The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2013 |
Mo Nim -- August 12, 2007
Good morning, everyone. Thank you. It is raining hard, and not easy to attend the workshop. Are you okay? I hope all of you take care of your physical body health well. Last Saturday -- Sunday I was in Japan. I feel sorry to the 40-day workshop people. Even though you are working very hard, I did not speak at the 2-day workshop, but went to Japan. Many members in the area. I can come here (Chung Pyung) spiritually, so it is okay. There were many people to attend the rally, so I chose to speak on Sunday. So, I went to Japan Sat-Sun. From now, that way won't happen. On the speech tour, I spoke with members. Not only as a rally, but I wish to have 40-day workshop there. Why? Because spiritually, I can see difficult problems. Members, due to problems, later, long after my coming, there will be more mental and spiritual problems coming. The rally ended, but I wish people could come to a 40-day workshop. The spiritual background is not so clean.
Now there is Cheon Il Guk and we are citizens of Cheon Il Guk. We need to attend True Parents in our life. Spiritually, even though you are not 100% spiritually clean, with True Parents, we need to make the spiritual situation so that they (True Parents) can come to us. I usually give a handshake to the 40-day workshop people. At the end of their graduation ceremony, at the last moment, even though they are not spiritually clear, I give a handshake. In Japan, when I gave a handshake to them, because their spiritual condition was so poor, I wanted to say to them: come to 40-day workshop. (Resurrection?), etc. will come. So, beloved members, even if not to a 40-day workshop, please come to a 2-day workshop. The environmental pollution was so bad, and now all the world is looking at Japan. I wish the Japanese members could come to Chung Pyung.
You need to block bad things. Blood, intestines, need cleaning. Chan yang sessions can do this. Chan yang session is the best way to clean the blood, the intestines, to fix the bones, to set the muscles okay, etc. Therefore, I think chan yang session is the best medical science. If you attend chan yang session a lot, all the (muscles) can be changed. Your health can be changed. When I went to some prefectures in Japan, True Father came and told me: from now 480 billion Absolute Good Spirits will work on us. Chan yang session, lots of dreams. For those who are spiritually challenged, I wish to have them return to a normal mental state. They live life with their own mind, but if other spirits are dominant and you, you listen to them, life can be hard.
If you have a difficult life, and have spiritual experience, it is hard. True Father told me: we have (the) holy spirit and truth. Spiritually, True Parents and Heavenly Parents will work. This is the era. We are living in this kind of era. Whether you see the spiritual environment or not, True Parents will do their part. Centered on the truth, we need to work strongly through witnessing activities. We need to have this kind of mind. I spoke to all Japanese members, and I spoke calmly (because if the microphone is too loud, they cannot hear the translation well). Then, I spoke loudly with the Japanese members. At first I spoke calmly and carefully to them, but then True Father told me: if you speak calmly to them, how can members understand and be awakened? So, then I spoke loudly, so that they could be alerted. I spoke loudly, like thunder and lightning. True Father told me: if you can't speak loudly, then I will. I told True Father I would do it. Then, I spoke louder.
As Special Great Works workshop approaches, True Father proclaimed 480 billion Absolute Good Spirits. In spirit world spiritual works by the Holy Spirit will be shown. On the earth, centering on True Mother, let us take pride in True Parents, in Truth, and pass Heavenly fortune to other people. As I do Chung Pyung works, and Absolute Good Spirits and True Father, there is True Father's message. As I did Chung Pyung works, True Father said: from tomorrow such numbers will come to work. He spoke quietly because if he speaks loudly, Satan will listen. With Heavenly Parents, True Parents, with Absolute Good Spirits, I will take responsibility for the holy spirit aspect of works. How about words? We have to practice. You really need to make efforts to do God's will by practicing the words. By 2020, you must do this. If you don't do this......Every day know God's will to 2020, are we giving this direction? Do WA to 2020. Then, True Father went to SW. After True Mother passes, spiritual world will be active. When we meet 2020, if members are about 1,000, what will we do? Korean leaders have proclaimed we will do 600,000. If they do 100,000, to do that we have to work day and night.
True Father said to me: Build the Palace by 2005. That is what True Father told me. I came here to Chung Pyung without anything. Truly, Chung Pyung works, I really respect you. Without Chung Pyung, we cannot go to heaven. Such words, the environment was hard for us to listen and understand. Parent and child, we had the relationship. Believers' words were not simple. But, you trusted the words. Without Chung Pyung works, we cannot go to heaven. We began with 3, then 100, then 150, then 300, etc. When I look back, I had no faith. When 9 am came, registration didn't happen for some people. We had a 40-day workshop. At first it was not easy: cold showers, 7-day fast, etc. I scolded them about chan yang session, and we did faster. When I look back, I didn't know where such anger came from. We didn't have many Absolute Good Spirits, so we needed to work hard. I removed spiritual power to remove Evil Spirits. Cold water, 7-day fasts were needed at the time. But, people came to Chung Pyung more and more. 2005, Dec 29, we built the Palace. It was impossible. But, I believed True Father's words. If I don't do it, I will die. That was my mind. The power of spiritual world is so strong. Now, we do a 10 page prayer and go to bed. But, at that time, we had prayer even at midnight. Evil Spirits were separated from you by day, then I collect them at night, and I send them to the Spirit World. That was then. Now, the separation of Evil Spirits is much easier. It was so difficult back then. We need to make the best quality. The pillars of the Cheon Jeong Gung, were not simple to bring on the highway, or over the bridge here. I brought them to here. If I don't fulfill my Portion of Responsibility, things will become difficult. So, I worked hard.
Beloved members, do you think that without spiritual works, this would be possible? To solve your problems, we have worked hard. I had to make conditions for the chan yang session. That is why things work. By 2005, we needed to build the Palace. True Parents said: make the Peace World Center quickly. But, that was not simple. There were issues of land ownership, etc. Building that, it was not a simple building. It is the second largest building in the Eastern world. The sound system is very complex, but True Parents said do it quickly. I had to work harder. There were not so many donations. Other financial funds were needed. There were many difficulties. Then, True Father did the Blessing ceremony, then the OSDP workshops, and UPF. True Father did at least once all that he had to do. True Father know, and used the Peace World Center. His ascension ceremony needed to be held there also. Without such thinking I could not fulfill my Portion of Responsibility. Can you understand? Do you feel my heart? True Father came to me and asked how many debts I had. He said he would help me. I said I had no debts, since all the members throughout the world worked so hard. With the first anniversary of the Seonghwa, all assets were offered to headquarters. They were surprised. From the beginning of Chung Pyung, we bought a lot, and many assets were obtained. Even True Mother was surprised. I told True Mother that the members had done this. Ancestor liberations, donations, all of you did this.
But, why can't you do Witnessing Activity? You are not doing Witnessing Activity. Why can't we make visible, spiritual children? You need to fulfill this. We need this mindset. Even if you are a worker, without "words," do what you do with sincerity, devotion and hard work. You have to be recognized, so they will talk about you like that. They will feel: if I follow this person and live life like that, I can prosper. With that kind of mind, you do Witnessing Activity, then you can do it. For 2020, we need to practice Witnessing Activity. Cheon Il Guk, we need to live righteously, reduce fallen nature, centering on true love, we need to live life, etc. Do you understand? Who will take care of the Holy Spirit aspect? Heavenly Parents and True Parents. True Mother on earth is giving many words. So far, True Mother is speaking lots. Witnessing Activity by 2020. We have to do it. Witnessing Activity is our life. Don't forget about this. When you go to Spirit World, if you see people in Spirit World and they are in hell, you will think: I should have done more works.
People are suffering so much. If humanity does not love the natural world, we will have so many difficulties. We need to love the natural world. Please do Witnessing Activity. In daily life, center on your conscience, look at yourself. How much fallen nature do I have? How much do I practice Principle? When I (Dae Mo Nim) counsel people, they ask me what kind of conditions they need to make? Live a life of prayer, then it is better. Life should be a life of prayer, then give-receive action can happen. I hope your life can be your prayer. We are children of God; we need to fulfill our duty as children. True Parents offered their duty as Messiah, as True Parents, etc. As children, we need to fulfill our Portion of Responsibility as children. That means to live life well, live righteously, do Witnessing Activity, etc. I hope you can work hard with such a mind. Please become such members.
In October, centering on the Autumn Special Great Works, I am making devotions. If you know a mentally challenged person, let them come to the Autumn Special Great works workshop. Those who are challenged spiritually will be worked on very intensively. During my consultations, I told this person: this situation began from the time of elementary school (at the time, the parents said the person was "ok"), but the situation to come was not seen at that time (elem time). There is a central theme in each Special Great Works workshop. Our mind needs to be returned. Centering on spiritually challenged people, 480 billion Absolute Good Spirits will work. Those Absolute Good Spirits who did mental treatments, and the angels, I called all of them, and told them to work on this. There are Evil Spirits in our mind, etc. These mental problems are caused by such Evil Spirits. How you can deal with it, how to treat such problems, True Parents have already done. True Parents will take care of that part of it. Please, come to the Autumn Special Great Works. I hope you care well for your health in this rainy weather. Walk a lot, have a "practice" mind, become one with God and True Parents, be healthy, and become a filial son/daughter of God and True Parents. I will close here. Thank you.
God bless, itn,
David Carlson