%. Let's find it. It is so difficult. Chung Pyung works has been going 20 years now. Before Chung Pyung works, we already knew about Spirit World and the words of Divine Principle, and True Father taught us very accurately what is good, and what is the purpose of creation. After the fall of Adam and Eve, due to Original sin, hereditary sin, pain, greed, etc., we had to live in those sins after the fall. Adam and Eve lived with those sins, and all people after them live with those sins. This was taught clearly by True Father, and if we live life centered on Divine Principle, we can become perfected. If we live life attending True Parents, know what is good/evil, high-noon settlement, we can live well. But we did not change. Among our members, because we are human beings, we have to change. If we stay with evil in the Spirit World, it is not good. If Absolute Good Spirits can be with us, it is good. Satan will dominate if we live with a life of evil. Even though we know Principled words, because we did not live life well, we can't receive help.
How much have we lived centering on good; how much centering on evil? Before waking up, before going to sleep, we don't think about ourselves. We lived unconditionally. This lifestyle we don't change? True Father said do Hoon Dok Hae. This Hoon Dok Hae makes us live well. Our Shim Jung can become one heart, one mind, one mindset with God and True Parents. Hoon Dok Hae time is time of "looking at myself." Hoon Dok Hae must become my life, my habit. Then, practice the content of Hoon Dok Hae. Then, we can't make mistakes.
I met one 2nd gen member, and they said: I lived life like that (before), but through Chung Pyung works I was told to do Hoon Dok Hae, and read True Father's words. So, I did Hoon Dok Hae, and then I went to some company and outside people; and, my mind was so nice. Such reflection this 2nd gen told me. So, we have to think carefully about this. What kind of image will I have in the Spirit World? Though attending True Parents on earth, if we go to hell, what shall we do? If we go to heaven or hell what kinds of things will happen? In the physical world, life is about 100 years, but life in Spirit World is eternal. The result of our earthly life in Spirit World is the same. If you think it will be different, this is not good. Your life will be drawn on you like a painting. All your life -- 24 hours -- is staying with you. This covers the spirit self. If the spirit self is covered by the physical self; because of the fall, we are spiritually ignorant and cannot see the spirit self. When you go to Spirit World, the physical self and spirit self separate, and we can see how I lived my life. You can see clothes when they are on the physical body. Like this, you can see your spirit self when you go to Spirit World. In Divine Principle, we learn that my place in Spirit World is decided by me, not by God. This is the Principle. You will look at the image of your spirit self and go to that place in Spirit World. Since that place becomes so difficult, instead of repentance, it is so arrogant and prideful.
If you fight with your spouse, you sometimes blame them (him/her), but you should think: I fight because of me. Maybe you have financial difficulties, etc. My self-reflection needs to think: I did something wrong. But, instead, I think: they hurt me. So in Spirit World it is a very difficult situation. The spirit will go to that other person, and try to relieve their resentment. If we have Evil Spirits in us, we will live in the wrong way. Those Evil Spirits in Spirit World need to have a mind of repentance. With such kind of resentment, they come to the physical body of the descendants. 100 years on earth, spirits in Spirit World more than 10,000 years. In spirit world time, it is so long, but they only have resentment, and evil. They cannot know, but they should know. True Father: you have to look at life. But they don't look. True Father: Once you know this, you can become a person of heaven.
Recently True Father called all blessed families in Spirit World, who had received the blessing while on earth, those spirits from the earthly world, True Parents called them. They already know True Parents. True Father: after you become Absolute Good Spirits, after your earthly life, let's see how much % of your life was Principled when you were on earth. Because they knew Divine Principle and True Parents on the earth, they saw themselves, even though now Absolute Good Spirits, the % of life lived centering on True Parents. I was surprised, not so much %. One member said to True Father: When I was a university student, I knew True Parents; after university life I served God's will and did a public mission. When I saw the low %, I was shocked. What happened? True Father: did you live by high-noon settlement? Or did you live by your own decisions? Did you live by your own will? Or by others? Did you live with absolute faith? Let's see you when you went somewhere. Did you go by your own will? When there, were there many conflicts? Therefore, a low %. When I saw this, I felt that the human being's 5% Portion of Responsibility is so small, but is so difficult! It is so difficult! As we wear a magnifying lens; see our life after waking up in the morning, until we go to bed at night, do we have a life of high-noon? If not, it is so difficult to do 5%! I was surprised. One day True Father called all blessed family members in Spirit World. They thought "because True Father loved us more than others." True Father said: how much % was your life for God's will? How many accomplishments centering on God and True Parents will? A low %! They were surprised.
As we live on earth, as we reflect, this is correct. Beloved members, one day we will go to Spirit World. When we meet True Parents, if True Father asks: how much % did you live for God and True Parents, what can we say? We need to live life centering on Divine Principle. All our life. If so, even if you listen to my words this morning, in one day do you think that you can live centering on Divine Principle? It is not possible. So, live better day-by-day. One heart, one mind, one mindset. True Parents don't want us to remove all fallen nature in one day, but day-by-day. This is the love of God and True Parents. Gradually become better. Do you understand? Do you understand? Today, there are many people who came to Chung Pyung for the very first time! You need to understand Divine Principle. You need to know about the Spirit World. True Parents are teaching about Spirit World very correctly. Principled words by which we can live well on earth. This is taught by True Parents. You came here so well.
Now the world is filled with evil fortune. True Parents are giving heavenly fortune of joy and happiness. When you return to your church, know Divine Principle words, so you can live with heavenly fortune on earth, and you can go to Spirit World with heavenly fortune, and live in the heavenly kingdom. You all look nice. All wishes from now on, and into the future, you need to have a wonderful life. Read True Parent's words, and live by those words. Attend True Parents your whole life. Live better day-by-day, so you can become people of heaven. And let other people become such people. With this mind we need to do witnessing activities. As you wake up, look at your beautiful character, and spread that to your relatives and neighbors. True Parents: by 2020 the whole world needs to make a wonderful world. Beloved members, on such a hot day you came here to Chung Pyung. We will try and do our best to help you. Please be healthy, and have a sense of happiness. Absolute Good Spirits and True Parents are with us. Original sin is gone; we are blessed families. Always have a mind of happiness and joy and before True Parents offer filial piety. I will close here. Thank you.
God bless, itn,
David Carlson