The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2013 |
Mo Nim -August 9, 2013
"Good morning, everyone. It is nice to meet you. Last week we had the Autumn Special Great Works Workshop. The 5-night, 6-day workshop participants had their schedule after that. I wondered why. But, the special great works is necessary to us. True Father said Chung Pyung is the restored, perfected Garden of Eden. Those words True Father said. When I first met True Parents at the beginning of Chung Pyung, True Father said Chung Pyung is the perfected, restored Garden of Eden. To make this place like that, how much excruciating efforts True Father made. What if Satan stayed here? So True Father carved his bones, made conditions, and therefore made the restored, perfected Garden of Eden.
All people in Spirit World or in Physical World, God is Heavenly Parents to the world, we need to restore back the original world. Saying like that, True Father spoke about our fallen natures very seriously. Fallen nature is shown in our daily lives. Are there those people who can feel "this is fallen nature"? It seems there is no one. What is love? No one knows. So teach them clearly. Those evil spirits inside the body need to be removed. True Father spoke like that. True Father: I wish people could stay at Chung Pyung until the evil spirits are all removed. Consecutive 40 day to 120 days workshops. True Father spoke with such a serious mind and content, he explained to me. At the time, I saw these evil spirits at the beginning of Chung Pyung. Those words of True Father came to my mind. This (Chung Pyung) is a method. It is possible to do 3 x 40-day workshop.
Now, in the world, there are many accidents and pain and suffering and disease, and many things happening beyond our imagination. These are being shown. The work of "ancestors" is being shown. Therefore, as you live life, un-Principled things. You have to think about why it is like this? For example, you get upset, or are greedy about something. Unimaginable behavior apart from Principle. When you try and do such things, you have to think, why am I doing like this? The contents your ancestors lived are appearing through you. Pain and suffering, and disease. All the things our ancestors did are showing in our lives. As I see how members live, I am understanding how your ancestors lived life. To disconnect this, we are doing ancestor liberation. We do chan yang session, and it is helping in many ways. The content of evil is connected to us, with the ancestors. This is our lineage. The content of evil dominates us, and it must be changed. How can we be changed to a good blood lineage? This is through the ancestor blessing. All the contents of sin I can see in the ancestors. The content of ancestors' mistakes, through lineage, mother and fetus in the womb, the umbilical cord is connected. We are connected to ancestors through lineage. We can disconnect this through the ancestor liberation ceremony.
The lives ancestors lived, through ancestor liberation ceremony, when standing by true love, I wish they could see. We can't live life like this. Evil things are happening. The contents linger, as if through a plastic line (pipe), the lineage is connected to us. The place where this is disconnected -- only True Parents can do this. When I look for the ancestors, incidents and events in the world must be severed, so no one can come down. The connection must be severed. Ancestor liberation ceremony is very important. Why am I talking about this? When I look for the ancestors, some ancestor is not liberated. They speak to me: "our descendant is here, so can you open the door so they can do ancestor liberation ceremony?" All are connected. Murder, fallen nature, etc.
If you have 3 siblings, do you think evil comes only to you? No, bad things come to all of us. So we need to engage in witnessing activities. Things can be passed to our descendants. To stop that, True Father: I wish they could do 3 x 40-day workshop, and stay. special great works workshops come out from that. Such great works, special great works workshops. Today, as you attend the 2-day workshop, central evil spirits are there, and other evil spirits as well. Once evil spirits are removed, central evil spirits can be taken out. If you don't do chan yang session hard, then evil spirits are not removed easily. If you work hard, more evil spirits can be removed. Then central evil spirits can be taken out. If the central evil spirits is taken out first, smaller evil spirits can be removed easily. That central evil spirits is connected with our ancestors. hereditary disease and suffering. By telling what the evil spirits received, and what suffering, they let others come, other evil spirits are attracted, and it becomes bigger. There are surrounding evil spirits, apart from other evil spirits, do you understand? Seems that you don't understand!
Yesterday, I watched at the lecture hall, when the 6-day participants were listening to Mr. Seong. I was envious of the speaker because they talk about things with a smile. But, I am very serious because I can see it. Then, my mind is very different. I can see that we are still uncompleted. On our Foundation Day, we were brought to the position of completion, but we are not completed. That is why I am very serious. Ancestors, their mistakes, and central evil spirits are giving directions, so they must be removed. If there was only one central evil spirit, it would not be too bad, but there is more than one central evil spirit. During special great works 480 billion absolute good spirits will come. There is not enough time to remove all the evil spirits, so the central evil spirits are removed, and other evil spirits are pushed aside. But the time is too short. In special great works workshop, the central evil spirits are removed first and then surrounding evil spirits are easily removed. As members do 40-day workshop, the central evil spirits can be taken out, because 2 x chan yang session. But if you attend special great works and remove central evil spirits, then attending 2-day workshop, it is easier to take evil spirits out.
Rev. Choi explained about the car accident. From where you meet an accident, absolute good spirits can protect you. Those members who didn't do ancestor liberation ceremony, make sure you do. There are not so many special great works workshops. While on earth we need to remove central evil spirits. Then our descendants will not have pain, suffering, and disease, or accidents. Satan does not let people live in happiness. Satan's purpose is to give pain, disease, and suffering. This is evil, it is not good. It must be cleared. If it is not removed, it is passed, and more is accumulated, pain, suffering, and disease. In our 2nd generation, pain, suffering, and disease are much bigger than we first generation have. This future phenomena, out of our thinking (beyond imagination) are happening. Why this happened? When descendants passed it on, it became bigger. When I look at evil spirits, wishes/dreams/desires, they wish people in the world to live in pain, disease and suffering. Now, mental hospitals are treating many mental diseases, and also cancer is increasing in the world. To live life in happiness and joy, Chung Pyung and chan yang session are necessary. Attend so that the central evil spirits cannot be bequeathed to our descendants. Other than (more important than) money concerns, this evil element must be removed. Then, Heavenly fortune.
I feel appreciative to True Parents and True Mother, because Chung Pyung works has been opened. When I compare now, with before, in 1995, Chung Pyung works began, to 1999, there were lots of disabled 2nd gen in blessed families. When Chung Pyung began, those 2nd gen came from you, so I was scared. This result of disability. Lots of disease. Normal members I did not see, but they brought lots of disease. Even 3 children in the same family. Now they are 20 years old, why do you think they have cerebral palsy? Because of ancestors. Some sisters who did 40-day workshop, it disappeared. As pregnant sisters attend 40-day many diseases disappeared. One sister was told by the doctor that her baby had no lips. I see the ancestors, and because of evil spirits, I removed the evil spirits, and the baby was born okay. There was a line drawn. If wait, too late. In some children you can see difference in leg length. I see this: evil spirits is holding them tightly. If evil spirits is removed, the legs become equal. If you act after they are born, the difference can remain, but if done inside of the womb, it is much easier.
During pregnant women's speech time, many sisters say their baby has Down Syndrome. I say to stay for 2-3 40-day workshops, they it can be okay. The hospital might tell you to abort your child, but if you stay 2-3 40-day workshops, then it can be okay. While in a chan yang session, do well. Especially hit the head. This is the skull; it grows in size as you age. An opening may appear in the skull, and you can suffer from forgetfulness and dementia. These evil spirits can be inside the capillaries (small blood vessels). Lungs can be forced (?). When you hit the head, the skull can go back in. When you live life, some members have strange bones, there is a problem in the muscles and blood vessels. That is connected to the abdomen, lungs, liver, and connected to the stomach, and intestine, and thyroid (gland), all are connected.
If you straighten the bones out, through chan yang session, the blood vessels can improve. Cancer comes because of bad habits in life. Cancer cannot be cured otherwise. You need to strengthen bones, and clear your blood vessels. Even if you try good medicine, you can believe 100 percent in Chung Pyung. This is clearly better. Chan yang session can purify your blood vessels. Work hard in chan yang session. If members have mental challenges or heartistic problems, let them come to chan yang session. When you are older, when you hit your legs, also hit the knees, not just the legs. If you only hit where it is easy, try and hit everywhere. Then you can walk well. If you have back pain, or degenerative disease, come to Chung Pyung first, before you do an operation. An operation is not good. Have the mind to cure disease, pain, and suffering through chan yang session. Determine, I will not pass bad things to my descendants. I will live life beautifully. With such an understanding, do chan yang session and attend special great works workshops, and also 2-day workshops. You can remove evil spirits. Such members I hope you can become. Do you understand?
This year the weather is not so good. From Spirit World, the weather is so bad. When I go to Japan, and see it, during chan yang session, you are very weak physically. Japan is weak compared with Korea and America. Please eat well, eat a lot of kimchi. When I see in Japan, please eat well. Your physical health will improve. Health is very important. Prepare first, and disease won't come to you. We need to feel appreciative that we have True Parents. True Mother is here so we are happy. For 2020, we need to do witnessing activity to be successful. Also, please come to Chung Pyung. We will clear Spirit World so that you can live life with Heavenly fortune and be able to fulfill your responsibility. I hope you can live life beautifully. I will close here. Thank you."
God bless, itn,
David Carlson