The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2013 |
Mo Nim -- May 4, 2013
Upon returning from Japan
Good morning, everyone. [loud applause] Why did you clap like this? It rains a lot, especially in the Kyunggi Province area. [Korea right now is experiencing its changma, or rainy season. There is a lot of rain, nearly every day.] Especially, from the spiritual perspective, we will have a lot of drought, rain, cold weather. As I plant trees, I feel I need to plant trees, to easily overcome drought. In the Chung Pyung area there are many pine trees; at first there were not so many, at first there were many oak trees. We took them out and planted (royal Azalea trees) and other trees. When you come to Chung Pyung you can feel that it is such a beautiful environment. Because of the change of environment of the natural world, I want to keep oak trees now, since they have deep roots, even in drought, and can maintain themselves by conserving water. Oak trees make me think that we human beings need to love the natural world more.
Adam and Eve were meant to dominate the world and have dominion. Now, all things are in a very difficult situation. Concrete structures and cement. Water streams are dried. In the future, someday, we will feel a lack of water. Such a time will come. In order to not have such a day, I made large drains, to overcome. For the drought season, I made a tank [water purification system]. A very difficult time may come for the world in the future. In Japan this time, it is so hot; in the meaning of loving all creatures, we need to clean all things. Or it will not work well. Now, in Alaska, there is no snow; in Japan there is lots of rain. We really need to love the natural world more than before. Nagoya, Osaka, I visited. Members have a witnessing attitude; even the environment has been prepared. We need to work hard in witnessing activities for the future providence.
The ocean providence, True Father prepared. In the future, we will be eating only fish and sea food. True Father prepared for all this. Look at the world; all the people want to live well, and become successful. But, if they think like that, they may hurt the creation. But, we know the Principle of Creation, we know about creativity, etc. God created all things so that we could live with happiness and joy. All humanity should live like that. When Heavenly Parents sees people living with happiness and joy, so happy. Therefore, God created the world. When you go to Spirit World you will know God's creativity. The Shim Jung of parents. You will understand. Through all the process of creating the natural world, Heavenly Parents loved us so much. We should live not having any concerns or worries; only be living in happiness and with joy. When we looked at the creation, we would be so surprised at its beauty.
But human beings fell, and before and after the fall, different, the natural world contamination fiercely developed, and spread. After the fall, Original sin came to be. For people, inherited sin, collective sin, and individual sins were made. However, if we look at the process of the fall, the Archangel and Eve, and Eve and Adam. Was there love? Or fallen nature? There was fallen nature! What was the angel? A child or a servant? A servant! But, Heavenly Parents, when He created the world, He asked the angels to help. Please, do this and this. When I make a beautiful flower, can you help me do this or that? God always called Lucifer, and Lucifer worked. After that, God called Adam and Eve. How adorable they were. The human image became not so pretty. But, originally, the image of Adam and Eve was so beautiful. The place God created, God wanted to give Adam and Eve happiness and joy. One day, God told Lucifer: Lucifer, could you explain the process of creation to Adam and Eve? So, he explained the creativity of God and the process of creation. Lucifer explained as if in a real fairy tale story. Adam and Eve were wondrously listening to his words. Lucifer should have done well. Lucifer should have felt: it is so nice. But, instead, because of a feeling of a lack of love, there was no love. Adam and Eve fell, all due to fallen nature. Adam and Eve, not by love, but by evil, they fell. Their descendants, and all humankind, are made after Adam and Eve. 10,000 years and descendants, after the fall of Adam and Eve, place where God is located.
Adam and Eve ran away from God, with 2/3 of the angels. All angels should have stayed with God, but they ran away. Evil developed. Now, the staff people of the hospital are here. Have you ever heard such a story as this? There is hell. 80% of Spirit World. The Bible says human history is 6,000 years. But history is much longer. As we now do 210 generations, that is 6,000 years. Now we are doing 238 generations, that is more than 6,000 years. They don't become good people, but evil. Change should come from the physical world. If Absolute Good Spirits govern people on earth, and then they go to Spirit World. But, humanity lives centering on fallen nature, and so we center on our ancestral history, we inherit from them. If we knew "myself" maybe okay, but we center on all of our ancestors, and all the inherited things, we were born in.
When I look at a person, I can see how they live their life, and I can know, if I see their life for 24 hours, how their ancestors are. Even if they received the blessing, they didn't do their 5% Portion Of Responsibility. God tried to restore them. History of restoration through indemnity. Noah's age, Abraham's age, Jesus' age, etc. Central figures, or their followers, if we see the Bible, they lived life centered on fallen nature and they failed. Fallen nature, with hatred, anger, jealousy, complaint, dissatisfaction, etc. So, to those who live life centering on fallen nature, first disease will be made. The staff people from the hospital, for these people to be cured, check their attitude. Do they have a good attitude or not? Positive thinking, with true love, etc. All people are centering on fallen nature, and so diseases are being made. Your blood and skin tissue? I was surprised and shocked, at disease being made. Pain? If we live without fallen nature, there will be no pain. Give and receive action centering on true love, and no pain. All people center on fallen nature, and think: I need to become # 1! I have to be the first. So, they have jealousy, etc. I have to stand in the first place, and be promoted. Only me! This is why the natural world has become like this. Because of fallen nature.
True Parents came and did many works. Centering on joy and happiness, they upheld everything; then they went. For the result we need to do witnessing activities. Live life not by fallen nature, but with true love. To live in such a way, we need to convey words, and we need to change ourselves first. Even here a lecturer; we know things intellectually. But, even if we know the content, there is no change in our behavior or practice. If you live life based on fallen nature, there will be human disease and pain, and the natural world will become worse. Many people in the world pray for their own well-being. But, we need to change our character and have a mind of living for the sake of others. Please become a person of character.
In this world, we say: life is so hard I want to die. But, differently, if you look at Spirit World, you will live there based on your physical life. If here in Physical World there is pain and suffering and disease, but if I think I am happy, etc. when go to Spirit World, spirit self goes out of the body, and the spirit self separates and goes to Spirit World, and according to the earthly life it will go to Spirit World. You may say: there is a judge to tell you go this side or that. For 24 hours you are drawing your life on your spirit. If live well, when body and spirit separate, you can go to Spirit World so well. Now humankind is living life centered on fallen nature. They will all go to hell. Not heaven. How you live in 24 hours. Can anyone say: I lived right? Those with love can go to heaven. Those with fallen nature will go to hell. So, you must check yourself. Think: how did I live my life? With fallen nature or with love? Since yesterday I lived life centering on fallen nature, such fallen nature is on my spirit self. So, I need to change. As you pray: please forgive me, then live a life centering on fallen nature? That is not right. Change your character, day-by-day, so you can become a better person. Change yourself day-by-day in order to be happy and feel joy.
For us to understand Divine Principle, tell people: if you live life with fallen nature, there will be pain and suffering, but if you live life with true love, you can be happy and joyful. All the hospital people, develop your spirituality. People who make effort in chanyang sessions, can be cured. I ask the hospital people to please give me the mental people. If they work hard in chanyang sessions, they can improve quickly. There is spiritual disease and physical disease. In this era, there is far more spiritual disease. The hospital, that can cure disease. We have lots of medical equipment these days, but the hands are the best medical equipment. Your mind and body, give love to your physical body. At Chung Pyung works, the image of Absolute Good Spirits helping earthly people. So far, there has been lots of evil fortune, but now there is more heavenly fortune. If there are many Absolute Good Spirits, there will be more and more heavenly fortune. Evil will go to people with fallen nature. If so, if we cannot become absolutely good today, become better and better. Heavenly Parents waits, trusting us, and giving fortune to us. We should not think: must make more membership, but let people live with heavenly character and get good fortune. So they can live a life with true love, and love the natural world. The shim jung of parents is important. When I look at Chung Pyung couples, I see everything. This tree is lacking within, this tree is dead, this tree needs that. I can see because I have shim jung. I see everything. Among the staff members, when I return to the training center in the evening I see who is there. People should care for their work place, and then leave.
Have a mind of parents. You think: oh, my sister-in-law did like this! Have a parental mind. When people live next door see if they have any problems. We should not be a person who does not greet others. We should know people's situation and pain, and want to cure them through love. Become a mature and completed person. If all people become people of character and love, the whole world will change. Now, there has been a long history of evil. Those spirits came to the body and give spiritual disease. Chung Pyung works, in the beginning, I separated Evil Spirits myself, but now the Absolute Good Spirits separate Evil Spirits. I don't hate people because when I see the background of people, if the Evil Spirit is removed, this person will change. Chanyang sessions will adjust your bones to their proper position. From head to toe, blood vessels, become so clean. This can be done through chanyang sessions. This chan yang is such an amazing thing. When Wednesday, I went to Nagoya, people worked hard. 1,200 new members. All worked hard. This is the content to make ourselves happy and joyful. Center on true love and with a parental heart have a mind to help people, and take care of other people. Staff, from the hospital, will you work with the heart of an owner? Some of our doctors here, I am so thankful to them. They have healed many people. They give massage and love and care. All of us need the mind of parents, and we can become healthy, and become a filial son/daughter and do our best. Please practice. I will close here. Thank you.
God bless, itn,
David Carlson