The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2013 |
Mo Nim -- May 5, 2013
Good morning, everyone. The hot weather and warm season went elsewhere. Today is cooler. The 40-day workshop members, when I see how you are living, I wish it were cooler. Compared with other years, it is so hot. I wondered if the training members could endure (the heat). It seems that you are, so I am very appreciative.
Last week was the Special Great Works workshop, and first anniversary of True Father's Seonghwa. True Father, after the Seonghwa, analyzed about Spirit World, and where Adam and Eve were created, etc. True Father saw it all, and gave direction. True Father in Physical World and Spirit World, how he would like to work with Spirit World, etc. everything was done in one year. You may think that since True Father is the Messiah, it is easy for him, but Spirit World is not like that. What True Father accomplished in just one year is just amazing. After the first anniversary, in only one year, within just one year, True Father was able to understand everything. One week has passed since the anniversary. What do you think True Father is going to do? He will be coming to us, and helping us. True Father and True mother, substantially, they proclaimed the substantial word. As I see the working of Spirit World, I really wish members could see the Spirit World.
Yesterday, Korean members, for those who witnessed to 12 people or more, and received membership, they were called to the Palace by True mother. True mother said, about Spirit World, there is bright Spirit World and there is dark Spirit World. This dark world, through Chung Pyung works, has been made into the bright world. We need to do ancestor liberation ceremony. You need to make Absolute Good Spirits of your ancestors. Then, a bright world will come. 1,200 members gathered. All of you need to do ancestor liberation ceremony. Then, afterwards, there was a breakfast meeting with True mother. She spoke again: "Regional leaders, did you do ancestor liberation?" If not, you need to do that. Then the world can become a bright world, in Spirit World. True mother spoke clearly. So, a dark world and a bright world, hell and heaven. All of us are living with this. When True Father went to Spirit World, he saw the dark and bright worlds. True mother concluded: Through ancestor liberation we can make the dark world into a bright world. With more Absolute Good Spirits, we can make a bright world faster. We need to do chan yang session. Then the Spirit World will be made more and more a better world. In the Physical World, as we remove the Evil Spirits from our body, fallen nature, disease, pain, etc. will be reduced.
The method of removal of Evil Spirits from the body, that is to receive heavenly fortune, what do you think is the method? If we live life Principled, we can easily and quickly remove Evil Spirits. Absolute Faith Love and Obedience, and living a life of Principle, this is not easy. Even you offer a report prayer: "I will do...." this is not simple. The history after fallen Adam and Eve is so very long. Bad habits have formed, and fallen nature, nowadays though we determine and pledge, these things cannot be removed so easily. We need to change ourselves gradually, so we can receive heavenly fortune, remove evil spirits, etc. True Father said he would do work after the anniversary. If members didn't listen to my heavenly words, then I will let them feel the work; they will be "hit" with love. In order to show people that True Father is working in their lives. At the beginning of Chung Pyung works, there were lots of spiritual works that happened to the staff members. Therefore, now, they don't have any complaints or dissatisfaction. Maybe not 100% but they are trying to do their best. I see this, and so even to our members, I really wish they could have spiritual experiences, so that they could "feel" it.
There is a little bit of difference between members and staff members. For example, if one (staff member) has a pain in their neck, they may ask me and I tell them: that is because of your arrogance, or a pain in the waist might be from not repenting, etc. Little by little they change. Normal members may have a pain because (they think) of fatigue, etc. and go to the hospital. Staff members, if they have some pain, go to the Cheong Shim Won (prayer hall) and pray. One person got "hit" by angels harder than others So, he went to the hospital, but there was no improvement. Then, he came to me, and I asked him: are you arrogant? He reflected, and then saw, and then he became a little better. Another person spoke thoughtlessly. Then, the person changed, and began to speak better. True Father will do like this to us. If you don't live a Principled life, perhaps your child will have difficulties. I read one letter. you, as a wife, did so and so; the wife understands the mistake. If you fight (with husband) then the children may look at bad things, or may not want to go to school, etc. Because of the fighting between Husband and Wife. Even this person knows, wrote a letter, but didn't change. I told them. Don't write a letter; instead, focus on changing yourself. If something happens in the family, who is the cause? You need to blame yourself! Don't blame others.
You ask, is this problem spiritual or not? I always see things, as to whether they are spiritual or not, or if they are due to a spiritual thing or not. Your habits have formed through spiritual causes. You have to do so and so, I tell people when they have problems. Members must think, change will come through the changing of my habits. Members thought, "Dae Mo Nim will remove this," but change will come when YOU change. When family problems come, you have to think about your life. If there is a problem, you need to think about changing your life. To clear a problem, without changing your life, problems won't be solved. True Father will "let you know" (from now on), but you have to change. Then True Father can work on you.
When I saw one report (by someone) to True Mother, True Father came to elder member, and spoke, and even to small kids. Our church atmosphere changed because of True Father. When I hear report from a church leader, we have to confirm: is this from True Father, or not from True Father? In the beginning of Chung Pyung works, Dae Mo Nim has appeared here and there, so someone says Dae Mo Nim came to my dream, etc. But, actually, it was not the works of Dae Mo Nim. You understand True Father will come, so you think True Father will come. You need to live life with one mind, one heart, one body, one mindset, etc. Make some kind of environment.
To people who received the Absolute Good Spirits, I went to their home. They are not living life by Absolute Faith Love and Obedience 100%. Thus, some people cannot recognize the help from Spirit World. I went to the house of a family with H Absolute Good Spirits. Our ancestors need to live in a good environment. I went to one house in 1990. There were no spirits in that house. I was surprised. I looked and opened the water tank of the toilet, and those spirits were hiding in there! All Evil Spirits were hiding in another house, in a clothes pocket. The family served me tea, and in the tea I saw water, but it was covered with spirits. Looking at various families, I feel we need to...something. When you come to Chung Pyung, there are lots of spirits following you. In many ways, spirits come with you when you come to Chung Pyung. I go to a home and sanctifying happens. True Father will come and sanctify you and your home. True Father really wants to do so, as a parent. But if you are living life too far removed from one mind, one heart, one body, one mindset, it will be difficult. When I go somewhere, I feel this is not how they should live.
True Father said: before and after the first anniversary, it will be so different. For True Father to work, 480 billion Absolute Good Spirits. If the number is 480 now, then True Father has more power and all the Absolute Good Spirits, though I make one more today, I don't announce. True Father announced 480, and will be guiding them. When True Father and True Mother were here at Chung Pyung, if not directed by True Father, I cannot do it. If True Father says to do this, then I did that. But, now they can do directly, so it will be so wonderful. Do you understand? Those Absolute Good Spirits controlled by me, will be used by True Father. So, the 2 powers become totally different. For True Father to use Absolute Good Spirits, we need to change our environment. We can become blessed families. To the outside world, we will look better. Even if you still have bad habits, you need to live life with a happy mind, you need to feel happy because Heavenly Parents, True parents, heavenly fortune are there. We need to live life with a happy mind. Live life one with God and True parents/one mind, body, one heart, etc.
Now, the Korean church has a name list of "church" members. We can't do this as a formal member form. They need to come to church. True Mother told them: you need to do ancestor liberation. You need to "feel" works. Each person has 12 and they need to take responsibility for them. They have to take responsibility. True mother said you need to take responsibility for them. Yesterday, I saw this situation. Some members worked hard, but...But 2020, we need to do Witnessing Activity, and settle down. Things that cannot be done in the outside world, those things are in our church. We really need to do Witnessing Activity, to receive heavenly fortune in life. When I read your letters (parents), your children have difficulties as students. I feel that student does not listen well to its mother. When you speak to children, you need to speak well, so they can understand, and they can be proud in the eyes of other people.
When I speak from this podium, I give you words, urgent words. You hear some words, and don't hear some words. When you leave here, you forget what you have heard. These words were given last week, but you didn't practice. I told the lecturers to give only 30 minute lectures. Lecture time is 30 minutes during workshop. You offer a bow at 7 am, etc. and finish at 8 am. If it is past 8 am, in my room, I call the MC and tell them to go onstage. After 30 minutes, people cannot listen well. During 30 minutes lecture, lecturer has a hard time, but does 30 minutes. I am conveying this message today based on fact, so that you can change and become a beautiful person. So that you can let True Father work. As Dae Mo Nim has been doing Chung Pyung works, please use Dae Mo Nim as much as you can. Hoon Mo Nim could not live life as she may have wanted to. She worked very hard. Please become body of True parents so that True parents can work as much as they want, based on your actions. Please become such members. Next week, after Special Great Works workshop, still the spiritual environment remains, so yesterday and this morning, it is the same. But tonight.... This morning, it is the same environment, so please hit well. Always be healthy. That is a most important thing. Please become beautiful, filial sons/daughters of God and True parents. I will close here. Thank you.
God bless, itn,
David Carlson