The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2013 |
Mo Nim -- December 24, 2013
"Good morning, everyone. The weather is so cold, isn't it? This morning seems so cold. Some members are using short sleeves. As I conduct Chung Pyung works, and the Special Great Works coming in Jan 17-19, I always hope the weather is mild, for your sake. At the time of Azalea Festival, I always hope the flowers will bloom. Many 2nd gen come during the summer, so I always hope there is nice weather for them. I always feel nervous when I prepare for Special Great Works. This morning I have this kind of thinking, about the cold weather. 2013 -- I think -- True Father several years ago, would always ask: how many years until 2013? How many days are left until 2013? He was always wondering about the number of years, and number of days. 2013 was a precious year. Now, there are only a few days left in December, 2013. I want to work hard to finish well. True Parents have made many conditions.
You may think that because True Parents worked so hard, 2013 was special. So, 2013 is a year of blessing. When I see the difference between before 2013 and after 2013, when I think about the Foundation Day, 2013, I think many of you thought the New Year would bring blessing, even if we don't try hard. We thought the big works of heaven will work. But, I said it was not like that. After 2013.1.13 with Heavenly Parents and True Parents, after they became a substantial entity, the nation of Cheon Il Guk opened to us. We are the citizens of Cheon Il Guk, True Parents opened it, we received the blessing, and we stand as children before True Parents, and we are the children of the Cheon Il Guk nation. True Father said: I completed everything. But, that does not mean that WE completed everything. We must still remove our fallen nature, and live a perfect lifestyle. We must settle our life like that. Unless we become people of character, we cannot live like that over there. You really need to remove fallen nature.
To become perfected men and women we have to remove fallen nature. Removing fallen nature and removing evil, and letting it become goodness, and turning it into love, that is the work of, it has been for 19 years. We understand the words of Principle, after the advent of True Parents, not thousands of years later. We are the ones living life together with True Parents. We are living together in this era. This is not coming merely from words, but directly from True Parents. We saw them, we talked with them, we listened directly to True Parents. Centering on the words of True Parents, and Principle, we need to live life by Principle. If we live life separately from words of Principle, it is wrong. This is the era of living life together with True Parents. We are in the era when we can ask questions to True Parents all we want. The speed of our character change needs to be faster than that of other people. But this does not happen. Even we receive education again and again, we didn't change ourselves. We must admit this fact; we didn't change ourselves in the life of Principle. Through love we can accomplish everything. We didn't do it. True Parents, as they conduct the Providence, after removing fallen nature, and we cannot change ourselves with love. This is why the training center was made. We didn't change ourselves. True Father said this about works, and about spirit world.
What about the works of evil spirits inside us? Remove them? It can be done quickly if we live life centering on true love and live a life of Principle. At the time of chan yang session I remove evil spirits, and those members who live life like outside people, it is difficult to remove. Removing evil spirits can be done easier for those members who work hard, easier than for those who have strong self-centered concepts, un-Principled people. When I try hard to remove evil spirits from self-centered people, it is not easy. Only a few evil spirits can be taken out. Members who feel sick, who feel they live a Principle life, evil or not, it is difficult. One young 2nd gen came to me because of colon cancer. I didn't hit that area, but I did the general part of his body. When I see spiritually about cancer, this can be spread quickly. As a scalpel (in the hospital) touches the area, other parts can become cancerous. But these 2nd gen are working hard, so they could be helped. You can harvest as you plant. We are citizens of Cheon Il Guk; if we think: I am "so-and-so" or in "such-and-such" a way, that is what your blessing will be. But, if you have faith and work hard, there is more blessing you will receive. You need "investment." According to the degree we have invested, True Parents will give you more than we did.
Change your life of faith. Members write letters to me, and ask me for help. They say: please help me. Some members have problems because of their lifestyle, centering on fallen nature, etc. One person who doesn't go to church, or to, wonders: why do these problems happen? If you become a person of character, you and Heavenly Parents can become one. Then, you should not forget this is joy and happiness. When walking the path, look at the Providence, not to the left or to the right. When I see spirit world and absolute good spirits working, people living in spirit world or on earth, without going through True Parents, they cannot go (to heaven). So many living in hell. Without going through True Parents, cannot go to heaven. 7 billion people on the earth, without going through True Parents, they cannot go to heaven. Therefore, we have lived with True Parents. They have made us citizens of Cheon Il Guk. We are people of beauty. But if we look at ourselves inside and out, do we have that kind of beauty? Inside and out? When I look at you, we have more beauty than outside people, but the beauty to live life together with Heavenly Parents and True Parents? We need more. In the mirror we can see our face first and, as you look at your face, you can see your mind also. When you look, think about the life you have lived; was it based on my conscience? Did I become a child of Heavenly Parents, etc.? Look at the mirror every day and reflect, then you can change. You don't normally look at your mind, but if you check your mind, you can change.
After 2013, we must totally change. We need to think about this. We are using the heavenly calendar. It is before Jan 1 (heavenly calendar). Think about your lifestyle and character, and think: I must change. Reach the standard. If you are the same in 2014 as you were in 2013, it is useless. We think: when we are liberated, we can become absolute good spirits. Some people, if live life so-so, and get liberated, we can become absolute good spirits? As you live life, can you remember memories of your childhood? It is just like that. The memory of your earthly life will remain in the spirit world. If there is some memory of bad things, it is not good. If we have many bad memories, it is not good. Eve covered her lower part with deep shame. You will cover your heart and conscience with shame. It will be so messed up. Life not based on the Principle, on true love, but on fallen nature, you will cover yourself in spirit world. While in Cheon Il Guk on earth, we need to live life well. You must think: I will make the blessing. Heavenly Parents, True Parents understand everything about you. Don't forget that you are making the blessing. Some members feel: I go to church, I do this, I do that, etc. and still there are problems. Why? Even you do these things, if you live life based on fallen nature, even if you go to church, but at home you live life centered on fallen nature, there will be difficulties.
Some words; True Father came to the prayer room and told me: those members who came to 2-day workshop are so precious. They came to the last workshop of the year to sanctify themselves. True Father looked at the members list and said: because there is little time, let us help during chan yang session. We have the heavenly calendar, but still you came to the workshop even in cold weather. True Father felt appreciative. True Father saw the names, and saw this person has this problem and that person has that problem, etc. True Father wants to help us. He said: let them do one additional chan yang session. In the early morning, it is difficult, but I saw one person working hard, hitting their armpit, and with the other hand hitting their head. I told the angels to go and help that person. True Father checked in detail, this problem and that. If the problem is not solved, it might become a more difficult problem. True Father could see this, so he asked us to help them. True Father also let more absolute good spirits come to help. Beloved members, it is 2013, so don't have regrets. Spend the rest of the year well. Please become filial sons/daughters of Heavenly Parents and True Parents. Be healthy. I will close here. Thank you."
God bless, itn,
David Carlson