The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2013 |
"Good morning, everyone. The weather is cold, isn't it? How are you doing? The climate this year is very cold. There is a change of climate. From time to time I am thinking about the change in climate. In some country, what if it suddenly had snow or it became cold? The reason I think about this is that I wish we loved the natural world more. When walking along the street, there is a lot of trash. Not so much in Japan, but in Korea there is a lot of trash. A few days ago I saw a program on Africa. It was saying that one village was totally piled up in garbage from the river, and there was lots of germs and disease, and therefore, we need to help them. This program said like that. But my thinking is different. My thinking is that if these (African) people had a mind (mental determination) they would clean that up themselves. The people living there could take responsibility and clean their own environment. Other people would not need to help them. They could do it themselves.
The Chung Pyung area, including the training center, is much larger. If possible, I try to plant flowers. We are creating many gardens. From the Spring to the Fall, I want to care for the environment well, if there is time, after a rainy day. I go out and weed and care for the environment. If we do like that, the world can breathe and be alive. That is my thinking. One of the best filial trees of all trees is the oak tree. Why? Because the root is deep, so it can maintain itself and survive any different situation. So it is a filial tree and it fulfills its filial duty. It is a healthy tree. There is a lot of environmental contamination. Many members come to Chung Pyung, so I planted trees. The root of the pine tree is not that deep. This year I made us lots of kimchi. This year we planted many cabbages, and lots of kimchi was made. This is because the climate is getting worse and worse. We may have lots of rain. Here with us this morning are Suwon Construction members. The time may come, with lots of rain. So, I installed large pipes. So even with lots of rain, building homes and roads. Why am I talking about these things to you?
Because over time, nature may change into a fearful environment. Volcanoes, earthquakes, typhoons, rain, snow, etc. Even if it is a tropical country like Africa, a country may have snow. I am very worried. Our generations, I don't know how many difficulties we may have. If you go down to the generations and our descendants, life develops, but if we do not love the natural world, there will be many difficulties and it will cause much damage. We must think about the future. Even from Adam and Eve, after they fell, and historically, things changed from the time human beings lived beautifully, to a time when they did not live happily. The natural world was so beautiful, but they lived life centering on fallen nature, then the natural world will go through much difficulty. The era we live in now, we must have a mind to care for the natural world and for nature. Then our descendants will live happily. But now, people think: "I am the best" and "I am number one." Without thinking of anyone else. Only what is the benefit for me or my country. Centered on their country, with such a mind, things develop. Such an unimaginable mind, not of loving nature, but "I can break anything, if I have some benefit."
So the natural world will go through more and more difficulties. The place we live, there is concrete, there is water, there is food, etc. The spaces where rain and water stay are like "veins." These are blocked because of many concrete structures. So the veins are blocked. Even drinking water from the natural world we may have trouble with in the future. We need to save water from the natural world. If we lose blood we will die. It is the same with the world, if we lose water, it will be difficult. The round building here at Chung Pyung is a water purification facility. If you go inside, a cup is given to elementary school students and they get some good water (a 100 won cup), water for cooking, washing, etc. They can see how much they use. They can realize how much they use. So, it is an experience! At the store, keep the water bottle, after drinking the water. The water we use now, we can easily waste and throw away. If we don't have water reserves, we may see a time when we have great difficulties due to lack of water. You may think: "there is a lot of water and snow," but not necessarily.
We make kimchi and have refrigerators. We can easily buy things. So, we don't need to make kimchi. When you make kimchi, received of loving family members at home, this is the mode of life you need to have. That way you can love the natural world. In loving the natural world -- people here in this room -- do you have a mind of loving the natural world? We don't have such a mind. We know Divine Principle, about God Who created the world, human beings, etc. with living life in happiness and joy. Many people do not know God's will, and so they don't love the natural world. What about people without such a mind? Can they love nature? We need to think about this point.
The natural world is so polluted. Even the sea and the soil are completely polluted. You may think: our family has money so we can live well. The natural world needs a good environment, we can live well. In Africa, there is a new village movement. Plant potatoes and so on. Don't just sit down and do nothing. African people tell me: "there is no water, we cannot do it." Why do I tell all of you this? We need to do witnessing activity so that people can learn to love nature. We need to have pride in the Principle of Creation. The huge natural world is becoming very frightening to us. People need to know about and fulfill God's will. People need to know that True Parents came, and know God's will, etc.
When we walk on the street, we cannot feel comfortable. If someone follows us, we worry. We keep the doors in our home locked. We cannot trust the person over there. Our minds are closed. There are many doors in our mind. When I see flowers, I think it....to the mind. Flowers, seeds, etc. covered by leaves, etc. An onion has many layers, and you can peel it. Go inside more and more. This is like our mind. Such attitudes deep inside. Resembling the purpose of God, true love; we need to reach such a core of the mind. Then the ideal world can be made. The will of God is not just going to church; it is not just religion; but the will of God tries to settle in the world so the people in the world can settle in joy and happiness. So, we need witnessing activity. Our mind is covered with doors, and we need to open them. Through words of God/True Parents plant cosmic love. Then people can become owners of true love, etc. If one of you makes a mistake, and you just "leave it behind," if you see people make mistakes, if people fight on the street; if there are people just aside taking pictures through IT (info tech) you can let people know. Instead of solving the problems, they spread it. You see the internet. You see lots of things about the Unification Church, this and that. That is not like it is. If you truly consider members are family, and property is my family property, you cannot make mistakes. Laziness, carelessness, etc. and mistakes can come out. With working, labor unions may happen. It should not be like this.
Our members must become filial sons/daughters and fulfill their portion of responsibility. When we go to spirit world and see hell, we will cry. Those people (in hell) lived life in many directions, but in spirit world no use, there is no body. As long as we have a body, we need to work at witnessing activity, and let people know. So, centering on Cheon Seong Gyeong, we need to know the Principle of Creation. Then, we can see our fallen nature. If we have fallen nature, then we can't become happy people, happy family, or happy nation. We should not have complaints. We need a mind centering on love, and we need to care for the environment. The will of True Parents: to make a peaceful world and Kingdom on earth. Convey such words to even one person each day. In living life, the environment was for us to live in heavenly future. But I am worried about the natural world. Become such people of love and care. The climate is not even; there will be many cold days. I hope you can become healthy. Do walking exercise, eat well, and have a positive mind. When doing witnessing activity, you are actually walking. Since you are people of faith, no matter what you have inside, live a positive life. I hope you can be appreciative our True Parents are here. Please become filial sons and daughters of God and True Parents. Do your best for the development of God's providence and build a happy world. I will close here. Thank you."
God bless, itn,
David Carlson