The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2013 |
Mo Nim -- August 9, 2013
"Good morning, everyone. Thank you. Today, it is usually during this time, during a 2-day workshop, that my speech is given through DVD, but now I am here together with you. I gave a sign to the video room, because some Korean members could not hear. Beloved members, this is the first workshop for the liberation of the next 7 generations. You came with appreciation and I stand here and I truly have appreciation to all of you.
When we talk about the ancestors, the closest ancestors to us we attend, so we can be together with them. Now 246 generations of ancestors, we have reached, and we are liberating and blessing them. To do that is so difficult. But we trust True Parents and Chung Pyung works. Even those ancestors far away from us, to give them liberation and blessing, the fact that we are here for that purpose, means that our church can develop eternally. Together with the ABC (Ancestor Blessing Ceremony) I feel grateful to True Parents and members.
In 1995 Chung Pyung works began. At that time there were no absolute good spirits, and we had no angels to help us. When I saw the ancestors in the spirit world I was heart-broken. We may think that our ancestors are in a good place, but the ancestors in spirit world are in hell. It is beyond our imagination. I thought about how to send them to heaven. As I continued Chung Pyung how to remove them (evil spirits) from our bodies and how to make them absolute good spirits. Two great missions I had to solve as homework.
True Father: let them do ancestor liberation ceremony (ancestor liberation ceremony). There was a lady named Lee Bong Nim (?) In 1975, she did ancestor liberation ceremony throughout the nation. True Father said ancestor liberation ceremony in 1975, at a time when the liberated spirits could not (were not able to) become absolute good spirits. It was not the age or time. But, now, True Parents laid the Foundations of Faith and Substance and have authority. Those spirits can become absolute good spirits, so do it now, True Father said. At the time of Lee Bin Lim (?), it was to let ancestors come to her by moving her hands. The person here, Dae Mo Nim, was in the Cholla (?) area. My hands did not move and I could not do ancestor liberation ceremony. Then Hoon Mo Nim's mother did ancestor liberation ceremony. Then, ancestor liberation ceremony was done through the mother. I wondered if I had to move my hands. True Father told me: you have to look for them (ancestors). If you move hands, other spirits come, but not ancestors. You have to go to spirit world and look for them. I had not done that before so I didn't know how. True Father: you, yourself, have to pray and receive answers from God, so you do it.
So, I offered devotions and found the method, how to do it. At that time, we didn't have to write down the names, but just state 1-7 generations written. Had to find the spirit world in members' body? Or in spirit world? Or? Such a desperation process had to be done. I had to find the spirit and bring it back. There were no angels or absolute good spirits. Such great difficulty. When I think about it, I don't even want to think about it. Satan had 80 percent of spirit world under him. 20 percent belonged to God. They did not let ancestors do it (come with me).
The movie, What Dreams May Come, show the spirits in the mud up to their neck. That is equal to their sin. So, looking for ancestors, without knowing their name or face, it is not easy. Many evil spirits are settled down, and looking for ancestors is not at all easy. I brought them here to meet you members. The training center in the spirit world, there are more lecture halls, and they (spirits) see themselves and they did not know in detail. They didn't understand how dirty or fearful they are. They just "want to come out" of the place they are in. They are in spirit world as a ghost or something, but they didn't think about "why" they are a ghost. They are in the body causing pain, disease, and suffering, but whether it is good to do that or not, they didn't think. I let them go to the training center in the spirit world and when they see themselves they are so surprised at how dirty they are. When they see that, they are so surprised. They go to the place where they have been living, such a scary and bad environment. The spirits are so surprised.
From there they attend the training center workshop, from Principle of Creation to 2nd Advent. The system there is different from here. In the Principle of Creation lecture, the scenes are shown as it was actually. During the Fall lecture, the image and scenes of Adam and Eve's fall shown exactly. After that, the world became evil and evil and hell was made. Worldly people became evil, lineage evil, and descendants became evil. The spirits see this, and they see the providence of restoration as God has conducted it. They can see, until the age of True Parents, they see as it actually happened. Looking at all of this, 100 days our time, but in spirit world, beyond time and space, 100 days is such a long time period.
Though you do chan yang session, if you see those evils and sins, you would work harder. But in spirit world they can see, the sins in the earthly world, and the sins in spirit world are huge. They came to us to cause pain, disease, and suffering, this is also sin. 10,000 years of sins are much greater than the sins on earth. 1-7 generations, they gave birth to "me." But if you go to 238-239 generations, it is far from us, and in spirit world, it is a long time, so the sin is much greater. Now, we have social law, but there was no law then, so they easily kill people or eat the fruit, commit sexual sin so easily. So easily they did this. The higher we go, the heavier is the sin. Generation 239 has such great sins, ie. 100 days to cleanse sin is not easy, so they work very hard. If you knew to cleanse sins, you don't even want to eat or sleep. They work hard to cleanse their sins. When I can't come to speak, I am doing ancestor liberation, or looking all night for the ancestors.
During the Ancestor Blessing Ceremony, there is a proclamation, but during that time, I feel great tension. They know to become absolute good spirits, but in 100 days, what if they can't? So I give more absolute good spirits. I say this because the dark top of the water glass is like original sin. The water is clear and clean. The ancestors bring only original sin. That way they come here. When we do the Holy Wine Ceremony, the original sin is removed, and they become very clean, clear and shining. There is light coming out. They take on a beautiful image through the Holy Wine Ceremony.
If tomorrow, if an ancestor did not finish cleaning their sin, I have to check. I put many absolute good spirits so they can cleanse their sins. I put two holy waters here on stage also, and they are for spirits who come (late). When the time comes, Holy Wine Ceremony is finished. If they come late. You did Holy Wine Ceremony and Holy Wine Ceremony (wine and water). But if they come late, the Holy Wine and Holy Water on the podium is for them. When the blessing ceremony is declared, I make a slight smile. If you fall asleep during Holy Wine Ceremony, I feel nervous about ancestors. I ask them did everyone come? I look at you, the absolute good spirits are standing between you. I check carefully so no one is left out or forgotten. I complete everything. So, it has become 480 billion absolute good spirits. They do everything, including the 3-day ceremony, and stay in your home together.
True Father is now is spirit world. Heaven is interesting. I wish we could have joy and happiness in attending True Mother. In spirit world, absolute good spirits wonder what True Father will say, and what he will eat. After True Father's speech, they follow with their actions. All you members, do you attend the House for absolute good spirits. True Father: all members need to attend the house for absolute good spirits. In the Palace Heavenly Parents and True Parents are staying. We all need a house close to that. For spirits to feel equal, we make houses in circular form. Takes about 40 days. For spirits who don't have a house, they live together in groups. Those with a house for absolute good spirits, they are close to True Parents, and living together with bros and sis. For our members, they will buy a house for absolute good spirits, that house is prepared here. From my perspective, the house is not expensive.
Buy a house for absolute good spirits, and according to environment, I hope you can do that so a house can be built close to True Parents. Our ancestors protect us from evil spirits, so Satan cannot stay together with us. One thing I feel sorry for, before ancestor liberation ceremony, through lineage, life habits came, etc. Through ancestor liberation ceremony, bad things are cut, so they cannot come anymore. But there are already bad things in us, which must be removed through chan yang session. So, in chan yang session, don't be lazy. Until now, our lineage has been evil, after the fall of Adam and Eve.
Now, because of 1-238 generation liberation, absolute good spirits, lineage of God exists. In Chung Pyung, now, 1-210 generations we did, and after, ancestor liberation ceremony is being done. But the Ancestor Blessing Ceremony you have to do here on earth. We have to do 420 generations. From my perspective, there are even more than 420 generations, but if we go to 420, Ancestor Blessing Ceremony can be done automatically. Even if you don't do it by coming to Chung Pyung, doing chan yang session, writing wish papers, and so on, automatically it can be done. Aren't you happy? When we reach that point, everything will be done by spirit world automatically. I don't know exactly how this will be done, but I am sure it will be. That is my perspective.
At the Azalea Festival, the burning ceremony erases the memory of sins, etc. During the burning ceremony, all memories of sin can be totally removed. Even other spirits cannot see that you had memories. They become absolute good spirits. This year, if you come and do the burning ceremony, ancestors to be blessed after that, you need to do burning ceremony the next year. Absolute good spirits can say with confidence, "I am an absolute good spirit." 1-238 gens, the lineage of God. Tomorrow we will do 1-245 gens of God's lineage. When we complete ancestor liberation ceremony and Ancestor Blessing Ceremony, who are my ancestors? My ancestors are the children of God. We can say that with confidence. You don't know now, but when you go to spirit world and see it with your own eyes, you will be so amazed and grateful. Anyone who doesn't do ancestor liberation ceremony, please encourage them. Amazing power of good will be made. A house will be built. Now heaven is developing and becoming bigger. The training center in spirit world moved a little because heaven is larger.
True Parents are making such things. We need a thankful mind. By 2020 we need to fulfill our portion of responsibility, which is witnessing activity. If fulfill, 2013, can we bring at least one member? You can bring even one person. We need to be good people, live a life of witnessing activity, and bring people. While on earth make 100 percent evil spirits into absolute good spirits. Heaven will become 100 percent. Then, when we go to spirit world, live a life of happiness and joy. Have a mind "we can do it." I see spiritually that it is possible. I will help you. Fulfill being a filial son/ daughter. Have a confident mind and be happy. Say to yourself "I am happy." Do witnessing activity. Have an appreciative mind. This winter is very cold and there are many changes in the climate. Be healthy. Before God and True Parents, I hope you can fulfill your portion of responsibility as filial sons/daughters. I will close here. Thank you."
God bless, itn,
David Carlson