The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2013 |
Mo Nim -- October 13, 2013
Good evening, everyone. I would like to talk about ancestor liberation. 80 percent of spirit world is hell, it is so surprising. As I began Chung Pyung works, there were no absolute good spirits. I thought there would be good ancestors. But, it was not like that. Why? Because we live an earthly life on earth for 80-100 years and without committing huge sins, so sin is very small. But the sins committed after we finish our earthly life are larger. Why? Because in the world of evil, since evil spirits live in hell, stronger spirits are in control, and weaker spirits are dominated by those evil spirits. So, they engage in bad behavior. Living in spirit world, they had bad lives. As I see the situation and conduct ancestor liberation ceremony, and regarding original parents, Adam and Eve, from that first generation ancestor liberation ceremony needs to be done. True Father said: consider the parents who gave birth to you as the first generation, and then go back. As the generations go up and up, bigger sins are done. When you go to spirit world and see this situation; looking for ancestors who went to heaven. There is no one. Ancestors, bigger or smaller, they committed sins. We are the descendants of those ancestors.
Inside us, we have fallen nature. As True Parents emphasized many times, without taking out the fallen nature, you cannot go to heaven. All people center on fallen nature, and they cannot go to heaven. As I conducted Chung Pyung works, especially, those people whom I know personally, if they are in a difficult place that is different from heaven, I feel so painful, it is so painful. What shall I do? How can I liberate them? In 1974-75, Mrs. Lee Baek Lim (sp?), would call and the ancestors came. When this situation changed after 1980, it was not easy to call ancestors. From this point of evil settling down ancestor liberation ceremony has been done since. Had we been able to make absolute good spirits then, ancestor liberation ceremony would not be needed now. But that time was not the time (for it). Mrs. Lee Baek Lim did ancestor liberation, but could not make the evil spirits into Absolute Good spirits. Not because of her lack of ability, but because it was just not the time. So, True Parents told me to do ancestor liberation ceremony. The spirits are liberated and receive blessing. It should not have been able to be done originally. But, because of True Parents realm of victory, it could be done.
We received Principle words and receive the blessing, and should live by absolute faith, love and obedience. We need to reduce fallen nature. Gradually, our ancestors also could have become perfected people. But, since we did not live life like that, with absolute faith, love and obedience, our ancestors could not become perfected. So, True Parents from 1999 had me do ancestor liberation ceremony and we could make ancestors into absolute good spirits. How do I make absolute good spirits? I prayed but could not receive any answer. I made many devotions and spoke with True Parents. They explained about a training center in the spirit world. They gave me hints. I asked them: "do I have to make a training center in spirit world"? They did not say anything, but they only smiled. After making training center in the spirit world, through Principle words, it is not easy to become absolute good spirits. Heavenly Parents, He created all the world, and human beings. The Principle of Creation, like a film and motion picture, the spirit can see what actually happened. They can see the fall. They learn the stimulating joy of God and True Parents. They learn about the birth of the Messiah, and about the 2nd generation. All of this was taught to them. If they are taught personally it is not easy to understand. So, those spirits let them go to their spirit house in the spirit world. Through their understanding about the environmental situation, in their minds they only have the mind of "I want to come out of this place fast. With the help of descendants, I want to come out." They don't have it in their mind to look around the house. When they saw the house, they were surprised. They can see themselves. How it was for them in the physical world, and how it is now after their ascension.
If we live life according to our own desire, and then go to spirit world it is one thing. If we live life with Principle, and attend True Parents, it is okay. But, if we see something wrong on our spirit self, are we happy? Or are we ashamed? We are ashamed. If we smoke, or drink or do immoral sins, then in spirit world there is a lot of accusation. Spirits will say: you are a blessed family, and you are like this! It is so difficult! Those kinds of spirits are so surprised. In the training center for 100 days, they attend workshop, and go to their house, etc. Their other situations are also shown. Self-change. Heaven becomes closer. Seeing this, they work so hard! If you could see the evil spirits coming out (of you), etc. during chan yang session, you would work very, very hard. They are listening to lectures, and they work hard, and they enter at the (ancestor) blessing ceremony at the moment the MC says: "entrance of ancestors." I wait, though, so on the stage there is holy wine, etc. for those spirits who come late. I am not sprinkling holy water in empty space, but to those spirits who arrive late. During the anc blessing ceremony, they came with an image to the hall, with original sin. But, through the ceremony they are cleaned. They become transparent, and they have a bright shining light, brighter than diamonds. Do you believe what I am saying?
Without failure, we have to do ancestor liberation ceremony. After the fall, in restoration, ancestor liberation ceremony is needed. Human beings, after the fall of Adam and Eve, became children of Satan. Are people children of God? Or children of Satan, and evil? They are children of Satan and evil. There were no children of Heavenly Parents. We did not receive the blessing after our perfection. We should receive blessing after we are perfected, but we did not. We had all the sins. Members who didn't understand, that is us, True Parents could not wait, so they gave the blessing. 36 couples, 72, etc. So, now, we are placed in the position of children and we receive the blessing. But, humanity is centered on Satan. Through True Parents, and on the foundation of indemnity conditions, up to 7 generations, including our physical parents, whose children do they become? They become children of Heavenly Parents. Such an important role! So True Father did this work. There are many religions, and have been many central figures, but they could not make absolute good spirits. But, True Parents made such children of God. Angels can help human beings. True Father did amazing works: the coronation ceremony for the kingship of God, etc. We did this (absolute good spirits), centering on True Parents. True Parents did this. Absolute good spirits as children of God, this is made by True Parents. Also to us, ancestors who can give us Heavenly fortune, were made. Before absolute good spirits, we did not have such heavenly fortune. True Father mentioned this. After I began Chung Pyung works, True Father told me: I made excruciating efforts and now this is the restored and perfected God of E (Chung Pyung). Human beings can live in the Garden of Eden now.
So, ancestor liberation ceremony is not made through Chung Pyung works, but through Heavenly Parents, and True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind. This is God's providence. Chung Pyung works. We need more ancestor liberation ceremony, more absolute good spirits, more children of Heavenly Parents and True Parents, etc. Now, the absolute good spirits number 480 billion. When I go to the spirit world and see the situation, there are so many spirits and evil spirits. There are not so many absolute good spirits. But around you there are many absolute good spirits. You must do ancestor liberation ceremony for the sake of your descendants. Our situation, we ourselves, our situation will become better. If we don't make more absolute good spirits, but stay with evil spirits, then pain, disease, suffering, etc. will stay with us, and there will be no way to come out of it. When I do counseling, I see. I see people who don't come to Chung Pyung. evil spirits give us pain, and they come to us, but we did not know. We are supposed to have absolute good spirits and angels to protect us. True Father: "why did I do this (ie coronation ceremony for God's kingship, etc.? Make an environment of absolute good spirits to protect us? In spirit world, evil settled down, and True Parents could not move. But, because of absolute good spirits, such a world could be made that True Parents can move. Now, for children of Heavenly Parents to become even more than the children of Satan, we must make more absolute good spirits. At the beginning of Chung Pyung, there were many evil spirits. Heaven is only 20 percent. Now, this is the era when goodness is being developed. When you go to spirit world, before, there was only the Heavenly Parents home. But now, we are making houses for absolute good spirits, and God's home. True Father told me: we need to make houses in heaven. I had homework given by True Father. I built a house, and showed it to True Father. True Father said: let such a house be made.
The Cheon Cheong Gung, for Heavenly Parents, if Adam and Eve had not fallen, an earthly house of True Parents needed to be here. Cheon Cheong Gung is the home where Heavenly Parents and True Parents had the coronation ceremony for God's kingship. It is the home of Heavenly Parents and True Parents. All contents are there; we attended True Parents as sons/daughters of Heavenly Parents. True Parents cherished that. Though we made mistakes, they forgave us. Now, with absolute good spirits, not only we received the blessing from True Parents. But, we need to spread that to others. We need to do witnessing activity. Yesterday, True Mother said: we are happy people because we have True Parents. People in the world, do they have true love, true life, true lineage? We need to go closer. Have pride in True Parents, and remove original sin from the people. We need to become people of heaven. We have this responsibility. We need to do witnessing activity. If we go to hell in spirit world, we can see ancestors in hell, and we see them crying. absolute good spirits can show themselves; the different works of absolute good spirits through dreams, etc. We need to do witnessing activity. Give people fortune, remove original sin, let them go to heaven.
If you live life with fallen nature, sin, pain, suffering, disease, etc. If you live life centering on Principle, you can be happy, joyful, and have heavenly fortune. You need such a life. Thinking about God's will, you cannot go to sleep, thinking about members, you cannot sleep well. You need such a Shim Jung. You need such a mind. The Principle of Restoration belongs to you. Not just to responsible leaders, but to you. We must make people into sons/daughters of God. Do you understand? You answer well, but when you leave here, and go through the door, you forget it all. Learn well, and practice. Please become such members. Oct 25-27 is the Special Great Works workshop. Like the shaking of rice in the countryside (Korean cultural metaphor), like that, you can take off evil spirits during the special great works workshop. Some members say: "I don't have fallen nature." Don't be such a member. Please come to Chung Pyung a lot. We are investing mind and heart to remove many difficult situations. I hope you can bring heavenly fortune. In family life, and for all people. Before True Parents I hope we can become reliable children. Those members who can fulfill their responsibility as a son or daughter of God. I hope you can become like that. I will close here. Thank you.
God bless, itn,
David Carlson