The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2013 |
Mo Nim -- May 4, 2013
Good morning, everyone. The weather is so hot, isn't it? Compared with other places Chung Pyung is cooler, so it is alright. This year, electric energy is a factor, so Korea is trying to save energy. In Chung Pyung we know we have to save energy. Beloved members, when you do chan yang, in my mind I am always wishing that you could do it better and faster. You know Chung Pyung well. Today, the 2nd gen and 40-day members have joined us, so today I would like to explain about the chan yang session.
When I began Chung Pyung, I was told (by True Father) to make Absolute Good Spirits. Make evil spirits into Absolute Good Spirits. In my mind, I wondered where I had to bring evil spirits in order to make Absolute Good Spirits. Those spirits in the bodies of members, separate them out, and let them become Absolute Good Spirits. We normally think that the spirits are in Spirit World, and the human beings are on the earth. Before I began Chung Pyung works, True Parents showed me that there were evil spirits inside our human bodies. Like when the skin is peeled off, I could see little spirits -- like ant eggs -- all little black spirits. They were inside our skin and tissue, which made them look black, and I thought our tissue was dark colored. But all of these are each individual spirits. I touched them and, though small in size, they spoke to me. I was surprised. I spoke to them. Their words were not nice. Unimaginable curse words came out when they spoke to me. I took out one spirit and put it on the floor. It became the size of a human being. Its image and thinking was so evil. I thought maybe it was an exceptional spirit. I thought not so many can be in the body. But I saw so many spirits like that. The evil spirits are all in our body. They are all evil, but they differ in the strength of evil. They are all evil, but the strength of their evil is different.
I had to make Absolute Good Spirits. After Adam and Eve fell, and ever since, all the content of history has been made by evil spirits. When I see current Chung Pyung works, among the members, if a husband is promoted well, if people have a lot of money, if they are doing well, etc. they don't usually come to Chung Pyung. Families that are living well, without problems, don't usually come to Chung Pyung. But many evil spirits are in the bodies of all members, all people. We could not feel the strength of evil spirits. In the beginning when I first saw evil spirits, I worked hours to remove them. I felt there were so many spirits! After the fall of Adam and Eve, all history, all the life of our ancestors in the past, these past lives of our ancestors, are inside us, and our family members. Our Grandfather, grandmother, etc. all their lives are inside our families. What kind of family? You think: why do I have this difficulty? Why only me with this problem? Why do I have to live like this? Those identical and resembling evil spirits ancestors come to us. When we look at our life and character, we can see how our ancestors lived.
As your ancestors leave from the wedding hall (ancestor blessing), they talk: because of me my descendant has been going through such a life. They ask me: for my descendant can you do such and such? They ask me to help their descendants. All Absolute Good Spirits, after receiving the ancestor blessing, they talk together. I can hear them talking among themselves. Then they leave. When I go to Spirit World and listen to their words, I know, our lives are the result of our ancestors. If it was a dedicated spirit, their descendants can live life without pain. But, because they were centered on fallen nature and evil, therefore, we always have difficulties. Also, if your ancestor gave a hard time to another person, the descendant lives with pain and disease. Through the ancestor liberation ceremony, such a connection has been severed. The lineage with the fall has been severed. Like a mother with a baby in the womb is connected with the umbilical cord. We are connected with our ancestors like that. But it was an evil blood lineage. The lineage of our ancestors, we totally receive and inherit it. If this is not severed, then....Therefore, True Father told me: separate evil spirits, every 7 generations, and let them become Absolute Good Spirits. Connect the good blood lineage.
At Chung Pyung training center, we let them (evil spirits) become Absolute Good Spirits, and connect them with True Parents. Such is Chung Pyung. Therefore, we have to do ancestor liberation! Without ancestor liberation, we cannot disconnect from and remove the evil blood lineage. I am speaking of an invisible blood line. Only True Parents can do this! Then, all evil contents are severed. Evil spirits go to Spirit World, 100 days later they have become Absolute Good Spirits, and then re-connect to us. They, our ancestors (evil spirits), in past life lived with evil, but now as Absolute Good Spirits, they resemble heaven and True Parents. So far, we have liberated 238 generations. Already the blood lineage has been changed to a God-centered blood lineage, Heavenly Parent's blood lineage. Those members who have liberated 210 generations, are already connected. We are not receiving bad things from our ancestors. The good lineage can work with us, and through us. Therefore, we can come out of that bad lineage, with all the problems, etc. Our ancestors were evil ancestors. When I began Chung Pyung, I was surprised. evil spirits, when separated, came out [at this point, there was some disturbance in the audience, with one child screaming so loudly that even Dae Mo Nim had to stop momentarily, so there was some gap].....it was as large as a person on earth. When we live our lives with fallen nature and evil nature, when we are connected, it is very hard for us to become good people, with good nature. After separation, a good lineage must be connected to us. Goodness can be engrafted onto us.
Some member wrote a letter to me: I liberated up to 210 generations, etc. but I still have problems. Why? Those past mistakes are still in us. So, we must take them out and then we can completely remove them. When you do chan yang sessions, you really need to make a large sound. Sing loudly. Absolute Good Spirits and angels will go inside your body and remove evil spirits. These Absolute Good Spirits will speak to the evil spirits: you have to come out; if you don't come out, it is not right. If you don't sing loudly, when the Absolute Good Spirits says you have to come out, the evil spirits will respond: I don't want to come out! There will be a continuous dialogue taking place. So, we must sing loudly. It is like in a family, when the Husband and Wife are talking something serious, but the children are very noisy, so it is not easy to talk. So, if we are singing loudly, the Absolute Good Spirits can talk to the evil spirits well. So, sing loudly and clap loudly. If you clap softly, it is not good; but also to clap too strongly is not necessary. Just clap firm and well. The spirits have formed like a wall. As we clap, we open the space in the wall; this opens, this is clapping well. So, singing and clapping well, remove from sickness and disease quickly. Otherwise, it is slower.
Hit from head to toe. Hit all parts of the body, and head. We don't know where the evil spirits are, with the pain and disease. We know generally, but we don't know where. So, you have to hit everywhere. The neck; the back part of the neck is like a black box, the central part, the side, front, and back. Hit not only the chest, but the lymph glands under the arm. If you feel tired, and know which part is painful, hit the chest and lymph glands. Do you understand? When I first began Chung Pyung, I sat in the prayer room, and one spirit came out. It was a female sexual slave spirit. She was holding her chest. Her breast had been cut by someone. The descendant of the ancestor was affected. Next day I gave ansoo to some person. That part became black. The breast. The sexual slave ancestor had influenced. Now, this person is living well. You need to hit the stomach also. Hit the belly and lower area. When you hit your leg, thigh, and the border between the body and the leg. Also, the lymph glands in the groin area. If you hit well, your health will improve. There are evil spirits in the hip area and the hip joint. Hit your leg on the side. Hit your foot and shin, and the lower area. Hit everywhere. Hit your tailbone with your hand. When you are old your legs become like this (bowed). Legs, knees, hip joint hit well, and the legs will come together more. There will be no pain in the legs. We hit the shoulder and back, but you can put your hands a little bit over. The part that is empty, don't hit too hard. Hit the central spine. When you hit the face, hit the cheeks, eyes, ears, etc. If eye nerves are not good, chan yang session can heal them well.
The chin is very important. Teeth can become healthy. I talk about removal of evil spirits. Are your blood vessels clean or dirty? What do you think? They are not clean. Hit during chan yang session, they will become clean. If you hit the arm well, the blood will become clean. If you clean the blood, how can cancer come in us? Cancer depends on the %. All of us have cancer, but if we make our blood clean and pure, cancer cannot come. Straight posture is important. Without straight posture, our bones become strange. Habit is so important. Students, when you study, do you have straight posture? Backbone and waist have need to be proper. Bones can improve through chan yang. Then, you can have good intestines. Muscles, skin, tissue are all connected to intestines. If all bones are adjusted, you can become a healthy person. Through chan yang session we can remove fallen nature, take evil spirits out. One person, if they have a short temper, if the bad-character evil spirits is removed, that person's character can improve. If there is an immoral evil spirits in you a lot, you may go to, see, think, and do immoral things. If we have greed, it is due to spirits inside your stomach. It will influence you. If you remove the evil spirits, greed can be removed. Chan yang session is so important. True Father said: let them come to a workshop once per month. Do 40-day once each year. After fall of Adam and Eve, history is so long. If we don't work harder, before we go to Spirit World, the removal of evil spirits cannot be done. So, you need to work harder. Do you understand?
40-day people came from far away, so work hard, then you can become happy and live well. Ancestor liberation; before we did ancestor liberation, evil came in us. We have to take it out. Can you do chan yang well and hard? I will look and see how you are doing chan yang. We are happy people because of True Parents; around you there are people who have all these problems. Let them come to Chung Pyung, so they can live happy. Work hard in witnessing activities. True Parents proclaimed 2020; words for us, and humankind, and Spirit World. Work hard. Please become such precious members. Today, it is hot, but you came to Chung Pyung. Thank you. Always live centering on God's will. Individually, live life according to Principle. Be the one who reflects "who am I?" "What kind of life do I have?" Always the will is for me and my family. Lead life centered on God's will. Such a life I hope you can have. I have done a lot for Chung Pyung works. Soon, the first anniversary of True Father's Seonghwa. How would True Father work and carry out things? I have prepared. If I had to do it only after True Father's direction, it would be too late. I already made conditions. We will take care of members' spiritual problems. If you come to Chung Pyung, we will help you. When you go home, make a happy family. I will work during chan yang sessions. This time, many Absolute Good Spirits will be coming. I will find and use good techniques here. Always before True Parents, we must do our 5% portion of responsibility and become filial sons/daughters of God and True Parents. I will close here. Thank you.
God bless, itn,
David Carlson